WWE Raw Results
September 4, 2023
Charlotte, North Carolina (Spectrum Center)
Commentary: Michael Cole and Wade Barrett
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
Happy Labor Day!
“Then. Now. Forever. Together.” The WWE video leads us into the show.
Video Package: WWE Payback highlights
The Raw video plays, and we go live into the Spectrum Center to see a big pyrotechnics display. Tonight, Gunther will defend the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Chad Gable. If Gunther wins, he’ll be the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time, beating The Honky Tonk Man’s record.
Jey Uso makes his WWE Raw debut
WWE Raw’s newest member as of this past Saturday, “Main Event” Jey Uso, makes his way to the ring through the crowd. Jey enters the ring, and an “Uso” chant picks up. Jey says he appreciates that, but he’s always wanted to do this next part. Jey gets composed and shouts, “Welcome to Monday Night Raw!” The crowd gives him a nice ovation. A louder “Uso” chant starts up. Jey says he’s only been gone for two or three weeks, but he’s missed them. It felt longer than that. Jey really hit his breaking point. Every week on national television, he was fighting his family. They “Family Feud” for real. Out of the blue, the unexpected called him in “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes. Jey says he’s on “Main Event Mondays” by himself. He might have created some enemies in the back because of his past, but they know where to find him. “Main Event” Jey Uso is now in your city!
Sami Zayn’s music hits, and he slowly walks out to the stage. Zayn and Jey have some very real history from this past year. Zayn enters the ring, and an “Ucey” chant picks up. Zayn says it’s pretty crazy to see Jey standing here. A lot of what he said was true, but one thing that is definitely true is that many people will have a problem with him being here right now. Zayn and Kevin Owens haven’t always seen eye-to-eye with him. Owens isn’t here tonight. Tonight is about him and Jey. Zayn wanted to make sure he was the first person he saw on Raw so he could look him in the eyes and tell him straight to his face that he is happy Jey is here. Jey sneers at him. Zayn says he knows Jey and knows what is in his heart. Everything he did in the past few months had to be hard, but he did it. Jey broke free. Now Jey is standing here on his own two feet all by himself. Jey truly is “Main Event” Jey Uso. Another “Uso” chant fires up.
Zayn says he knows they have a history. Zayn isn’t expecting to be buddies overnight. Zayn says he is really proud of him and extends his hand. Jey stares back at Zayn, but he won’t shake his hand. Zayn slowly puts his hand down. Zayn says whenever Jey is ready to talk, he’s here. Zayn goes to leave, but Jey calls him back. Jey says that wasn’t very “Ucey” of him. Jey extends his hand, and the crowd cheers. Zayn and Jey Uso hug in the ring to a HUGE ovation. Jey celebrates on the turnbuckles as Zayn leaves the ring to let him soak in the adulation.
As Jey Uso heads up the ramp, Drew McIntyre’s music hits. McIntyre had a lot of issues with the Bloodline last year. Zayn steps between them to keep the peace. McIntyre walks off, but soon Matt Riddle makes his entrance. Riddle also had a lot of issues with the Bloodline last year. Riddle looks at Jey Uso before walking by him.
Video Package: Shinsuke Nakamura viciously attacks World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins after WWE Payback went off the air. Nakamura says he will make Rollins release his grip. Nakamura will become the World Heavyweight Champion.
Ricochet is backstage with WWE Official Adam Pearce. Ricochet says he wants a new opportunity after what happened at SummerSlam. Pearce says he’s working on it but quickly runs off when he sees World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins walking backstage. Pearce says medical hasn’t cleared Rollins. Rollins says this is Monday Night Raw. He’s totally fine. Ricochet walks up and says he has respect for Rollins for being here. Rollins says Ricochet gets it. Ricochet says what he really means to say is Rollins doesn’t need to carry the show on his own. Rollins assures them both that he is fine.
Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle are in the ring. They’ll face The Viking Raiders in a Tornado Tag Team Match next.
-Commercial Break-
Replays are shown from last week’s Raw. The Viking Raiders defeated The New Day. The Viking Raiders got Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle involved. McIntyre threw a chair at Erik, but it hit Xavier Woods instead. After the match, McIntyre explained that he didn’t mean to hurt Woods.
Tornado Tag Team Match
Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle vs. The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) w/ Valhalla
The bell rings, and Erik is quickly knocked out of the ring. McIntrye and Riddle take it to Ivar. Ivar fights back, but McIntyre hits a spinebuster. Riddle charges Ivar in the corner, but Ivar hits him with a seated senton. McIntyre attacks Ivar and lifts him, but Erik knees him in the face. The Viking Raiders attack Riddle, but McIntyre quickly runs in. The Viking Raiders are knocked out of the ring. McIntyre and Riddle hug before McIntyre gives him an overhead belly-to-belly suplex over the top rope onto the Viking Raiders!
