WWE Raw Results – 4/4/22 (Raw after WrestleMania 38, Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns appears)

WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results – Raw after WrestleMania 38
April 4, 2022
Dallas, Texas (American Airlines Center)

Commentary: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

Highlights are shown from both nights of WrestleMania 38 over the weekend. Over the two-nights, Bianca Belair defeated Becky Lynch for the Raw Women’s Championship, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin came out of retirement to face Kevin Owens, Pat McAfee beat Austin Theory and then lost to Vince McMahon, and Roman Reigns became the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion by beating Brock Lesnar.

We go live into the American Airlines Center.

“Wrestling has more than one royal family.”

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes makes his return to Monday Night Raw to a big reception. A loud “Cody” chant picks up. Rhodes is wearing a blue suit. Rhodes goes to speak, but then puts the microphone down to listen to the crowd. They chant, “Welcome back!” Rhodes smiles and looks around before getting pumped up. Another “Cody” chant picks up, and he plays to the crowd. Rhodes goes to speak, but the crowd keeps going.

Rhodes says, “So… what do you guys want to talk about?” It has been 47 days since the abrupt news that he was a free agent. Rhodes chose to remain silent. He heard stories and defamatory stories. Everyone thinks that the decision to return to WWE was difficult. It was not. It was simple really. The star that left them in the dust, the man standing here now having signed a multi-year agreement with World Wrestling Entertainment. A “You deserve it” chant picks up. If there was a glimmer of doubt or a shred of trepidation, when he rose up at WrestleMania and came back to beat one of the best wrestlers in the world in Seth Rollins, that doubt was irradiated. Rhodes read a quote that states, “A man often finds his destiny on the path he takes to avoid it.”

Rhodes has a picture of his late father Dusty Rhodes shown from a WWWF Title match at Madison Square Garden in 1977. Rhodes says there is his father, “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. It’s so simple to say that’s his father. In reality, he’s a legend, the son of a plumber, and the common man. To him, he was his hero. Rhodes is getting very emotional. A “Dusty” chant picks up. This photo was taken in 1977 at Madison Square Garden. His father was holding the championship belt that Hulk Hogan would get his hands on (Hogan’s name gets boos), The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H as well. Rhodes says this very photo was on the mantle in his parent’s bedroom until his father’s last day. As he got hip to the industry, he worked up a little courage to ask him poorly if he was a champion like Hulk Hogan. His father told him with the same eyes his daughter has that he had won the match by count-out and did not take home the title due to the champion’s advantage. Rhodes was 8-years-old, he knew he needed to do something. Rhodes was going to win that championship belt and bestow it into the hands of “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and no one can take it from him.

Unfortunately, that dream died in front of him. That opportunity passed… or did it? He cannot physically put that title into his father’s hands, but he can put it around the waist of The American Nightmare. The crowd loudly cheers that. A “You can do it” chant picks up. Rhodes smiles. With that in mind, the silence is broken. His intentions are clear. Rhodes stands before the crowd finally ready. Rhodes is going to do it. He’s going to give the distinction that his family has been denied. He’s going to do it for the people, for himself, and for his family… and he is going to do it for “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes.


Seth “Freakin” Rollins dances out to the stage in a wild pink suit. Rollins gets in the ring and struts around Rhodes while the crowd sings his theme song. Rollins stops in front of him and looks into Rhodes’ eyes. Rhodes tosses his microphone away. Rollins smirks. Rhodes extends his right hand, and Rollins looks down at it. A “YES” chant picks up. Rollins cackles and shakes Rhodes’ hand. Rollins backs up and leaves the ring, and Rhodes looks a little taken aback.


The Undisputed Universal Champion Roman Reigns will be on WWE Raw tonight. Raw Tag Team Champions RK-Bro will team with WWE United States Champion Finn Bálor to take on SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos and Austin Theory later tonight. New Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair will also appear on the show.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Naomi and Sasha Banks make their way to the ring. They’ll face Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan in a Championship Contender’s Match next.

-Commercial Break-

Photos are shown from WrestleMania 38.

