WWE Raw Results
August 8, 2022
Cleveland, Ohio (Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse)
Commentary: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.
A video kicks off the show that highlights Bayley, Iyo Sky, and Dakota Kai wreaking havoc on the show last week. Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair battled Iyo Sky, but it ended in a No Contest when Kai and Bayley began brawling in the ring with Asuka and Alexa Bliss.
We go live into the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio. Tonight, Bobby Lashley will defend the United States Championship against Ciampa. Ciampa won a Triple Threat Match and defeated AJ Styles last week on Raw to earn the opportunity. The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament will also begin. Tamina and Dana Brooke will battle Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky in a tournament match.
Bayley makes her way to the ring alongside Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky. The crowd boos as Bayley shouts, “Ding dong!” Bayley says she hasn’t been here in forever, and this is the reaction she gets… Bayley says they don’t want to be here either, but they know the crowd needs them. They paid to see what they do next to try to salvage this uninspired division. Kai says the Role Model had to crash SummerSlam to shake everyone up. Bayley says they can’t honestly say they enjoyed Becky Lynch playing dress-up every week. They also can’t say they actually enjoyed cheering for that champion Bianca Belair. Belair would be nothing without Bayley.
That’s why they had to make a statement last week. They took care of Becky Lynch’s dumb little shoulder. They then lit a fire in the Women’s Locker Room. This is for them. They’re bringing back what is missing. Iyo Sky says, “The hunger!” Bayley says they’re bringing back the hunger to a division that’s starving for more. They’ve been lost without her. They don’t know how to ask for more. Bayley has learned that if you can’t find the answers you’re looking for, then you ask better questions. Bayley has a question for the idiots. How is she the only one to realize what a lethal weapon Iyo Sky is? How is she the only one that realized the benefits of bringing in someone like “Dakota Sky” – she catches herself and says, “Dakota Kai.” They need to shut up so she can think. They’ve been boiling… Bayley shouts at the crowd as they loudly boo her. Kai calms her down. Kai says they’re going to prove themselves when they enter the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament and win.
Alexa Bliss’ music cuts her off. She’s soon joined by Asuka. They stand on the stage… and Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair also joins them. They make their way down the ramp to the ring. They get in the ring and stare at Bayley, Kai, and Sky. Bliss says they shouldn’t get ahead of themselves. A loud “EST” chant picks up. Bliss says she’s giving them a “ding-dong heads up.” If they win their match tonight, they’ll have to face Alexa Bliss and Asuka. This is giving them more incentive to beat the hell out of them and win the titles.
Belair says she’s not finished with Iyo Sky yet. She’s hungry to get in the ring and finish with her. If they’re playing the numbers game, the three of them have no problem dealing with these three. Bayley says she knew they’d get all worked up, but they’re calling the shots. They’ll do a 3-on-3 where it counts, not here in Cleveland. Bayley challenges them to a match at Clash at the Castle. Belair says, “Challenge accepted!”
While Bayley is trying to keep control, Belair is going to lose it. Belair attacks Bayley, and they all begin brawling. Belair knocks Bayley into the crowd and brawls with her. The other four brawl at ringside. The crowd is loving this. WWE referees run down to help. They all begin brawling in the crowd. Bliss jumps off the barricade onto them all, and the crowd roars for this. WWE producers run down to help.
Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair, Alexa Bliss, and Asuka will battle Bayley, Dakota Kai, and Iyo Sky at Clash at the Castle.
-Commercial Break-
Seth “Freakin” Rollins makes his way to the ring. Replays are shown of him defeating Montez Ford last week in a competitive match-up. Rollins was going to Stomp Ford after the match, but Angelo Dawkins scared him off.
Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. Angelo Dawkins w/ Montez Ford
The bell rings, and they lock up. Rollins quickly hooks a side headlock. Dawkins goes to whip him off, but Rollins twists out and kicks him in the midsection. Rollins quickly goes for a Stomp, but Dawkins avoids it. Dawkins applies a side headlock, but Rollins whips him off. Rollins drops down before doing a leapfrog. Dawkins cartwheels around him and hits a dropkick. Dawkins covers for a no count. Rollins sends Dawkins into the ropes, but Dawkins leapfrogs him and hits a leaping back elbow. Rollins gets out of the ring and slaps the commentary table in frustration. Montez Ford mocks him for a distraction. Dawkins then absolutely annihilates Rollins with a shoulder block that sends him flying over the commentary table!