Riddle enters the ring and shoves McIntyre before telling him to “Get the tables!” McIntyre shoves him back and shouts, “YOU get the tables!” Riddle goes to get the tables.
-Commercial Break-
Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: The Viking Raiders attack him as Riddle grabs a table from under the ring. They double-team Riddle until McIntyre gets involved. Erik tries to bounce McIntyre off the steel steps, but McIntyre blocks it. McIntyre gets Erik in the ring and chops the chest. McIntyre sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. McIntyre quickly makes a comeback, but Erik manages to send him shoulder-first into the ring post. Riddle gets in the ring and kicks Ivar in the head. Riddle attacks him in the corner before Erik sweeps the feet. The Viking Raiders get the table in the ring and set it up in the middle. They then drag it to the corner. Riddle attacks them, but Ivar quickly big boots him down. The table is put back in the center of the ring. Riddle kicks Erik in the head, but Ivar attacks Riddle and puts him on the table.
Back from the break, Ivar heads to the top rope. McIntyre attacks Ivar and punches him in the face. McIntyre sets up for a suplerplex, and Riddle joins in. Erik pulls the table away. McIntyre and Riddle hit Ivar with a double-team superplex off the second rope. Erik quickly knees McIntyre in the face for a two-count. Erik goes for a powerbomb on Riddle, but Riddle gets out and knocks him back. Ivar quickly attacks Riddle before whipping him into a forearm from Erik for a two-count.
Valhalla intensely watches on from ringside. They lean the table in the corner. McIntyre runs in and attacks Erik before shoulder tackling Ivar. McIntyre hits Erik with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex before hitting Ivar with a neckbreaker. McIntyre hits Ivar with a neckbreaker and kips up. McIntyre lifts Ivar and hits a nice Death Valley Driver! McIntyre counts down for a Claymore Kick, but Erik pulls Ivar out of the ring. McIntyre attacks them at ringside and clears the commentary table. McIntyre goes to powerbomb Erik, but Ivar breaks it up. McIntyre sends Ivar over the commentary table and attacks Erik. McIntyre hits Erik with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the floor. Ivar then follows up with a splash on McIntyre off the commentary table! Wow!
The Viking Raiders go for Ragnarök through the commentary table on McIntyre, but Riddle breaks it up. Riddle gets in the ring and puts the table in the middle of the ring. Riddle puts Erik on the table, but Valhalla distracts him. Ivar kicks Riddle in the head. The table is repositioned. The Viking Raiders go for Ragnarök through the table, but Kofi Kingston runs down and attacks them. Kingston hits some kicks. Ivar ducks Trouble in Paradise and hits Riddle! The Viking Raiders grab Kingston and lawn-dart him into McIntyre! The Viking Raiders hit Riddle with Ragnarök through the table for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: The Viking Raiders
Video Package: The great WWE Intercontinental Champions of the past. The list reads like a who’s who of the WWE Hall of Fame.
World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins makes his way to the ring. Rollins stands in the center of the ring with a spotlight on him and listens to the crowd sing his song.
-Commercial Break-
World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins addresses Shinsuke Nakamura’s attack
World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins is in the ring, and he’s pumped up. He welcomes Charlotte to “Monday Night Rollins.” Rollins says Charlotte is hot tonight, but he has to be honest. Two days ago at WWE Payback, Shinsuke Nakamura did everything he said he would. Nakamura put a bullet on his back and dropped bombs on it all night long. There were a few points where he didn’t know if he could get up and continue that fight. Rollins smiles and then shows off the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. The last he checked, he was still the champion!
One thing hasn’t been sitting right with him for the past two days. Even though he beat Nakamura, at the end of the night, he was able to walk out of the building while Rollins was pushed out in a wheelchair by his wife. That just doesn’t sit right with him. Rollins wants to right some wrongs right here in Charlotte. Rollins calls Nakamura out and says he’ll make his dreams come true.
Shinsuke Nakamura’s music hits, and the King of Strong Style makes his way to the ring. Nakamura pauses halfway down the ramp. Rollins calls for him to get in the ring. Nakamura doesn’t respond. Rollins knows the only way to get Nakamura in the ring is to give him what he wants. Rollins offers a World Heavyweight Championship match right here and now. Nakamura gets a psychotic look on his face and starts walking toward the ring before turning around. Nakamura lifts his microphone and speaks in Japanese. Rollins looks confused. Rollins says he won’t pretend to understand Nakamura’s native tongue, but he can only assume Nakamura is accepting his challenge. Rollins tells him to get in the ring. Nakamura says, “No.” Rollins is confused. Nakamura again says, “No.” Rollins paces in the ring and wants to clarify this. Are we having a World Heavyweight Championship rematch? Yes or no. Nakamura says, “No.” Rollins says that isn’t going to work for him. He gets that it’s Labor Day, but it is Monday Night Raw. Rollins is clocked in. Whether Nakamura wants it or not, he’ll give it to him.
