WWE WrestleMania XIX Results
March 30, 2003
Seattle, Washington (Safeco Field)
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
The WWE video leads us into the show.
A video kicks off the show highlighting what the WWE Superstars think about WrestleMania, putting over the grandeur and importance of being on the card.
We go live into Safeco Field to see a big pyrotechnics display. Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler enthusiastically welcome us to the show. They then kick it over to the SmackDown commentary team of Michael Cole and Tazz.
Mike’s Thoughts: For the life of me, I cannot understand why they cut the performance of “America the Beautiful” by Ashanti. I remember watching it live in 2003 and then never seeing it again. It wasn’t on the DVD release and didn’t make it even onto the WWE Network stream. Of course, you can go on YouTube and find anything. Some Good Samaritan put it up for everyone to enjoy. I’m not kidding, it’s very good.
WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy w/ Shannon Moore
The WrestleMania “Matt Facts”: Matt is appearing in his 4th WrestleMania. Matt often wonders how they did WrestleMania without him.
Shannon Moore quickly runs into the ring to blindside Rey Mysterio. Mysterio quickly chases Moore out of the ring and hits Hardy with a back body drop over the top rope. Mysterio hits the ropes and hits a corkscrew plancha on Hardy and Moore. Mysterio gets Hardy in the ring and picks up a two-count. Hardy reverses a whip to the corner, but Mysterio boots him back. Mysterio comes off the second rope with a head-scissor takeover followed by a spinning wheel kick. Hardy rolls to the apron to recover. Mysterio dives over the top rope and goes for a sunset flip powerbomb, but the MF-er Shannon Moore (Mattitude Follower) attacks Mysterio. Hardy goes outside and presses Mysterio onto the barricade. Hardy gets Mysterio in the ring and picks up a two-count. Hardy hits a back suplex elbow drop for another two-count. Hardy bends Mysterio over the ropes until the referee backs him up. Moore takes advantage of the distraction and chokes Mysterio on the ropes. Hardy goes to avalanche Mysterio against the ropes, but Mysterio moves. Hardy reverses a whip to the corner. Mysterio goes for a springboard cross-body block, but Hardy kicks him out of midair and goes for a Twist of Fate. Mysterio counters out and hits a beautiful roll-up for a near fall. Hardy reverses a whip to the opposite corner. Mysterio goes for a slingshot over him, but Hardy counters into a Side Effect for a near fall.
Hardy hits Mysterio with a snapmare and stretches him with a surfboard stretch. Mysterio fights up and kicks out. Hardy quickly clubs him in the head and chops the chest in the corner. Hardy whips him hard to the opposite corner, but Mysterio boots him back. Mysterio then avoids Hardy, which puts him into the ring post shoulder-first. Mysterio connects with a springboard seated senton followed by a springboard cross-body block for a near fall. Hardy reverses a whip, but Mysterio hits a head-scissor takeover. Mysterio then drops him with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Hardy is dazed and confused. Mysterio puts Hardy in the ropes. Mysterio hits the ropes, but Moore sweeps the feet. Hardy takes advantage and hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy covers, but Mysterio manages to kick out! Hardy is in disbelief and argues with the referee. Hardy puts Mysterio on the top rope and clubs the back. Hardy stands on the bottom rope and sets up for a Splash Mountain Bomb. Mysterio counters into a super hurricanrana! Mysterio covers, but Moore puts Hardy’s foot on the bottom rope before the count of three. Mysterio pulls Moore up to the apron by the hair. Hardy charges, but he hits Moore when Mysterio moves. Mysterio dropkicks Hardy into the ropes and hits a 619. Hardy avoids a West Coast Pop. Mysterio gets on the shoulders and goes for the victory roll, but Hardy sits on his shoulders and holds the ropes to pick up the win!
Winner by Pinfall and still WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Matt Hardy
Mike’s Thoughts: That was an action-packed opening match. This was Rey Mysterio’s first WrestleMania match. 20 years later, he’s still doing it and, most likely, preparing to face his son at the event. The most amazing thing about Mysterio is he was already nearly 14 years into the business by 2003. Add another 20 years with him still operating as good as he always has (sure, maybe a touch slower, but you do what he does at 48 years old and see how it goes)… it’s unbelievable. A true testament to the staying power and contributes to him being one of the greatest wrestlers that has ever lived.
Now, as for the match, like I said before: action-packed. It was quick and is just what you’d want for an opening match at WrestleMania. It was something to get the crowd going and set the tone for the show. Another performer with incredible staying power to operate at a high level and constantly reinvent himself was involved in this: Matt Hardy. I know a lot of people loved BROKEN Matt Hardy, but this V1 is one of my favorite gimmicks of his. The Matt Facts were so much fun. Both guys were great in this, as was Shannon Moore. Good stuff to start the show.
We go backstage to see a limousine pull up. The Miller Lite Catfight Girls come out. They walk arm-in-arm and get into an argument over which match they were looking forward to.
A replay is shown from earlier tonight on Sunday Night Heat of the FBI luring Nathan Jones into a bathroom. The camera sees Jones unconscious on the floor. The Big Show and A-Train then walk out. It’s insinuated that they viciously attacked him. The commentators question whether The Undertaker will have to fight them alone without Jones.
Tony Chimel introduces “WWE’s favorite band in the whole world, Limp Bizkit.” Limp Bizkit performs “Rollin’,” which is The Undertaker’s theme song. Fred Durst makes his way to the ring and sings in the ring. The Undertaker then drives out to the stage on his motorcycle and speeds down to the ring.
As The Big Show and A-Train make their way to the ring together, Tony Chimel announces this will be a Handicap Match.
2-on-1 Handicap Match
The Undertaker vs. The Big Show and A-Train
Before getting in the ring, A-Train looks at Undertaker’s bike and messes around with the mirrors before spitting on it. The Big Show tries to sneak up from behind on Undertaker, but Undertaker pulls the top rope down to dump Big Show out of the ring.
The bell rings, and Undertaker avoids a bicycle kick from A-Train. Undertaker immediately takes A-Train out with a Chokeslam and covers, but Big Show pulls him off before the three-count. Undertaker punches Big Show in the head and gets in the ring. Both Big Show and A-Train are outside. Undertaker loudly shouts, “Come on, you mother f***ers!” Big Show and A-Train regroup at ringside. A-Train tells Big Show to kick Undertaker’s ass. Big Show gets in the ring and pushes Undertaker to the corner. Undertaker immediately pops out and punches Big Show back. Big Show quickly retreats to his corner. Big Show throws Undertaker to the corner, but Undertaker boots him back. Undertaker throws punches at Big Show and A-Train. A-Train tags in and attacks Undertaker. A-Train shoulder tackles Undertaker down and hits the ropes. The Undertaker LEAPFROGS A-Train and hits a hip toss. Undertaker wrenches the arm and walks on the top rope to hit A-Train with the Old School.
