From the Desk of Mr. V #36

From the Desk of Mr. V #36
October 8, 2009
By: Anthony J. Valvo of

Happy October everyone! Time for the summer to pass and autumn to begin (or the othe way around for my students on the other hemisphere). Wow, have the months gone by here during my rookie season at WrestleView. I don?t know about any of my students in the Northeastern part of the United States, but already the leaves changed colors here. Could be the beginnings of a brutal winter? I don?t know. Anyways, welcome students! Please have a seat and keep your eyes on the keyboard. Class is already in session.


This week there will not be a quote of the week. Instead, This Month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A few teachers that I have been friends with were diagnosed with this over the past few years and some are still having trouble fighting this disease. Though women are more likely to get diagnosed with breast cancer, men still have a shot at suffering as well. So, men and women of the classroom, I ask of you to get a check up once a year or donate a couple bucks to help fight breast cancer. I know of many grocery products that will donate a little bit of their proceeds, so please purchase them and we all can help find a way to discover a cure. This holds dear to my heart because a good friend of mine is in fact a breast cancer survivor. Her name is Pat Fells and she worked with me back when Sylvan Learning Center was still open for business in Monaca, PA. She even published a book a few years back called ?Blue Ribbon Girls?. It is a very good book and you can purchase it on I won?t give the story away, but it has to do with a girl who is fighting cancer and finds therapy riding horses. I enjoyed it cover to cover, and I am sure my students will too.

Also, a ‘student? (students are what I call readers in case you are reading this for the first time) of mine reminded me about Liver Cancer Awareness Month. I hope he does not get upset with me posting his name, but Christopher Elgee (and fellow U.S. Certified Teacher) suffered from Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). This was the same illness that took the life of NFL Hall of Fame Running Back (and one-time manager to Razor Ramon) Walter Payton. Mr. Elgee received a liver transplant in August of 2008 and now he is back to doing what he loves to do. From what I read, liver transplants are the only long-term cure for PSC. So, to anyone that suffers from these illnesses my prayers go out to you all. Cancer is terrible. Like I said, I had family suffer and friends suffer from cancer. I hope that someday I can do more for them than just type a two paragraph announcement.


94) When at ringside, try your best not to act like a lunatic

On a couple wrestling shows the past couple weeks I am starting to notice a trend to all that sit at ringside. Now, I am sure it does not address to any of my readers but those who commit this crime are on notice. I hate seeing this at baseball games, but this takes the cake. I noticed that some people at ringside are now calling their friends saying to ?turn on the TV, I am on TV!!? Then the friend turns to the correct channel and BAM! The friend is jumping around like a lunatic (or like some Jeff Hardy fans) because their mug is on television. Congrats! You are rich! I get it. I get it. You have money, woohoo! You were able to get that front row seat only to make a fool out of yourself. For that I ‘sarcastically? raise my coffee mug in the air and salute you. If any of my readers are down in the dumps, don?t be. At least you are better than somebody!

95) Don?t bring a marker board to a live event

At first, I thought it was creative. But now, it is clich?. I know those fans have more than one wrestler that they enjoy, but how dumb does it look to have a marker board and make up signs as action is being in place? It’s ridiculous! I feel that some people do this just to be a ?rule?. Just stick to the original 12×15 sign that states ?If Cena Wins?We Riot! That’s it! Signs should be no larger than that. Larger signs obstruct the views of the fans behind you. Consider the others in attendance, please?


Headline #1: Hell in a Cell is over!

And good thing! Apparently many WrestleView chat room members did not like that show. So here is my take on the PPV.

I think putting the title on Orton was a great idea. At this time, putting the title on Orton helps the stock of The Legacy (who is taking a beating since the summer). I honestly can?t think of any opponents credible to face either Orton or Cena other than each other. This ?final chapter? at Bragging Rights is a great idea. But if Cena does in fact lose, then who will take his place on RAW? I don?t see MVP being a viable contender. DX is feuding with Jericho and Show at this time. Evan Bourne lost his push and Mark Henry might be injured. So, who would be able to face Orton? Maybe they would bring up someone from ECW?.maybe Christian when he drops the title?

