WWE Raw Results – 9/30/24 (Final 3-hour Raw of 2024, “Big” Bronson Reed vs. Braun Strowman, Bad Blood build)

WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results
September 30, 2024
Evansville, Indiana (Ford Center)
Commentary: Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever. Together.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

Pre-Show Arrivals

CM Punk is in the Ford Center. His opponent this Saturday at Bad Blood, Drew McIntyre, is also shown arriving earlier today. Braun Strowman entered the arena while walking his dog. He’ll face “Big” Bronson Reed in a Last Monster Standing match. Reed is also shown arriving.

We go live into the Ford Center to see Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett in the ring. Barrett tells the people to enjoy the arena while they can because once the monsters are done with it, it will never be the same again. Barrett then welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw. Tessitore mentions the title change from last week.

Video: Last week on Raw, “Main Event” Jey Uso defeated Bron Breakker for the WWE Intercontinental Championship, securing his first singles title.

Arena Concourse

WWE Intercontinental Champion Jey Uso is in the arena concourse, with fans surrounding him. Uso is fired up, and his son is by his side.

New WWE Intercontinental Champion “Main Event” Jey Uso makes an appearance

WWE Intercontinental Champion “Main Event” Jey Uso enters through the crowd and has the crowd fired up. The ring has no LED ring posts or aprons tonight. The crowd gives him a huge ovation and chants, “You deserve it!” Uso soaks it all in. Uso says, “The Intercontinental Champion, ‘Main Event’ Jey Uso, is now in your city!” This is his first singles championship. He’ll fight every week for it and anyone who wants it. YEET! Uso looks taken aback and is pacing the ring. Uso thanks the crowd for having his back through all the years. He loves them. YEET!

Tonight, he got to come out to the ring with his son Jayce by his side. It was a hard road to get here. His family made it hard for him. Roman Reigns made it hard for him. His whole life, he was just a twin. His whole wrestling career, he was just a twin. They didn’t know him, but they know him now. Uso is very emotional here. His biggest fan is his mother. Uso removes his glasses. He spoke to his mom. She told him to go out there and show them who he is. She told him to go out there and get it. Uso got it. Uso says, “Momma, we did it.” Yeet.

Bron Breakker’s music hits, and the former WWE Intercontinental Champion makes his way to the ring. Breakker says he’s not here to spoil the fun or crash the party. Breakker is out here because of the respect he has for the championship. The lineage of the title goes back a long way. After battling it out with Uso last week, he’s also got the same respect for him. Breakker told the world a few weeks ago how much the title meant to him. The right superstar should walk out with the title. That night, Uso was the better man. Breakker won’t spear him or attack him. Breakker wanted to be the first one out as a competitor and colleague to congratulate him. Breakker extends his hand, and Uso looks unsure. Uso thinks about it, and they shake hands.

Breakker turns to leave the ring, but Uso stops him. Uso walks up to him and says there are some dogs in Indiana. The crowd barks, which makes Breakker smile. Breakker then walks off.

Replay: Last week on Raw, Xavier Woods got in Rey Mysterio’s face. Mysterio then challenged him to a fight.

WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio makes his entrance. He’ll face Xavier Woods for the first time next.

-Commercial Break-

Raw will go to two hours starting next week and through the end of the year.

Video: Earlier today, Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan was outside with “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio by his low rider. JD McDonagh and Carlito were wondering if they’d seen Finn Bálor. Mysterio called Bálor on the phone. Bálor said he was having travel issues, but that issue Morgan wanted to take care of was handled.

Rey Mysterio vs. Xavier Woods

The bell rings, and they lock up. Woods twists the arm, but Mysterio uses the ropes to flip through the pressure. Woods sends him into the ropes and connects with a dropkick for a one-count. Woods head-butts the legend and puts him in the corner. Mysterio flips through a back suplex and shoves him to the corner. Mysterio charges, but Woods boots him back. Mysterio quickly fights back with a head-scissor takeover. Mysterio shoulders him in the midsection and hits another head-scissor takeover to knock him out of the ring. Mysterio knocks him back at ringside and comes off the apron with a flying seated senton.