Big Show runs into the ring, but Undertaker knocks him out. A-Train quickly hits Undertaker with the Derailer. A-Train dumps Undertaker out of the ring and distracts the referee. Big Show picks Undertaker up and drives his spine into the ring post. Big Show then presses Undertaker onto the barricade. Big Show puts Undertaker back in the ring and clubs the chest. A-Train grabs Undertaker and hits him with a decapitator catapult into the ropes for a near fall. Big Show tags in and attacks the Undertaker’s legs. Undertaker starts to punch back, but Big Show reverses a whip to the corner. Undertaker elbows Big Show back and knocks A-Train off the apron. Big Show goes for a Showstopper, but Undertaker counters into a Fujiwara Arm Bar. A-Train runs in, but Undertaker attacks him and applies a Cross Arm Breaker. Big Show stops Undertaker’s momentum with a big leg drop. A-Train stomps away at Undertaker before leaving the ring. Big Show head-butts Undertaker a few times before applying an abdominal stretch. Big Show grabs A-Train’s arm to increase the pressure. A-Train tags in and stomps away at Undertaker. A-Train then applies an abdominal stretch. Undertaker manages to punch out and put the abdominal stretch on A-Train. A-Train fights out, but Undertaker takes him down with a back suplex. Undertaker hits the ropes, but Big Show clubs him. A-Train then runs Undertaker over with a clothesline for a near fall. A-Train talks some trash to Undertaker and slaps him in the face. Undertaker eventually punches back and stumbles him. A-Train reverses a whip, but Undertaker counters with a running DDT. Big Show breaks up the pin. The referee gets in Big Show’s face. Undertaker grabs Big Show and punches away at him. Undertaker then goes back and forth with corner clotheslines on Big Show and A-Train. Undertaker grabs Big Show by the throat, but he stops to big boot A-Train. Big Show sends Undertaker into the ropes, but Undertaker comes back with a flipping clothesline. Undertaker gets to his feet and is quickly taken down by a bicycle kick from A-Train. Big Show then hits Undertaker with a Showstopper.
Big Show all of a sudden leaves the ring and runs up the ramp. Nathan Jones is coming down. Jones ducks a clothesline and kills Big Show with a spin kick to the jaw. In the ring, A-Train covers Undertaker for a near fall. Undertaker quickly whips A-Train into a boot from Jones. Undertaker then takes A-Train out with an enormous Tombstone Piledriver for the victory!
Winner by Pinfall: The Undertaker
Undertaker is 11-0 at WrestleMania.
Undertaker grabs the American Flag off his motorcycle and waves it in the ring. The commentators said during the match that his nephew was fighting in Iraq, the country the United States had invaded earlier in the month.
Mike’s Thoughts: I remember watching this match live in 2003 and thinking it wasn’t a bad match. I still feel that way 20 years later. It was essentially the end of Nathan Jones when they decided he wasn’t good enough to be on the card and wrote him off an hour before his scheduled match, which was tag teaming with Undertaker who could have done most of the heavy lifting. Nathan Jones was just one of a plethora of flash-in-the-pans that appear intermittently in professional wrestling. The Handicap Match was fine for what it was. Undertaker dominated a little too much, but it’s Undertaker at WrestleMania. That’s just what he does. This could have sucked, but it didn’t, which is a credit to three true pros in the ring.
The Miller Lite Catfight Girls are walking backstage when they bump into Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler. Torrie is looking at her Playboy magazine with Stacy. Torrie is the cover girl, so she’s essentially casually showing a friend of hers naked photos of her. The Catfight girls say they love Torrie in Playboy and say Keibler is a marketing genius with Testicles (that’s what Keibler was calling Test’s fans). Keibler says she has a new marketing campaign that will blow them away. They all walk off together.
We go back to Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler. Lawler is excited about the Catfight Girls with Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. JR then sends a shoutout to the fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces that are fighting in Iraq. He tells them to kick some ass and come home early.
WWE Women’s Championship
Trish Stratus vs. Jazz vs. Victoria (c) w/ Steven Richards
As Victoria and Steven Richards are posing in the ring, Jazz attacks Trish Stratus from behind. Jazz sends Victoria out of the ring and hits a dropkick on Trish for a two-count. The bell rang as soon as Jazz attacked from behind. Jazz hits Stratus with a crossface and applies a bridging camel clutch. Stratus gets out and takes Jazz down with a Lou Thesz Press and some right hands. Stratus has a whip to the corner reversed on her, but she boots Jazz back. Stratus goes to the apron, but Victoria rips her off the apron. Victoria knocks Jazz back and sends her out of the ring next to Stratus. Stratus and Jazz brawl at ringside before Victoria takes Stratus down. Victoria gets Stratus in the ring and hits a springboard somersault leg drop. Victoria covers, but Jazz rips her out of the ring. Jazz gets in the ring and hits Stratus with a leg drop. Victoria breaks up the pin. Victoria and Jazz go face-to-face before beginning to double-team Stratus. They hit Stratus with a double-team shoulder breaker. Victoria begins to twitch and pull her hair. Jazz then punches and chops Victoria. Victoria reverses a whip and hits a scoop powerslam for a two-count. Victoria punches Jazz back and shoulders her in the corner. Stratus comes in the ring and catches Victoria with a bridging roll-up for a near fall. Victoria quickly takes her down with a clothesline. Victoria pushes Stratus into the ropes and punches her. Victoria whips her into the ropes, but she lowers her head and eats a kick. Stratus hits a clothesline and punches Victoria to the corner. Jazz quickly grabs Stratus by the hair and hits a sit-out Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Victoria grabs Jazz, and they get into a shoving match. Stratus grabs them and bumps their heads together. Stratus hits them with some punches. Victoria quickly grabs Stratus and holds her up for Jazz. Stratus ducks a spin kick, and Victoria eats it. Stratus then rolls Jazz up for a near fall.
Stratus gets on Jazz’s shoulders and hits a victory roll for a near fall. Stratus connects with a Chick Kick on Jazz, but Victoria breaks up the pin. Stratus ducks a clothesline and punches Victoria before sending her to the corner. Victoria boots her back and goes to the second rope. Stratus quickly catches her with the Stratusphere. Stratus hits Jazz with a clothesline and punches Victoria against the ropes. Stratus then kicks her out of the ring. Jazz quickly takes Stratus down and applies a single-leg crab. The crowd loudly cheers Stratus on as she claws to the bottom rope. Jazz transitions into an STF. Steven Richards quickly runs into the ring and throws Jazz out to save Victoria’s title reign. An irate Jazz gets on the apron, but Stratus knocks Victoria into her and rolls Victoria up. Victoria rolls through, and her buttocks are briefly exposed, thrilling Jerry Lawler and some of the fans. Stratus kicks out at two. Jazz gets in the ring and clotheslines Victoria. Jazz crushes Stratus with a double chickenwing slam and poses. Victoria then kicks Jazz in the face and goes to the top rope. Victoria goes for a moonsault, but Jazz moves. Jazz charges, but Victoria drops her over the top rope.
Stratus sizes up Victoria, but quickly sidesteps a chair-wielding Steven Richards! The chair bounces off the top rope and ricochets back into Richards’ face. Stratus then hits him with the Stratusfaction. Victoria quickly attacks Stratus and goes for the Widow’s Peak. Stratus slides off, but Victoria quickly kicks her down. Victoria hits the ropes, but Stratus drops her with a Chick Kick and covers her for the win!
