WWE Superstars
August 6th, 2010
Laredo, TX/San Antonio, TX
Report by: Jeff Springer of Wrestleview.com
Whether you are RAW or you are SD on Thursday nights we are all Superstars!
No pyro as Tiffany’s theme music hits and she is on her way to the ring for the opening contest, Laycool are out second as Layla will be her opponent for this match from the Smackdown brand.
Tiffany vs. WWE Women’s Champion Layla W/Michelle McCool
The bell rings and the two divas lock up, Layla gets the go behind and pushes Tiffany away and gives her insulting pats on the bottom. Tiffany turns around and hits her with a knee to the gut and multiple strikes, Tiffany sends Layla into the rope and is reversed but able to get the sunset flip for a cover and a kickout. Layla gets up and runs at Tiffany but is hit with an arm drag, Layla back up in the corner and Tiffany goes for an attack but is backed up by the referee. Layla comes out of the corner and is hit with multiple strikes, Tiffany gains control of the arm but Layla kicks her and is able to reverse the maneuver. Tiffany is able to reverse the maneuver and regain control, Layla sends Tiffany into the ropes and is hit with a big shoulder block that makes her retreat to the outside.
Tiffany goes after Layla and pushes Michelle out of her way, Tiffany throws Layla back into the ring and Michelle comes up behind her and kicks her in the back of the leg. Layla stalks Tiffany before attacking the leg, The ref backs her up and Michelle goes after the leg again from the outside during the distraction. Layla goes to the corner and continues the attack on the leg, Tiffany grabs hold of Layla’s head and begins to choke her to break the attack. Layla continues her attack of the injured leg of Tiffany, Layla grabs the leg a puts her in a modified Indian deathlock which she uses to create a unique pin cover that Tiffany kicks out of. Layla goes to grab Tiffany but she begins to fight her way to a comeback, Tiffany lands a big bulldog for a cover and a kickout by Layla.
Tiffany grabs Layla and lands a suplex for a cover and a kickout, Layla gets up and goes for an attack but Tiffany moves. Tiffany goes for a crossbody off the top rope but Layla is able to move out of the way, Layla grabs Tiffany and lands the LayOut for the cover and the win!
Winner Via The LayOut: Layla
NXT Recap: Laycool Kissing Contest
Todd Grisham hypes the Main Event from the Raw Brand Evan Bourne Vs. Zack Ryder plus Matt Striker hypes the trailer for John Cena’s new movie Legendary!
Todd Grisham thanks Jet for the Summerslam theme song than Matt Striker hypes the Summerslam site on WWE.COM!
Hawkins and Archer’s music hits as they make there way to the ring for a tag team contest, The DudeBusters music hits second as they will be their opponents for the second match from Smackdown.
Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer vs. The DudeBusters
The bell rings as Curt Hawkins and Trent Baretta start the match out, Hawkins backs Baretta into the corner but is backed off by the referee. They lock up again and this time Baretta backs Hawkins up in the corner, Hawkins lands a boot to the gut and slaps on a headlock. Baretta sends Hawkins into the rope and is hit with a shoulder block, Hawkins hits the rope and is ducked a couple of times before slapping Baretta right in the face. Baretta blasts Hawkins and goes on the attack with multiple strikes, Baretta makes the tag to Croft who hit a double team elbow. Croft lands a follow up leg drop and goes for the cover but Hawkins kicks out, Both superstars get up and Hawkins drives Croft into his corner and makes the tag to Archer.
Vance gets into the ring and lands a big shot on Croft, Archer goes for a clothesline but Croft ducks and lands a dropkick. Croft lands a couple of strikes before making the tag to Baretta, The DudeBusters send Archer into the rope but he blocks their clothesline but is hit with a double dropkick. Croft holds Archer while Baretta hits the rope and hits a front dropkick for a cover and a kickout, Baretta makes a tag and Croft lands a strike off the top rope. Croft hits the rope and is hit with a boot by Archer, Vance sends him in the corner but Croft lands a boot. Croft goes to the top rope but Archer pushes him off and knocks him to the floor as we go to commercial
When we return from commercial Hawkins is in control of Croft, Hawkins goes for a cover but Caylen kicks out. Hawkins slaps a sleeper hold on Croft, Croft breaks the hold and hits the rope but is caught and hit with the slam for a cover and a kickout. Hawkins sends Croft to his corner and makes the tag to Archer, Hawkins and Archer land the drop toe hold/big boot combo for a cover and a kickout. Archer puts a chin lock on Croft, Croft is able to break out but is hit with the over head belly to belly suplex for a cover and a kickout. Archer takes Croft to his corner and makes the tag to Hawkins, Hawkins snapmares Croft and puts him in another chin lock.