I don?t like the idea that Taker won the title here. There should be a rule that if you are too injured to compete for the titles, then you should not win them. CM Punk was a great champion on the Smackdown brand, and his gimmick has generated heat that can only rival Edge’s earlier this year. I don?t buy into the whole ?Punk did not dress like a champion material? rumors that the Internet is posting. I don?t know why the WWE booked Undertaker as the winner. I don?t know why they would think Batista vs. Undertaker would be a top draw. I guess we will have to stay tuned on this creative idea. To conclude on this, I do trust Smackdown’s judgment here. I think they have something good brewing up here.

The Divas should be banned from PPV until further notice. No one is standing out in that division now and I am sure it bothers the viewers of their programming. So what was the WWE’s answer? The Diva Bowl!!! Enter sarcasm yet again?

Other thoughts: Drew McIntyre vs. R-Truth should have debuted on Smackdown! With the way RAW has been, Jericho NEEDS to be on that show in my opinion. That is why I don?t think Jericho and Big Show will be losing those titles anytime soon. DX beating Legacy last weekend was pretty obvious. Too bad it did not help Ted and Cody that much. Morrison and Kofi winning on the PPV was a good move. But Miz winning on RAW was even better. I would love to see Miz vs. Morrison at Bragging Rights. If that match happens, I am going to Pittsburgh!

Honestly, that is it for the headlines. I did not really notice anything else that caught my eye. So, I will stop right there. If any reader or student catches a headline and want my take on it, just e-mail me and I will add it to the next column.

DETENTIONS AND ETERNAL DETENTIONS (Presented By: Game Box. It’s free to join, so check them out at


This week, I award various detentions to the following people (or things)?

WWE Divas – At first I really did not like Maryse as Diva’s Champion. Now, I am join the ?Get Well Maryse Soon? group on FaceBook. Yes, there is one. Right now, the Divas are terrible in the ring?period.

Pittsburgh Pirates – You did not lose 100 games, and that is why you are on this list. You cost my friend some nutritious beverages because of your late season surge.

Cleveland Browns – your NEXT 0-16 NFL franchise.

Wrestlers who leave cynical ?Tweets? – That goes to Chavo and Matt Hardy.

Mick Foley/Abyss storyline – They are going to fight to the death because of a ?broken picture?? Abyss should get a gold star for destroying Jeremy Borash.

WWE – for stealing many of WrestleView’s ideas! Yes, I am calling you out! First you took my idea that Tony Atlas should have a ringtone and NOW Cole is saying ?JeriShow (Piedra stated this team name months ago). It looks like the columnists are more creative than WWE right now.

Tyler Reks – He is too generic and his in-ring stuff has not improved. He needs to go back to FCW. Is it just me, or was OVW a much better developmental territory than FCW.

Jerry Lawler – I know some students enjoy his cat-calling, but I grew tired of it since the Attitude Days.

Traci Brooks – For even thinking for one second that you are ?Playboy cover material?.

Linda McMahon – (By Chris Elgee) I live in CT and I kid you not, have received mail 5 straight days from her. In addition, it seems her commercials run every 60 seconds on the local station. I’m suffering from Linda saturation and the election isn’t until 2010! (Mr. V note: I live in PA and I can say this?too many political ads may not be a good thing. I?m just sayin!)

The Geico Cavemen – The Money Pile is cool. The gecko is ok. The cavemen need to go.

Booker T – Help some young guys out for cryin? out loud!


Jeremy Borash – If you look like a rat and dress like a rat, then you are a?..

Rhaka Khan – Expect to be on here for a while. I wish I can do nothing and get a paycheck?

Rob Terry – How many want to bet that if you took an x-ray inside his head, there would be no brain?

Michael Cole – I can?t stand clich? commentary, and you my friend took the cake. I bet Ricky Langston, Greg McNeish, Paul Pomykala, Mike DiVito, or even Turd Ferguson can go out there and do a better job.

That ?New? ECW ring announcer – I know she is new and I should give her a break. But let’s face it, she was terrible. I know, Lillian messed up too when she debuted, but at least Lillian had charisma. This new girl does not. Maybe they should let Tiffany be the ring announcer.

Jenna Morasca – Last time I will put her on here, I am tired of giving this hag attention.

ETS and the Praxis Series – Good Luck to those who are taking them. I will be taking the middle school math one soon.

Kanye West – For interrupting me and saying that some columnist on PWInisder has a better column than me.

**Remember classroom, this is your column as well. If you have a nomination to be on this list, please let me know by dropping me a line at Who knows, maybe your nomination goes on the list. **


Once again class, there were some good matches and some bad. None of the matches got Mr. V’s ?A? rating, but many of them got the ?B+ or B? grades. Here are the three matches that I thought were worthy to be in the Honor Roll.