Winner by Pinfall and new WWE Women’s Champion: Trish Stratus
Mike’s Thoughts: This was a very good Triple Threat Match. It’s kind of a shame how WWE would seriously drop the ball with the Women’s Division in the late-2000s because they had some really good players at this time. Trish Stratus, Jazz, and Victoria were three awesome performers. They also had Lita at this time, but she was out with a neck injury, as well as Molly Holly. Yes, they had some dead weight in the division as well, but there was a decent balance. Of the three women in this one… it kind of shocks me that only one is a WWE Hall of Famer right now (Trish). How are Jazz and Victoria not in the Hall of Fame yet? Victoria was outrageous during this run as the psycho Women’s Champion with Steven Richards. Jazz also had a hell of a run that was cut short at times due to injuries. When she was on, she brought an aura of legitimacy to the matches. You could really believe that Jazz was hurting people. This is something that I hope they correct at some point. As for the match, the crowd was into it the whole way, especially Trish, who really grew by leaps and bounds since the 2002 brand split.
Such a bummer that Victoria’s Tatu theme song has been replaced by a generic version. When they got the rights back for Rob Zombie’s song for Edge’s old theme circa 2001ish, I was really hopeful Tatu would make a comeback. Alas, no.
We go backstage to see The Rock with Jonathan Coachman. Coach asks Rock how excited he is for WrestleMania with over 54,000 people, but The Rock silences him. The Rock says the people are the same people that booed him at last year’s WrestleMania and booed him when he sang and gave the concert of a lifetime. They chant “sellout” to him. The Rock is a sellout. He’s sold out this and every WrestleMania he’s been in. The people hurt the People’s Champion. The Rock could care less about the people tonight. The Rock is here for one reason and one reason only, which is to fulfill his destiny by beating “Stone Cold” Steve Austin at WrestleMania 1… 2… 3. This is the Holy Grail. This is the only thing he hasn’t done. It consumes him and eats him alive. This is everything to The Rock. For the past two occasions, Austin has beaten him in the middle of the ring. If there’s one thing that Hollywood has taught him, it’s that Act I and II don’t matter. All that matters is Act III. The end, the climax, the grand finale. This is the last chapter of the greatest rivalry this industry has ever seen. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin goes one-on-one with the Jabroni Beatin’, pie eatin’, not afraid to sweat, not afraid to bleed, gonna beat that bald-headed bastard guaran-damn-teed. Then the Rock will have done it all. Finally… The Rock takes off his sunglasses and looks ahead before saying more quietly, “Finally…”
WWE Tag Team Championship – Triple Threat Match
Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Guerrero) vs. Chris Benoit and Rhyno vs. Team Angle (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) (c’s)
Team Angle quickly gets in the ring and immediately starts attacking the other two teams. Referee Jimmy Korderas regains order, and it’s Charlie Haas left in the ring with Chavo Guerrero. Haas has a whip to the corner reversed, and Chavo connects with a back body drop. Chavo hits a back suplex and uppercuts him against the ropes. Haas reverses a whip and goes for a flapjack, but Chavo counters with a flapjack out of midair. Haas tags in Chris Benoit. Chavo hits Benoit with an arm drag and tags Eddie Guerrero in. Chavo hits Benoit with a back suplex, and Eddie hits a slingshot senton. Eddie punches Benoit to the corner, but Benoit turns him. Benoit smashes Eddie’s chest with a few chops. Eddie sends him into the ropes, but they bump heads. Rhyno tags in and points at Eddie. Eddie punches away at the Man Beast and puts him in the corner. Rhyno reverses a whip to the corner and hits a running powerslam for a two-count. Shelton Benjamin tags in off Eddie. Benjamin punches away at Rhyno and hits a back elbow for a two-count. Benjamin puts him in the corner and tags Haas back in. Team Angle sends Rhyno into the ropes for a double-team dropkick. Chavo breaks up the pin. Rhyno puts Haas in his corner and tags Benoit in. Benoit annihilates Haas’s chest with a few chops and hits a snap suplex for a near fall. Benoit hits a back suplex for another near fall. Rhyno tags back in and attacks Haas. Haas knees Rhyno in the midsection and tags Benjamin in. Benjamin knees Rhyno in the midsection, but Rhyno fights back. Rhyno puts him in the corner and hits a running shoulder. Rhyno hits a snapmare for a one-count.
Eddie blind tags Benjamin and squares off against Rhyno. Eddie takes Rhyno down with a picture-perfect dropkick. Benoit tags in and attacks Eddie. Eddie quickly takes him down with a big back suplex. Eddie goes to the top rope, but Benoit cuts him off and hits a beautiful superplex. Benoit covers, but Benjamin pulls him off. Benoit sends Eddie into the ropes and hits a flapjajck into a Crippler Crossface. Haas quickly breaks it up. Benoit sends Eddie into the ropes for a tilt-a-whirl, but Eddie lands on his feet and hits a brainbuster. Haas breaks up the pin again. Chavo tags in and hits Haas with a big shoulder tackle before hitting Benjamin with a head-scissor takeover. Chavo knocks Rhyno off the apron before turning to Benoit. Benoit grabs Chavo’s arm and tries to take him down for a Crippler Crossface. Chavo fights it, so Benoit hits him with three German Suplexes. Benjamin tags off Chavo as Benoit hits a fourth German Suplex. Benjamin superkicks Benoit, but Eddie breaks it up. Eddie grabs Benoit, but Benoit reverses a whip. They then clunk their heads.
Benjamin gets in the ring and stomps Benoit before hitting a scoop slam. Benjamin stomps Eddie out of the ring before hitting Benoit with a leg drop. Eddie breaks up the pin with a Frog Splash! Chavo tags in off Benoit. Haas runs in and hits an overhead belly-to-belly supple on Chavo. Rhyno then hits Haas with a Gore! Rhyno sizes Chavo up and hits another Gore! Eddie pulls Rhyno out of the ring. Benjamin, the legal man, crawls in and covers Chavo for the victory.
Winners by Pinfall and still WWE Tag Team Champions: Team Angle
Mike’s Thoughts: Way too short for the level of talent involved in this match. The stuff with Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit was good, but it was over as fast as it began. Most of the match was just rushing through spots. It was all solid action, but no one could have been happy with the time they were given.
We go backstage to see Torrie Wilson taking a picture of the Miller Lite Catfight Girls and Stacy Keibler. Wilson and Keibler get into an argument over whether Hulk Hogan or Mr. McMahon made WrestleMania what it is. Keibler says, “Whatever,” and walks off. Wilson chases after her. The Catfight Girls then disagree over whether Mr. McMahon or Hulk “Holgen” (how the one girl was saying his name) made WrestleMania what it is. They then argue whether to settle this in the ring or the bed.
We go back to the Raw commentary team of Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler. Lawler is beside himself with glee over what just happened.
Video Package: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels
The bell rings, and Michaels pretends like he has a stitch in his side after doing an extended entrance with paper cannons and extra pyrotechnics. They circle the ring and lock up before releasing. They lock up again, and Michaels applies a side headlock before taking him down. Jericho grapevines the head, so Michaels quickly gets out. They lock up again, and Jericho takes him down with an arm drag. Michaels grapevines the head, so Jericho gets out. Michaels goes to the corner and lays across the top rope to let Jericho know he’s bored. They lock up, and Michaels applies a side headlock before transitioning to a hammerlock. Jericho turns it around on him, so Michaels elbows him in the face. Michaels hits the ropes and counters a hip toss into one of his own. Jericho kicks Michaels away and takes him down. Michaels kicks Jericho away, and we’re at a stalemate. Michaels looks very light on his feet.
