AEW Grand Slam Australia Results
February 15, 2025
Brisbane Entertainment Centre in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Results by: Alex Kahrs of
*Live coverage of tonight’s AEW Grand Slam Australia will begin immediately following the NBA All-Star Saturday.
Saturday night’s alright for fightin’, and tonight we’re doing it Down Under as AEW presents Grand Slam Australia!
Commentary welcomes us to the show as Konosuke Takeshita makes his out for our opening contest. Kyle Fletcher joins him on the stage before the pair head to the ring. Out next is Will Ospreay to a big pop from the crowd as he heads to the ring. Fletcher can be seen covering his ears, trying to ignore the fans and Ospreay’s music before we big a big special entrance from Kenny Omega, the crowd chanting his name as the Best Bout Machine heads to the stage for a big pyro display. Brisbane is electric for Omega as he gives high fives on his way down the ramp, stepping into the ring to another big pop. Ospreay and Fletcher stare each other down before this match finally gets underway…
Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega vs. The Don Callis Family’s Kyle Fletcher and International Champion Konosuke Takeshita

…and immediately go at it! Ospreay gets an advantage but only for a moment before Fletcher takes over, much to the crowd’s chagrin. Omega tries to get involved but is sent off the apron as Takeshita and Fletcher double-team the Aerial Assassin, allowing Fletcher to get a nearfall in the process. Ospreay with a tag to Omega, and the crowd is loud as Omega goes after Kyle…but Fletcher drops the mood when he drops Omega!
Fletcher continues the attack until Kenny sends him out of the ring, but Takeshita stops the Best Bout Machine from going for a dive. Omega fights back with a big dropper on the International Champion, forcing him to leave the ring…only for both men of the Family to get the drop on them from a dive from Ospreay and Omega! “AEW” chants from the crowd as Fletcher and Omega get back in the ring, and uh…the fans let Don Callis know what they think of him as Omega tags in Ospreay.
Ospreay gets a few licks in on his former friend before tagging back out, but he is quickly sent out of the ring by Takeshita who tags in to go after Omega. Kenny gets taken down hard with a knee strike by Konosuke, who gets a nearfall for his effort. He sends Omega to the corner once, but a second hammer throw results in Omega getting the boot to the champ’s face instead! Omega rolls forward for a tag to Ospreay as Fletcher tags in, catching Ospreay with a thrust kick…before Kenny plants him wtih a snap dragon suplex!
Ospreay goes after the Alpha now, taking him out in the corner with Cheeky Nando’s before getting laid out by Fletcher…and all four men are down as we go to an ad break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from break, Ospreay is in control until Fletcher manages to counter out for a powerbomb attempt…which gets reversed into a DDT! Oscutter is reversed, but Ospreay hits another DDT for good measure. Ospreay in the corner for a Hidden Blade but is stopped when Don Callis grabs him by the ankle while the ref is distracted. Tags made to Kenny and Konosuke as they lay into each other, with Omega sent to the ropes before the champ drops him to the mat. Ospreay comes in for a pump kick but it barely fazes Takeshita, who goes after Omega…only to force him into the corner where Ospreay is standing, with Fletcher making a tag as Takeshita hits a German suplex on both Omega AND Ospreay!
Fletcher gets some more damage in before tagging in Takeshita once more, but things go south for the Family…leading to Omega looking to take the Alpha out with a One Winged Angel from the middle rope! Fletcher saves his pal and the pair fight back, hitting a stereo tombstone piledriver that gets them a nearfall.
Crowd continues to give Don Callis grief as all four men go trade strikes in the ring, a “yay-boo” chant ringing throughout the building as Fletcher sends Ospreay out of the ring. He gets hit by Omega, who gets laid out by Fletcher and Takeshita. Konosuke hits a running knee on Omega for the cover, but Kenny narrowly gets his shoulder up! Ospreay runs in to protect Omega from further damage, but is pulled away by Fletcher as the two go at it in the corner…until Konosuke blindsides him.
Ospreay counters out of a double suplex, sending Fletcher out of the ring as he looks for a Hidden Blade…only to be laid out by a Takeshita knee strike! He turns his attention to Omega, who answers with a V-Trigger to take the champ down. Omega sets up for a One Winged Angel but Takeshita gets out, allowing Fletcher to send him to the corner. Fletcher gets sent to the outside but Konosuke goes on the attack…until Omega drops him right onto the steel part of the turnbuckle.