Rollins runs out of the ring and attacks Nakamura. Rollins’ back has athletic tape on it. They brawl before referees and agents break it up. Nakamura breaks free and viciously knees Rollins in his injured back. Nakamura knees him a few times in the broken back. Ricochet runs down and pushes Nakamura away before checking on Rollins.
-Commercial Break-
WWE Official Adam Pearce and World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins are arguing backstage. Pearce says he’s trying to prevent Rollins from running himself into the ground. Rollins says that doesn’t work for him and storms off.
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ricochet
The bell rings, and Nakamura immediately gets out of the ring. Ricochet chases after him. Nakamura attacks him and sends him to the ring, but Ricochet flips off the apron. Ricochet attacks him getting into the ring and hits a dropkick. Nakamura fights out of a suplex and applies a waistlock. Ricochet elbows Nakamura and chops him. Ricochet goes to the ropes, but Nakamura kicks his feet out. Ricochet is hanging off the second rope, and Nakamura crushes him with a flying knee drop. Nakamura puts his boot on Ricochet’s face and does some Good Vibrations. Nakamura puts Ricochet in the corner and kicks away at the chest. Nakamura charges, but Ricochet puts the boots up. Nakamura blocks it and turns him on the ropes before hitting a sliding German Suplex.
-Commercial Break-
Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: Nakamura picks up a two-count. Nakamura applies a rear chin lock, but Ricochet quickly fights up. Nakamura takes him down and drops a knee for a one-count. Nakamura goes back to the rear chin lock. Ricochet soon fights up and goes for a handspring back elbow, but Nakamura kicks him in the ribs. Nakamura delivers a kick to the head and saunters around the ring. Nakamura peppers him with some kicks. Ricochet tries to fight back, but Nakamura kicks him down. Ricochet stumbles to the corner, and Nakamura attacks the midsection. Nakamura chokes him with his boot in the corner. Nakamura pulls him up and goes for a suplex, but Ricochet blocks it. Nakamura fights him and hits a front suplex. Nakamura delivers some vicious knees to the skull before applying a grounded abdominal stretch.
We return from the break to see Ricochet in the abdominal stretch. Ricochet fights up and gets out with a jawbreaker. Ricochet hits the ropes, but Nakamura turns him inside out with a knee to the midsection. Nakamura sends him into the ropes, but Ricochet comes back with a handspring back elbow.
“Señor Money in the Bank” and Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Damian Priest is watching this match backstage with Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley.
Ricochet kicks away at Nakamura and hits a head-scissor takeover. Ricochet hits a running shoulder tackle in the corner before kicking him in the head. Ricochet hits a springboard flying clothesline before getting fired up. Ricochet hits a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Ricochet sets Nakamura up in the corner and heads to the top rope. Ricochet lands on his feet when Nakamura moves. Ricochet ducks a kick, but Nakamura catches him on the rebound. Ricochet flips through a back suplex and hits the Recoil for a near fall. Ricochet cannot believe it. Ricochet goes for an avalanche, but Nakamura moves. Nakamura knees him in the ribs and then goes outside to knee him in the face from the apron. Nakamura goes for a knee drop on the apron, but Ricochet moves. Ricochet kicks Nakamura away and dives off the apron with a cannonball.
Ricochet tries to get Nakamura up, but Nakamura drives him into the ring post. Nakamura sends him into the barricade and backs up. Nakamura charges, but Ricochet drops him into the timekeeper’s area. Ricochet attacks Nakamura, but Nakamura knocks him over the barricade. Nakamura grabs a steel chair and hits Ricochet in the back right in front of his fiancée, Raw Ring Announcer Samantha Irvin!
Winner by Disqualification: Ricochet
Nakamura hits Ricochet in the back again before getting him in the ring. Nakamura puts the chair around Ricochet’s head and backs up. World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins runs down to make the save. Rollins tackles him and punches away at him. Security runs in and pulls Rollins and Nakamura apart. Rollins sends two security guards over the top rope and wipes out the rest of them and Nakamura with a somersault senton! Rollins grabs Nakamura, but Nakamura immediately shoves him spine-first into the steel ring steps! Nakamura stomps away at the back but runs off before Ricochet hits him with a steel chair.