They circle the ring and lock up. Michaels hooks a side headlock and takes him down for a two-count. Jericho rolls Michaels over for a two-count. Michaels keeps the side headlock applied. Jericho fights up and elbows out. Jericho hits the ropes and shoulder tackles him. Jericho hits the ropes, but Michaels goes up and under him. Michaels goes for a leapfrog, but Jericho stops and slaps him in the face. Michaels punches him down and throws him over the top rope. Michaels goes for a plancha, but he lands on the apron when Jericho moves. Michaels slides back into the ring and hits Jericho with a baseball slide. Michaels goes outside and puts Jericho back in the ring. Michaels goes to the top rope for a cross-body block, but Jericho rolls through for a two-count. Jericho quickly kicks and punches Michaels down. Jericho sends him into the ropes for a spinning heel kick. Jericho stands over Michaels and punches away at him. Jericho bounces Michaels off the top turnbuckle before chopping the chest in the corner. Jericho whips Michaels hard into the opposite corner before choking him. Jericho whips him hard into the corner and goes for a bulldog, but Michaels counters and sends him into the corner. Michaels grabs the legs and applies a Figure Four Leglock. Jericho manages to turn over to reverse the pressure. Michaels gets to his feet and hits a knee breaker. Michaels goes for the Figure Four Leglock again, but Jericho kicks him shoulder-first into the ring post. Jericho punches him and sends him into the ropes. Michaels ducks a clothesline, but Jericho sends him over the top rope. Michaels goes to skin the cat, but Jericho catches him. Michaels counters into a head-scissor out of the ring. Michaels skins the cat back into the ring and hits Jericho with a plancha.
They brawl at ringside and onto the exposed floor. Jericho counters a dropkick and applies the Walls of Jericho! Jericho notices that the referee is close to counting them both out, so he gets in the ring and threatens him. Jericho lifts Michaels up and drives his surgically repaired back into the ring post twice before throwing him down. Jericho gets in the ring and taunts the crowd to loud boos. Michaels slowly gets onto the apron, but Jericho sends him to the floor with a springboard dropkick. Jericho gets Michaels back into the ring and hits a back suplex. Jericho stands over Michaels and shouts that he’s better than him. Jericho connects with a textbook vertical suplex for a two-count. Jericho pulls on the hair before getting him to his feet. Jericho connects with a backbreaker before putting a foot on him to pin him for a two-count. Jericho applies a rear chin lock. Michaels gets the crowd going and fights up to his feet. Michaels punches out, but Jericho rakes the eyes. Jericho sends him into the ropes and goes for a back body drop, but Michaels counters into a spike DDT!
The referee is counting them both down, but Jericho is up at seven. Michaels has some blood on the bridge of his nose. Michaels punches away at Jericho and sends him into the ropes, but Jericho hits a flying forearm followed by a kip up. Jericho then poses like Michaels. Michaels kips up behind him and punches away at him. Jericho reverses a whip, but Michaels hits a flying forearm before kipping up. Michaels hits an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Michaels sends Jericho into the ropes and hits a back body drop. Michaels gets fired up and punches Jericho into the corner. Jericho reverses a whip to the opposite corner, but Michaels knocks him back. Michaels goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault block for a near fall. Jericho reverses a whip, but Michaels rolls him up. They roll around trading pins for two-counts. Jericho then gets out and tries for the Walls of Jericho. Michaels twists him off and applies a waistlock. Jericho fights out and hits a northern lights suplex for a two-count. Michaels powers up and goes for a backslide, but Jericho knees him and connects with a clothesline. Jericho hits the ropes and hits a facebuster. Jericho hits the ropes and hits the Lionsault. Jericho takes a moment to recover before crawling over for a near fall. Jericho covers again for the same result. Jericho is furious.
Jericho chops the chest and sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Michaels goes for a hurricanrana, but Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho! The crowd is loudly buzzing. Michaels claws to the bottom rope and gets a hand on it. Jericho pulls him into the center of the ring, but Michaels catches him with an inside cradle for a two-count. Jericho hits a double underhook backbreaker before going to the top rope. Jericho comes off the top rope with a flying back elbow. Jericho goes to the corner and begins to tune up the band! Jericho hits Michaels with Sweet Chin Music and covers for a near fall! Jericho punches Michaels to the corner and shoulders him. Jericho whips him to the opposite corner, but Michaels hits a springboard cross-body block before punching him. They trade punches before Michaels takes Jericho down. Michaels teases the Walls of Jericho before hitting a catapult into the corner. Michaels rolls him up for a two-count.
Jericho viciously clubs Michaels in the lower back and puts him on the top rope. Jericho sets up for a back superplex, but Michaels counters into a cross-body out of mid-air! Michaels takes some time before rolling over and covering for a near fall. Michaels goes to the top rope, but Jericho pushes referee Charles Robinson into the ropes to crotch him. Jericho climbs the ropes and goes for a superplex, but Michaels hits a front superplex. Michaels connects with his trademark flying elbow drop before getting fired up. Michaels tunes up the band and goes for Sweet Chin Music, but Jericho ducks it. Jericho takes him down and puts the Walls of Jericho back on! Michaels claws to the bottom rope, but Jericho walks him back to the middle of the ring! Jericho cinches it in, but Michaels manages to crawl to the bottom rope. Jericho looks emotional and insists to the referee that Michaels tapped out. Jericho charges for Michaels, but he eats Sweet Chin Music! Michaels crawls over and covers for a near fall.
Michaels punches Jericho in the corner, but he has a whip to the opposite corner reversed. Michaels rolls up the ropes and lands on his feet. Jericho clubs the back and goes for a back suplex, but Michaels flips through. Michaels hits a picture-perfect roll-up with a bridge for the victory!
Winner by Pinfall: Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels holds his lower back and points to the crowd. Jericho, who appears to be crying, gets to his feet. Michaels extends a hand, but Jericho instead embraces him. Jericho backs up before kicking Michaels in the groin! As Michaels drops to his knees, Jericho hugs him again before throwing him down. An irate Chris Jericho leaves the ring to his music. Charles Robinson helps Michaels up the ramp.
Mike’s Thoughts: What a match! This has held up incredibly well over 20 years. This was Shawn Michaels’ first WrestleMania match since being forced into early retirement after WrestleMania 14 in 1998. Michaels had a triumph of a return match at SummerSlam 2002 before winning the World Title at Survivor Series. Still, to me, this is the beginning of what would be a Hall of Fame second half of his career. Michaels had such an incredible career. The first half from The Rockers all the way to his 1998 first retirement was a Hall of Fame career all on its own. Then he comes back in 2002 and goes for another eight years having yet another Hall of Famer career. They don’t call him Mr. WrestleMania for nothing. This match was so damn good.
You cannot overlook what Chris Jericho did here. Jericho went from being the first Undisputed Champion and being in the main event of WrestleMania X8 to kind of just existing on the card for the remainder of 2002. Then he gets hooked up with this feud with Shawn Michaels and reminds everyone of what he’s all about. Jericho has had incredible staying power throughout his long career, which is still thriving in AEW, and he did a great job turning the momentum back onto himself for this feud. This was a phenomenal effort from both and one of my favorite WrestleMania matches I ever watched live.