Ospreay dives over the top to get the drop on Fletcher, and then climbs back up for a Hidden Blade into a One Winged Angel giving Omega and Ospreay the win!
Winners via pinfall: Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega
The pair celebrate as we cut backstage, with Harley Cameron walking down the hall. Up next, she challenges Mercedes Moné for the TBS Championship!
-Commercial Break-
Back at ringside, Harley Cameron makes her way to the ring for our next match as she challenges for the TBS Championship. Momo Watanabe is seen at ringside, keeping an eye on the woman she will challenge down the line for the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship…and the double champ makes her way out as Mercedes Moné heads to the ring, before this match gets underway!
TBS Championship Match: Mercedes Moné defends against Harley Cameron

Despite her promise to make the CEO feel the Wrath, Harley is dropped to the mat by the champion quickly as Moné goes to work…only for the challenger to catch her by surprise, sending her to the mat for a nearfall. She even manages to counter out of the Money Maker here as she drops the champ with an arm drag before attacking her on the ropes saying this is her ring now. Cameron leaves the ring, pulling out the Mercedes puppet before attacking the champ in the corner with Mini Moné…until Mercedes fights back, stomping away at the puppet before kicking it out of the ring!
She goes back on the attack, dropping the challenger for a nearfall. She sends Harley to the ropes before hitting a running Meteora for the cover…but the challenger manages to kick out as we go to ad break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from break, the champ is still in control until Harley catches her with a bulldog to the mat. Both women are back up to trade strikes, until Harley sends Moné to the ropes…only for the champ to catch her with a Three Amigos to the chagrin of the crowd. She walks over Cameron before climbing up top for a frog splash…but Harley gets a boot up and covers the champ for a nearfall! Harley in the corner before Moné goes after her, but a Pumphandle Pickup drops the champ to the canvas and Cameron gets a close nearfall.
Mercedes manages to fight back with a Backstabber, forcing Harley out of the ring before taking a standing ovation…only for Mini Moné to return! Harley catches the champ on the apron outside, slamming her into it before going up top amidst “Feel the Wrath” chants from the crowd. She drops onto Moné, following up with an Australian Destroyer for the cover…but the champ kicks out!
Mercedes fights back now, setting the challenger up for a powerbomb as a chorus of boos greets her. She goes up to the middle turnbuckle for a Meteora, and once again Cameron manages to kick out to save this match for herself…even more so when she rolls Moné up for a two count! Another roll up yields the same result, and a third attempt from the corner gets one more nearfall. With the champ in the ropes, Cameron dials it up for a tiger feint kick before going up top…but the champ catches her with a Money Maker instead, picking up the win to retain her championship!
Winner via pinfall and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Moné
The champ celebrates as she leaves the ring, confronting Watanabe before heading up the ramp with her titles as commentary hypes the AEW Continental Championship later tonight!
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Kenny Omega talks about having to listen to Konosuke Takeshita brag about being the International Champion before challenging him for the title at Revolution. He offers the floor to Will Ospreay, who talks about Kyle Fletcher being booed in his home country before looking to settle things once and for all at Revolution…in a steel cage!
We go to commentary talking up our next match, before a video package highlights the rise of the Death Riders. Up next, they take on COPE and Jay White in a Brisbane Brawl!
Back at ringside, COPE makes his way out to kick things off for our next match. The crowd is excited to see the Rated R Superstar…so much so that they’re singing his theme! Out next is Jay White, getting a pop all its own from the Brisbane crowd as the Switchblade approaches the ring. Out next are the Death Riders, with Marina Shafir accompanying Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli with the briefcase (presumably) holding the World Title. They head toward ringside, but are met by COPE and White to get things started as the match gets underway with the opening bell!
Brisbane Brawl: Death Riders (Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. “Switchblade” Jay White and Rated R Superstar COPE

COPE and Jay send the Death Riders into the ring for mounted punches in the corner before sending them rihgt back out, with White and Mox going at it while Claudio and COPE square up. Those two head through the crowd as White and Mox continue to go at it at ringside. Claudio turns things around on COPE as White looks to set up a table for Mox…but a distraction from Shafir leads to the World Champion sending him back into the ring instead.
We get a glimpse of Claudio and COPE before seeing Mox catch White with a trashcan lid to the face. Back in the crowd we see COPE take a leap of faith off a balcony, sending Castagnoli to the floor with a double ax handle. Back at ringside, Mox goes after the Switchblade as the Brisbane chants something I can only assume is potentially offensive toward the World Champion.