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Dawkins fight up from an armbar. Dawkins forearms Rollins back and charges, but Rollins hits a flatliner into the turnbuckles. Ford gives him some encouragement, so Rollins kicks him from the ring. Ford is infuriated and grabs a steel chair from under the ring. Ford gets in the ring, but the referee stops him and takes the chair away. The referee has no choice but to eject him from ringside. Rollins claps at his plan coming together.
Dawkins gets to his feet and clotheslines Rollins out of the ring. Dawkins hits the ropes and flattens Rollins with a somersault senton! Dawkins gets Rollins in the ring and hits an exploder suplex. Dawkins hits a spinning avalanche in the corner, followed by a high kick. Dawkins connects with the Silencer for a near fall. Dawkins scoops Rollins up, but Rollins slides off and rolls him up for a two-count. Rollins sets up for a neckbreaker before forearming him in the back of the neck. Rollins goes for a Stomp, but Dawkins avoids it. Dawkins rolls him up, but Rollins rolls through and goes for another Stomp. Dawkins avoids it and hits a Sky High Powerbomb for a near fall!
Rollins rolls out of the ring in a heap. Dawkins gets out of the ring and charges, but Rollins sidesteps him and sends him into the ring steps. As Dawkins gets in, Rollins goes for a Stomp. Dawkins avoids it and goes for a Sky High, but Rollins gets out. Rollins hits an arm breaker and follows up with a Pedigree for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Seth “Freakin” Rollins
After getting to his feet after the pin, Rollins hits Dawkins with a Stomp. Montez Ford angrily runs down to the ring. Rollins quickly gets away.
Video Package: Edge returned to Monday Night Raw last week and said he would end Judgment Day. Later that night, Edge saved The Mysterios from a beatdown by Judgment Day. Rhea Ripley then shoved Dominik Mysterio into Edge’s Spear path.
Rey and Dominik Mysterio are getting pumped up backstage. Edge walks up to them, looking sullen. Edge knows things went sideways last week, but he has their back against Judgment Day. Rey Mysterio says he knows he does. Edge says he can see the look in Dominik’s eyes. It really was an accident. Edge asks if they’re cool, and Dominik says they are. Dominik then shoves Edge. His father holds him back and says he’s known Edge for 20 years. Dominik cannot believe his father is taking Edge’s side over his. Dominik walks off. Rey says he’ll talk to his son.
-Commercial Break-
Kevin Patrick is backstage with The Miz and Ciampa. Ciampa will challenge Bobby Lashley for the United States Championship later tonight. Patrick asks if Ciampa feels like tonight is his night. The Miz says Ciampa’s performance was “phenomenal.” There’s nothing phenomenal about a guy who sides with a Hollywood hack. That guy (AJ Styles) cost him his match at SummerSlam. Ciampa says he’s dedicating this match to Harley Race, who turned him into the man he is. Race passed away a little over three years ago. A Harley Race robe is hanging in the background. With Harley Race looking down on him and The Miz by his side, Bobby Lashley will feel his sacrifice and realize that he’s already lost.
Ezekiel vs. Kevin Owens
The bell rings, and Owens ambushes Ezekiel. Owens viciously stomps him down in the corner and knocks him out of the ring. Owens sends him into the ring post before driving him into the commentary table twice. Owens then hits Ezekiel with an Apron Powerbomb. The referee calls off the match and calls for help. Ezekiel is helpless at ringside.
Referees and EMTs run down to ringside and put Ezekiel in a neck brace.
-Commercial Break-
Replays are shown of Kevin Owens destroying Ezekiel with an Apron Powerbomb. EMTs took him away on a stretcher during the commercial break.
Finn Bálor makes his way to the ring alongside Damian Priest. Rhea Ripley is not there at the moment. The crowd loudly boos them. Bálor says Edge thinks they should fear him. Edge and The Mysterios can’t get on the same page. Little Dominik Mysterio has already abandoned both of them. The Judgment Day isn’t afraid of anyone. Fear isn’t real. Fear is a product of your imagination. Bálor says danger is very real. Rey Mysterio will find out tonight that Bálor is danger.