The crooked referee Sylvain Grenier is walking backstage. Grenier knocks on the door of Mr. McMahon and enters.
Tony Chimel says he is pleased to announce a new Safeco Field attendance record of 54,097.
Limp Bizkit comes out to perform “Crack Addict,” the theme song of WrestleMania XIX.
WrestleMania Catfight
Jonathan Coachman is next to a large bed set up on the WrestleMania stage in Safeco Field. Coach asks the crowd if they’re ready for a catfight, which they are. Coach introduces the Miller Lite Catfight Girls, Tanya Ballinger, and Kitana Baker. Coach says the rules of the Catfight are simple but complicated. They can only use the pillows on the bed. They crawl toward each other, but “Legs” by Kid Rock (originally ZZ Top) plays. Stacy Keibler comes out. Keibler says this is WrestleMania. The only thing that’s better than two girls in bed is three. Keibler says this Catfight is now a Triple Threat. Torrie Wilson then comes out and makes this a 4-Way Catfight because she’s a Playboy Covergirl. Wilson removes her top and rips Keibler’s off. The Catfight girls brawl. Wilson spanks Keibler and rolls around with her. They eventually knock Coach down and roll over him. They pull Coach’s pants down and pin him. All four pose to end the segment.
Mike’s Thoughts: This was a travesty.
Video Package: World Heavyweight Championship
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H w/ “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. Booker T
Before the match begins, they go face-to-face as referee Nick Patrick reminds them to obey the rules at all times. Booker T says to Triple H, “Your punk ass is in trouble.”
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. They lock up and tussle around the ropes for position. Booker T powers him to the corner, and Nick Patrick forces them to break. Triple H turns him around and goes for a punch, but Booker T blocks it and punches him down. Booker T chops the chest and punches him in the face. Triple H turns him around and chops him. Booker T then chops him down. Booker T punches and chops him in the corner before whipping him to the opposite corner and hitting a back body drop. Booker T punches and chops away at him before sending him to the opposite corner. Booker T charges, but Triple H elbows him back. Triple H goes to the top rope, but Booker T catches him with an arm drag off the top rope. Triple H rolls out of the ring to recover. Booker T follows, but Triple H attacks him. Booker T quickly sends him into the ring post and puts him back in the ring. Booker T looks at Ric Flair before getting in the ring. Triple H attacks Booker T and shoulder tackles him. Triple H blocks a hip toss, but Booker T clotheslines him down for a two-count.
Booker T mounts Triple H and punches away at him. Booker T gets him to his feet and kicks him in the head a few times. Triple H ducks a spin kick and hits a back body drop over the top rope, but Booker T holds on. Triple H grabs him and sends him headfirst into the ring post. Booker T falls to ringside. Triple H goes outside and bounces Booker T off the ring steps. Booker T staggers back into the ring, and Triple H stomps him getting back in. Triple H goes outside and pulls him over the ring apron. Triple H elbows Booker T in the neck. Triple H gets in the ring and kicks Booker T in the chest. Triple H connects with a neckbreaker for a two-count. Triple H connects with some punches to the cheek. Booker T fights back and chops the chest. Triple H reverses a whip and hits a Double A Spinebuster for a near fall. Triple H whips Booker T hard to the corner and crushes him with a clothesline for another near fall. Triple H chokes him before letting him up. Booker T fights back, but Triple H cuts him off. Booker T gets out of a suplex and hits a DDT.
They exchange punches and chops in the center of the ring with Booker T coming out on top. Booker T sends him into the ropes and hits a spin kick. Booker T connects with a sidewalk slam. Booker T sends him into the ropes. Triple H ducks a clothesline, but Booker T comes right back with a spinning forearm for a near fall. Booker T chops the chest before kneeing him in the midsection and goes to the ropes. Triple H quickly applies a sleeper hold, but Booker T drives him into the top rope. Booker T hits the ropes, but Triple H connects with a Harley Race high knee for a two-count. Triple H chops the chest. Booker T reverses a whip, but Triple H hits his trademark facebuster. Triple H charges, but Booker T catches him with a spinebuster for a near fall. Ric Flair shouts some encouragement to Triple H. Booker T chops Triple H in the corner and whips him to the opposite corner. Triple H boots him back and goes to the second rope. Triple H leaps, but Booker T kicks him out of midair for a near fall! Booker T cannot believe it.
Booker T kicks him in the midsection and goes for the Scissor Kick, but Triple H avoids it. Booker T goes for a leaping side kick, but Triple H pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Triple H distracts referee Nick Patrick as Ric Flair grabs Booker T at ringside. Flair hits a knee breaker onto the ring steps! Booker T slowly gets in the ring. Triple H applies the classic Indian Deathlock. Jim Ross is loving that Triple H is using this old-school move. Triple H gets to his feet and turns Booker T over before putting the hold back on. Booker T screams in pain, but he eventually claws to the bottom rope to break the hold. Triple H puts Booker T’s leg on the ropes and leaps onto it. Booker T cannot stand. Triple H goes to whip him, but Booker T’s legs give out. Triple H mocks Booker T. Ric Flair shouts, “Get up, you damn fool!” Triple H goes for a knee breaker, but Booker T counters into a roll-up for a near fall. Triple H quickly kicks him and goes for a Pedigree. Booker T sweeps the feet, but Triple H kicks him into the referee. Booker T avoids a clothesline and rolls him up for a near fall. Triple H quickly kicks him and hits the ropes, but Booker T hits a reverses elbow. Booker T quickly follows up with the Scissors Kick! Booker T holds his knee in pain and takes forever to crawl over to Triple H. Booker T eventually covers for a near fall.
Booker T pulls himself up to his feet and begins to climb the ropes. Ric Flair quickly gets on the apron to attack him, but Booker T punches him down. Triple H cuts Booker T off and attempts a superplex. Booker T fights him off, and Triple H falls down to the canvas hard. Flair gets back on the apron, but Booker T punches him back down. Booker T then connects with the Harlem Hangover on Triple H and absolutely crushes him! Booker T holds his leg in pain before covering, but Flair puts Triple H’s leg on the bottom rope before the count of three. Booker T takes a while to get to his feet and sets up for a Scissors Kick. Booker T hits the ropes, but his legs give out once again. Triple H connects with a Pedigree, and both men are down. After a long time, Triple H slowly crawls over and puts a hand on Booker T’s chest. The referee counts 1… 2… 3. This is over.
Winner by Pinfall and still World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H
Mike’s Thoughts: Technically, this was a good match. Both guys did a great job selling and executing their spots… but in the end, it was all wrong. The build to this match was epically bad. Triple H, who less than six months before this had been involved in one of the dirt worst segments this company had ever produced (the Katie Vick angle), leaned in hard on some terribly racist tropes to build this match. The build to this match was pathetic and cringey. It’s no wonder the crowd wasn’t terribly into this when it began… especially since they probably figured Triple H wouldn’t lose anyway since he was running through everyone at this time. They were right. I know it’s a totally overused word, but the finish of this match is the definition of being buried. I had to watch the finish twice and time it. Triple H hit the Pedigree and took a whole 23 seconds (it felt even longer) to crawl over to Booker T and pin him. After dressing him down for nearly the entire build, he beats him like that. It’s no wonder that by the end of April, Booker T would be back in the mid-card. Booker T never did get that win over Triple H at any point in his career.
