Chris Jericho on how much longer he will be with WWE, WWE addressing Roman Reigns suspension on air

Chris Jericho

International Business Times is featuring an interview with WWE star Chris Jericho where he talks about creating The Jericho Network as part of Podcast One featuring his podcast.

Jericho was asked how much longer he plans to stay with WWE in 2016.

“We (Fozzy) made a concerted idea to not do anything in 2016. We’re gonna do a new record, it’ll be released early 2017, then it’s full-time back in Fozzy. Until then, I’m having so much fun in the WWE. I plan to continue for the next who knows how long it is. I’d never say, but suffice it to say it’s going to be for a little while longer for sure.”

His thoughts on WWE addressing the Roman Reigns suspension on air.

“I think they have to because he’s the top guy in the company and his push over the last few years has been astronomical, and he gets a huge reaction, Whether you like him or not, he’s definitely a polarizing figure, and people make noise for him. So I think by acknowledging it, you own it. You’ve got a big zit on the end of your nose and you say “look at my zit on the end of my nose” and people kind of get disarmed. They can’t use that as ammunition anymore. It’s the elephant in the room. They’ve said it enough times, so I don’t think it really matters.”