Damian Priest wants to be clear with Edge. If he wanted to, tonight he’d lay him out. In two weeks, they’re in Toronto. Edge hasn’t wrestled on Monday Night Raw in Toronto in 12 years. Priest challenges Edge to a match on that show. The Rated-R Superstar versus The Punishment of the Judgment Day. If Edge still has a set, they can end this. Edge may have scalded the Judgment Day, but in Toronto, in front of his family and whatever friends he has left, the Judgment Day will end him.
Rey Mysterio is walking backstage. Edge asks if he’s heard from Dominik, but Rey says he hasn’t. Edge says his offer still stands, especially after Priest just called him out. Rey says he knows his son. He’ll do the right thing and come out there. Having Edge there will only make things worse. Edge wishes him luck.
Rey Mysterio will battle Finn Bálor next.
-Commercial Break-
Rey Mysterio makes his entrance. He looks up the ramp waiting for Dominik to come out, but he doesn’t.
Finn Bálor w/ Damian Priest vs. Rey Mysterio
The bell rings, and Bálor knees him before putting him in the corner. Bálor punches Mysterio in the midsection and bounces him in the corner. Bálor chops the chest and angrily looks at the crowd. Mysterio reverses a whip to the corner and bounces Bálor off the top turnbuckles. Bálor reverses a whip to the opposite corner, but Mysterio elbows him back and hits a head-scissor takeover that sends him out of the ring. Mysterio hits a baseball slide and leaps off the apron with a seated senton on the floor. Mysterio kicks Bálor in the hamstring and puts him in the ring. Mysterio goes to the top rope and hits another seated senton. Mysterio charges so Bálor goes to drop him on the apron. Mysterio counters into a head-scissor into the turnbuckles. Mysterio signals to the crowd, but Bálor reverses a whip. Mysterio goes for a springboard cross-body block, but Bálor ducks it. Mysterio crashes and burns.
Bálor kicks Mysterio in the ribs and stomps him a few times. Bálor sneers at the crowd, and Damian Priest claps for him. Mysterio gets up on the apron, so Bálor grabs him and forearms him in the back. Bálor hits the ropes, but Mysterio shoulders him in the midsection and hits a sunset flip for a two-count. Bálor quickly comes back and hits a Dagger (falling elbow drop) for a two-count. Bálor starts up the Eddie Guerrero Three Amigos. The crowd boos. Before the third amigo is hit, Bálor gyrates. Mysterio then hits him with a vertical suplex. The third amigo was never done. Mysterio punches away at him, but Bálor reverses a whip. Mysterio kicks him in the face and clotheslines him. Bálor quickly kicks him in the midsection and goes for a sunset flip, but Mysterio rolls through and dropkicks him in the head for a near fall.
Bálor falls to the corner and pulls himself up on the ropes. Mysterio shoulders him in the midsection and does the 10 punches. Bálor counters out and puts him in the electric chair position. Mysterio counters into a wheelbarrow bulldog for another near fall. Mysterio shakes his head in disbelief. Mysterio dropkicks Bálor into the ropes and goes for a 619. Priest shoves Bálor out of the way and takes the move! Bálor gets Mysterio on the apron and shoves him into the ring post.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Bálor attempting to superplex Mysterio. Mysterio punches out of it and has Bálor loopy on the ropes. Mysterio goes for a sunset flip powerbomb, but Bálor holds on. Mysterio instead sweeps the feet. Mysterio hits an arm drag that sends Bálor out of the ring. Mysterio then slides out of the ring and hits a sunset flip powerbomb into the barricade! Damian Priest distracts Mysterio at ringside.
Bálor pulls himself into the ring. Mysterio kicks Bálor back, and he’s knocked into the referee. Priest uses this distraction to sweep Mysterio’s feet. Edge’s music hits, and he runs down to ringside to a huge pop! Edge and Damian Priest brawl into the crowd. In the ring, Bálor pulls Mysterio to his feet. Mysterio kicks him and hits Code Red for a near fall!