A WWEShop.com promo airs.
Video Package: Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. McMahon
Street Fight
Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. McMahon
If Hulk Hogan loses this match, he must retire from professional wrestling.
They go face-to-face in the center of the ring. McMahon stares intensely at Hogan and slaps him in the face. Hogan spears McMahon down and punches away at him. The bell rings to start the match. Hogan rakes the face and throws his bandana at McMahon. Hogan punches McMahon in the head a few times before sending him into the ropes for a clothesline. Hogan mounts him and punches away at him a few times before choking him. Hogan punches McMahon to the corner and stomps him down. Hogan chokes him again before bouncing him off the top turnbuckle. McMahon quickly elbows Hogan back and clotheslines him down. McMahon kicks Hogan in the ribs before spearing him to the corner. McMahon hits some shoulder thrusts before kneeing him in the ribs. McMahon elbows Hogan in the head a few times before choking him. McMahon punches Hogan down and grabs the arm. McMahon drives his knee into Hogan’s elbow and applies a hammerlock. Hogan tries to knock him away. McMahon drags Hogan’s arm to the corner and smashes the arm off the ring post. McMahon gets in the ring and starts a test of strength. Hogan fights up, but McMahon kicks him in the midsection. Hogan eventually fights up from the test of strength. They bump chests before McMahon kicks him in the midsection again. Hogan once again fights up, but McMahon kicks him in the midsection and throws him out of the ring.
McMahon goes outside and bounces Hogan off the barricade. McMahon flexes and grabs a steel chair. Hogan avoids a chairshot and punches McMahon down. Hogan drives McMahon into the ring post and grabs the chair. Hogan gets fired up and smacks the chair off the top of McMahon’s head. Hogan celebrates a bit and grabs McMahon. McMahon is busted wide open. Hogan punches at the open wound and gets him in the ring. Hogan punches away at McMahon and knocks him out of the ring. Hogan grabs another steel chair and bends it over the massive back of Mr. McMahon. Hogan smashes it off his back again and sizes him up. Hogan swings a third time, but McMahon ducks and Hogan hits Hugo Savinovich! McMahon then low blows Hogan to knock him down. McMahon grabs the steel chair and smacks it off Hogan’s skull.
McMahon goes under the ring and pulls out a ladder. McMahon sets it up at ringside. Hogan is bleeding from the forehead. McMahon starts to climb the ladder, but Hogan pulls him down. McMahon quickly grabs him and bounces him off the commentary table. Even Hugo Savinovich from the Spanish announce team is busted open. McMahon sets up the ladder next to the commentary tables. McMahon clears the Spanish table off and hits Hogan in the head with a monitor. Hogan is laying on the table. McMahon climbs the ladder and mocks Hogan’s taunt. McMahon then drives Hogan through the table with a leg drop off the ladder! Wow!
Trainers come down and remove the bleeding Hugo Savinovich from ringside. McMahon slowly gets up and gets Hogan in the ring. McMahon covers for a near fall. McMahon tries again, but Hogan kicks out again. McMahon is irate and goes outside. McMahon grabs a lead pipe from under the ring and ominously looks up from the apron in one of the more classic pictures. A psychotic Vince McMahon, face covered in blood, looking at Hogan with evil intentions. McMahon gets in the ring with the lead pipe, but Hogan low-blows him. Someone with a black jacket gets in the ring. They remove the jacket, and it is “Rowdy” Roddy Piper! The crowd goes crazy. Piper spits at Hogan and kicks McMahon over. Piper picks up the lead pipe and shouts, “Come on, Junior” to McMahon. Piper sizes McMahon up but then cracks Hogan in the head. Piper shouts, “Kiss my f***ing ass,” and leaves the ring. McMahon crawls over and covers Hogan, but Hogan somehow kicks out!
McMahon grabs the lead pipe, but referee Brian Hebner stops him. McMahon furiously grabs him and throws him out of the ring. McMahon picks up the lead pipe and motions to the stage. Sylvain Grenier jogs down to the ring, but referee Mike Sparks is behind him. Grenier takes him out. McMahon hits Hogan in the head with the lead pipe. McMahon hits a leg drop and covers. Grenier counts, but Hogan kicks out! Hogan begins Hulking Up! McMahon tries to punch him a few times, but Hogan doesn’t feel it. Hogan has the crowd going crazy. Hogan points at McMahon and wags his finger. Hogan punches McMahon down before punching away at Grenier and throwing him out of the ring. McMahon attacks Hogan from behind, but Hogan is still fired up. Hogan punches him three times before sending him into the ropes for a big boot. Hogan signals for the end and gets the crowd fired up. Hogan hits an Atomic Leg Drop before hitting the ropes for a second and then a third! Hogan covers and picks up the victory in this match that was 20 years in the making!
Winner by Pinfall: Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan celebrates big time and poses all around the ring. Shane McMahon slowly makes his walk down to ringside. Hogan takes off his weightlifting belt to warn him. Hogan holds the ropes open and points toward Shane’s father, who is still down and unconscious on the mat. Hogan rolls out of the ring and celebrates. Mr. McMahon regains consciousness and flips Hogan off.
Mike’s Thoughts: This was a total WrestleMania spectacle. The facials of Vince McMahon in this are the stuff of legends. McMahon is an incredibly bad wrestler, but with a good story and a ton of smoke and mirrors, he can get through a match. Hulk Hogan is crafty as hell and survived for so long knowing how to fake it till you make it with certain guys. There was enough in here to keep you engaged for the 20 minutes or so that they went. That ladder spot was great, the Roddy Piper comeback was unexpected, and that image of McMahon looking over the apron with his face covered in blood was just tremendous. It was like Jack Nicholson looking through the axed door in “The Shining.” Hogan was awesome here and is an expert at drawing sympathy from the crowd. I remember how much of the SmackDown shows were devoted to the buildup of this match. It was almost too much, but it paid off big time. This match is the match I always think of when I think of WrestleMania XIX.
Video Package: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. The Rock
The Rock vs. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin
The two all-time greats stand in the center of the ring and stare at each other as the flashbulbs reflect off them. Austin blocks a right hand and lays in some punches. Austin punches Rock against the ropes, flips the referee off, and goes for a Stone Cold Stunner, but The Rock pushes him off and gets out of the ring. The Rock angrily walks up the ramp, so Austin chases him and clotheslines him down on the floor. Austin bounces him off the metal barricade and chops the chest. Austin bounces Rock off the steps and chops the chest a few times. Austin drops Rock on the barricade before clotheslining him onto the SmackDown commentary table. Austin drops Rock on the barricade again before whipping him into the steps. The steps go flying as The Rock grabs his shoulder in pain. Austin gets The Rock in the ring and stomps his hand. Austin kicks him in the midsection a few times before choking him against the ropes. Referee Earl Hebner admonishes Austin. Austin connects with a back suplex for a two-count. Austin whips The Rock into the corner a few times. The Rock reverses one of the whips, but Austin immediately takes him down with a clothesline. Austin chokes him against the ropes again. Austin gets in Hebner’s face as he admonishes him. The Rock takes advantage and chop blocks Austin.