Rollins is in a lot of pain. Priest and Ripley are watching backstage. Ripley taps Priest on the chest and says, “Not tonight.” Rollins gets to his feet and says he is fine.
Video Package: Becky Lynch defeated Trish Stratus in a Steel Cage Match at WWE Payback this past Saturday. After the match, Stratus slapped Zoey Stark in the face. Stark then hit her with a Z-360.
Zoey Stark is backstage with Jackie Redmond. Is the partnership with Trish Stratus over? Stark says she respects Stratus. She proved she is the greatest of all time. Still, nobody pushes Zoey Stark. Shayna Baszler walks up to her. Baszler was wondering when Stark was going to get rid of that dead weight. Everything changed when she got rid of Ronda Rousey. Stark suggests they go one-on-one tonight and see who the baddest woman in WWE is. Baszler accepts.
The Judgment Day makes their way to the ring. The Judgment Day is comprised of Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and “Señor Money in the Bank” Damian Priest, Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley, and NXT North American Champion “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio. We’ll hear from them next.
-Commercial Break-
The Judgment Day are in the ring. Damian Priest shouts for everyone to rise for the crew that is dripping in gold. All rise for the Judgment Day! Dominik Mysterio starts to speak, but the crowd LOUDLY boos him! You can barely hear him over the noise. Mysterio says they did what they said they would do on Saturday by taking all the gold. You can barely hear him! Finn Bálor thanks Mysterio and congratulates him on the one-year anniversary of him joining the Judgment Day. Bálor also thanks Ripley for always being the voice of reason. As for Priest, they’ve had their ups and downs, but now they’re the Undisputed Tag Team Champions of the world. Bálor gives a shoutout to JD McDonagh for having his back for twenty years. Finally, Bálor thanks himself for unleashing his most recent career milestone by becoming Grand Slam Finn. A light “You deserve it” chant picks up.
Ripley says they know Bálor deserves it. Last week, she gave them an ultimatum. The pressure was on. Bálor and Priest really rose to the occasion and showed everyone that they are truly brothers. They truly are a family. Ripley says she loves them. There is one thing that has been aggravating her. The focus isn’t on the Judgment Day and their accomplishments. Instead, people are talking about Jey Uso coming to Raw and what that means to the Bloodline. As far as she is concerned, the Bloodline has fallen, and the Judgment Day has risen as the most dominant faction in the WWE!
JD McDonagh makes his way to the ring carrying a black bag, but Priest stops him. Priest says a small part of him is starting to like him, so this better be good. McDonagh says he took a bullet for them on Saturday and wants to explain why he’s out here. It’s the least they can do. McDonagh is out here because of something Ripley said last week. She said big changes are needed for the Judgment Day. McDonagh says Priest’s briefcase has to go. Priest looks confused. McDonagh says they have all the gold. Priest doesn’t need that briefcase. He needs this one… McDonagh reveals a purple briefcase that says, “Señor Money in the Bank.” Priest holds it up.
Sami Zayn’s music hits, and Priest throws his microphone down in frustration. Zayn says, “Gentlemen… and Dom…” Kevin Owens isn’t here tonight, but after it took all five of them to rob them of their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships, did they really think they’d let that slide? They’re bragging about holding all the titles, but he doesn’t see five champions when he looks in the ring. He sees five championship-stealing turds. A very big beating is reserved for the biggest turd of them all, Dominik Mysterio. Zayn asks if Mysterio has the cojones. McDonagh says Mysterio isn’t fighting anyone. If Zayn wants to fight someone, he can fight McDonagh. Zayn says McDonagh deserves an ass-kicking, and he’ll get that tonight.
Video Package: More of the great WWE Intercontinental Champions are shown.
WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther is shown backstage. Gunther speaks in his native tongue. Gunther says Chad Gable thinks he can stand in the way of him and his legacy. Who does Gable think he is? Tonight, history will be made. Someone like Gable doesn’t belong in the history books. Gable’s fairy tale story is temporary. Gunther’s legacy is forever. When the bell rings tonight, he’ll go down as the greatest and longest Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion in history.
In tonight’s main event, Gunther will defend the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Chad Gable.
Shayna Baszler makes her way to the ring. She’ll face Zoey Stark next.
-Commercial Break-
September is Pediatric Cancer Month. WWE highlights their work with Connor’s Cure.
WWE Official Adam Pearce is backstage with Raquel Rodriguez. Pearce says he’ll work on making that official. We are not sure what that is. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Chelsea Green walks up to him. Green says she doesn’t wait in line. Pearce says Piper Niven is not medically cleared. Green says people are saying the titles are cursed, but she doesn’t believe that. Pearce implies that maybe Green is cursed. She asks what he was talking about with Rodriguez. Perhaps they were talking about how she is a loser. Rodriguez is behind her. Rodriguez asks if Pearce would mind. Pearce says it is official. Rodriguez says she’ll see Green in the ring.