They trade punches in the center of the ring. Mysterio connects with an enzuigiri that knocks Bálor into position. Mysterio sets up for a 619, but Bálor counters with a clothesline. Bálor connects with a shotgun dropkick into the corner. Bálor goes to the top rope for a Coup de Grace, but Mysterio avoids it. Mysterio hits a drop-toe-hold into the ropes. All of a sudden, Mysterio notices Rhea Ripley on stage with Dominik on her shoulder! She drops Dominik on the stage. Dominik’s face is all scuffed up. Bálor hits 1916 and crushes Rey with a Coup de Grace for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Finn Bálor
The commentators talk about the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament. They focus on Nakkita Lyons and Zoey Stark being wildcards.
Sarah Schreiber is backstage with WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke and Tamina. Brooke says she wants to become a double champion. Tamina is her biggest challenge. Bayley, Dakota Kai, and Iyo Sky walk up. Bayley says they don’t want her title. They want a title that suits them. Tamina says she’s held this title before and can take them all out before it even gets started. Dakota Kai says she’ll see them out there. Iyo Sky says she doesn’t like Tamina.
-Commercial Break-
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament
First Round Match
Dakota Kai and IYO SKY w/ Bayley vs. WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke and Tamina
Dakota Kai starts against Dana Brooke. They lock up, and Brooke applies a waistlock. Kai reverses it, so Brooke hooks a side headlock. Kai whips her off, but Brooke hits a hip toss and kicks her in the head for a one-count. Brooke applies a front facelock before they clunk heads. Tamina tags in, and Kai looks a little worried. Tamina knocks Kai back and rocks her with some uppercuts. Tamina knocks IYO SKY off the apron. Tamina hits Kai with a vertical suplex. Kai rolls out of the ring, and Sky checks on her. Brooke goes to the top rope and wipes them out with a diving cross-body block to the floor. Bayley shouts at Brooke as we go to the commercial.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Kai applying a surfboard stretch. During the break, Sky sent Brooke into the LED barricade. Back to live action, Kai takes Brooke down for a two-count. Sky tags in. They send Brooke into the ropes. Kai big boots Brooke, and Sky hits a flatliner. Kai hits a nasty ax kick, and Sky dropkicks her. Sky covers for a two-count. Sky puts Brooke in the corner and hits a diving shoulder to the midsection. Sky digs her boots into Brooke and hits a slingshot double knee. Sky covers for a two-count. Kai tags back in and applies a chin lock. Brooke tries to fight back, but Kai slams her down for a two-count. A “Bayley sucks” chant picks up. Brooke pushes Kai into the ropes. Kai goes for a hurricanrana, but Brooke counters into a powerbomb for a two-count. Kai holds Brooke’s ankle to stop the tag and tags Sky in.
Brooke charges over Sky and tags Tamina in. Tamina bounces Sky off the turnbuckles and clotheslines her down. Tamina knocks Kai to the floor before going to Sky and viciously elbowing her in the corner. Sky reverses a whip and rocks her with a kick. Tamina shoves her off, but Sky uppercuts her. Tamina superkicks her and hits a Samoan Drop. Kai breaks up the pin. Brooke runs in, but Kai sends her out of the ring. Brooke pulls Kai out of the ring and sends her to the barricade. Brooke goes for a handspring back elbow, but she hits the barricade hard when Bayley pulls Kai out of the way.
In the ring, Tamina is on the top rope. Sky climbs and punches away at her. Kai runs up, but Tamina knocks her away. Tamina knocks Sky down to the canvas and goes for a Superfly Splash. Sky puts her knees up, but Tamina lands on her feet to counter. Kai blind tags in and hits Tamina with a Scorpion Kick. Kai hits a running big boot in the corner. Sky tags in and hits her Moonsault for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: Dakota Kai and IYO SKY
Dakota Kai and IYO SKY will face the winner of Alexa Bliss and Asuka vs. Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop in the Semifinals.
United States Champion Bobby Lashley is warming up backstage.
-Commercial Break-
Replays are shown of Kevin Owens annihilating Ezekiel with an Apron Powerbomb earlier tonight.
Kevin Patrick runs up to Kevin Owens, who is leaving the arena. Owens says if Patrick ever runs up on him again, he’ll do what he did to Ezekiel. Owens did that because he realized who he is. Ezekiel doesn’t know who he is. It took him a while to find himself. There are more eyes than ever on this show, and he figured it would be a good time to remind everyone that this is still the Kevin Owens Show. Strangely, there is a car wreck with people surrounding it in the background of the shot.