Austin rolls out of the ring to recover. The Rock goes outside and chop blocks the knee again. The Rock puts Austin on the commentary table and hits a knee breaker. Austin hobbles around and knocks over a cameraman. The Rock gets Austin in the ring and continues to attack the knee. Rock pulls Austin over to the ring post and smacks the knee off it. Austin soon gets to his feet and lays in some right hands. Austin sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Rock then kicks him in the knee and taunts the crowd. The crowd loudly boos The Rock. The Rock then applies a Sharpshooter. Jim Ross reminds us of Austin being locked in the Sharpshooter with blood spilling down his face at WrestleMania 13. The Rock pulls Austin over to the ring post and punches him a few times. Rock then puts on Austin’s ring vest and mocks the crowd. Rock gets in the ring, and Austin immediately attacks him. Rock reverses a whip, but he misses a clothesline. Austin and Rock then take each other out with a double clothesline.
After a few moments, both men get to their feet. Austin connects with some right hands before sending him into the ropes. The Rock ducks a clothesline, but Austin comes back with a Lou Thesz Press. Austin unloads on The Rock with some right hands before dropping an elbow for a near fall. Austin gets Rock in the corner and stomps a mudhole before walking it dry. Austin sends him into the ropes, but Rock ducks two clotheslines and takes Austin out with a diving clothesline. The Rock kips up and taunts the crowd. Austin gets to his feet and hits The Rock with the Rock Bottom! Austin takes a few moments before covering for a near fall. Austin sizes Rock up as he gets to his feet. Austin throws a kick, but Rock blocks it and spins him around. The Rock hits Austin with a Stone Cold Stunner! The Rock slowly covers him, but Austin kicks out at two and a half.
Austin slowly gets to his feet, and The Rock lays in a flurry of right hands. Rock goes for a big right hand, but Austin ducks it and absolutely turns him inside out with a Stone Cold Stunner for a near fall! Austin angrily gets to his feet and pushes the referee away. Rock uses the distraction to drop Austin with a low blow. The Rock stumbles to his feet and sees Austin is in position. The Rock takes off his elbow pad and throws it into the crowd. Austin avoids the People’s Elbow and goes for a Stone Cold Stunner, but Rock pushes him off. Rock connects with a spinebuster and takes off Austin’s ring vest before hitting a People’s Elbow for a near fall! The Rock cannot believe it. The Rock sizes Austin up, who is having trouble standing. Rock drops him with a Rock Bottom and covers, but Austin kicks out again. The Rock is incredulous. The Rock waits for Austin to get up. Austin takes some time before getting to his feet. Rock goes for a Rock Bottom, but Austin elbows out of it. Austin goes for some offense, but The Rock immediately drops him with a Rock Bottom for another near fall! The Rock simply cannot believe this. The Rock paces the ring in fury and waits for Austin to get up again. Austin slowly gets up, and Rock grabs him in position for the Rock Bottom. The Rock holds him up for a few before hitting a thunderous Rock Bottom for the victory. The Rock has finally defeated “Stone Cold” Steve Austin at WrestleMania!
Winner by Pinfall: The Rock
The Rock sits next to Austin in the ring and pushes the referee away. The Rock talks directly to Austin before patting him on the chest. The Rock gets up and poses on all four corners before getting out of the ring and embracing his family. The Rock goes up the ramp and leaves Safeco Field.
We go back to ringside, and the camera focuses on Austin. Austin begins limping away, and his music plays. Austin goes up the ramp and stops to pose for the crowd. Austin looks over to the sold-out WrestleMania crowd one last time before limping off to the back.
Mike’s Thoughts: Considering all the backstage elements that preceded this match, this match is a total triumph. It’s a fantastic match and a fitting conclusion to what is one of the all-time greatest rivalries in professional wrestling with two of the biggest stars ever. This would be the final match of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin until he had one more final one 6,943 days later against Kevin Owens at WrestleMania 38 in 2022. Austin, who suffered a devastating neck injury from an infamous piledriver gone wrong at SummerSlam 1997 against Owen Hart, effectively had his career salvaged by having fusion surgery in 1999. After missing most of the year 2000, Austin returned and was better than ever, though a foolish heel turn at WrestleMania X-Seven really did change the business for years to come. Still, by 2002, he was miserable with a hurt neck and a bad attitude. After walking out of the company, he returned for what was essentially a farewell tour. He crushed Eric Bischoff in two joke matches before facing The Rock here.
Knowing his career was coming to an end, stress and anxiety overtook him. Austin was drinking energy drinks and wound up way overdoing it, leading him to spend the night in a Seattle hospital the night before this show. Against the doctor’s advice, Austin checked himself out and went to Safeco Field to do this match and end his career in a big way. How he was able to get through this match when you could see on his face how much actual pain he was in is incredible. This was a phenomenal match.
Also, The Rock was getting ready to wrap up whatever semblance of being a full-time wrestler he was still enjoying. The Rock would last one more month to put over Bill Goldberg at Backlash before leaving for Hollywood. After a few brief appearances, he would effectively disappear from wrestling for nearly a decade. In a span of a month, WWE lost two of the biggest stars ever, and it did put them in a lurch for a time. Watching them go out there, knowing what I know now, is so impressive. They left it all in the ring. Watching it back in 2003, you just didn’t know all that went into this. The next night on Raw, they would tell you this was Austin’s last match, but they didn’t promote this match stating that nor did they say it during the broadcast. My hat is off to both men. All the Austin vs. Rock matches stand on their own and are remembered for numerous moments, but this one really stands out. At the end, when The Rock talked with Steve Austin privately in the middle of the ring, you’re watching Dwayne Johnson speaking with Steve Williams, his friend. It’s a beautiful and real moment. What a match.
Video Package: WWE Championship
WWE Championship
Kurt Angle (c) vs. Brock Lesnar
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. They lock up, and Lesnar powers him back, but Angle turns him. Lesnar drives Angle into the opposite corner before giving a clean break. Angle takes Lesnar down and applies a front facelock. Lesnar gets out with a fireman’s carry slam and applies an armbar. Angle fights out and puts an armbar on. Lesnar gets up and hits a headlock takeover. Angle grapevines the head, but Lesnar kips up out. Lesnar, quick as a cat, gets around Angle and takes him down. Angle fights out and takes Lesnar down with a headlock takeover. Lesnar fights up and whips him off before hitting a shoulder tackle. Angle circles around him and picks the ankle. Lesnar quickly gets up and takes him down. Angle elbows him back and charges, but Lesnar hits an arm drag. Angle fights up and powers Lesnar to the corner before kneeing him in the ribs. Lesnar’s ribs are taped up from the storyline attacks. Lesnar reverses a whip and elbows Angle down. Lesnar hits some shoulder thrusts in the corner. Lesnar whips Angle to the opposite corner. Lesnar charges, but Angle smashes him with a back elbow. Angle charges, but Lesnar hits a snap powerslam for a two-count.
