Superstars Results – 7/5/12

WWE Superstars
July 5, 2012
Report by: Jason Namako of

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s WWE Superstars recap.

If you all are ready, then since Adelitas Way is playing the intro, let’s get on with the show!

A.W comes out and introduces the Prime-Time Players as we go to our opening match.

Titus O’Neil w/”Mr. No Days Off” Darren Young & A.W. vs. Primo w/Epico & Rosa Mendes

Lock-up and O’Neil throws Primo down, before doing his barking dog taunt. Primo with a side headlock, but O’Neil sends him into the ropes and knocks him down with a shoulder tackle. Primo comes back with a series of strikes, but O’Neil blocks his Irish whip attempt. Primo slides under O’Neil’s legs and then hits a springboard turnaround crossbody for a 1 count. Primo with an armbar, but O’Neil breaks free with a forearm.

Irish whip by O’Neil and he sidesteps Primo, sending Primo over the ropes and to the outside, where Primo crashes into the barricade. O’Neil dances to taunt the crowd. O’Neil with a stomp on the outside, then sends Primo headfirst off the apron. Back in the ring, O’Neil with a 1 count. O’Neil with a STO takedown, but then Primo fights back, however O’Neil comes back with a knee to the gut. O’Neil chokes Primo in the ropes with his boot, but Primo fights back with chops. Irish whip by Primo, reversed by O’Neil, then Primo tries for a Sunset flip, but O’Neil blocks it and then throws Primo into the corner. O’Neil with a charging clothesline in the corner as A.W. taunts Primo. O’Neil with a pair of elbow drops for a nearfall. A.W. tells the crowd to “Shut up” as O’Neil locks in a chinlock while the crowd, Epico & Rosa will on Primo. Primo tries to break free, but O’Neil drives him down to the mat. Primo then comes back with a jawbreaker and O’Neil runs into Primo’s boots on a charge.

Primo with a tomahawk chop off the middle rope, followed by a series of strikes. Irish whip by Primo, reversed by O’Neil, then Primo goes again for a Sunset flip, but again O’Neil blocks it and nails Primo with a knee to the gut. O’Neil charges, but Primo catches him with a drop toe hold that sends O’Neil throat first off the middle rope. Primo charges and connects with his body weight across the back of O’Neil’s neck. Primo goes to head up top, but A.W. hops up on the apron, allowing Young to try and distract Primo, but then Epico comes in and nails Young with a dropkick. However, the distraction does allow O’Neil to nail Primo from behind with a double sledge.

O’Neil goes for a back suplex, but Primo counters out and then rolls up O’Neil for the victory.

Winner: Primo by pinfall (Roll-Up)

Primo, Epico & Rosa celebrate while the Prime-Time Players & A.W. are fuming mad as we go to commercial.


WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston vs. Rob Cabildo

Kofi wants a handshake, but Cabildo shoos him off. Lock-up and Cabildo with a wristlock. Kofi kips out and takes down Cabildo with an arm whip for a 1 count. Kofi with a side headlock, but Cabildo counters out into one of his own. Irish whip by Kofi, but Cabildo knocks him down with a shoulder tackle. Cabildo goes off the ropes, then Kofi does his double leapfrogs, followed by a leaping back elbow for a 1 count. Kofi with an armbar, then switches to a front chancery, but Cabildo drives Kofi into the corner. Cabildo with a forearm, then unloads with stomps to Kofi in the corner. Cabildo with a slam, then goes to a front chancery as the crowd wills on Kofi. Kofi tries to break free, but Cabildo with a knee to the gut. Cabildo heads up to the middle rope and goes for a dropkick, but Kofi shoos him away. Kofi with a pair of double chops, a dropkick and finally the Superman clothesline. Kofi is all fired up as he goes off the ropes and hits the Boom Drop.

Kofi does the Boom Clap and hits Trouble in Paradise for the victory.

Winner: WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston by pinfall (Trouble in Paradise)


“The Swiss Sensation” Antonio Cesaro w/Aksana vs. Alex Riley

Lock-up and Cesaro with a fireman’s carry into a front chancery. Riley counters into a hammerlock, but Cesaro gets to the ropes and nails Riley with a back elbow. Cesaro with a side headlock takedown. Crowd chants “Let’s go Riley” as Riley whips Cesaro off the ropes, but Cesaro knocks him down with a shoulder tackle. Cesaro goes back to the side headlock, but Riley Irish whips out and catches Cesaro coming in with a dropkick. Cesaro misses a clothesline and Riley goes off the ropes, hitting Cesaro with a running front dropkick to the side of the head for a count. Riley with a side headlock takedown, but Cesaro breaks free with a forearm to the kidneys. Irish whip by Cesaro, reversed by Riley, who nails Cesaro with a leaping avalanche in the corner. Riley goes up to the middle rope and goes for the 10 punches, but Cesaro counters by hotshotting Riley across the top rope.

Cesaro with a running boot for a nearfall. Cesaro with an elbow drop for another nearfall. Cesaro locks in a chinlock as the crowd tries to will on Riley. Riley tries to get to his feet, but Cesaro drives him down to the mat and then uses his feet to twist the neck of Riley. Cesaro goes back to the chinlock as the crowd again tries to will on Riley. Aksana shooshs the crowd as Riley breaks free. Irish whip by Riley. but he runs into the boot of Cesaro. Cesaro then with a deadlift side salto for a nearfall. Cesaro with a jumping clothesline to the back of Riley’s neck for another nearfall. Cesaro locks in a neck vise as the crowd again chants “Let’s go Riley”. Riley gets to his feet and then counters out with a back suplex. Cesaro charges, but runs into a back elbow by Riley.