Replays are shown of Dominik Mysterio being dumped broken on the stage by Rhea Ripley.
Dominik Mysterio, with his face bruised and cut up, is in the trainer’s room with his father, Rey Mysterio, by his side.
Video Package: The history of the United States Championship
Ciampa makes his way to the ring alongside The Miz. Ciampa is wearing Harley Race’s blue and red robe with “Race” emblazoned on the back. He’ll battle United States Champion Bobby Lashley for the title next.
-Commercial Break-
United States Championship
Ciampa w/ The Miz vs. Bobby Lashley (c)
The bell rings, and Ciampa immediately starts punching away at him. Lashley whips him off, but Ciampa drops down. Ciampa charges into Lashley, but he goes down. Lashley lifts Ciampa up for a delayed vertical suplex. Lashley bounces Ciampa in the corner and starts the 10 punches. Ciampa clips the leg to get out, but Lashley powers him back to the corner. Lashley elbows away at him in the corner. Lashley hits the ropes and catches Ciampa attempting a leapfrog. Lashley powers him into a powerslam position, but Ciampa slides off. Ciampa chop blocks the knee and starts chopping him. Lashley shakes them off and viciously takes Ciampa down. Lashley sets up for a Spear, but Ciampa quickly rolls out of the ring to recover. The Miz gives Ciampa a pep talk.
The Miz gets on the apron to distract Lashley, but it doesn’t work. Lashley knocks Ciampa to the floor and puts him on his shoulders. Miz stands in Lashley’s way, so Lashley throws Ciampa into him.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Ciampa messing around with the top turnbuckle pad. Ciampa turns and punches Lashley down before hitting a Harley Race falling head-butt. Ciampa covers for a two-count. During the break, Ciampa kneed Lashley in the face. Ciampa applies a chin lock, but Lashley fights up. Ciampa hits the ropes, but Lashley shoulder blocks him and hits a clothesline. Lashley shoulders Ciampa in the corner and hits some corner clotheslines. Lashley hits a running shoulder before sending him to the opposite corner. Lashley kicks him and hits an over-the-shoulder slam for a near fall.
Lashley goes for a military press powerslam, but Ciampa counters into a reverse DDT for a two-count. They trade punches before Ciampa DDTs him for a near fall. The Miz shouts encouragement from ringside. Ciampa applies a front facelock and sets up for the Fairy Tale Ending. Lashley fights out of it and hits a Spear! Lashley covers, but Miz puts Ciampa’s foot on the bottom rope. AJ Styles runs in and forearms Miz before chasing him through the crowd!
In the ring, Ciampa catches Lashley with an inside cradle for a near fall. Ciampa rips the top turnbuckle pad off. Lashley hits a flatliner and sets up for the end. The Miz runs in, but Styles chases after him. Lashley goes for a Hurt Lock, but Ciampa counters out and bounces him off the exposed turnbuckle! Ciampa sends him shoulder-first into the ring post and viciously knees him in the head. Ciampa covers, but Lashley just barely kicks out! Ciampa goes for a Fairy Tale Ending, but Lashley counters into a Hurt Lock attempt. Ciampa fights out of it and applies a crossface. Lashley rolls out and powers himself up while holding Ciampa. Ciampa gets out and pulls Lashley out of the ring. Lashley goes to get in the ring, but Ciampa spikes him with Willow’s Bell! Ciampa covers, but Lashley again just barely kicks out! Ciampa is infuriated.
Ciampa backs up to the corner and pulls his kneepad down. Lashley blocks a running knee and hits a spinebuster! Lashley applies a Hurt Lock. Ciampa fights it, but he soon has no choice but to tap out!
Winner by Submission and still United States Champion: Bobby Lashley
Omos is walking backstage with MVP. He’ll be in action next.
-Commercial Break-
Footage is shown of AJ Styles and The Miz brawling backstage.
AJ Styles will battle The Miz tonight in a No Disqualification Match.
