Jerry Lawler reveals details about suffering a stroke two weeks before WrestleMania

Jerry Lawler

On the latest episode of his “Dinner with the King” podcast, Jerry Lawler revealed he suffered a stroke on March 21 just two weeks before WrestleMania 34 weekend.

Lawler said he experienced symptoms of a stroke just before travel to the WonderCon event in Anaheim, noting that one side of his face became paralyzed and he began slurring his words. He then immediately went to the hospital, had trouble communicating and discovered he had a high blood pressure rating of 296/145.

He noted he was able to begin speaking again three days after suffering the stroke and started feeling much better. Lawler was released from the hospital on March 24. He noted that the only people aware of the situation prior to the podcast was Kevin Dunn and Triple H. Despite the hospitalization, he was deemed fine to travel to New Orleans.

Lawler took part in a WrestleCon Supershow shooting an angle with Joey Ryan (dressed like Andy Kaufman) last Thursday, hosted the Class of 2018 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony last Friday and joined Jim Ross for commentary during the WrestleMania 34 Kickoff Show to call the annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal match this past Sunday night.

