AS I SEE IT 8/30

Bob Magee
Pro Wrestling: Between the Sheets

To the stalker who’s been spending time lately sending me e-mails from new and different e-mail addresses, keep having fun; and a thought: If I’m all thse things you claim, tell me…who’s more pathetic? Me…or you, spending your time sending me crap from new and different real (or spoofed) Hotmail, AOL, Gmail and AIM addresses?

From last week’s thoughts on Linda McMahon’s “I might have met him once” response to a question about Lance Cade; and my opinion that the comment was unfeeling as hell at best and a deliberate attempt to steer attention yet again from anything to do with her business experience at WWE at worst…

Harley McNaught, Lance Cade’s father, essentially called Ms. McMahon a liar in an August 26 interview with the Connecticut Sun: “I’ve been with him on two different WWE functions where she came up to him and knew him by name…”She disrespected him…She disrespected my family.” The article also discussed WWE’s plausible deniability strategy regarding steroids and specific comments made to Cade. No one in WWE will ever tell someone specifically to take steroids or HGH…but keep making it clear that one’s push depends on having the right body type, a body type usually possible with steroid use.

As McNaught stated in the article (quoting his late son): “‘It was right in front of the (announcer’s) desk at the (Louisville, Ky.) Davis Arena,’ he said, referring to a conversation with unnamed other wrestlers that year. ‘And our little talk was, ‘Lance, you’re going to have to make the decision if you want to change your body, if you know what I mean, or keep going through this.’ And that’s when I made the decision, and in six weeks – go look at the … tapes. … From January of ’03, fast forward to March of ’03 and look at the change in my body.'”

The passing of Luna Vachon this past weekend hasn’t helped the McMahon campaign either, in again focusing on WWE’s wrestlers dying from drug and life issues resulting from working in the wrestling business. Vachon’s death is especially sad, given what many have said about her as a person. Whatever the autopsy stated, the odds are that Vachon pretty much died of a broken heart after her home was burned to the ground, and all her wrestling memorabilia gone with it.

I remember quite a few years ago, when Joel Goodhart brought in Vachon and the Blackhearts and did a Q&A prior to her appearance at his show. I asked her what it felt like to be an actual woman wrestler when most American fans think of woman’s wrestling as a T&A show (remember this is a time when people were just discovering Japanese women’s wrestling, which in the early 1990s was on a higher level than most men’s wrestling). She seemed to get a particular kick out of the remark.

Thoughts and prayers go out to her family.

As I indicated I’d mention, on Friday, September 10 (note the special date, no doubt done to allow fans to attend the September 11 EVOLVE Rahway, NJ afternoon show…Bryan Danielson’s last East Coast independent date…and the Ring of Honor Glory by Honor PPV TV taping thaty evening at the Manhattan Center), Combat Zone Wrestling will present its annual “Down With the Sickness” Chris Cash Memorial Show at the ECW Arena.

Announced thus far:

  • CZW World Championship
    Jon Moxley vs. Scotty Vortekz Chuck Taylor vs. Ricochet vs. A.R. Fox vs. Facade vs. Alex Colon vs. tHURTeen
  • CZW World Tag Team Title Tournament Opening Round
    Team Macktion vs. Irish Driveby (Ryan McBride and Rich Swann)
  • The debut of Johnny Gargano

    Until next time…

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