November 6, 2014
Full Sail University
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Alex Riley, Jason Albert
Recap by: Jason Namako of Wrestleview.com
We see video highlighting the past times Sami Zayn has not won the big one, then a look at the beginnings of Zayn’s Road to Redemption.
We see the usual intro, then go to the opening match.
NXT Takeover Return Match: “Prince Pretty” Tyler Breeze vs. Sami Zayn
Breeze with a quick roll-up for a nearfall. Breeze motions to Zayn that he was “this close” to beating him. Chain wrestling, then Breeze with a backslide for a 1 count and again motions to Zayn that he almost had him. Breeze with a side headlock into an O’Connor Roll for a nearfall, then yet again motions to Zayn that he almost had him. More chain wrestling, then Zayn springs over Breeze from the bottom rope and hits an armdrag. Inverted atomic drop by Zayn, then he sends Breeze into the turnbuckles. Zayn with a slam, Breeze rolls out onto the apron. Zayn grabs Breeze, but Breeze hot-shots Zayn across the top rope.
Kneedrop by Breeze for a 1 count. Breeze sends Zayn off the turnbuckles, then stomps away at him in the corner. Breeze has words with the ref, then hits a series of stomps to the ribs of Zayn. Breeze gets a 1 count. Chinlock applied by Breeze, crowd wills on Zayn. Zayn gets to his feet, but Breeze with a knee to the ribs. Zayn sidesteps a backdrop attempt, but Breeze slips out of a slam and hits Zayn with a running bulldog into the middle turnbuckle. Breeze gets another 1 count as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial as Breeze with a suplex on Zayn for a nearfall. Chinlock re-applied by Breeze, crowd again wills on Zayn. Zayn gets free by taking Breeze down, but Breeze comes back with a back elbow. Running kneedrop by Breeze for a 1 count. Breeze with a right hand, but Zayn responds with one of his own. More right hands by Zayn, but Breeze with a savate kick to the ribs. Running flying back elbow by Breeze in the corner on Zayn for a nearfall. Chinlock re-applied, crowd again wills on Zayn. Zayn gets to his feet, but Breeze with another knee to the ribs.
Zayn comes back with 2 clotheslines, then counters a flapjack attempt by Breeze with a dropkick. Zayn goes for the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Breeze blocks it with elbows. Hangman’s Neckbreaker by Breeze for a nearfall. Zayn rolls out onto the apron, then hits Breeze with a shoulder to the ribs. Zayn heads up top, but Breeze stops him with a forearm. Breeze goes up top with Zayn, but Zayn knocks him off with right hands. Zayn goes for a crossbody, but Breeze nails him in mid-air with a dropkick for a nearfall. Breeze is starting to get frustrated. Breeze yells at Zayn to give up, but Zayn catches a right hand with a Flatliner. Zayn goes for the Koji Clutch, but Breeze slips out. Breeze goes for the Supermodel Kick, but Zayn blocks it. Zayn goes again for the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Breeze slips out. Series of standing switches, then Breeze nails Zayn with the Supermodel Kick, but Zayn kicks out! Breeze can’t believe it! Breeze catches a kick by Zayn, but Zayn nails with the Exploder into the turnbuckles!
OLE KICK!! 1-2-3!
Winner: Sami Zayn by pinfall (OLE Kick)
Zayn celebrates his win afterward, motioning that he is coming for the NXT Title.
Back from commercial, we go backstage as Renee Young interviews NXT Champion Adrian Neville. Neville says that he was impressed with Sami Zayn’s win tonight and in my mind, I consider him the #1 Contender right now, which makes me happy. Sami is a friend of mine, a great competitor and I’ll give him a title shot anytime, anyplace. I have absolutely no qualms about it because I’ve said it before and I think everybody knows by now, unfortunately Sami Zayn, well, he can’t win the big one.
Dash Wilder vs. Tyson Kidd
Chain wrestling early. Side headlock and a shoulder tackle by Wilder. Wilder with a side headlock, but Kidd backs him into the corner and nails Wilder with a shoulder to the ribs. Kidd then unloads with right hands and stomps to Wilder in the corner. Kidd chokes Wilder with his boot, then guillotines him throat-first into the bottom rope. Snapmare and a Victim Kick by Kidd for a nearfall. Chinlock applied by Kidd. Kidd with a knee to the ribs and a forearm, followed by a back elbow. Kidd chokes Wilder with his shin. Crossface shot by Kidd, then re-applies the chinlock, crowd wills on Wilder. Kidd with another knee to the ribs, then takes Wilder back down. Kidd with another knee to the ribs, but runs into a back elbow by Wilder. Wilder with 2 running knockdowns, then catches Kidd off a leapfrog with a powerslam for a nearfall. Kidd rolls out onto the apron, then nails Wilder with an enziguri. Spinning Fisherman by Kidd.
Sharpshooter applied by Kidd, Wilder taps.
Winner: Tyson Kidd by submission (Sharpshooter)
Kidd celebrates his win afterward.
