WWE Raw Results – 7/29/24 (Final show before SummerSlam, Seth Rollins gives Referee Instructions to Drew McIntyre and CM Punk)

WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results
July 29, 2024
Saint Paul, Minnesota (Xcel Energy Center)
Commentary: Michael Cole and Pat McAfee
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever. Together.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

Video: We see a shot of the SummerSlam set being built in the Cleveland Browns Stadium.

Pre-Show Arrivals

“The Ring General” Gunther is shown arriving at the Xcel Energy Center earlier today. We also see World Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh arriving. Maxxine Dupri, Otis, and Akira Tozawa of the Alpha Academy are shown walking together. Chad Gable is shown arriving with Julius and Brutus Creed.

Seth “Freakin” Rollins delivers Referee Instructions to CM Punk and Drew McIntyre


Seth “Freakin” Rollins makes his entrance to a big ovation. Rollins is dressed in his referee gear. He will referee the match between CM Punk and Drew McIntyre. Michael Cole mentions other Guest Referees at SummerSlam, such as Triple H in 2011, Shawn Michaels in 1997, and Jesse “The Body” Ventura in 1999.

Rollins greets Saint Paul and says, “Welcome to Monday Night Rollins!” The crowd starts to sing Rollins’ theme loudly. He is a visionary. He is a revolutionary. He is Seth “Freakin” Rollins. SummerSlam is only five days away. We’re five days away from the hotly anticipated contest between Drew McIntyre and CM Punk. They’re here tonight to lay out some rules and regulations for that contest. Without further adieu, Rollins suggests they bring out “these two morons.”

CM Punk’s music hits, and the Second City Saint makes his way to the ring to huge applause. Punk takes his time getting to the ring, greeting both sides of the audience on the stage. Soon after completing his entrance, Drew McIntyre heads to the ring. McIntyre has a sinister grin on his face. Punk locks eyes on McIntyre and watches him each step of the way. An unimpressed Rollins leans against the ropes.

A “CM Punk” chant picks up. Rollins stands between them and says there is a lot of tension here. They’re here to talk about rules and regulations, but Rollins has to tell them something from Raw General Manager Adam Pearce. McIntyre and Punk cannot touch each other, or the SummerSlam match will be off. Also, if either of them touches Rollins, the SummerSlam match is off. Punk rolls out of the ring and stands by the commentary table. McIntyre says Punk doesn’t have to be afraid because he can wait until Saturday. Punk says he’s not afraid of anything McIntyre can do. Punk is afraid of what he will do. Punk says he’s taking himself out of the situation.

Rollins says he knows Punk is used to being in control and going his way, but that’s not how this will work. It’s not how SummerSlam will work. Rollins volunteered to be the referee for the match because these two “idiots” scared off all the referees. Rollins can take off his referee shirt, give it to Adam Pearce, and call the whole thing off. However, Rollins wants to see the two of them fight. McIntyre wants this fight. The people of Saint Paul want this fight. If Punk wants this fight, he better get his ass back in the ring. Punk calls Rollins a “boot-licking office boy.” Punk tells Rollins to enjoy this power while he can.

McIntyre tells Rollins to ignore Punk. McIntyre and Rollins don’t always like each other, but their relationship is a professional rivalry. Sometimes McIntyre is an arse, and sometimes Rollins is an arse. They both want what is best for the future of WWE. Punk is not what’s best for the future of WWE. Punk is a cancer. Now, he’s trying to be a corporate man. Punk is in management’s ear and the kids’ ears in NXT. Punk is going to screw it all up and is the real enemy. Rollins says McIntyre is an idiot and has said many things wrong in his life, but he’s right that if anyone hates Punk more than McIntyre, it’s him. However, if there’s anyone who hates McIntyre as much as CM Punk, it’s Rollins. If they wouldn’t mind shutting up for a few seconds, he’ll get to the rules and regulations of what will be a violent masterpiece at SummerSlam.

Rollins says there is only one rule and regulation: they will listen to everything he has to say. Rollins calls the shots. He is the boss. He is the law. He counts to three when he wants to count to three. They’ll tap out when he says. Punk laughs. If there is a count-out to be had, who knows? He might count to ten, twenty, or a million. Disqualifications are at the referee’s discretion. If either of them gets out of line or has a problem with what he has to say, he’s not a little referee they can push around. Rollins is “a spiteful little bastard” and will put their heads in the dirt.