-Commercial Break-

We return from the break to see Mysterio and Woods exchanging punches and kicks. Woods kicks him in the midsection and goes for a slam, but Mysterio elbows out of it. Mysterio goes for the ropes, but Woods pulls him back. Mysterio elbows him in the face and hits the ropes. Woods grabs him, but Mysterio counters with an arm drag out of the ring. Mysterio then hits an Asai Moonsault! Mysterio gets Woods in the ring and heads to the top rope. Mysterio hits a flying seated senton, followed by a springboard cross-body block for a two-count. Mysterio shoulders him in the corner and starts the ten punches, but Woods counters by putting him in the electric chair position. Mysterio fights out and hits a hurricanrana into the ropes. Mysterio goes for a 619, but Woods ducks it. Mysterio sets up for a reverse DDT, but they fall over. Woods grabs at Mysterio and rips his mask off. Woods makes it look like that was an accident. Mysterio covers his face. Woods then rolls him up for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Xavier Woods

Xavier Woods leaves the ring and looks worried. Woods shouts, “I didn’t mean to!” Mysterio is upset with him.

Backstage Segment

Sonya Deville and Shayna Baszler walk up to Lyra Valkyria backstage. Deville says Valkyria has a big match against Zoey Stark. It’s a shame that she’ll be out there all alone without Natalya and Zelina Vega. Deville and Baszler will be out there. Valkyria doesn’t have to worry about Baszler. She doesn’t bite unless Deville tells her to. They walk off.

-Commercial Break-

Video: A mysterious logo is shown. The voice says to prepare yourself.

Backstage Segment

Kofi Kingston catches up with Xavier Woods and asks if he purposely pulled Rey Mysterio’s mask off. Woods says he would never do that. Woods respects Mysterio. Woods was hoping Kingston would congratulate him. Kingston congratulates him. Kingston says that speaking of opportunities, Jey Uso offered him an Intercontinental Championship match next week on Raw. Woods says he’ll be by his side as he climbs the mountaintop. Kingston says Woods won’t be by his side because he told Uso it should be Woods, so Woods has the match. Woods is fired up and says he can beat Jey Uso. As for tonight, he’d like to be by Kingston’s side against Chad Gable tonight. Kingston says they’ll go two for two tonight because New Day Rocks. Karrion Kross was watching from the background the whole time.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Zoey Stark w/ Pure Fusion Collective (Sonya Deville and Shayna Baszler)

The bell rings, and Stark powers Valkyria to the corner and hits some shoulder thrusts. Valkyria fights out and hits an arm drag. Stark pushes her into the ropes and trips her. Valkyria blocks a kick, and soon shoulder tackles her for a one-count. Valkyria applies a side headlock, but Stark counters with a backbreaker. Stark shoves her into the ropes, but Valkyria holds on. Valkyria sidesteps her to get her out of the ring. Valkyria hits a wrecking ball dropkick.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see a wide shot of the ring. The Hell in a Cell structure is hanging over the ring. Valkyria punches away at Stark and hits a running cross-body block. Valkyria lays her out with a pair of forearms before hitting a hurricanrana. Valkyria hits an enzuigiri and covers for a two-count. Stark stuns Valkyria with a strike and puts her in the corner. Valkyria drops her on the apron, but Stark kicks her in the face. Stark connects with a springboard missile dropkick for a near fall.

Stark goes for Z-360, but Valkyria blocks it and hits a German Suplex. Deville gets on the apron, so Valkyria knocks her down. The referee is distracted by Baszler. Valkyria rolls Stark up, but he doesn’t see it for a few moments. Valkyria picks up a two-count. Deville quickly knees Valkyria in the head. Stark quickly follows up with the Z-360 for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Zoey Stark

Pure Fusion Collective surrounds Valkyria, but Katana Chance (wearing a face guard) and Kayden Carter run down for the save. They lay Deville and Baszler beside each other and hit the Keg Stand. Chance and Carter are fired up.