Lesnar kicks Angle in the corner, but Angle fights back and hits a German Suplex. Lesnar immediately gets to his feet and clotheslines Angle down. Lesnar knees away at Angle and sends him into the ropes, but Angle holds on and pulls himself out of the ring. Angle gets back in the ring and stomps Lesnar as he gets back in. Angle punches Lesnar in the face, but Lesnar fights back with a military press front slam! Lesnar whips Angle hard to the corner and charges, but Angle boots him in the injured ribs. Angle grabs Lesnar and hits a German Suplex into the top turnbuckle! Lesnar falls out of the ring in pain.
Angle goes outside and drives Lesnar into the barricade before putting him in the ring. Angle clubs away at the back. Angle connects with a back suplex for a two-count. Angle attacks Lesnar in the corner and hits a textbook vertical suplex for a two-count. Angle grabs the leg and hooks the neck to apply a bow and arrow stretch. Angle really cinches it in and holds it on for a while. Angle mounts Lesnar and pulls back on the chin. Lesnar teases tapping out, but he soon powers up. Angle is on Lesnar’s back. Lesnar charges and slams Angle into the corner, but Angle holds on. Lesnar drives him into the opposite corner, and Angle lets go. Lesnar stomps Angle, but Angle reverses a whip to the corner. Angle connects with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Angle knees Lesnar in the back twice to knock him out of the ring. Angle gets Lesnar back in the ring and charges, but Lesnar CRUSHES him with a spinebuster!
The referee begins counting both men down, but they’re up at seven. Angle lights Lesnar up with some punches and kicks. Lesnar fights back with some knees, but Angle rakes the eyes. Angle sends him into the ropes, but Lesnar hits a flying forearm and a clothesline. Lesnar big boots Angle to the corner and shoulders away at him. Lesnar sends Angle to the corner, but Angle elbows him back. Angle charges, but Lesnar throws him across the ring with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Lesnar hits a second suplex and crawls over for a near fall. Lesnar hooks him for a third suplex, but Angle counters. Angle starts the Rollins German Suplexes and hits four of them. Angle screams for Lesnar to get up and goes for an Angle Slam. Lesnar slides off and goes for an F-5, but Angle gets out and takes him down for the Ankle Lock! Lesnar screams in pain and claws to the bottom rope, but Angle pulls him away. Angle turns him over and applies a single-leg crab. Lesnar withstands the pain and grabs the bottom rope to break the hold.
Angle viciously clubs Lesnar’s back and drives his knee into him. Angle charges, but Lesnar hits a back body drop over the top rope. Lesnar catches his breath in the corner of the ring. Angle slides into the ring and charges, but Lesnar sidesteps him. Lesnar shoulders away at his lower back, but Angle quickly regains the advantage by turning him inside out with a release German Suplex for a near fall! Angle pulls the straps of his tights down and connects with an Angle Slam for another near fall. Angle furiously stomps the mat and sizes Lesnar up. Lesnar catches Angle with a roll-up for a two-count. Lesnar then lays Angle with an F-5 for a near fall! Lesnar tries to pull Angle up, but Angle clips the leg and applies an Ankle Lock! Angle grapevines the leg to put more weight on the leg. Lesnar uses his unreal power to drag Angle to the bottom rope to break the hold. Lesnar kicks him away and goes for an F-5, but Angle catches him with an inside cradle for a two-count. Lesnar gets out of an Angle Slam and hits another F-5! Lesnar leans against the ropes and looks up. Lesnar pulls himself to the apron and begins to climb to the top rope. Lesnar stands on the top rope and goes for a Shooting Star Press, but he comes up short! Angle rolls out of the way after the fact to try to save the spot. Angle covers for a two-count.
Angle pulls Lesnar to his feet, and Lesnar is totally out of it. Lesnar kicks Angle in the midsection and hits a third F-5. Lesnar crawls over and puts an arm over his chest for the victory!
Winner by Pinfall and new WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar
A replay is shown from a different angle that shows Brock Lesnar landed directly on his face on that botched Shooting Star Press. Lesnar cannot stand. His eyes are glassy, and blood is coming out of his nose. Lesnar most likely has no clue where he is. Angle gets to his feet and looks down at the new WWE Champion. They shake hands and embrace. Fireworks go off, and Angle is essentially holding Lesnar up now.
Video Package: WrestleMania XIX
Mike’s Thoughts: One of the most infamous botches in pro wrestling history: Brock Lesnar doing the Shooting Star Press. I remember back in the day, there was a ton of buzz about Brock Lesnar before he debuted. I’ll never forget being at my friend’s house. He had downloaded from either Napster or Limewire (or something like that) some grainy video of this guy that was going to be the “next Goldberg,” and he was doing a Shooting Star Press. I couldn’t believe my eyes. When Lesnar debuted the night after WrestleMania X-8, we were always wondering when was he going to pull out this Shooting Star Press. Lo and behold, the main event of WrestleMania seems like the perfect place to do it, only sadly it didn’t work out. Memorable for all the wrong reasons. Lesnar is so lucky he wasn’t killed in this spot, and that’s not me being dramatic. Those replays are still hard to watch years later.
On top of that, Kurt Angle was wrestling this match with a destroyed neck that he was going to be taking some time off to get fixed up. There were serious questions about whether Angle would even make it to WrestleMania. Still, Angle is a total madman. Not only did he make it to WrestleMania with a broken freakin’ neck, but he also gave the same match he’d give broken neck or not. It was high intensity, stiff bumping, and stiff punching. Looking at Angle today with his atrophied arms and diminished physical appearance, you have to wonder if it was truly worth it. I’m sure he’d say yes because he’s an athletic animal. Angle’s career really is something else, but that neck injury that was never truly dealt with led him down some terrible paths mentally and physically. I’m just glad he’s still with us.
Overall, this match was really good. The crowd was a little subdued, but it was a long show, and they had seen a lot up to that point.
This was one of the best WrestleMania shows of all time. WrestleMania X-Seven still is number one for me, but this one is in the top five without question. It had a little bit of everything. Good wrestling up and down most of the card. Every main event or seriously promoted match delivered in big ways aside from Triple H vs. Booker T. Part of it felt like the end of an era with The Rock and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin either leaving completely or preparing to leave the ring completely and the other part felt like the dawning of a new era of superstars with Brock Lesnar leading the way. For the next retro recap (WrestleMania XX), you’ll know that this era of new superstars with Lesnar leading the way was very short-lived and he’d be on the way out in one of the more shocking turns I’ve experienced. I’m looking forward to recapping that one since I was there live in Madison Square Garden for it. Until next time, I hope you enjoyed reading this.
Quick Match Results
— Matt Hardy def. Rey Mysterio to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship
— The Undertaker def. The Big Show and A-Train in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match
— Trish Stratus def. Jazz and Victoria in a Triple Threat Match to win the WWE Women’s Championship
— Team Angle (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) def. Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Guerrero), and Chris Benoit and Rhyno in a Triple Threat Tag Team Match to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship
— Shawn Michaels def. Chris Jericho
— Triple H def. Booker T to retain the World Heavyweight Championship
— Hulk Hogan def. Mr. McMahon in a Street Fight
— The Rock def. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin
— Brock Lesnar def. Kurt Angle to win the WWE Championship
E-Mail – mike@wrestleview.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV
Thanks for reading!