COPE slowly makes his way back toward ringside as Mox sets Jay up on the table, climbing the turnbuckle before COPE intercepts him…but Claudio is back at ringside as well now, and he sends Jay down hard before the Death Riders take control going into ad break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from break, the Riders continue the attack on Jay White in the corner as we get a look at what happened shortly before…but COPE is back as he gets the drop on Claudio and Mox! He hits the ropes for speed but is met with a Paradigm Shift by Mox, who sends the former TNT Champion into the ring post and forcing him out of the ring. Claudio sets up a table in the corner until Jay shows up with a kendo stick, laying into both Riders until Mox stops him long enough for Claudio to send him into a chair propped up in the corner.
Jay fights back and heads to the opposite corner, luring Claudio into a trap as he crashes into the chair there. Blade Runner connects, but before he can get the pin on Claudio he is stopped by the arrival of Wheeler Yuta, who whips him with a belt! The two leave the ring as COPE takes out Mox, looking for a spear on Claudio. Castagnoli responds with a European uppercut, but it’s not enough as COPE hits a back body drop and then drives him through the table with a spear! He hits the champ with one as well before leaving the ring, grabbing a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire from underneath before coming back in.
He lays into the World Champion with it before getting out of the ring for a second chair, setting Mox up for a Conchairto…only for Yuta and Shafir to stop him! This allows Claudio to hit him with a Neutralizer for a nearfall, and Mox quickly locks in a bulldog choke on the Rated R Superstar. COPE is struggling as Yuta keeps White from getting back in the ring…and COPE is out cold! The ref calls for the bell as this one is over!
Winners via submission: Death Riders (Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli)
Mox isn’t finished however, as he looks to “pop his head off” with the choke while the fans chant how they feel about the finish. Mox doesn’t care, however, as he finally does sufficient enough damage to break the hold. The Death Riders look on as the champ leaves the ring, making fun of COPE as commentary hypes up the remaining matches for the night.
-Commercial Break-
Back at ringside, Buddy Matthews makes his way out to a big pop from the hometown crowd ahead of our next match. He looks to challenge for the Continental Championship as Kazuchika Okada comes out next, the champ looking ready to go as he heads to the ring before this match gets underway!
AEW Continental Championship Match: Kazuchika Okada defends against Buddy Matthews

The champ greets his challenger with a Stone Cold salute before they face off, with Matthews holding his own as he stays up from a shoulder tackle. They lock up until Okada is taken to the ropes, with Buddy mocking Okada…and Okada responding in kind. Exchange of holds by both men now, as Okada goes for a Rainmaker lariat but Matthews counters out, taking the champ down to the mat. Okada leaves the ring, only to stop Buddy in his tracks when he goes for a dive.
Buddy gets to his feet before giving Okada a double bird…and this riles Okada up just enough to leave the ring, grabbing his title and heading up the ramp to leave. Matthews gets a microphone, calling Okada something I’m not sure I’m allowed to repeat in this recap, and this gets the champ back in the ring…where Buddy takes him down for a two count. The action heads outside as Buddy sends Okada into the apron before bringing him back in the ring, but the champ turns things aruond as he attacks Buddy in the corner before sending the challenger to the outside, Matthews favoring his knee as we go to ad break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from break, Buddy is up on his feet and turning things around on the champ as he sends Okada into the ring for a Meteora off the top for a nearfall. Okada scores a nearfall of his own before hitting a neckbreaker to stay in control. Big scoop slam from the champ, before Okada goes up top for an elbow drop. He gives the crowd a salute before turning his attention to Matthews…who grabs his hand and starts plying away at the finger.
Okada finally breaks free, but is met with a knee by the challenger who heads to the corner for a stomp…but the champ dodges it, hitting a Rainmaker lariat for the cover! Buddy kicks out at two, much to the shock of the champ! Okada leaves the ring, grabbing the title before sliding back in. The ref tries to stop him and this leads to a roll up by Matthews for a nearfall, and a stomp for two. Matthew’s Law connects, and Buddy gets the cover…only for the champ to get his foot on the rope to break the count!
The crowd lets us know how they feel about this as Okada leaves the ring, luring Buddy in to attack him before sending the challenger back in. He heads up top but is intercepted by Matthews, who sets up for a superplex sending Okada to the mat…followed quickly by a jackhammer for a two count. Matthews catches the champ with a submission hold, but Okada manages to power out. He stops himself from crashing into the ref, only to grab onto him with Matthews behind him…and this gives Okada the opening to hit a low blow on the challenger, followed by a Rainmaker lariat to pick up the win and retain the title!