Distinguished Honors – HHH/Shawn Micheals/John Cena/Undertaker vs. CM Punk/Randy Orton/Ted DiBiase/Cody Rhodes, Friday Night Smackdown, October 2.

What a great main event to cap off the Decade of Smackdown Celebration! I was really impressed with Ted DiBiase’s work this past week. He is just getting better each week and I can see him being a breakout superstar in 2010. Every other held their own in this contest, as I did not detect any botched moves. However, I noticed something strange during the match. Cody Rhodes is not selling too well. He has been doing this for a while now and it should be mentioned. It bugged me how HHH would do a signature move and then Cody is right back on his feet. But other than Cody, it was well-scripted with a great finish.

Move of the Match: I am going with Mike Tedesco and saying Cena doing the FU (Mr. V refuses to re-name it) on Punk, dumping him over the top rope.

High Honors – Brent Albright vs. Claudio Castagnoli, ROH on HDNet, September 28.

From beginning to end, this match had a great story inside the steel cage. They have been feuding for months on HDNet and if this is how they end the feud, then I thought it was the best way to end it. I liked the sequence and selling in this match. They both did a great job matching blow by blow. I also liked how Castagnoli tried to escape at almost the right time. He can be that top heel for ROH if he gets a chance. Brent got the win here by stomping on Claudio’s head with a chair on top of it! But still, Brent is missing something. Maybe it is a lack of charisma, but no worries in this one. This was the main event for ROH last week, and I thought it was a good one.

Move of the Match: Brent Albright’s Exploder Superplex off the top of the cage.

Honors – Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz, WWE Superstars, October 1.

I thought this really brought out the most in Kofi Kingston. I think I mentioned before how Kofi relies too much on top rope attacks and jumping around, but his ground work (along with The Miz) was surprising. If they try and build up Kofi some more, I think he can be in solid position to wrestle Orton sometime. Outside of Cena, I think Kofi can sell someone’s offense among the best of them. Two years ago, I remember telling friends of mine that The Miz was going to be released. But I think The Miz really takes this business seriously and the push that he is receiving is well-earned. They told a nice story in the ring and in the occasional segments. The Miz since this day won the U.S. Title and in my opinion, he is going to be a good U.S. Champion, if the WWE use him right.

Move of the Match: Kofi’s Trouble in Paradise to end the match. Kofi sold the leg injury well and used his good foot to deliver the victory here.

Honorable Mentions are awarded to: Lynn/Black vs. King/Titus on 9/28; Dutt vs. Payne on 9/28; Jericho/Big Show vs. MVP/Henry on 9/28; Swagger vs. Bourne on 9/28; Benjamin vs. Birchill on 9/29; Christian/Dreamer/Tatsu/Goldust vs. Regal/Jackson/Kozlov/Ryder on 9/29; Shad vs. Kidd on 10/1; Angle vs. Hernandez on 10/1; Batista vs. Kane on 10/2; Miz/Ziggler vs. and Morrison/Kofi on 10/2

Worst Match of the Week – Mickie James vs. Rosa Mendes, Monday Night RAW, September 28.

This is my basic formula for this part: Botching + No Chemistry + Boring Contest = Worst Match of the Week. Is it just me, or is Mickie James not good right now.

Dishonorable Mentions go to: Cena vs. Big Show on 9/28; Chavo/Masters vs. Santino/Hornswoggle on 9/28; Nash vs. Dr. Stevie on 10/1; Hemme vs. Brooks on 10/1; ODB vs. Kong on 10/1; Morgan vs. Young on 10/1; and McCool vs. Melina on 10/2.


This is the portion where I will tell you the two (or three if a tie) best things that happened on each program. After the brief overview, I will give you my top two shows and the student’s choice. This portion is interactive and if you want to provide me with your pick for a favorite show, e-mail me at

Here is a list of what I deemed the best match and segment of each television program.

ROH on HDNet (September 28)

Best Segment: Just for humor only, Delirious? training session.

Best Match: Brent Albright vs. Claudio Castagnoli (Steel Cage Match)

Monday Night RAW (September 28)

Best Segment: Degeneration X and Legacy’s Pre-Hell in a Cell program. I loved how DX came from the luxury box down to the ring.

Best Match: Chris Jericho and Big Show vs. MVP and Mark Henry

ECW (September 29)

Best Segment: John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler on the Abraham Washington Show.