Championship Contender’s Match
WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Naomi and Sasha Banks vs. Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan

It’s Rhea Ripley starting against Naomi. Ripley quickly head-butts her and hits a nice delayed vertical suplex. The crowd counts to 20 before Ripley slams her for a two-count. Ripley sends Naomi into the ropes, but Naomi slides under a big boot. Naomi kicks at Ripley and tags Sasha Banks in. Banks and Naomi drive Ripley into the corner. Naomi tags in. Banks hits a slingshot splash, and Naomi follows up with a split-legged moonsault. Morgan breaks it up. Banks sends Morgan out of the ring and nearly overshoots a Meteora. Ripley wipes Banks out with a somersault senton. Naomi then hits Ripley with a plancha.

Naomi thinks about getting a count-out victory, but she puts Ripley back in the ring. Naomi connects with a leg drop for a two-count.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Ripley applying a body scissor to Naomi. Naomi rolls Ripley up for a two-count. Ripley attacks Naomi and sends her into the ropes, but Naomi counters back with a springboard kick to the side of the head.

Morgan and Banks tag in. Banks knees Morgan back and hits a head-scissor takeover. Banks hits running double knees in the corner followed by double knees to the face. Banks connects with a running face wash and goes to the top rope. Banks floors Morgan with a Meteora for a near fall. Banks sets up for a Backstabber, but Morgan rolls her up for a two-count. Morgan rolls her up a second time for another two-count. Morgan then floors her with a step-up enzuigiri. Ripley tags in. Ripley and Morgan hit a toss into a powerbomb combo for a near fall. Morgan tags in.

Ripley goes to slam Morgan onto Banks, but Banks moves. Naomi gets Ripley out of the ring. Banks and Naomi hit a wheelbarrow facebuster onto the knees combo for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Naomi and Sasha Banks

Ripley is not happy with Morgan getting pinned and walks off on her. Morgan looks upset.

As Ripley storms to the back, Kevin Owens makes his entrance and walks by her.

-Commercial Break-

Kevin Owens is in the ring and is getting loudly booed. Owens is fired up and says he may have made a mistake in the main event of WrestleMania Saturday when he had “Stone Cold” Steve Austin as a guest on The KO Show. Owens goaded him into one last match. Owens may have underestimated Austin because The Texas Rattlesnake is still great. You have to be great to beat one of the greatest to ever step foot into this ring in Kevin Owens. When he tricked Austin into having his first match in 19 years, Owens tricked himself. Owens had a pretty bad back injury coming into that match. The crowd loudly boos. Owens says they can watch the footage of him limping, but he doesn’t show it on his face because he’s so tough. Owens hurt himself the day before lifting a ton of weight, but he figured the WWE Universe needed him to give him a great WrestleMania main event.

That win should come with a clarification in the record books. In fact, it should be stricken from the books.

Music hits, and the name “Ezekiel” appears on the titantron. It’s Elias with a new look. Elias has no beard, shorter hair, and is wearing trunks. Owens curiously asks, “Elias?” Owens asks where he’s been, but then says he’s stealing his time. Elias says that he is not Elias, but his younger brother Ezekiel. The crowd laughs. Owens says he knows that he’s Elias, but Elias says he is the younger brother named Ezekiel. Owens is furious and tells him to stop lying. Ezekiel says if Owens hates liars then he must hate himself. On Saturday night, he lied to Stone Cold and got Stunned. Owens says he doesn’t like Ezekiel. A loud “You got Stunned” chant picks up.

Owens says he used to like him, but that’s a lie. He never liked Elias or whatever he’s calling himself. Owens says Ezekiel has 10 seconds to get out of the ring or else. Owens starts o countdown from 10, but Ezekiel doesn’t budge. Owens then gets out of the ring and leaves to the back to boos. Ezekiel shrugs.

WWE congratulates Bad Bunny for winning the Best Musica Urbana Album at the 2022 Grammy Awards.

Dominik Mysterio makes his way to the ring alongside his father, Rey Mysterio. Dominik has new music. He’ll be in action next.

-Commercial Break-

The Miz makes his way to the ring to face Dominik Mysterio.

Video: The Miz and Logan Paul defeated The Mysterios at WrestleMania 38. The Miz turned on Logan Paul after the match.

