Backstage note on Iron Man match

According to PWInsider, John Cena getting busted open at last night’s WWE Bragging Rights PPV was not planned as Cena was opened up the hardway. Were told Vince McMahon began giving orders that Cena needed to be cleaned up immediately. This caused several WWE trainers and John Laurinaitis to run down and attempt to clean Cena off. However, Cena wasn’t made aware of the plans right away and ended up rushing at Orton in the ring. They were later able to clean Cena up and glue the cut shut. WWE was said to have wanted the blood cleaned up since Cena and Orton were scheduled to brawl in the crowd and didn’t want a health issue with a “bloody wrestler” among fans in the audience, which is said to be a major issue with the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission. Were also told they didn’t want to give detractors of Linda McMahon’s U.S. Senate campaign anymore ammo as well to use against her.

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