Video: The awesome video promoting the Last Monster Standing match is shown.

Backstage Segment

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce is talking to an army of security guards. Pearce says he wants that match kept in the ring. CM Punk enters the frame and walks by him.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage Segment

Jackie Redmond is backstage with Kayden Carter, Katana Chance, and Lyra Valkyria. Chance says they broke her face, and they’ll get revenge against Pure Fusion Collective. Once they’re done with them, they’ll get their Women’s Tag Titles back. The Unholy Union walks up to them and says the titles belong to them. An irate Chance is held back.

CM Punk and Drew McIntyre speak before their Hell in a Cell match at Bad Blood

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce is in the ring with several security guards. The Hell in a Cell structure surrounds them. Part of his professional responsibilities is the delivery of main events and special attractions. This Saturday at Bad Blood, he plans on delivering one hell of a special attraction. CM Punk and Drew McIntyre will go to war inside Hell in a Cell. After that match, it will be over. To get to Saturday, they have to make it through tonight. There will be no physical battle between Punk and McIntyre in Evansville. The crowd boos. Pearce has given them the opportunity to give one final shot in this bitter war.

CM Punk is introduced first. The Second City Saint looks like he’s in a trance as he slowly approaches the Hell in a Cell structure. Punk somberly reaches out, touches the cell’s steel wall, and enters the structure. Punk climbs briefly up the side of one of the walls before getting down. Punk gets in the ring and shakes hands with Pearce.

“The Scottish Warrior” Drew McIntyre is introduced next. McIntyre, with a stony look on his face, makes his way to the ring and enters the Hell in a Cell structure. Punk stares at his rival for the better part of 2024. Security guards stand between them.

Pearce asks if they have any last words. McIntyre says he’ll go first. A “CM Punk” chant picks up. McIntyre says Punk might be wondering why he’s wearing black. It’s not out of respect for Punk. McIntyre has zero respect for Punk. It’s out of respect for Punk’s wife. After Saturday, she’ll have to feed and bathe him. She’ll probably leave him. McIntyre says this is a tuxedo because he will be celebrating when he’s gone. Punk isn’t coming back this time. Punk has been back less than a year. He’s been injured for four months. Now, he’ll be gone for good. It’s all thanks to Drew McIntyre. The people have watched for ten months. Even after all the evidence, they still chant Punk’s name. Another “CM Punk” chant picks up. Roxanne Perez, the NXT Champion, idolized Punk. After spending some time with him, she changed her tune. McIntyre can see the hatred burning through Punk. Once upon a time, he was nothing but a blip on Punk’s radar. Punk hates him, and McIntyre hates Punk. McIntyre used to have no time for hate, but Punk taught him how to do it. Hate is a powerful weapon but dangerous in the long term. This Saturday, that hate will die with Punk.

McIntyre goes to leave, but he stops when he sees Punk take the microphone. Throughout his career, people have called him many things: “The Best in the World,” “The Second City Saint,” and “Voice of the Voiceless.” Tonight, Punk is voiceless. He has nothing to say to a piece of garbage like McIntyre except that he’s filled with so much rage when he looks at him. Punk can’t go home. Punk has been living in a hotel for four weeks because he cannot subject his wife to the man McIntyre has turned him into. McIntyre has turned him into the fictitious boogeyman that his harshest critics have labeled him. That’s who he needs to be on Saturday in Hell in a Cell to send McIntyre home to Scotland in a box. Punk wants McIntyre to remember and never forget that he prayed for all of this, and it happened. On Saturday, when he’s locked in the cell with Punk, and Punk has taken everything from him, he’ll be in a panic on his hands and knees. McIntyre will look up, and Punk will wipe the blood from his eyes to see him. McIntyre won’t be praying to God or the Devil. He’ll be praying to CM Punk. Punk says, “I will see you in hell!” McIntyre puts his head down before slowly looking up with fury.