Shayna Baszler vs. Zoey Stark
The bell rings, and Baszler takes Stark down. Stark grapevines the head, but Baszler gets out. Stark kips up and hits the ropes, but Baszler takes her down. Baszler hits the ropes, but Stark hits a dropkick. Stark hits a headlock takeover. Baszler fights out of it and bends the arm back for a stomp. Stark screams in pain. Baszler wrenches the arm and sends her to the corner. Baszler wrenches the arm and sends her to the corner. Baszler avoids a slingshot and goes for a Kirifuda Clutch. Stark fights it and goes for a roll-up, but Baszler sits on the shoulders for a one-count. Stark knocks her out of the ring. Baszler grabs her in a Kirifuda Clutch attempt at ringside. Stark backs her into the commentary table and gets in the ring. Stark hits a nice plancha.
-Commercial Break-
Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: Stark gets Baszler in the ring and hits a slingshot twisting senton for a two-count. Stark shakes feeling into her injured arm. Stark attacks her in the corner and hits an arm breaker. Stark shoulders her in the corner and wrenches the arm. Stark applies a hammerlock and sends Baszler’s shoulder into the turnbuckles. Baszler fights back and hits an arm snapper on the injured arm. Baszler applies a hammerlock. Stark gets out with a roll-up for a two-count. Baszler quickly takes her down for a two-count. Baszler applies an armbar. Stark fights up and hits an arm drag. Stark elbows her back and boots her in the face. Stark hits a forearm, followed by a pair of clotheslines. Stark connects with a back elbow.
Back from the break, Stark is sizing Baszler up. Stark hits a German Suplex and kips up. Baszler drops her on the apron, but Stark kicks her back and hits a springboard missile dropkick for a two-count. Baszler soon avoids a sliding kick and knees her in the face for a near fall. Baszler checks the count with the referee. Stark elbows and kicks Baszler in the face. Baszler fights back and lifts her, but Stark elbows out. Baszler goes for a Kirifuda Clutch, but Stark fights out. Stark goes for a Z-360, but it isn’t hit cleanly. Stark punches Baszler out of the ring. Stark hits a splash off the apron to the floor and gets her in the ring. Baszler avoids a slingshot twisting senton and applies a Kirifuda Clutch. Stark fights it and manages to twist out. Stark gets to her feet, but Baszler pulls her down in the Kirifuda Clutch. Stark is fading away, but she continues to fight. The referee eventually calls for the bell.
Winner by Technical Knockout: Shayna Baszler
Baszler celebrates her win before approaching Stark, who is coming to in the corner. Baszler shows her respect with a fist bump.
The Judgment Day is backstage. Finn Bálor says it might be time to bring JD McDonagh into the ring. Damian Priest says he agrees but wants him to prove himself more. Bálor thinks they might not be champions if not for McDonagh. Bálor asks what Mysterio thinks. Mysterio says he’s cool with whatever they decide. Ripley says they should see how he does against Sami Zayn tonight. Bálor believes they’ll get this done and asks if Priest wants to help. Priest says he’ll do it. Bálor and Priest walk off. Ripley tells Mysterio that she wants him to make sure everything goes right. They’ll talk about “that other thing” later. Mysterio gets up.
Raquel Rodriguez makes her entrance. She’ll face Chelsea Green next.
-Commercial Break-
Replays are shown of Dominik Mysterio getting involved in the Women’s World Championship match at WWE Payback. Rhea Ripley retained the Women’s World Championship over Raquel Rodriguez.
Raquel Rodriguez vs. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Chelsea Green
Chelsea Green gets in the ring and tries to reason with Raquel Rodriguez. The bell rings, and Green tries to run away. Rodriguez grabs her and rag dolls her before throwing her down. Rodriguez blocks a kick and grabs her by the throat. Green kicks her in the knee and clubs her. Green hits the ropes, but Rodriguez big boots her down. Rodriguez connects with a fallaway slam. Rodriguez pulls her up on the apron, but Green snaps her off the top rope. Green heads to the top rope and dives, but Rodriguez grabs her. Green slides away and slaps her in the face. Rodriguez is infuriated and viciously clotheslines her down. Rodriguez annihilates her with the Tejana Bomb for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Raquel Rodriguez
Raquel Rodriguez grabs a microphone. Earlier tonight, she talked with WWE Official Adam Pearce about the actions of Rhea Ripley and “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio at WWE Payback. Rodriguez has her rematch, and Mysterio is barred from ringside. Rodriguez says she’ll see Ripley next week for the Women’s World Championship! Rodriguez storms off.