Punk says he hopes he referees better than he dresses. Punk doesn’t believe him because he’s a liar. If he plans on screwing him on Saturday, he can’t do anything about it. The one thing he doesn’t want Rollins to do is give his help. Punk has never needed it or wanted it. McIntyre tells Punk to worry less about Rollins and more about him, the man he has screwed over and over again. McIntyre says, “I hate you. I can’t stand you.” McIntyre says he is like Charles Manson and has poisoned everyone’s minds. A “CM Punk” chant picks up. McIntyre says he’s said everything he’s had to say over the past few months. At the Royal Rumble, he just wanted to rough him up and tore his tricep. He wasn’t even trying. Punk screwed him out of the World Title at WrestleMania and in front of his family in Scotland. Punk laughs heartily. What does Punk think is going to happen on Saturday? McIntyre is chill right now. The bell is Punk’s enemy. When it rings, he’ll violently assault Punk. He’s hurt Punk already. He’ll blacken his eyes and break his jaw. Rollins will have compassion because he’ll have to stop the match. McIntyre won’t stop until Punk’s heart does. The best part is that they’ll be fighting in a stadium. He’s going to make so much money doing something he would do for free.

Punk smirks and thinks about what McIntyre just said. For ten years, he was absent from this company, and they chanted his name. A light “CM Punk” chant picks up. They sing Rollins’ song and chant his name. McIntyre is the third wheel at SummerSlam. The one positive about PDS (Punk Derangement Syndrome), which they both have, is McIntyre gets to be in his orbit. Punk hopes McIntyre enjoyed the last six months because hurting him is the best thing to happen in his career. The worst thing to happen in his career is also hurting CM Punk. For all of McIntyre’s accomplishments, how big and strong he is, he’s stupid. McIntyre continuously dumbs himself out of things, such as the World Title at WrestleMania. Punk is his enemy, but he’s not his worst. McIntyre is his own worst enemy. This Saturday, McIntyre is stepping into the ring with the Best in the World. Punk isn’t as tall, big, and fast as McIntyre, but he’s got heart. Punk also has the people chanting his name. The crowd loudly chants, “CM Punk.” What does McIntyre have? McIntyre holds up Punk’s bracelet with his wife’s and dog’s names on it. Punk gets in his face, but he can’t touch him. McIntyre says Punk has no idea what is coming for him on Saturday.

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

Rhea Ripley, “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio, and World Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh are standing in the Judgment Day Clubhouse, which has been damaged. Carlito comes in and is not happy that the PlayStation has been destroyed. Mysterio wonders who did this. Ripley says the writing is on the wall. Liv Morgan did this. They can rebuild the clubhouse, but Morgan cannot undo the damage she’ll do to her at SummerSlam. She’s stepped over the line way too far. Carlito comes up and asks if they’re getting a new PlayStation. Mysterio leads him away. Ripley wants to know why Carlito is still here.

In the arena, Maxxine Dupri accompanies Otis and Akira Tozawa to the ring. They’ll battle the Creed Brothers next.

-Commercial Break-

The commentators go over the events for SummerSlam weekend in Cleveland. It all kicks off on Friday.

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

World Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh are still in the damaged clubhouse. Rhea Riley, Carlito, and “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio are also going through the damage. World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest comes in and asks if Liv Morgan did this. They confirm it was. Priest turns to Bálor and says he feels like he should be in his corner against Gunther tonight. Bálor tells him to save himself for SummerSlam. Bálor says Gunther insulted them all and will fix him up. Bálor asks if he’ll fix up Jey Uso and Sami Zayn. Priest says they’ve already handled them and doesn’t want to go backward. Ripley says she’s been saying the same thing. Mysterio has a suggestion. Maybe Carlito can take care of Sami Zayn. Carlito says he’ll talk to Adam Pearce.

Tag Team Match
Otis and Akira Tozawa w/ Maxxine Dupri vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius and Brutus Creed) w/ Chad Gable

Julius Creed will start against Otis. Julius attacks Otis and gets him in the corner. Otis fights him off, but Julius quickly comes back and tags Brutus in. The Creed Brothers double-team Otis with strikes. Julius tags back in. The Creed Brothers send Otis into the ropes, but Otis runs through a double clothesline and takes them down with a double shoulder tackle. Akira Tozawa tags in, and Otis throws him into Julius for a two-count. Julius lifts Tozawa from a seated position, powers up to his feet, and slams Tozawa down. Julius pulls the straps down and tags Brutus in. Julius gives his brothers a gutwrench slam onto Tozawa for a two-count. Brutus powers Tozawa up, but Tozawa gets out. Tozawa goes for a kick, but Brutus ducks it. Tozawa rebounds and kicks him in the head. Brutus drops him on the apron, but Tozawa kicks him back and heads to the top rope for a missile dropkick that sends Brutus out of the ring. Tozawa hits a lightning-quick suicide dive before getting him in the ring. Tozawa heads to the top rope, but Julius pulls his brother out of the ring. Tozawa loses his footing coming down from the top rope. Brutus gets in the ring and turns him inside out with a clothesline.