Backstage Segment

Cathy Kelley is backstage with Braun Strowman. She asks if he’s feeling trepidatious heading into this match. Strowman says he doesn’t know what that word means. The Miz walks up. Last week, he had a match with Bronson Reed, but Strowman interrupted it. R-Truth walks up. This is his first appearance since Reed injured him. Strowman says he has a massive match. They started these problems, and he’ll finish it. Strowman walks off. Miz asks R-Truth what he’s doing here. R-Truth says he works here. Miz asks why he didn’t tell him. R-Truth says he doesn’t know. R-Truth texted Pearce since he’s been getting picked on by Karrion Kross. They’ll be taking on A-OP. Miz says it’s the Authors of Pain. R-Truth didn’t realize that but says the Awesome Truth is back. Miz doesn’t look that thrilled.

The Judgment Day makes their way to the ring. They’ll battle the LWO next.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage Segment

Cathy Kelley is backstage with Sami Zayn. Zayn says it hurts to be rejected and told he’s not on someone’s level, but Zayn knows how good he is. Zayn will not stop until he gets his chance at Gunther’s World Heavyweight Championship.

This Saturday, Finn Bálor will battle Damian Priest, and Liv Morgan will defend her Women’s World Championship against Rhea Ripley.

6-Man Tag Team Match
The Judgment Day (“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio, Carlito, and World Tag Team Champion JD McDonagh) w/ Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan vs. The LWO (Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz Del Toro)

Cruz Del Toro starts against JD McDonagh. Del Toro takes it to the World Tag Team Champion. Del Toro kicks him down and heads to the top rope for a diving cross-body block. Joaquin Wilde tags in, but McDonagh quickly drives him to his corner. Carlito tags in, but Wilde throws Carlito into McDonagh. Wilde hits McDonagh with a neckbreaker, causing him to accidentally DDT Carlito. Mysterio runs in, but Wilde superkicks him. Dragon Lee comes off the top rope with a splash on Mysterio. Del Toro hits a springboard senton bomb onto McDonagh. Wilde then finishes it up with a 450 Splash on Carlito for a two-count.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Wilde hit Mysterio with a DDT. Lee and McDonagh tag in. Lee knocks Carlito off the apron and boots McDonagh before hitting a hurricanrana. Mysterio runs in, but Lee hits him with a German Suplex. Lee rocks McDonagh with a knee to the face. Carlito attacks Lee, but Lee kicks him down in the corner and hits a slingshot dropkick. McDonagh knocks Lee back and goes to the top rope, but he loses his footing. Lee quickly puts him in the tree of woe and sends Mysterio and Carlito into him. Del Toro climbs to the top rope and hits The Judgment Day with Coast-to-Coast for a near fall!

The LWO is in the ring. Wilde takes out McDonagh with a somersault senton. Del Toro and Lee then hit Mysterio and Carlito with stereo suicide dives! Liv Morgan gets on the apron to distract the referee. Finn Bálor runs down and knocks Wilde off the top rope. McDonagh hits Wilde with the Devil Inside for the win!

Winners by Pinfall: The Judgment Day

The Judgment Day stands tall in the ring. The LWO is irate at ringside.

-Commercial Break-

Refresh for the latest results.

Quick Match Results

— Xavier Woods def. Rey Mysterio
— Zoey Stark def. Lyra Valkyria
— The Judgment Day (“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio, Carlito, and World Tag Team Champion JD McDonagh) def. The LWO (Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz Del Toro) in a 6-Man Tag Team Match

Still to Come

Last Monster Standing
“Big” Bronson Reed vs. Braun Strowman

Kofi Kingston vs. Chad Gable
