Forbes looks at WWE’s Bray Wyatt character

Cedric Muhammad of is featuring an article looking at WWE’s Bray Wyatt.

Muhammad adds, “But if the WWE ends up making the mistake of thinking the Wyatt Family only appeals to a pejorative ‘red-neck’ fan base it would be a huge big mistake. What Bray Wyatt has tapped into can best be understood from the mind of Eric Hoffer and the pages of his classic The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature of Mass Movements.  Wyatt’s look may be that of a rural populist but the cult-following appeal is for all of the disaffected.  In that sense Wyatt is the possible culmination of what I call the Dissatisfaction era which finds CM Punk (‘The Voice of The Voiceless’) and Daniel Bryan (the Underdog) as co-leaders.”

To check out the full article, click here.