-Commercial Break-

We return from the break to see Tozawa hit Brutus with a DDT. During the commercial, Julius knocked Otis off the apron. Otis is back on the apron and gets tagged in to a big ovation. Julius also tags in. Otis drops Julius with a pair of clotheslines, rolls under a clothesline from Julius, and hits a clothesline to the back of the head. Otis avalanches Julius and sends him into the ring post shoulder-first. Otis looks around, and his (almost) hometown crowd comes to their feet. Chad Gable gets on the apron, but Otis scares him away. Otis slams Julius with the World’s Strongest Slam before hitting him with a Caterpillar Elbow Drop. Otis heads to the top rope, but Brutus cuts him off. Otis slams Brutus down and punches Gable away. Julius cuts Otis off. The Creed Brothers slam Otis with a double-team back superplex for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: The Creed Brothers

The Creed Brothers hold Otis up as Chad Gable yells at him and punches him in the face. Tozawa is knocked away. Gable applies an Ankle Lock to Otis, so Maxxine jumps on his back. Gable shakes her off and shouts at her. Maxxine responds by slapping him in the face. Maxxine squares up like she wants to fight Gable.

The lights start to go off, and Maxxine, Tozawa, and Otis run away. The slightly untuned C# piano key sounds. Three members of the Wyatt Sicks walk out to the stage. We can only see their silhouettes against a bright light. Gable and the Creed Brothers prepare to fight them. The three make their way to the ring and get on the apron. Erick Rowan, Dexter Lumis, and Joe Gacy remove their masks. Sister Abigail comes off the top rope from out of nowhere and hits Gable with a flying Thesz Press. Lumis and Gacy grab the Creed Brothers and hit them with stereo uranages. Lumis hits the ropes, and Gacy powerbombs him onto the Creed Brothers. Rowan sizes them up and hits the ropes for a double cross-body block.

The Db piano key is heard again, and Gable backs away up the aisleway. Gable stops and turns to see Uncle Howdy’s silhouette. Gable runs away in fear. Uncle Howdy laughs.

-Commercial Break-

Replay: Moments ago, the Wyatt Sicks destroyed Chad Gable and the Creed Brothers. Gable was confronted by Uncle Howdy and ran away.

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio asks Carlito how it went with Adam Pearce. Carlito says it’s official, and the match has been made. Mysterio asks when the match is. Carlito says Mysterio will face Sami Zayn later tonight. Mysterio says Carlito was supposed to take care of them. Rhea Ripley says Mysterio can handle Zayn. Mysterio tells Carlito to handle Jey Uso personally. Ripley tells Carlito to clean up the mess. Carlito says he’ll talk to Peace. Ripley says Carlito will handle Uso alone. Carlito sadly walks off.

Replay: Two weeks ago on Raw, Pete Dunne attacked Sheamus after a match with “Big” Bronson Reed. Reed would take advantage and crush Sheamus with a Tsunami. Last week on Raw, Sheamus attacked “Big” Bronson Reed and Pete Dunne before they could have a match.

Sheamus vs. “Big” Bronson Reed

The bell rings, and they size each other up. They run into each other and hit each other with forearms. Reed reverses a whip to the corner, but Sheamus sidesteps an avalanche. Sheamus jumps on Reed’s back with a sleeper hold, but Reed slams him into the corner. Reed chops the chest. Sheamus ducks a chop and punches away at Reed. Reed head-butts Sheamus and sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Sheamus then hits Reed with a clothesline over the top rope. Sheamus heads to the top rope and connects with a diving clothesline to the floor. Sheamus gets up and gets the crowd going. Sheamus charges Reed, but Reed pops up and slams Sheamus onto the commentary table.

-Commercial Break-

We return from the break to see Sheamus fight up from a rest hold and punch out. Sheamus hits the ropes, but Reed clobbers him with a clothesline. Reed pulls Sheamus up and talks trash, but that just fires up the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus viciously clubs away at Reed’s chest, but Reed doesn’t go down. Reed lifts Sheamus, but Sheamus slides off and hits a vicious running knee to the face for a near fall. Sheamus goes to lift Reed, but he can’t get him up. Sheamus boots Reed away from the corner and powers up to the top rope. Sheamus comes off the top rope with a diving clothesline, but Reed avoids it. Reed quickly hits a Death Valley Driver and covers. 1… 2… Sheamus kicks out.