Best Match: Christian, Tommy Dreamer, Yoshi Tatsu, and Goldust vs. William Regal, Ezekiel Jackson, Vladimir Kozlov, and Zack Ryder.

WWE Superstars (October 1)

Best Segment: I guess I have to say ?Ask the Divas?, only because Beth Phoenix makes fun of Santino Marella.

Best Match: Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz

TNA Impact (October 1)

Best Segment: Tough call, but I will go with anything involving World Elite and The Main Event Mafia.

Best Match: Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez

Friday Night Smackdown (October 2)

Best Segment: Anything involving the backstage party. From Cole’s drunkenness, Joey Styles? one liner, and even the Iron Sheik it is a must see for all of my students. The Rock was good, but the party was so much better.

Best Match: Degeneration X, John Cena, and The Undertaker vs. CM Punk, Randy Orton, and The Legacy.

Students? Choice: By a vote of 6-1, the point this week goes to FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN!

Mr. V’s Runner-Up: ECW

I loved the flow of the one hour program this past week. ECW is hitting their strides well, as we had a great segment and two good contests. When one hour seems like fifteen minutes, then you know the show was enjoyable and fast-paced. Well Done!

Mr. V’s Pick for the Best Show: Friday Night Smackdown

Other than the women’s clunker, the show was excellent. Three out of four matches that got a C+ grade or higher, The partying segments, and surprise appearances by Joey Styles, The Iron Shiek, Sgt. Slaughter, and The Rock (though on the Tron) made this Smackdown a must-see for all of my students. Check it out on Hulu, YouTube, or DVR. It was the best Smackdown since July.


Best Show: Friday Night Smackdown (2 points)
Runner-Up: ECW (1 point)
Students? Choice: Friday Night Smackdown (1 point)

Overall TV War Standings

1) Friday Night Smackdown (55 Points)
2) Monday Night Raw (35 Points)
3) TNA Impact (34 Points)
4) ECW (23 Points)
5) ROH on HDNet (10 Points)
6) WWE Superstars (1 Point)

COMMENTATOR REPORT CARD (Presented By: JR’s Family Bar-B-Q! Sure, the 3-pack is $19.88 plus free shipping to anyone living the United States. But how about throwing Good Ol? JR an extra $5. Why? Because for $24.88 not only will you get three more bottles of the sauce, but you can get a Koozie AND and autographed photo from the man himself! So, what are you waiting for? Log on to today! P.S. If the wife is reading this?.JR’s Bar B Q is the ONLY thing I want for my birthday! (October 12 students, buy me something :p)

A rundown of this week’s grades

Michael Cole: D (2009 Grade: D) **Current Leader of The Dunce Cap**
Jerry Lawler: D (2009 Grade: C+)

Josh Mathews: B+ (2009 Grade: A-) **Dean’s List**
Matt Striker: B+ (2009 Grade: A) **Dean’s List**

Todd Grisham: B+ (2009 Grade: B+) **Dean’s List**
Jim Ross: A- (2009 Grade: A-) **Dean’s List**

Mike Tenay: B (2009 Grade: C+)
Taz: B- (2009 Grade: C+)

Mike Hogewood: C+ (2009 Grade: C-)
Dave Prazak: B- (2009 Grade: B-)


I think after eight months of giving the students our predictions it has been a huge success! Thanks to all who participated and best of luck the next time we do this piece.

(as of WWE’s Hell in a Cell)

1) Joe Baiamonte (Baiamonte’s Casa)?????????……..85-53 (4-3)
2) Josh Boutwell (Viva La Raza and TNA Recapper)…???84-55 (5-3)
3) Jose Marrero (Wrestling Rumblings)?????????..??82-57 (6-2)
4) David Stephens (That’s a Wrap and ECW Recapper)??80-59 (5-3)
5) WrestleView Students (The Loyal Readers)???????.80-59 (4-4)
6) David Stephens (That’s a Wrap and ECW Recapper)??80-59 (5-3)
7) Josh Piedra (The Shoot)???????????????????74-45 (7-1)
8) Anthony Valvo (From the Desk of Mr. V/ROH Recaps)?74-65 (6-2)
9) Mike Siciliano (Pro’s From the Palace)???????………71-62 (6-2)
10) Matt O?Brien (Notes From The Nosebleeds)???????.66-50 (4-4)
11) Chris Kelly (King of All Wrestling Media)?????????..55-34 (6-2)
12) Phil Chroniger (On Second Thought..)??????????..54-50 (0-0)
13) Doug Lackey (Reality From Ringside)???????????.53-51 (2-6)
14) Sean Hurley (The Sharpshooter)??????????????.48-36 (0-0)
15) Mike Tedesco (Smackdown and Superstars Recapper)?.28-18 (4-4)
16) Mike Klubnik (Stylin? and Profilin?)?????????????..20-14 (6-2)
17) Ryan Droste (Ask WV)?????????????????????.4-4 (0-0)

