Kurt Angle reveals involvement in movie based on life story

Speaking as a guest on the True Geordie Podcast, Kurt Angle discussed what he has been up to since his in-ring retirement at WrestleMania 35.

“What I do now is, I dabble in movies. I got a movie coming up in January. I just did a movie last March. I do some of that. I got a movie we’re doing about my life story, which we’re gonna start filming probably next year. It should be a pretty cool thing. I’ll be able to help out with it, be an advisor, which is kind of cool. So I’m looking forward to that.”

While no further details have been given as of time of writing, a movie based on Kurt Angle’s life story would likely encompass a vast career in both amateur and professional wrestling, famously winning a gold medal in the 1996 Summer Olympics before going on to a career across many companies in pro wrestling, culminating in his his induction into the 2019 WWE Hall of Fame.

Source: Fightful