Dominik Mysterio w/ Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz

The bell rings, and Mysterio ducks a clothesline before punching Miz. Mysterio climbs the ropes and hits a springboard arm drag. Mysterio knocks Miz into position and charges, but Miz gets him in the electric chair position. Miz drops him on the top rope and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: The Miz

The Miz celebrates… until Veer Mahaan makes his way to the ring. Mahaan storms down to the ring. Miz bails out of the ring, leaving Rey and Dominik Mysterio behind. Mahaan kicks Dominik down. Rey punches Mahaan, but Mahaan sends him into the ropes and clotheslines him down. Mahaan then slams Rey hard with a sidewalk slam. Mahaan attacks the back of Dominik and applies a cervical clutch. Dominik screams in pain and desperately taps out. Rey grabs at Mahaan’s foot, but he can do nothing. Mahaan releases when he is ready and stands tall in the ring.

The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion will appear on WWE Raw later tonight.

Headlines from multiple mainstream media companies covering WrestleMania 38 are shown.

New Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair makes her way to the ring. We’ll hear from her next.

-Commercial Break-

More photos are shown from WrestleMania 38.

Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair stands in the ring. The crowd chants “EST.” Belair thanks the crowd for not giving up on her and believing that she would once again hold this title. Belair removes her sunglasses and shows off a really nasty bruised eye. She stands here with one eye. Without that humiliating moment at SummerSlam, she never would have realized how much better she can be. Belair says she’ll never take for granted where she is because it can all be taken from her just like that. That hurts.

Belair didn’t cheat or injure her opponent to get the title back. She went to hell and back all the way from SummerSlam to WrestleMania Saturday. Becky Lynch tried to say that Belair took everything from her, but Lynch is the one that tried to do that to her. Lynch poked and poked and poked. She came for her throat, her hair, and her eye. Even with one eye, she caught everything Lynch threw her way. Belair fought all the way to the end. Even with one eye, she’s standing here tonight. She overcame all that because the people deserve better than Becky Lynch as champion. Belair will be the best champion she can be. She knows how hard it is to stay at the top, but also fall. She is ready and willing to face and fight every woman back there. No woman is prepared to do what it takes to beat her for the title. After Saturday, Belair is different. She is better.

Now that Becky Lynch doesn’t have to defend this title, maybe she can take the downtime to figure out who she is without the title. Belair knows who she is. She is the baddest, the strongest, the greatest, and she is the Raw Women’s Champion. Belair holds the title up and the pyro goes off on the stage.

Dolph Ziggler will defend his NXT Championship against Bron Breakker next.

Video Package: Bron Breakker highlight reel

NXT Champion Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ring with Robert Roode.

-Commercial Break-

NXT Championship
Dolph Ziggler (c) w/ Robert Roode vs. Bron Breakker

Before the match begins, Ziggler slaps Breakker in the face twice. Breakker just laughs it off.

The bell rings, and Breakker quickly powers him to the corner for a shoulder thrust. Breakker punches him before whipping him hard to the corner and hitting an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Ziggler quickly gets out of the ring to recover. Breakker follows him out, but Ziggler runs into the ring. Ziggler attacks Breakker coming back in and hits a neckbreaker. Ziggler drops a big elbow for a two-count. Ziggler stomps him and shouts, “This is the big leagues, you idiot!” Ziggler chokes him on the ropes and bites him. Breakker sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Breakker just pops up. Breakker hits the ropes and counters a leapfrog into a big slam.

Breakker counters a dropkick from Ziggler and catapults him into the corner. Breakker puts Ziggler in the corner and shoulders him in the midsection before putting him on the top rope. Breakker sets up for a Frankensteiner, but Ziggler slides through and crotches him. Ziggler then dropkicks him off the top rope to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Ziggler stretching Breakker out. Breakker fights up and sends Ziggler into the ropes. Breakker misses a clothesline, and Ziggler dropkicks him down. Ziggler covers for a two-count. Ziggler sets up for a famouser, but Breakker counters with a sit-out powerbomb.

They trade punches before Ziggler head-butts him. Breakker shoves off a Zig-Zag and hits a pair of shoulder tackles. Breakker connects with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Breakker sends him into the ropes and crushes him with a clothesline. Breakker pulls the straps down, so Roode gets on the apron to distract him. Ziggler rolls Breakker up with a handful of tights for a near fall. Breakker clotheslines Ziggler and hits Roode with a somersault senton. Ziggler knees him getting back in the ring and hits a famouser for a near fall.


Ziggler sets up in the corner and stomps his foot. Ziggler goes for a superkick, but Breakker counters into a military press attempt. Ziggler rakes the eyes and tries to send him into an exposed turnbuckle as he did on NXT Stand & Deliver this past Saturday, but Breakker puts the brakes on. Ziggler superkicks him for a near fall. Ziggler sets up for the end, but Breakker viciously spears him down. Breakker hits a military press powerslam for the win!