Reed goes to the top rope, but Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus stands on the second rope and powers Reed up for a ridiculous White Noise and covers. 1… 2… Reed barely kicks out! Reed rolls to the apron and slowly gets up. Sheamus sees his opportunity and grabs him for the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Sheamus completes sixteen blows before Referee Chad Patton pulls him away. Reed collapses back into the ring. Sheamus goes to the corner and sizes Reed up for a Brogue Kick. The referee is still checking on a loopy Reed. All of a sudden, Pete Dunne pops up on the apron and smashes Sheamus in the face with a shillelagh! Reed heads to the top rope and flattens Sheamus with a Tsunami for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: “Big” Bronson Reed

Pete Dunne is seated at ringside and looks pleased with himself.

This Friday in Cleveland, World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest will be part of a panel before a documentary airs about his career.

Replay: Last week on Raw, Gunther called Damian Priest “street trash.” That led to Damian Priest coming to the ring and punching Gunther in the face. They would engage in a huge pull-apart brawl that lasted until they were both kicked out of the arena.

Video: World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest says there has been a lot of talk about his past, especially how he was raised and lived on the street. All of the talk is coming from a guy who has no idea what he’s talking about. Gunther was given the best training team, and people told him how great he was. Gunther has no heart. “Street Trash” translates to Priest being a “Puerto Rican badass.” Gunther is a European product of ingenuity, which translates to Gunther being “an a–hole.” The WWE ring was supposed to be a place of salvation. At SummerSlam, the ring will become the street. Gunther’s ass will get mugged because he’ll rob him of the idea that he can take the World Heavyweight Championship. Priest has fought for everything he has. Now, he’s willing to die for everything he has. Is Gunther? Priest says, “Welcome to my neighborhood, General.”

In the arena, “Main Event” Jey Uso heads to the ring. Next, he’ll face Carlito.

-Commercial Break-

The SummerSlam Kickoff show takes place on Friday at 5 pm Eastern from Cleveland.

Video: A preview of interviews with CM Punk and Damian Priest for the Countdown to SummerSlam show on Saturday.

Video: Bron Breakker says he’s not here to talk down about Sami Zayn. Breakker doesn’t even dislike Zayn. Zayn is at the top of his game and profession… as a stand-up comic. At Money in the Bank, he thought he was facing a stand-up comic. It was a rookie mistake, but it made him realize the difference between them. Zayn has already accepted the fact that he’s going to lose at SummerSlam. There is nowhere for Zayn to run. Zayn is preparing for life after WWE and Bron Breakker. “Sami Zayn and Friends” is promoted every week. As Zayn tells jokes for his preparation, Breakker has been in the gym, hungry and training like a dog. This Saturday, the joke is on Zayn, and the Intercontinental Championship will be on Breakker.

“Main Event” Jey Uso vs. Carlito

The bell rings, and Carlito charges Uso. Uso ducks him and drops him with a superkick for a near fall. Carlito rolls out of the ring, so Uso gets the crowd going. Uso hits the ropes and connects with a suicide dive. Uso gets Carlito in the ring and knocks him to the corner with a straight right hand. Uso punches him down and lets out a “YEET.” Uso approaches Carlito, but Carlito pulls him shoulder-first into the ring post. Carlito hangs Uso on the top rope and hits a spinning neckbreaker.

-Commercial Break-

We return from the break to see Uso fighting up from a surfboard stretch. He stomps the foot to get out of it and hits the ropes, but Carlito takes him down with a TKO for a near fall. Carlito gets to his feet and sneers at the crowd. Carlito charges Uso in the corner, but Uso sidesteps him. Uso punches away at Carlito before doing a little gyration and rocking him with a right hand. Uso hits a step-up enzuigiri to take him down. Uso charges him in the corner, but Carlito drops him on the apron. Uso kicks Carlito back and heads to the top rope. Carlito ducks a dive, but Uso lands on his feet. Uso charges, but Carlito counters him with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Carlito goes to the corner and grabs his trademark green apple. Carlito takes a few bites of the apple, but the referee admonishes him. Uso schoolboys him for a two-count. Uso then hits Carlito with a Spear that knocks the apple out of his mouth and picks up the win.