Video Package: More of the great WWE Intercontinental Champions are shown. So many WWE Hall of Famers!
Alpha Academy is backstage. Chad Gable says Gunther thinks a guy like him doesn’t deserve to be in the history books. Gable says he is already in the history books. Gable is an Olympian, has a Master’s Degree, is a valedictorian, raises everyone to new levels, and has won every Tag Title. In front of his family, he’ll show that Gunther’s desire to keep his title doesn’t match Gable’s desire to take it from him.
The Miz makes his way to the ring.
-Commercial Break-
Replays are shown of Kofi Kingston accidentally hitting Matt Riddle with Trouble in Paradise earlier tonight. The Viking Raiders were soon victorious over Riddle and Drew McIntyre.
An irate Drew McIntyre is looking for Kofi Kingston. Matt Riddle tells him to calm down. McIntyre says he cannot stand that Jey Uso is on Raw. He gave Jey Uso a pass tonight. If Jey messes up, he’ll come for the guy that brought him here, Cody Rhodes. Kingston walks up and apologizes for what happened. McIntyre accuses Kingston of doing it on purpose. McIntyre says he’ll keep his eyes open for more accidents. McIntyre walks off. Kingston tells Riddle to talk to his boy.
Miz TV w/ special guest “John Cena”
Replays of Special Guest Referee John Cena thwarting Miz’s attempts at cheating are shown. LA Knight would defeat Miz at WWE Payback. After the match, Cena showed Knight respect.
The Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV. His guest will shed light on what happened at WWE Payback. His guest will explain what happened and right this wrong. This man promised him he would be completely transparent. They call him the greatest of all time, John Cena!
John Cena’s music hits to a huge ovation. There is no John Cena. The cameraman acts like he can see Cena and does the motions for his entrance. Miz tells “Cena” to take a seat. The crowd is not happy. Miz says even the adults hate Cena now. Cena screwed him over. Miz says this feels weird. Can they see Cena? You can’t see him? Miz says Cena is sitting right here (he’s not). Miz has been able to see Cena for 18 years and can see right through him. Miz will translate for Cena. Did LA Knight pay Cena? Did he offer him a job during these hard times? Did Cena purposely screw him over? Did you conspire with LA Knight? The crowd shouts, “YEAH!” Miz wants them to shout, “YES!” Miz then realizes he doesn’t like “yes.” They should nod their heads. The crowd won’t listen to him.
Miz says Cena conspired with LA Knight and kicks him out of the ring. Miz tells him to leave, signaling that invisible Cena won’t listen to him either. A “Tiny Balls” chant picks up. Miz shoves the phantom Cena before getting shoved back. Miz removes his jacket. A “Holy s**t” chant picks up. Miz then hits a Skull Crushing Finale on the invisible John Cena.
Miz says there is nothing invisible or imaginary about what happened to him at Payback. Miz challenges LA Knight to a one-on-one match with no guest referees or surprises. If he accepts, he’ll find out whose game it really is. The chants will end, and LA Knight will fade away. His future success is about as realistic as the invisible John Cena in the ring. This isn’t make-believe. This LA Knight fairy tale they’re all buying into will come crashing down because he’s The Miz, and he’s awesome.
Video Package: WWE Intercontinental Championship match
Sami Zayn makes his entrance. He’ll be in action against JD McDonagh next.
-Commercial Break-
Jey Uso is walking backstage. Akira Tozawa sees him and walks the other way. WWE Official Adam Pearce catches up with him. SmackDown is getting a compensation pick for Jey Uso coming to Raw. Depending on who that is, it might piss people off. He wanted to give Jey a heads-up. Jey thanks him and walks off. Tommaso Ciampa comes up to Pearce and asks if they can talk. Pearce says they can.
Sami Zayn vs. JD McDonagh
The bell rings, and McDonagh immediately gets out of the ring. McDonagh is chased back into the ring. Zayn leapfrogs him and hits a monkey flip. McDonagh’s back is jacked up from being slammed on the table at WWE Payback. Zayn attacks him and viciously whips him into the corner. Zayn attacks him on the apron, but McDonagh gets away by snapping him off the top rope. McDonagh attacks Zayn with punches and taunts the crowd. McDonagh chops the chest, but Zayn turns him around and chops away at him. McDonagh elbows him, but Zayn sends him up and over the turnbuckles with a hard whip to the corner. McDonagh lands in a heap at ringside.