Croft is able to get to his feet and run Hawkins into the corner to break the hold, He is able to make the tag to Baretta who hits a big elbow on Archer. Baretta goes on the attack with a flurry of maneuvers on Hawkins, Baretta goes onto the apron and jumps off the top rope and lands a dropkick for a cover that is broken up by Archer. Croft attacks Archer who he is able to get over the top rope, He goes for the cross body to the outside but Archer moves out of the way. In the ring Baretta and Hawkins trade finishing attempts before Baretta goes for the cover that is broken up by a big boot by Archer. Archer lands the inverted DDT and tags in Hawkins who hits the Heat Seeking Elbow for the win!
Winners Via Heat Seeking Elbow: Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer
Post Match: Hawkins and Archer make a challenge to The Hart Dynasty
WWE Films Trailer: Legendary
Todd Grisham Hypes the main event again Evan Bourne Vs. Zack Ryder!
Did You Know? John Cena designed a new 711 coffee cup, and all proceeds will benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Hype Video: The Miz
Raw Rebound: Team WWE disintegrates
Summerslam: Team WWE Vs. Team Nexus,Sheamus Vs. Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio Vs. Kane
Evan Boune’s music hits as he makes his way to the ring for the main event from the Raw brand.
When we return from commercial Zack Ryder makes his way to the ring to round out the contest.
Evan Bourne Vs. Zack Ryder
The bell rings and Zack Ryder goes to the top rope and taunts Evan Bourne, The two lock up and Ryder backs Bourne up into the corner. Ryder lands a kick to the gut and follows it up with more kicks, Bourne lands kick but Ryder strikes back. Ryder attempts to send Bourne into the turnbuckle but is reversed and tripped and hit with a front dropkick for a cover and a kickout. Bourne lands a kick but is hit with a strike and send head first into the corner, Ryder lands more attacks before sending Bourne into a different corner. Ryder picks up Bourne and is hit with flying kicks, Bourne attempts to send Ryder into the ropes but is reversed and hit with a big clothesline for a cover and a kickout.
Ryder lands a knee to the back and a kick to the head on Bourne, Ryder continues his attack Bourne until he is able to fight back and hit a big drop kick. Ryder sends Bourne into the ropes and is hit with a hurricanrata, Bourne follows up with a big drop kick followed by a clothesline over the top rope. Ryder hangs on to the apron but is hit with a kick that knocks him off, Ryder gets back on the apron and is hit with an uppercut to take him out again. Bourne goes to the top rope but Ryder moves as we go to commercial.
When we return from commercial Ryder is in control with a headlock on Bourne, Bourne attempts to break free but Ryder is able to continue to wear him down. Bourne makes a second attempt to get free but is hit with an STO for a cover and a kickout, Ryder goes for a maneuver but Bourne sunset flips over for a cover and a kickout. Ryder rolls out and hits a big neckbreaker for another cover and a kickout by Bourne, Ryder goes back to the head of Bourne going for another headlock. Bourne fights to get to his feet and break free and is able to, Ryder lands a forearm that takes down Bourne and follows up with a facewash in the corner. Ryder goes for another cover but Bourne kicks out, Ryder goes for another headlock that he transitions into a crossface.
Bourne is able to get to his feet and is about to break free but Ryder grabs the tights and falls victim to an enzguri by Bourne. Bourne follows up with a small package but Ryder kicks out, Ryder turns Bourne around who lands multiple kicks that knock him into the corner. Bourne runs into the corner and lands another kick on Ryder for the cover and a kickout, Evan goes to attempt Air Bourne but Ryder grabs the leg to prevent it. Bourne lands a kick and runs at Ryder but is hit with a lifting powerbomb for a cover and a kickout, Ryder goes to the top rope but Bourne gets to his feet and meets him on the top rope. Bourne is able to flip Ryder over his head and drop him on the mat, He turns around and hits Air Borune off the top rope for the win!
Winner Via Air Bourne: Evan Bourne
-End of Show-
Feedback: Inferius0513@aol.com
See you next Thursday!