Winner by Pinfall and new NXT Champion: Bron Breakker

Bron Breakker celebrates with the NXT Championship, and the crowd gives him a nice ovation.

Replays are shown of Bobby Lashley defeating Omos last night at WrestleMania.

“The All Mighty” Bobby Lashley will be out next.

-Commercial Break-

MVP is in the ring. MVP says actions speak louder than words. This man’s actions spoke volumes at WrestleMania. This man single-handedly without an ounce of help defeated a goliath that has terrorized Raw for the past year. This man didn’t even need MVP. MVP introduces “The All Mighty” Bobby Lashley.

Bobby Lashley comes out to the ring to a nice reception. Lashley is smiling and high-fiving fans. Lashley embraces MVP in the ring and takes the microphone. A “Bobby” chant picks up. Lashley says when Omos made a WrestleMania challenge, he just couldn’t resist. Lashley had to see how strong and scary this man was. When he got in the ring with Omos, he had to ask himself if he was sure he wanted to do this. Then when he knocked Omos on his ass, he knew it could be done. Then at WrestleMania, Omos beat the hell out of him. Omos was the strongest and meanest man he’s been in the ring with. Lashley felt helpless for a time. Lashley waited for Omos to make a mistake because he knew he’d beat him. That’s exactly what happened.

Omos cuts Lashley off, and he walks out to the ring. Omos says he wants his rematch because last night was a fluke. MVP tells the crowd that Omos wants a rematch.

MVP attacks Lashley from behind! Omos grabs Lashley and strikes him down. MVP mounts Lashley and punches away at him. MVP shouts incredulously that Lashley doesn’t need him. Omos holds Lashley up. MVP slaps Lashley in the face and tells Omos to crush him. Omos hits running elbows on Lashley in the corner. MVP then hits Lashley with a Drive-By Kick in the corner. Omos floors Lashley with a Tree Slam and poses with his new manager.

Footage is shown of Rhea Ripley walking off on Liv Morgan earlier in the night.

Rhea Ripley is backstage. Liv Morgan walks up to her and asks where she’s been. Morgan says she’s been talking with Adam Pearce, and she’s got them a WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match for next week. Morgan says that makes up for what happened. Ripley thanks her, and they embrace.

Carmella and Queen Zelina make their way to the ring. They’ll face Shayna Baszler and Natalya next.

-Commercial Break-

Queen Zelina takes the microphone and says Carmella cost them the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles last night. Zelina says Carmella only cares about herself. Zelina says Corey Graves is a fool for marrying her. Carmella takes the microphone and says she is the most beautiful woman in the world. It’s no big deal that Zelina won the Queen’s Cup Tournament. Initially, she was going to have Zelina as a bridesmaid, but now she can be a flower girl. Zelina attacks Carmella, and Carmella runs out of the ring into Corey Graves’ arms. Zelina is pulled away and leaves. Carmella and Graves passionately make out with lots of tongue…

Video Package: Pat McAfee defeats Austin Theory and then loses to Vince McMahon last night at WrestleMania 38. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin then came down and gave Stone Cold Stunners to everyone.

Austin Theory is seething backstage. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos come up and tease Theory a little bit. They brag about winning at WrestleMania. They’ll show that The Bloodline runs this company. They almost believed the hype about Theory from Mr. McMahon, but he instead got beat by Steve Austin and an ex-NFL player. Theory says he had McAfee beat. Mr. McMahon doesn’t make mistakes. Finn Bálor might as well be Pat McAfee in this.

One of the commentators asks quietly if this is supposed to be a 6-Man Tag because Austin Theory made it sound like a singles match.

Raw Tag Team Champions RK-Bro make their way to the ring.

-Commercial Break-

More photos are shown from WrestleMania 38.

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns will be out later tonight.