McDonagh soon gets to his feet and sweeps the feet before pulling Zayn out of the ring. McDonagh bounces him off the apron and slams his face on the commentary table a few times. McDonagh then sends him into the ring post headfirst.
-Commercial Break-
Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: McDonagh poses on the commentary table briefly. McDonagh gets in the ring and hits a snap suplex on Zayn. McDonagh covers, but Zayn quickly kicks out. McDonagh puts Zayn in the corner and shoulders away at the ribs. McDonagh goes for another suplex, but Zayn fights it. Zayn connects with a textbook vertical suplex. Zayn gets to his feet and composes himself. McDonagh pulls him face-first into the turnbuckles. McDonagh puts him on the top rope and punches him. McDonagh goes for a superplex, but Zayn fights it. Zayn head-butts him down to the canvas. Zayn leaps, but McDonagh dropkicks him out of midair for a near fall. McDonagh is furious and applies a chin lock.
Back from the break, Zayn fights up from the chin lock. Zayn has a whip reversed, but Zayn springboards over him and hits a clothesline. Zayn hits a chop to the chest and whips him to the opposite corner before hitting a back body drop. Zayn sets up for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but McDonagh elbows out. McDonagh charges him, but Zayn crushes him with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall!
Zayn puts McDonagh on the top rope, but McDonagh knocks him away. Zayn avoids a dive, so McDonagh lands on his feet. Zayn hits an exploder suplex into the corner. Zayn goes for a Helluva Kick, but Dominik Mysterio pulls McDonagh out of the ring. An irate Zayn attacks Mysterio at ringside with a clothesline. Zayn punches away at Mysterio. Zayn then attacks McDonagh and puts him in the ring. Mysterio gets on the apron and eats a right hand. McDonagh then rolls Zayn up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: JD McDonagh
A furious Zayn grabs Mysterio at ringside and punches away at him before putting him in the ring. Mysterio tries to crawl out, but Zayn catches him. McDonagh watches from the apron and does nothing. Zayn sets up for a Helluva Kick, but McDonagh pulls him out of the ring and sends him into the ring post. McDonagh tells Mysterio to get out of the ring and go to the back. Mysterio leaves the ring. Zayn attacks McDonagh and hits an exploder into the corner. Zayn then crushes McDonagh with a Helluva Kick. Mysterio never returned to help him.
Replays are shown of NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton getting into a verbal confrontation with “The Man” Becky Lynch this past Saturday at WWE Payback.
Video Package: More past Intercontinental Champions are shown.
The WWE Intercontinental Championship will be defended next. History could be made!
-Commercial Break-
WWE puts over Connor’s Cure.
Dominik Mysterio is walking backstage with JD McDonagh when the rest of the Judgment Day comes up to congratulate him. Mysterio walks off and stops in front of Jey Uso. Mysterio says they both come from messed up families and Hall of Fame fathers. He knows what Jey Uso is going through. Everyone respects his father, but no one knows what home life is like. Mysterio knows what Jey is going through. Jey comes from a broken family. Jey has no family. No one likes him, just like no one likes Dominik. Ever since Mami and the Judgment Day came into his life, there are no leaders. They’re all equals. If Jey wants, he’ll talk to the Judgment Day. There’s always open arms for them there. They know what it’s like. Mysterio tells Jey to think about it. Judgment Day is there with open arms. Mysterio thanks him for taking the time to hear him. Mysterio tells him to think about it.
Next week on Raw, Rhea Ripley will defend the Women’s World Championship against Raquel Rodriguez with “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio barred from ringside. “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes will also appear on the show.
Chad Gable makes his entrance alongside Otis and Maxxine Dupri. They stay back as he heads down the ramp. Gable embraces his family at ringside.
WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther makes his entrance alongside his Imperium stablemates Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci. If Gunther wins tonight, he is guaranteed to surpass the 35-year-old record held by the Honky Tonk Man as the longest-reigning WWE Intercontinental Champion.
Kaiser and Vinci take Gunther’s jacket and head to the back. The ring announcements are done once Gable and Gunther are in the ring.
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Chad Gable vs. Gunther (c)
The bell rings, and this historically significant match begins. They lock up, and Gunther immediately throws Gable down. Gable slaps the mat in frustration and gets to his feet. They lock up, and Gunther applies a side headlock. Gunther hits a headlock takeover and cinches in the headlock. Gable fights up, but Gunther hits another headlock takeover. Gable pops up, but Gunther again takes him down with a headlock takeover. Gable grabs the ankle, but Gunther gets to the ropes. Gable taps him on the chest. Gunther puts him in the corner, but Gable turns him and chops the chest. Gable avoids a big chops and gets out of the ring. Gunther chases him back into the ring. Gable gets in the ring and dropkicks him off the apron. Gunther tries again, but he eats a second dropkick. Gunther is frustrated at ringside.