Winner by Pinfall: “Main Event” Jey Uso

Backstage Interview

Jackie Redmond is backstage with Zelina Vega. Redmond mentions that Vega defeated Zoey Stark despite not being 100% last week. Vega says she was lucky to have Kayden Carter, Katana Chance, and Lyra Valkyria watching her back because Team Forehead wouldn’t give her a chance. They know Vega is a threat. Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark come up to her. Stark says it took three other women to beat her. Vega attacks them, but they quickly overwhelm her. They hold Vega’s arm against the wall, and Baszler kicks her arm hard. Referees and WWE officials quickly separate them. Vega holds her arm in pain.

-Commercial Break-

Replay: Moments ago, Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark viciously attacked Zelina Vega. Baszler stomped Vega’s injured arm.

Trainer’s Room

The WWE trainer is checking on Zelina Vega’s arm. Vega is in a lot of pain. Kayden Carter, Katana Chance, and Lyra Valkyria are also there to check on her.

Backstage Interview

Cathy Kelley is backstage with The Miz. The Miz says he will host SummerSlam this Saturday. The Miz calls Cleveland “his house.” R-Truth walks over and is excited WWE is bringing back In Your House. The Miz says Cleveland is his hometown. R-Truth thought he lived in Los Angeles before wondering how Miz would host SummerSlam in a house. The Miz clarifies that he is the host. R-Truth says he’ll help him with the party favors. R-Truth will bring the hors d’ouevres.

Video: Highlights from WWE’s tour of Japan over the weekend are shown.

Xavier Woods vs. Karrion Kross w/ The Final Testament (The Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar), Scarlett, and Paul Ellering)

Before the match begins, Karrion Kross grabs a microphone and says he has a few things to address. Kross was notified that Kofi Kingston reinjured his shoulder on the Japan tour and isn’t here tonight. Does Xavier Woods really believe that? Kross thinks Kingston skipped town because the whole world isn’t revolving around him. Rather, it’s revolving around Woods. Also, no one wants to be in this “hellhole” of Minnesota. Kross wants to give Woods a way out of this beating. Kross tells Woods to join the Final Testament and tell the kids at home that the Power of Positivity was always a big lie. Lastly, he wants Woods to tell “that one-armed bastard Kofi Kingston” that he should have retired when he lost the WWE Title in six seconds.

An irate Woods punches Kross in the face. The bell rings. Woods mounts Kross and punches away at him. Woods lets him up and clotheslines him over the top rope. Woods hits a wrecking ball dropkick to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Woods fighting up from a rear chin lock. Woods elbows out and punches away at Kross. Kross cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. During the break, Kross knocked Woods off the second rope. Back to live action, Kross sends Woods to the corner and avalanches him before hitting a strike combo. Kross talks trash and hits Woods with an exploder suplex. Kross saunters around the ring and covers for a two-count.

Kross says The New Day is dead and Woods is the worst King of the Ring in the company’s history. Not Billy Gunn or Mabel? Kross calls him a piece of trash. Woods shoves him and punches away at him. Kross reverses a whip, but Woods ducks a clothesline and hits a clothesline. Woods avalanches him in the corner with a forearm. Kross quickly lifts him, but Woods slides off and rolls him up for a two-count. Scarlett distracts the referee, and Akam gets a cheap shot in. Kross goes for a Pumphandle Slam, but Woods slides off and superkicks him. Woods takes Akam out with a suicide dive and sends Rezar into the ring post. Woods kicks Kross back and goes to the top rope. Kross avoids a diving elbow drop and hits the Final Prayer for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Karrion Kross

The Final Testament stands over Woods and celebrates.

Video: Earlier today, WWE Hall of Famer and former Governor of Minnesota Jesse “The Body” Ventura arrived at the arena and was greeted by Paul “Triple H” Levesque.

Backstage Interview

Jackie Redmond asks WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn about what Bron Breakker just said. Zayn says Breakker is criticizing him for hosting a comedy show, but he did that the night before Money in the Bank and beat Breakker. Breakker underestimated him, but Zayn knows he isn’t anymore. Breakker has taken every opportunity to attack him. Last week, he had a nice moment with Jey Uso, but Breakker speared him. Zayn knows he’s a hungry young guy, but his attitude has changed. He’s going to beat Breakker’s ass. As far as Judgment Day and Dom Mysterio, he’ll handle him now.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn walks through the backstage area and makes his entrance. Next, he’ll face “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio.

