Victoria issued the following statement on her WWE retirement:
“It’s been announced on, so I guess I should address it. This Friday’s Smackdown is my last match with WWE. I started with the company in 2000. I have had so many once in a lifetime experiences. It’s been incredible. I was part of an era in Women’s Professional Wrestling that will never be duplicated again.
Choosing to leave was a very difficult decision. I think many of my colleagues considered me a “lifer”. That is, they thought I’d be with WWE until I was old and grey. But I was not happy with the opportunities that were available to me within WWE. And at the end of the day, there are thousands and thousands of women who would kill or die for the chance to be a WWE Diva. It isn’t right for me to fill that spot if my heart weren’t in it.
And I didn’t make a rash decision to walk away. On many occasions I pushed for the Victoria that I’d want to watch. But we were on different pages. I respect their decisions, and they are their decisions to make. Being with WWE is very time consuming. And again, with where we were at, I would rather spend more time at home.
I am a “lifer” though. That may not be WWE for life (although I will always be a fan). But I will always challenge myself. I am a competitor. As you can see from one of the pics in my photo gallery, I’ve been training in Jiu Jitsu. I started for the conditioning, but I have really excelled. It has crossed my mind to enter MMA. I’ve also been learning to DJ. I love music, and this girl has been getting her mix on. Of course I have the custom car shop, Black Widow Customs. And I haven’t ruled out the idea of jumping back in the squared circle occasionally down the road.
I am just so thankful for the experiences that I have had with WWE, for the great friends that I have made with WWE, and the best fans in the world that I have encountered because of WWE.
So what am I doing first? I’m on vacation! I’m not going to say where I am, but it’s warm, and I can look out the window and see palm trees, and I’ll be here for a couple weeks. I have been getting bombarded with requests for interviews and appearances. As for appearances, you can contact me through MySpace for now. When I decide what direction I intend to take, I will acquire appropriate representation, and will pass info along to them.
As for interview requests, several people have emailed me regarding “shoot interviews”. I would like to say this. I am a fan of the Willy Wonka movie. I won a golden ticket. I was in Willy Wonka’s Magical Chocolate Factory for nine years. If you’re looking for an Everlasting Gobstopper, don’t waste your time asking. It’s not for sale.
Finally, I want to thank all my MySpace Friends for your encouragement. I truly feel that we are friends, and I appreciate your support. I will keep blogging, and hope you all keep in touch.
Later Sweet Potaters, Lisa Marie aka Victoria : )”