Jim Ross has a new blog up on his official website where he addresses the gaining possibility of Ric Flair coming out of retirement to wrestle overseas.
Here is what JR had to say:
“After talking to Ric Flair Monday, I have no doubts in my mind that he hasn’t wrestled his last bout. I don’t think that his next in ring wrestling outing will be for WWE but internationally Ric has many lucrative offers that a 60 year old man with somewhat staggering, personal financial obligations likely cannot pass up. The sums of money being purported surrounding these proposed bouts is serious money. These bouts could theoretically run into 2010. I am not generally in favor of Ric stepping back in the ring for multiple dates in other’s rings wrestling who knows who at this point but I also can understand the financial obligations that Ric has and “getting whole” so to speak at this stage of his game has credence. Ric shared his potential schedule with me and he’s going to rack up tons of frequent flier miles in addition to earning major bucks.”