Recap of Jericho on “Bonnie Hunt”

Chris Jericho made an appearance on the syndicated talk show “The Bonnie Hunt Show” earlier today to promote WrestleMania 25 and WWE Raw reports In discussing Mickey Rourke calling him out on the red carpet at the SAG Awards, Jericho said he didn’t know anything about it ahead of time and was sitting backstage after a show when he got a text from his cousin about it filling him in.

He said he was excited that Rourke even knew who he was and said he went on the “Larry King” show trying to be the biggest jerk possible. Jericho said he received hate mail from people who couldn’t believe the way he acted on King’s show. He also told a funny story that he lets his five year old son watch wrestling, but his son finds it boring. Jericho added that once all three of his kids were walking up to him doing the John Cena “you can’t seem me” hand gesture and he joked saying he put all three of them in a closet and didn’t let them eat for three days.