-Commercial Break-
Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: Gunther takes his time and gets in the ring. They go for a test of strength, but Gunther kicks him in the midsection and hits another headlock takeover. Gunther cinches it in, but Gable soon fights up. Gable flips through a back suplex and hits a headlock takeover. Gunther fights up, but Gable takes him back down. Gunther quickly gets up and hits a nasty backbreaker. Gable nearly lands on his head. Gunther applies a Boston Crab, but Gable soon gets to the ropes. Gunther kicks Gable in the face. Gable fights back, but Gunther rebounds with a frying pan chop to the chest. Gunther stands over the former Olympian and kicks him in the ribs. Gunther shoves him into the ropes and taunts the crowd. Gable fights back with some right hands, but Gunther drops him with a scoop slam and stomps him. Gable rolls to the apron to recover.
Back from the break, we see Gable hit a pair of dragon screws on the apron, twisting Gunther’s leg against the ropes! Gable attacks the knee and charges, but Gunther hits a stiff kick to the jaw for a near fall. Gunther pulls him up to his feet and puts him back down with a chop. Gunther rips at the face and elbows him in the bridge of the nose. Gable fights back and chops the chest. Gunther quickly levels him with a chop to the chest. Gable looks frustrated as he lays on the mat.
Gunther saunters around the ring before pulling Gable back to his feet. Gunther once again chops him down. Gunther shouts at the crowd and turns to see Gable pull his straps down. Gable is fired up and wildly punches away at him. Gunther cuts him off and lays him on the top rope before bending him with a boot to the neck. Gable falls to ringside.
-Commercial Break-
Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: Gunther is attacking Gable in front of his family, including Gable’s young son, who is dressed like his father. Gunther gives him a back suplex on the barricade and gets in the ring to break up the count. Gunther gets Gable in the ring and follows him in. Gunther grabs Gable and goes for a vertical suplex, but Gable twists out. Gable goes for a German Suplex, but Gunther fights out and chops him down. Gunther kneels on his face and knees the ribs. There is a young Chad Gable fan at ringside who looks upset. Gable fights back. Gable hits a chop and a throat thrust. Gunther fights out of a German Suplex and viciously chops him down. Gunther backs up and sizes Gable up. Gable gets up, and Gunther big boots him down.
Back from the final break of the evening, Gunther goes for a Powerbomb. Gable gets out and picks the ankle, but Gunther slaps him in the face. Gunther goes for a Powerbomb, but Gable pulls them over the top rope. Gunther gets up and goes for a chop, but Gable ducks it and hits a German Suplex on the floor! Gable gets Gunther in the ring and follows him in. Gunther immediately hits Gable with a Powerbomb for a near fall! Wow!
Gunther heads to the top rope, but Gable cuts him off. Gable attacks him, but Gunther chops him off. Gable pops up and scales the ropes for a top rope superplex! Gable goes to the top rope and hits a diving head-butt for a near fall! Gable gets up and immediately applies an ankle lock! Gunther twists out and kicks Gable away. Gable goes for Chaos Theory, but Gunther elbows out. Gable avoids a Powerbomb and hits a swinging back suplex. Gable is fired up. Gable puts the straps up and pulls them back down. Gable hits Gunther with Chaos Theory! 1… 2… Gunther kicks out! Gable’s family cannot believe it.
Gable goes to the top rope and goes for a moonsault, but Gunther gets the boot up. Gable grabs the leg and applies an ankle lock! The crowd is going wild. Gable grapevines the leg and cinches it in. Gunther twists and twists until Gable lets go. Gunther applies a rear naked choke, but Gable fights up. A “Gable” chant fires up. Gable falls back and rolls Gunther up for a two-count. Gunther immediately grabs him in a sleeper hold and spikes him on his head with a vicious suplex! Gunther hits a Powerbomb and follows up with a killer lariat for the win! Gunther will become the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time.
Winner by Pinfall and still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Gunther
Chad Gable’s family is in tears at ringside. This is reminiscent of Noelle Foley watching Mick Foley as “Mankind” at the Royal Rumble and crying hysterically.
The Honky Tonk Man’s 35-year record has fallen. Gunther will be the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time. History has been made on Monday Night Raw.
Quick Match Results
— The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) def. Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle in a Tornado Tag Team Match
— Ricochet def. Shinsuke Nakamura via DQ
— Shayna Baszler def. Zoey Stark via TKO
— Raquel Rodriguez def. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Chelsea Green
— JD McDonagh def. Sami Zayn
— Gunther def. Chad Gable to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Email – mike@wrestleview.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV
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