Prior to spending time with their families this week in Monterrey, Mexico, current WWE NXT Cruiserweight Champion Angel Garza and current RAW Superstar Humberto Carrillo spent time collecting toys for toys given to kids with families in need.
The above video is the story about the Toy Drive from Lucha TV’s YouTube Channel.
Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo are real-life cousins.
Gracias por la oportunidad de conocerlos
— Miguel Navarro (@miguelnavarrom) December 25, 2019
El rayado y súper estrella de @wweespanol, @AngelGarzaWwe quiere fiesta:
-Rayadas campeonas ✅
-Título Crucero @WWENXT ✅
-Rayados campeón ❓— Ricardo Cariño (@ricardocarino) December 24, 2019