-Commercial Break-

Video: Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan is standing in front of a burning barrel. It’s hard to have your heart ripped out. She can barely breathe. She would have done anything for Dominik. She put him on a pedestal and treated him like the man she thought he was. Dominik isn’t a man. He’s Rhea’s little bitch. Morgan throws his photo and some T-shirts in the fire. Morgan wishes she could take back every tear she wasted on him. Instead, she’ll make his life hell. This Saturday, she’ll complete the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour by defeating Rhea Ripley and leaving Dominik with whatever is left of his precious Mami. She’ll be standing in the ring with her arm raised as she hears those three little words: Women’s World Champion. Morgan says, “Watch me.” Dominik’s face is shown on the WWE truck behind her.

Non-Title Match
WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn vs. “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio

The bell rings, and Mysterio sidesteps Zayn before jumping onto the second turnbuckle and taunting the crowd. They soon lock up, and Zayn takes him down by the arm. Zayn backs him to the corner, but Mysterio turns him around and punches away at him. Zayn sends him into the ropes, but Mysterio holds on and pulls himself out of the ring. Zayn chases him back into the ring. Zayn drops down and leapfrogs Mysterio before sending him over the top rope. Zayn kicks him back and hits an Arabian Press.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Mysterio stomping away at Zayn and applying a rear chin lock. During the break, Mysterio slung Zayn’s head into the ring post. Back to live action, Zayn fights up, but Mysterio drops him with a tornado DDT for a two-count. Mysterio punches Zayn, but Zayn shakes them off. Mysterio sends him into the ropes, but Zayn springboards over him and hits a clothesline. Zayn comes off the second rope with an elbow to the head. Mysterio quickly gets out of a Blue Thunder Bomb and starts up the Three Amigos. One amigo, two amigos, and three amigos! Mysterio heads to the top rope for a Frog Splash, but he rolls through when Zayn moves. Zayn then hits an exploder suplex into the corner.

Zayn heads to the corner, but Carlito and World Tag Team Champion JD McDonagh run down to distract him. Mysterio rolls Zayn up for a two-count. Mysterio angrily punches away at Zayn, but Zayn hits a back body drop. Zayn punches Carlito and McDonagh off the apron. Mysterio dropkicks him into the ropes and goes for a 619, but Zayn pops up and clotheslines him down. Zayn hits a Blue Thunder Bomb and covers, but Carlito and McDonagh break it up. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner by Disqualification: WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn

McDonagh and Carlito double-team Zayn before “Main Event” Jey Uso runs down for the save. Uso gets Carlito over the top rope and hits McDonagh with a Spear. Mysterio charges, but Uso gives him a back body drop over the top rope. Uso then takes out all three members of the Judgment Day with a running plancha. Zayn sets up for a dive, but Bron Breakker attacks him from behind. Breakker hits the ropes at a ridiculous speed, but Zayn big boots him down! Zayn hits Breakker with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles. Zayn goes for a Helluva Kick, but Breakker rolls out of the ring. Zayn turns his back, so Breakker goes for a blindside, but Zayn hits a Helluva Kick. Breakker was supposed to go over the top rope, but he doesn’t quite make it. Zayn tries to get him over, but that doesn’t work. Finally, Breakker awkwardly goes over the top rope.

Video: We see another VHS tape from the Wyatt Sicks. It’s focused on Dexter Lumis. Uncle Howdy says this is a man looking for mercy. They built an empire next to the sea and laughed as they watched him drown. There is freedom in sinking. Look at what he’s become. Howdy asks, “What should they do when the buzzards start circling?” Lumis’ buzzard mask is shown. Lumis, who has locks in his hair and an “X” painted on his forehead, looks up. Howdy says, “Run!”

Raw General Manager’s Office

Chad Gable is in Raw General Manager Adam Pearce’s office. Gable says he’s figured out who the other members are: Joe Gacy, Dexter Lumis, and Erick Rowan. Pearce says he knows that since they’re under a WWE contract. Gable wants him and the Creed Brothers to face Gacy, Lumis, and Rowan next week. Pearce makes it official. They walk off, and Pearce says, “Be careful what you ask for.”

In the arena, Lyra Valkyria makes her entrance, followed by Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. They’ll compete in a 6-Woman Tag Team Match next.

-Commercial Break-

The Pat McAfee Show DLC pack will be available on Wednesday for WWE 2K24.

Pat McAfee breaks down his character model on WWE 2K24 using his telestrator.