6-Man Tag Team Match
Raw Tag Team Champions RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle) and WWE United States Champion Finn Bálor vs. Austin Theory and SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso)

Finn Bálor starts against Jimmy Uso. They lock up, and Jimmy hooks a side headlock. Bálor whips him off and shoulder blocks him down before knocking Austin Theory off the apron. Jimmy sends Bálor into the ropes, but Bálor shoulder blocks him down and stomps him. Bálor goes after Theory again. Jimmy attacks Bálor and goes for a sunset flip, but Bálor rolls through and dropkicks him for a one-count. Riddle tags in and kicks Jimmy before hitting a waistlock takeover. Jimmy powers Riddle to the corner, and Jey Uso tags in. Jey hits a running forearm on Riddle and punches him down in the corner. Theory tags in and stomps away at Riddle. The crowd chants the melody to “Seven Nation Army,” the song Pat McAfee came out to at WrestleMania. Theory clubs Riddle down and sends him to the corner. Riddle knocks The Usos off the apron and hits Theory with a back body drop out of the ring. Riddle hits a kick from the apron and goes for a springboard moonsault, but Theory sweeps the feet!

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Jey applying a chin lock to Riddle. Riddle fights up and tries to get to his corner, but Jey slams him with a back suplex for a two-count. Jey turns and punches Bálor off the apron. Jey goes after Orton, but Orton avoids it. Jey then turns into a big kick from Riddle.

Orton and Jimmy tag in. Orton clotheslines Jimmy, knocks Theory off the apron, and hits Jimmy with a snap powerslam. Jey runs in, but Orton elbows him down. Theory bling tags in off Jimmy, and Orton hits Jimmy with a hanging DDT. Theory blindsides Orton with a rolling thunder dropkick. Bálor kicks Theory down and goes for the Coup de Grace, but Theory moves. Bálor hits a falling elbow on Theory and covers, but Jimmy breaks it up. Orton hits Jimmy with an RKO, and Jey superkicks Orton down. Jey superkicks Riddle out of midair. Bálor hits Jey with a Sling Blade. Theory then grabs Bálor and hits the ATL for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Austin Theory and SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos

Theory takes a selfie with the fallen Bálor before celebrating with The Usos. They take a selfie on the ramp.

Photos are shown of Edge defeating AJ Styles at WrestleMania with a distraction assist from Damian Priest.

Edge makes his way to the ring. We’ll hear from him next.

-Commercial Break-

Edge says that he is an honest man. He said that AJ Styles would face his judgment day at WrestleMania and he did. Edge didn’t expect Damian Priest to show up, but it makes sense. For AJ Styles and the crowd, thinking is hard. For too long, Priest fought his inner self just like Edge. For too long, he tried to be a fine, upstanding role model for all the sheep, just like Edge. The crowd chants, “We are sheep,” so Edge says it’s very telling and calls them idiots. Edge demands they all rise for the man who respects his message. This is the man who will be the punishment for the guilty, Damian Priest.

Damian Priest makes his way to the ring to boos. Edge asks what pearls of genius caused Priest to take his career back at WrestleMania. Priest says Edge has meant a lot to him for a very long time. For weeks leading into WrestleMania, he was lost. The crowd loudly chants, “We don’t care.” Priest says there was a time that would have bothered him. Edge says, “Not anymore, losers!” Priest tried to please everyone but himself. That all changed when he heard Edge’s message. Priest knows Edge was speaking to AJ Styles, but Priest felt like he was talking directly to him. That’s why it was so easy for Priest to pledge his loyalty directly to Edge.

Edge says that was the best decision of his life. The night Edge had his epiphany was the same night Priest decided to take his power back. They judged AJ Styles at WrestleMania. They will lay judgment on anyone that challenges their message. Edge knows AJ Styles will keep coming. Edge wanted the pitbull. The thing about pitbulls is that they don’t have intellect. Edge says Styles has to think of his family and his children.

AJ Styles’ music hits. Damian Priest goes to cut him off, but Styles makes short work of him and sends him over the barricade into the crowd. Styles gets in the ring and takes Edge down with some punches. Styles wipes Edge out and goes to ringside to get some chairs. Styles goes for a con-chair-to, but Priest blindsides him. Priest punches away at Styles and gets him to his feet. Edge hits a Spear on Styles. Priest was supposed to sweep the feet, but it was mistimed. Edge goes for a con-chair-to, but WWE officials run down and stop them. Edge and Damian Priest leave the ring.

Photos of some nice RKOs from last night’s WrestleMania are shown.

The Street Profits make their way to the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Alpha Academy attacks The Street Profits and clears them from the ring. WWE Official Adam Pearce comes out and says they’re not doing this tonight. This will be a Texas Tornado Tag Team Match! No tags, no disqualification, and no count-outs. It starts right now!