2-on-1 Handicap Match
Andrea Guercio and Spencer Slade vs. Omos w/ MVP
The bell rings, and the two men charge Omos. Omos easily shakes them off and shoulder blocks one of them down. Omos pulls the other one into the ring the hard way. Slade jumps on Omos’ back, but Omos slams him into the corner and sandwiches him. Guercio leaps at Omos, but Omos press slams him down. Omos throws Guercio across the ring before avalanching both in the corner. Omos hits Guercio with snake eyes before big booting Slade. Omos crushes Guercio with a tree slam and pins him with one foot on his chest.
Winner by Pinfall: Omos
MVP celebrates with the Nigerian Giant in the ring. They look down at the carnage before leaving.
The commentators talk about WrestleMania 39 tickets going on sale this Friday.
We’ll have an exclusive interview with Riddle next week on Raw.
Kevin Patrick is backstage with Seth “Freakin” Rollins. Patrick congratulates him on his big victory tonight. Rollins is asked about what he thinks Riddle will say next week. Rollins is not happy that he was called over to be asked about Riddle. Rollins told the world that he was done with Riddle. Is Riddle going to have an earth-shattering announcement? No! It’s Riddle. Rollins makes fun of Riddle’s voice and cackles. Rollins says he is the gatekeeper of this industry. Anyone or anything that’s any good has to go through him. As great as Riddle could be in that ring, he’s even better at flushing his own potential down the toilet. Don’t believe him? Ask Dana White. If Riddle has even two working cells in that brain of his, he’ll come back for his exclusive interview that he’s hanging up his flip-flops and retiring for good. If he doesn’t do that, Rollins will have to “Cody Rhodes” his ass out the door. If Riddle has something to say next week, then so does he.
Alpha Academy makes their entrance. Chad Gable battle Dolph Ziggler next.
-Commercial Break-
Chad Gable w/ Otis vs. Dolph Ziggler
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. Gable goes for a single leg, but Ziggler fights it. They wrestle around the mat. The commentators talk about Ziggler’s wrestling pedigree at Kent State University, as well as Chad Gable’s Olympic wrestling journey. They get to their feet. Ziggler goes for a single leg, but Gable fights out. Ziggler pins his shoulders for a one-count. Gable takes Ziggler down, but Ziggler cradles him for a one-count. Gable powers him up for a two-count, but Ziggler gets out. They continue to wrestle and fight up from a bridge. Ziggler goes for a backslide, but Gable fights out. Gable rolls him down and hits a German Suplex before shushing the crowd.
Gable stomps Ziggler down in the corner. Gable hits a dragon screw and some leg breakers. Gable slams the knee onto the mat and clubs him in the corner. Gable hits a monkey flip that’s so powerful it lands Ziggler on his face. Gable picks up a two-count. Gable climbs to the top rope and shushes the crowd again. Gable goes for a moonsault, but he lands on his feet when Ziggler moves. Ziggler hits him with a spike DDT for a near fall. Gable blocks a superkick and takes him down for an ankle lock. Ziggler screams in pain, but he punches at Gable’s knee to get out. Gable falls down, but he keeps the ankle lock applied. Ziggler rolls through and kicks Gable in the knee. Gable gets out of a famouser and puts the ankle lock back on. Ziggler rolls to his back and kicks Gable away. Gable comes right back with a powerbomb for a near fall. Gable goes right back to the ankle lock and cranks down on Ziggler. Ziggler fights it, so Gable rolls him up for a two-count. Gable goes for an Olympic Slam, but Ziggler slides out of it. Ziggler stuns him with a superkick for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler holds his ankle in pain before rolling out of the ring before Otis blindsides him. The referee helps Ziggler to his feet. Ziggler is limping around.
Next week on Raw, Alexa Bliss and Asuka will battle Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop in a First Round Match of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament.
Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop are backstage. Nikki says their victory next week will put them one step closer to the championship. Doudrop says they will crush their dreams. Alexa Bliss and Asuka are shown elsewhere backstage. No one will crush their dreams. Bayley, IYO SKY, and Dakota Kai show up and warn them that they’ll face them if they win. Police officers run by them, but we don’t see what they’re running toward. That could be connected to the car accident we saw in the background of the Kevin Owens interview earlier.