Winner via pinfall and still AEW Continental Champion: Kazuchika Okada
Commentary hypes up the upcoming Dynamite before going to a video package highlighting the feud between Toni Storm and Mariah May leading up to tonight’s big rematch for the AEW Women’s World Championship!
-Commercial Break-
Alright, there’s been enough talk…it’s time for our main event! (What’d you mean they don’t do that anymore?) Back at ringside, Mariah May makes her way out to some heavy boos from the crowd as we notice someone walking down the stairs in the crowd…and it’s Luther dressed as an usher! Toni Storm’s original AEW music hits for a moment, transitioning into the old-timey cinematic wonder of “Timeless” Toni Storm making her way out next to a great reception from the Brisbane crowd. Storm enters the ring, basking in the crowd reaction as we get ring introductions for the challenger and champion to get this match underway!
AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Mariah May defends against “Timeless” Toni Storm

The crowd showing more love for Ton Storm as the bell rings, and the women lock up before Storm lays into the champ with strikes into the corner. May fights back for a moment, before Storm responds with a Thesz press and punches. Crowd cheer her on as Toni continues the attack…before May responds with a Sling Blade and a dropkick sending her challenger into the corner. May stomps away at the Timeless One now, ignoring the chants from the crowd as she brings Storm to her feet…only for Toni to connect with not one, not two, but three German suplexes sending the champ to the mat!
Storm firmly brings May to Suplexwood (Get it? Hollywood but with…never mind) as she continues to take the champ to task. May heads to the apron, where Toni looks to send her out with another suplex…but May fights back, dropping the challenger onto the hardest part of the ring before sending her into the barricade with a dropkick as we go to ad break!
-Commercial Break-
Back from break, May and Storm are back in the ring and May is in control…but not for long as Toni fights back, cinching in an STF on the champ! Mariah seems to be fading here as she struggles to break free…finally doing so by taking a bite at Storm’s hand! Toni breaks free long enough to get the hold back in.
May manages to get out, and the action heads to the apron where the champ dodges a hip attack from Storm…setting the challenger up for a Mayday onto the floor! The ref checks on Storm before May brings her back into the ring to chants of “let’s go Toni” from the crowd. May goes up top for a massive missile dropkick sending Storm to the corner, allowing the champ to follow up with a hip attack. She pulls Storm to the center of the ring, but Toni fights back for a Mayday of her own to score a nearfall.
May is in the corner as Storm sets up for a hip attack…and a second one…and a third for good measure! Storm Zero connects, but it’s only good for a two count as the champ manages to kick out.
May seems like dead weight here as Storm brings the champ to her feet, but May manages to get back into it with a deadlift suplex followed by a Mayday. She hoists the challenger to her feet for another Mayday and the cover…and Toni Storm kicks out!
May slowly gets to her feet now, bringing Storm to the corner for a series of strikes. Storm starts to fight back before May sets her up on the top turnbuckle for a kiss…and this powers Storm up for a powerbomb! She goes for a Storm Zero, but the champ manages to escape the ring just in the nick of time. Mariah back to her feet as she gets inside the ring for a headbutt, only for Storm to counter out of a Mayday with one of the most dangerous maneuvers in all of professional wrestling…the inside cradle…and keeps May down long enough to pick up the win and become the new Women’s World Champion!
Winner via pinfall and new AEW Women’s World Champion: “Timeless” Toni Storm
The win makes Storm the first woman in AEW to win the championship four times, a moment worth celebrating…but the nature of this broadcast means that the celebration on-screen is cut short, as Grand Slam Australia comes to a close with Toni holding the title up high in front of her adoring fans in Brisbane.
Quick Results:
- Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega def. The Don Callis Family’s Kyle Fletcher and AEW International Champion Konosuke Takeshita
- TBS Championship Match: Mercedes Moné def. Harley Cameron
- Brisbane Brawl: Death Riders (Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli) def. “Switchblade” Jay White and Rated R Superstar COPE
- AEW Continental Championship Match: Kazuchika Okada def. Buddy Matthews
- AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “Timeless” Toni Storm def. Mariah May
And that will do it for AEW Grand Slam Australia! If you ask me, I think AEW and WBD need to work something out about these pre-empted timeslots…but in the meantime, we’ll see you on Wednesday for Dynamite as we get back on the road to Revolution!