Texas Tornado Tag Team Match
The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable and Otis)

The bell rings, and The Street Profits beat Alpha Academy out of the ring. Ford wipes out everyone with a dive OVER the ring post!

Dawkins slams Gable, but he only picks up a two-count. Otis comes in, but Dawkins unloads with some punches and kicks. Gable goes for a German Suplex on Ford, but Ford lands on his feet. Gable connects with a fisherman’s suplex, but he only picks up a two-count. Dawkins goes for a suplex on Otis, but Gable chop blocks the knee. Otis and Gable take it to Dawkins and Ford. Dawkins slams Gable, but Otis cuts off his momentum. Otis splashes Dawkins. Gable covers, but Ford breaks it up.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Otis clothesline Ford. Dawkins avoids it, but Gable takes him down with a diving shoulder. Alpha Academy hit stereo slams. Gable hits Ford with a moonsault off the top rope. Otis hits Dawkins with a Vader Bomb. Gable covers Ford for a two-count. Otis then covers Dawkins for a two-count.

Otis goes under the ring and grabs a table for a big reception. Alpha Academy set the table up. Otis goes to the second rope. Dawkins is laid on top of it. Gable hits Ford with a running cross-body block over the top rope. Dawkins knocks Otis off the top rope to the floor and sends him into the ring steps. Ford goes to the top rope, but Gable cuts him off. Gable goes for a superplex through the table, but Ford blocks it. Ford pushes Gable back, and Gable backflips and lands on his feet. Dawkins punches Gable and lays him on the table. Ford connects with a big Frog Splash through the table for the win!

Winners by Pinfall: The Street Profits

Video Package: Roman Reigns defeats Brock Lesnar last night at WrestleMania 38

We’ll hear from the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns next.

-Commercial Break-

AJ Styles will face Damian Priest next week on Raw. We’ll also see Sasha Banks and Naomi defend their newly won WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship against Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan. Finally, Veer Mahaan will have his “debut” match against Rey Mysterio.

Roman Reigns appears after his WrestleMania victory

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns is introduced. Reigns comes out alongside his special council, Paul Heyman, and SmackDown Tag Team Champions, The Usos. Reigns holds up the WWE Championship and the WWE Universal Championship. His shoulder is very clearly bothering him from last night. Reigns takes a lot of time before getting in the ring.

A “Roman” chant breaks out. Paul Heyman hands the microphone to Reigns. Reigns says he knows what the people want. They know why they’re here, but they’re going to switch things up a bit. Reigns wants the wise man to explain The Bloodline’s success. Heyman says the single longest-reigning Tag Team Champions in the history of SmackDown, The Usos, the largest box office receipts in the history of SummerSlam with Roman Reigns in the main event. The same goes for Survivor Series. The first billion-dollar gross in sports entertainment history was made with Roman Reigns on top. The largest crowds in the history of WrestleMania, Peacock up from last year, and the commerce creator is Roman Reigns. Heyman says Reigns is the biggest star in sports entertainment and calls him “Undisputed Roman Reigns.”

Reigns takes the microphone back. Reigns says the wise man always says what’s good for Roman Reigns is good for WWE. It’s no secret that with him at the Head of the Table, the billion-dollar deals are coming easy. Reigns is the last needle mover because he is constantly operating at God Mode. The Tribal Chief is so much more than all that. Reigns is a man of his word. Reigns called his shot and delivered. Reigns said he would smash Brock Lesnar and he did. Other men would hang their hats on this weekend, but he’s never content. He’s a progressive Tribal Chief. This Friday on SmackDown, they’ll let everyone know what the next step is. Until then… “Dallas, Texas… acknowledge me!”

Quick Match Results

— WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Naomi and Sasha Banks def. Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan (non-title)
— The Miz def. Dominik Mysterio
— Bron Breakker def. Dolph Ziggler to win the NXT Championship
— Austin Theory and SmackDown The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) def. Raw Tag Team Champions RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle) and WWE United States Champion Finn Bálor
— The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) def. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable and Otis) in a Texas Tornado Tag Team Match

E-Mail – mike@wrestleview.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV

Thanks for reading!

Be sure to join Mike and Victoria Tedesco for another edition of Post-Raw tonight on YouTube.