Video: Rhea Ripley says Liv Morgan wants to burn and break things that don’t belong to her. Morgan wants to be the victim in her Revenge Tour fantasy, but that’s all it is: a fantasy. This Saturday at SummerSlam, the Revenge Tour comes to an end. There is no more running, hiding, or manipulating. If Morgan thought Ripley was brutal last time after she attacked her shoulder, that was after being warned to stay out of her business. Morgan not only took three months of her career by injuring her shoulder, but she also took her championship and her family, her Latino Heat. Morgan wants Ripley to be the demon in her fantasy dream, but at SummerSlam, Ripley will get her revenge.

Replay: Last week on Raw, Sonya Deville took advantage of a distraction to beat Lyra Valkyria. Later that evening, Zelina Vega got some help to defeat Zelina Vega.

6-Woman Tag Team Match
Lyra Valkyria, Katana Chance, and Kayden Carter vs. Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark

Lyra Valkyria will start against Sonya Deville. They lock up, and Valkyria hooks a side headlock. Deville whips her off, but Valkyria slides through the legs and forearms her. Deville responds with a forearm to the face and puts her in her corner. Shayna Baszler tags in and attacks Valkyria. Zoey Stark tags in. Baszler holds Valkyria up. Stark hits Valkyria with a springboard missile dropkick for a two-count. Valkyria fights back and applies an armbar, but Stark fights up. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter enter the match. They triple-team Stark. Carter avoids a strike and kicks Stark at ringside. Chance then hits a baseball slide.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Deville shove Valkyria to the corner. Baszler tags in and stomps Valkyria down in the corner. Deville tags back in and punches away at the midsection. Deville backs up and charges, but Valkyria boots her back. Valkyria attacks Baszler and Stark before going for a tag, but Deville stops her. Valkyria knocks her back and tags Carter in. Baszler also tags in.

Carter avoids a knee from Baszler and knocks Stark and Deville off the apron. Carter runs wild on Baszler and strikes away at her. Baszler reverses a whip, but Carter rolls her up and hits a superkick. Carter hits a springboard leg drop for a two-count. Carter sizes her up for a running boot, but Baszler avoids it and knees her in the mouth. Stark tags in and goes for a powerbomb, but Carter hits a hurricanrana. Carter sends Baszler out of the ring. Stark kicks her. Chance tags in, followed by Valkyria. Chance hits a codebreaker, and Baszler follows up with a sit-out powerbomb. Baszler breaks up the pin. Deville knees Valkyria, and Stark covers, but that cover is broken up. Carter and Chance tag in. They go for the After Party, but Deville breaks it up. Stark tries to slam Chance, but Chance rolls her up for a two-count. Stark hits the Z-360 for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark

Deville, Baszler, and Stark stand tall in the ring until Damage CTRL’s music cuts them off. Dakota Kai, IYO SKY, and Kairi Sane charge the ring and attack them. They clear the ring of Deville, Stark, and Baszler. Sky goes to the top rope and hits an Over the Moonsault to the floor onto the three women! Damage CTRL stands tall in the ring.

Video: Earlier today, “The Ring General” Gunther was walking amidst the empty seats of the arena. Last week, he gave Damian Priest the easy way out for the second time, but his reaction was that of a weak man with no control over his emotions. Priest doesn’t have to pretend anymore. Gunther exposed him as a wannabe who abuses this great business as a cure for his childhood trauma. As far as tonight goes, he used to look up to Finn Bálor. Bálor was destined for much greater things, but ever since he decided to surround himself with those Judgment Day weirdos, he became street trash. Gunther wants to find out how much of the old Finn Bálor is left. Gunther will never forgive Priest for abusing this great sport to cover up for his pathetic existence. After SummerSlam, they’ll forever remember it as the day “The Ring General” saved this great sport and the World Heavyweight Championship.

-Commercial Break-

Raw will continue to be on Syfy next week.

Backstage Interview

Cathy Kelley catches up with Damage CTRL backstage. IYO SKY and Kairi Sane speak in Japanese. Dakota Kai says the only reason Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark have been running things on Raw is because they’ve been gone. Kai says it’s time to reestablish the order. Kai challenges Sonya Deville to a match on Raw next week. Let’s see how long the social club lasts when she cuts the head off the snake.

The commentators run down all the matches and events at SummerSlam, which will take place this Saturday from Cleveland, starting at 7 p.m. Eastern.

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

The Judgment Day is collecting themselves in the clubhouse. Finn Bálor says Rhea Ripley is right. They got into this mess together and will get out of the mess after SummerSlam. Ripley says if Bálor needs any help with Gunther, they’ve got him. Bálor says at SummerSlam, Ripley and Damian Priest are going it alone. Tonight, he has to step up and go it alone. Do they not think he’s good enough? They assure him he is. Priest says as his brother, he knows Bálor can beat Priest. Bálor says as Priest’s brother, he’ll soften Gunther up for SummerSlam.