Now?after all these words that you just read?it is time for:


If you have done something worth rewarding or nominate someone to receive this wonderful award I hand out weekly, e-mail me at Who knows, you might be getting a star next week!

Gold Stars are awarded to…

Doug Lackey – For providing the VIPers with a chance to win a Ric Flair WOOOOO! Ticket! Good Luck to all those who win.

Ben Roethlisberger – I don?t care what anyone says here, but he did a great job as guest host for Monday Night RAW. I thought he was better on RAW than when Tom Brady guest hosted Saturday Night Live years back. At least people are watching RAW (oh snap!)

Brian Czygan, Rocky Jr., and Paul Pomykala – You all got six correct picks among the WrestleView student who sent their picks in. Great Job to you all!

Jose Marrero, Mike Siciliano, Chris Kelly, and Mike Klubnik – 6-2 this weekend! Nice job by all of you!

Joe Baiamonte – STILL our Dean of WrestleView (but look out below?Josh and Jose are making it close once again)

Red Robin – The restaurant chain with the gourmet burgers introduced a new one, the Wise Guy Burger! Class, what goes better with a hamburger? How about provolone sticks and marinara sauce. Definitely a Mr. V-approved burger.

Randy Orton – Your NEW WWE World Champion!

The Undertaker – Your NEW World Heavyweight Champion!

The Miz – Your NEW United States Champion!

To all who completed last month’s homework assignment – I will shout you all out later this week. The Wrestling Theme Assignment results will appear this weekend!

Zack Ryder – Has anyone improved in the ring and on the mic this year more than Ryder?

Yoshi Tatsu – May your stock continue to rise.

TNA – Why not? I will give the company one for building up Bound for Glory into a potential great show.

Adam Martin – Not to kiss up. But thanks for the kind words you gave me in regards to my first ROH recap. Please check the recap, in my opinion it was better than I expected.

Andrew Medsker – I read your kind words about my column a couple weeks ago. I am sorry I did not get a hold of you, but I thank you personally for all the nice comments posted.

WrestleView staff – There are some silly rumors going around in the world of wrestling. This website continues to check the facts and post things that are 100% real and true! I think Adam deserves thanks from all of us for not posting things before he finds the facts. I know that all sites want to be the first to post something. But if it is not real, then who gets laughed at? Not us! That is why we have the smartest minds in professional wrestling. And our readers? They are the smartest fans out there. Gold Stars for all of you!

WWE – For giving us a GREAT main event for Bragging Rights! Cena vs. Orton?.60 Minutes?.No DQ?..No Countouts?.NO F?N HOLDS BARRED?.Cena is out of RAW if he loses!!! What more can a fan want?

Chris Elgee – Yes, my family is understanding with me haha.


Well, last month’s assignment at an end and you will see the top 20 wrestling theme song later this week. So this week, I will give the students the week off! Enjoy the days of Autumn! There will be a new assignment next week.

Well, that sums up another edition From the Desk of Mr. V. As always, if you want to chat wrestling you can always go on FaceBook and ask me your questions (I am on there at least once a day). You can also e-mail your comments to my address at I am getting much better in responding to the e-mails, so drop me a line.

It is the end, and you know what that means. Time to push in your chairs, walk in a straight line, and exit your classroom door (more than likely your computer room or dormitory room). Until The WrestleView students Top 20 Theme Songs, I bid you farewell! Thanks for reading and you are all officially?????DISMISSED!!

Look me up on Facebook under Anthony J. Valvo in the Pittsburgh Network

Mr. V does neither Twitter nor MySpace

And as always, if not for the students there would be no Mr. V. Thanks again for reading this lengthy column.

Later this week ?From the Desk of Mr. V??.

Top 20 Wrestling Themes

ROH Recap for 10/5

Thanks for reading everyone. Have a good week.

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