CM Punk lashed out on Twitter today over The Miz’ appearance on WWE Backstage last night.
After the show ended, a video showed The Miz saying he thought the show went great. Christian joked by saying he was thankful it was over. Miz asked what could be a better show before quipping, “Sorry I didn’t change the culture, my bad!”
A clip of the video was put up on the WWE on FOX Twitter account, which prompted CM Punk, a part-time analyst on the show, to respond with a vulgar tweet:

Punk has since deleted the tweet. WWE on FOX also deleted their initial tweet.
Neither WWE, FOX, or The Miz have commented on the tweet. Aside from deleting the tweet, Punk has not issued any other statements. Punk is due to return to WWE Backstage on January 21.
We will follow this story as more becomes available.