AJ Styles walks by Bayley, IYO SKY, and Dakota Kai. He’ll battle The Miz in a No Disqualification Match next.
-Commercial Break-
No Disqualification Match
AJ Styles vs. The Miz
The bell rings, and they start brawling. They’re quickly out of the ring. Styles bounces Miz off the commentary table. Styles clears the top of the table and swipes the monitors and papers off. Miz quickly drives Styles into the apron and sends him over the ring steps. A “Tiny Balls” chant picks up. Miz goes under the ring for a weapon, but Styles kicks him in the face from the apron. Styles puts him in the ring and grabs a kendo stick. Styles then throws it down and grabs a steel chair. Styles looks at it, but he’s not satisfied with it. Styles then starts to bring out a table, but Miz baseball slides him and puts the table back under the ring.
Miz gets Styles in the ring and brings in the chair and kendo stick. Miz drives the stick into Styles’ midsection and smacks his back with it. Miz sets up the chair and sits down. Miz talks trash, but Styles fights back and hits a running forearm that knocks Miz out of the chair. Styles clotheslines Miz out of the ring and puts him on the commentary table. Styles sets up for a Styles Clash on the table, but Miz gets out and hits a throat thrust. Miz then throws Styles off the table into the barricade. Styles just barely grazes the barricade before flying over it and onto the concrete by the fans!
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the final break of the evening to see Styles go under the ring and bring out a table to a big reaction. Styles sets up the table at ringside. Styles goes to get Miz, but Miz crushes his ribs with a kendo stick shot. Miz gets him in the ring and annihilates him with kendo stick shots. Miz chokes him with the kendo stick, but Styles fights up and hits a Pele Kick.
After taking a few moments to recover, Styles grabs the kendo stick. Miz looks terrified. Styles beats Miz down with the kendo stick before hitting him in the crotch with it. Styles uses the kendo stick to hit a leg sweep for a near fall. Styles wedges a chair in the corner. Miz attacks Styles and goes for a Skull Crushing Finale, but Styles counters into a roll-up for a near fall. Styles goes to the apron and hits a Phenomenal Forearm! Styles covers, but Ciampa pulls the referee out of the ring before the three-count. Ciampa argues with the referee, but this is legal. Styles attacks Ciampa and puts him in the ring. Styles sets up for a Styles Clash on Ciampa but then looks over at the table. Styles puts Ciampa on the apron. Ciampa shoulders Styles and goes to suplex him out of the ring and through the table at ringside. Styles fights it and punches him. Ciampa is hanging loopy on the apron. Styles then forearms him in the face, and Ciampa falls through the table!
Miz quickly rolls Styles up for a two-count. Styles knocks Miz back and goes for another Phenomenal Forearm, but Miz throws a chair at him. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall! Miz cannot believe it. Miz angrily grabs the kendo stick and smashes it on Styles’ legs. Miz sets up for a Figure Four Leglock, but Styles kicks him into the chair wedged in the corner. Styles connects with a Styles Clash for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: AJ Styles
AJ Styles celebrates in the ring. Styles then looks around and sees a commotion at ringside. Police have a man pinned to the ground. They pull him up, and it appears to be Dexter Lumis in handcuffs. They drag him off. Commentary barely acknowledges it. Styles looks shocked, but then “pretends” he didn’t see it and keeps going “on with the show.”
Next week on Raw, Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop will battle Alexa Bliss and Asuka in a First Round Match in the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament. Riddle will also return for an exclusive interview.
Quick Match Results
— Seth “Freakin” Rollins def. Angelo Dawkins
— Ezekiel NC Kevin Owens
— Finn Bálor def. Rey Mysterio
— Dakota Kai and IYO SKY def. WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke and Tamina in a First Round Match in the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament
— Bobby Lashley def. Ciampa via Submission to retain the United States Championship
— Omos def. Andrea Guercio and Spencer Slade in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match
— Dolph Ziggler def. Chad Gable
— AJ Styles def. The Miz in a No Disqualification Match
E-Mail – mike@wrestleview.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV
The Wrestleview Post-Raw show will return next week. We’re currently on vacation, but I’m so pumped up about WWE Raw that I just had to recap the show tonight. I wish I was going live with a podcast now to talk about it! Tune in next week!
Thanks for reading!