“The Ring General” Gunther makes his entrance. He’ll face Finn Bálor next.

-Commercial Break-

WWE will be part of Fanatics Fest in August.

Next week on Raw

— Chad Gable and The Creed Brothers (Brutus and Julius Creed) vs. The Wyatt Sicks (Erick Rowan, Dexter Lumis, and Joe Gacy)
— Dakota Kai vs. Sonya Deville

“The Ring General” Gunther vs. World Tag Team Champion Finn Bálor

The bell rings, and they lock up in the center of the ring. Gunther catches him with a headlock takeover. Bálor fights up and goes for one, but Gunther doesn’t go down. Bálor twists and takes Gunther down. Gunther fights up and tries to whip him off, but Bálor holds on. Gunther powers him to the corner. Bálor ducks a chop and chops away at Gunther. Gunther is not happy and wipes Bálor out with a vicious chop. Gunther goes for a Powerbomb, but Bálor fights out with a back body drop. Bálor rolls through and hits a basement dropkick. Bálor hits the ropes and kicks him in the ribs before hitting some springboard stomps to the ribs. Bálor taunts the crowd and turns into a big boot from Gunther.

-Commercial Break-

We return from the final break of the evening to see Gunther standing over Bálor. Bálor gets to his feet, so Gunther hits a scoop slam. Bálor fights back with some chops, but Gunther cuts him off with one big frying pan chop to the chest. Gunther connects with a back suplex for a two-count. Gunther grabs the legs and applies a Boston Crab. Bálor groans in pain and reaches for the ropes to break the hold. Gunther puts Bálor in the corner and clubs the back. Gunther puts him on the top rope and clubs him again. Bálor elbows him away, so Gunther chops the back! Gunther goes for a back superplex, but Bálor twists in mid-air and lands on him hard.

Bálor ducks a chop and chops him before hitting some strikes. Gunther lifts him, but Bálor takes him down with a falling elbow drop for a two-count. Gunther sidesteps a Sling Blade and applies a sleeper hold. Bálor fights up and slings him off. Gunther quickly chops him and puts the sleeper hold back on. Gunther goes for a Powerbomb, but Bálor counters into a DDT. Bálor hits a clothesline, but Gunther doesn’t go down. Bálor hits the ropes, but Gunther wipes him out with a clothesline for a near fall.

Both men are down. They soon get to their feet and trade stiff shots. Gunther uppercuts him and goes for a Powerbomb, but Bálor gets out and hits a Sling Blade. Bálor sets up for a Woo Dropkick, but Gunther grabs him for a sleeper hold. Bálor fights out and hits a double stomp to the chest. Bálor takes him down and hits another double stomp. Bálor double stomps the back and sizes Gunther up. Bálor connects with a Woo Dropkick and heads to the top rope. Bálor goes for the Coup de Grâce, but Gunther moves. Gunther locks Bálor in a sleeper hold and cinches it in. The referee checks on The Prince, but Bálor fights up. The 2024 King of the Ring quickly slams him with a Powerbomb for a near fall. Gunther quickly puts the sleeper hold back on. Bálor tries to fight it, but he begins to fade. Bálor fights up to his feet and tries to break the grip, but Gunther puts it back on and takes Bálor down to the mat. The referee sees that Bálor is unconscious and calls for the bell.

Winner by Referee’s Decision: “The Ring General” Gunther

Gunther immediately puts the sleeper hold back on. World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest runs down for the save. Priest punches away at Gunther, knocking him out of the ring. Gunther quickly slams Priest into the barricade, but Priest shakes it off and continues to attack him. Priest sends Gunther over the commentary table and punches away at him. Priest stomps Gunther’s face and leaps off the table with a club to the neck. Priest sends Gunther into the Prime Energy Hydration Station. They continue to brawl as the show comes to an end.

Quick Match Results

— The Creed Brothers (Julius and Brutus Creed) def. Otis and Akira Tozawa in a Tag Team Match
— “Big” Bronson Reed def. Sheamus
— “Main Event” Jey Uso def. Carlito
— Karrion Kross def. Xavier Woods
— WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn def. “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio via DQ (non-title)
— Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark def. Lyra Valkyria, Kayden Carter, and Katana Chance in a 6-Woman Tag Team Match
— “The Ring General” Gunther def. World Tag Team Champion Finn Bálor via Referee’s Decision

Email – mike@wrestleview.com
X – @MikeTedescoWV

Thanks for reading!