Backstage, Marcus Louis constantly says to himself that they did this to me and they won’t stop making fun of me.
Back from commercial, we go backstage as Renee Young interviews Sami Zayn. Zayn says he feels like the count of Monte Cristo after his match tonight. This Road to Redemption is real, its not just a tagline. I feel like I’m avenging myself and righting the wrongs and those wrongs are people I’ve lost matches to like Tyson Kidd, Titus O’Neil and now, Tyler Breeze. These are people that stood in my way and now, I’m taking them out, one after the other. So I feel like this road is at its end and next week, its time to end it all, I want a shot at the NXT Title and Adrian Neville.
“The Boss” Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch vs. “Its” Bayley & NXT Women’s Champion “The Dirtiest Diva in the Game” Charlotte
Bayley & Lynch start. Bayley unloads with back clubs on Lynch. Bayley drives Lynch into the corner, but Lynch with a series of back clubs. Sasha in, but Bayley hits her with a slam. Running leaping kneedrop by Bayley for a nearfall. Charlotte in, Sasha begs off and runs over to tag in Lynch, but Charlotte brings Lynch in the hardway. Charlotte with a hair-mare to Lynch, then sends Lynch off the turnbuckles. Series of chops by Charlotte in the corner. Snapmare into a cravate by Charlotte as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial as Charlotte continues to have the cravate applied on Lynch, along with a series of knee strikes. Charlotte throws Lynch into her corner, forcing her to tag in Sasha. Lynch doesn’t do so, so Charlotte stomps away at Lynch. Charlotte gains a nearfall. Charlotte throws Lynch into Sasha, knocking Sasha off the apron. Charlotte gives chase to Sasha, then Charlotte with forearms to Lynch. Charlotte takes a swing at Sasha, but she ducks, then drives Charlotte down by the hair. Lynch gains a nearfall. Sasha in, now that Charlotte is down. Sasha unloads with right hands from the mount on Charlotte. Lynch in, but Charlotte drives Lynch into the corner and hits a series of shoulders to the ribs. Another hair-mare by Charlotte, followed by a kneedrop. Bayley in, hits a chop to Lynch. Snapmare, followed by a slap to the back, a basement uppercut to the back of Lynch’s head and a basement hestitation clothesline for a nearfall. Lynch with a knee to the ribs and a back club to Bayley. Sasha in, unloads with back clubs to Bayley, then hits a series of right hands from the mount on Charlotte. Sasha taunts Charlotte, then hits Bayley with a kick. Sasha gains a nearfall. Sasha then mocks Charlotte by doing Charlotte’s own Figure Four Headlock and Scissor Stomp on Bayley. Sasha gains another nearfall. Charlotte wills on her partner as Sasha sends Bayley into the turnbuckles. Lynch in, gut kick to Bayley. Lynch with more back clubs to Bayley, then sends her off the turnbuckles. Sasha in, chokes Bayley with her boot in the corner. Sasha taunts Charlotte again, then hits a slam on Bayley for a nearfall. Bayley blocks a suplex by Sasha and hits one of her own. Lynch in, but Bayley sends her to the outside. Sasha with a clothesline to Bayley, then Lynch grabs Charlotte’s leg on the outside, allowing Sasha to knock Charlotte off the apron with a clothesline.
Bayley with an O’Connor Roll to Sasha, but Sasha reverses it and hooks the tights of Bayley for the win.
Winners: “The Boss” Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch by pinfall (O’Connor Roll)
Sasha & Lynch celebrate their win afterwards.
Backstage, Renee Young interviews NXT GM William Regal in his office. Regal says he cannot always worry about what the talent wants, I have to worry about what’s best for business. But, in consecutive weeks, Sami Zayn has defeated Tyson Kidd, Titus O’Neil and Tyler Breeze and perhaps, Zayn is indeed the #1 Contender. Next week on NXT, Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville for the NXT Title.
Back from commercial, the music of the Ascension hits and they make their to the ring. Viktor has a mic and says that we tried to be patient with Hideo Itami, but clearly, you just don’t understand, you just don’t get the message. Konnor says that Itami wants to make threats, why don’t you come out here, so we can finish what we started.
The music of Hideo Itami hits and he makes his way onto the rampway. Itami looks behind him, then the Titantron shows the name of the former Prince Devitt, now known as Finn Balor. New music hits and Balor makes his way onto the rampway with Itami. Itami & Balor charge the ring and go after the Ascension. Itami & Balor unload with forearms, chops, stomps and chest kicks to the Ascension in opposite corners. Itami & Balor with 2 stereo running hestiation dropkicks to the Ascension in the corner. Konnor goes outside, but Balor leaps off the apron and wipes out Konnor with a double stomp! Pele Kick by Balor to Viktor, followed by Itami hitting a running flying knee. Balor heads up top while Itami taunts Konnor, who is picking himself back up to his feet. Balor then lays out Konnor with another double stomp off the top.
Balor & Itami stand tall over the fallen Ascension as the show closes.