Riley with a pair of clotheslines, then ducks under a Cesaro clothesline and catches Cesaro coming in with a spinebuster. Riley is all fired up as he charges at Cesaro, but Cesaro sends him onto the apron. Riley comes back with a shoulder to the gut, then heads up top. Riley with a flying clothesline for a nearfall. Riley goes for the Implant DDT, but Cesaro drives Riley into the corner to break free. Cesaro charges, but Riley rolls him up for a nearfall. Riley goes for the Final Score, but Cesaro breaks free with elbows. Riley charges, but Cesaro moves out of the way. Cesaro then charges and lifts up Riley, drilling him with a spinebuster of his own.

Cesaro cracks his neck, then hits the Gotch Neutralizer for the victory.

Winner: “The Swiss Sensation” Antonio Cesaro by pinfall (Gotch Neutralizer)


Back from commercial, we go to this week’s “RAW Rebound”, highlighting what happened between CM Punk, Daniel Bryan & AJ before the main event.

Main Event: “Long Island Iced Z” Zack Ryder vs. “The All-American American” Jack Swagger

Lock-up and Swagger with a single leg takedown, followed by an amateur roll. Ryder counters into a wristlock, but Swagger counters into one of his own. Ryder kips out and goes back to the wristlock, but Swagger with a knee to the gut. Swagger paintbrushes Ryder on the back of the head as a sign of disrespect, then does a victory lap to taunt him. Ryder then comes back with a dropkick and does his own victory lap. Crowd chants “Woo Woo Woo” as they lock-up and jockey for position. Swagger breaks, but then takes down Ryder with an amateur slam. Swagger walks across Ryder’s back, then hits a right hand. Swagger with a knee to the gut, followed by an Irish whip. However, Ryder ducks under a clothesline and puts on the brakes. Swagger charges, but Ryder catches him with a hotshot across the top rope. Ryder then with a one man flapjack for a nearfall. Ryder paintbrushes the back of Swagger’s head as a receipt, then Swagger charges, but Ryder ducks and then nails Swagger with a right hand. Ryder with a series of right hands before being pulled back by the referee. However, that allows Swagger to nail Ryder with a kick to the leg. Swagger then with a series of running shoulder tackles. Swagger with an armbar with his knee driven into Ryder’s back as the crowd tries to will on Ryder. Swagger with an arm whip back into the armbar as Ryder was trying to get up. Ryder breaks free, then hooks Swagger in an O’Connor Roll for a nearfall. Swagger charges, but Ryder gets his knees up. Ryder with a “Woo Woo Woo”, going for the Broski Boot, but Swagger senses it coming and charges, but Ryder sidesteps him, sending Swagger sailing over the ropes and to the outside. Ryder goes for a slingshot plancha, but Swagger catches him in mid-air and connects with a backbreaker on the outside. Swagger taunts the crowd as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial as Swagger with a jumping leg drop, then taunts the crowd. Swagger with another victory lap to taunt the crowd, but takes too much time as Ryder moves out of the way on another leg drop attempt. Ryder with a pair of right hands, then sidesteps Swagger’s back drop attempt with a kick to the chest. Ryder goes for a crossbody, but Swagger drops down to avoid it, sending Ryder into the ropes. Swagger gains a nearfall, then hits a suplex for another nearfall. Swagger with a series of shoulders to the gut of Ryder in the corner, then throws him down. Swagger with a seated chickenwing as the crowd tries to will on Ryder. Ryder tries to break free, but Swagger drives Ryder back first into the corner. Swagger with another shoulder to the gut, then places Ryder on the top turnbuckle and slaps him across the face. Swagger goes up with Ryder and tries for a superplex, but Ryder blocks it. Ryder knocks Swagger off the ropes and then comes back with a series of right hands. Irish whip by Ryder. but Swagger counters and nails Ryder with a kitchen sink. Swagger then goes for the running Swagger Bomb, but Ryder gets his boots up.

Both men exchange right hands until Ryder gains the advantage with a series of forearms. Swagger misses a clothesline and Ryder connects with a flying forearm. Ryder with a clothesline, followed by a faceplant. Ryder charges and connects with a leaping forearm, then does another “Woo Woo Woo” and this time drills Swagger with the Broski Boot for a close nearfall. Ryder setups for the Rough Ryder, but Swagger counters it. Swagger charges, but when Ryder tries to get his knees up again, Swagger catches his legs and pulls Ryder down to the mat. This time, Swagger hits the running Swagger Bomb, but only gains a nearfall. Swagger is frustrated, then goes for a suplex, but Ryder counters with a neckbreaker for another close nearfall. Ryder can’t believe it, then goes up to the middle rope. Ryder leaps off, but Swagger catches his legs and locks in the Ankle Lock. Ryder then counters out and sends Swagger onto the apron.

Swagger slingshots back in, but runs right into the Rough Ryder by Ryder for the victory.

Winner: “Long Island Iced Z” Zack Ryder by pinfall (Rough Ryder)

Ryder celebrates his victory as we go to credits.

This week on the Independent Roundtable:

  • Reviews of the 6/30 ROH TV & 7/1 FCW TV
  • Review of the EVOLVE 14 Internet PPV from this past Thursday, featuring El Generico vs. Samurai Del Sol
  • Review of CZW’s “Cinco de Mayo” show from May 5th, featuring Drake Younger vs. Sami Callihan in a 2 out of 3 fall match for the CZW Jr. Title
  • Grash joins the show to talk the 6/27 edition of WWE NXT

    Plus, the news of the week and much more!

    If you would like to send in questions on any of the topics discussed this week on the Roundtable, shoot us an e-mail at

    So with that, I will see you all next week for more WWE Superstars, have a great weekend!

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