AEW Dynamite Results – 10/23/24 (Title Match, Sammy Guevara vs. Shelton Benjamin, and more!)

AEW Dynamite Results
October 23, 2024
Salt Lake City (West Valley City), Utah (Maverik Center)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It is Wednesday, my dudes…you know what that means!

We open with a recap of Jon Moxley’s message to AEW, promising to “burn down the forest to plant a new one” and claiming everyone works for him now. We then see the chaos and damage that the BCC have caused since, and the struggle of those opposing them to stay united. We also see Mox and crew in the desert, promising this is all for the greater good.

We cut to the parking lot of the Maverik Center as a group of AEW wrestlers await the arrival of the BCC, before heading to ringside to get the show started with a rundown of what’s to come tonight.

Video Package: Chaos involving Kip Sabian and Hangman Adam Page led to Christian Cage picking up a win over Jay White last week!

We head to the ring where Tony Schiavone introduces Page for some words on what has been going on. Hangman makes his way to the ring as Tony asks him where his mind’s at after the past couple weeks. Page grabs the mic from Schiavone and talks about the damage he’s caused the Bang Bang Gang…until Colten Gunn blindsides him!

He sends Page to the outside, but Hangman fights back as he sends Gunn toward the ring apron. He sends Colten inside the ring, taking off his belt to continue the beatdown until the Gang make their way down the ramp for the save. They circle the ring before going after Hangman, who quickly makes his escape as he limps up the ramp. Jay grabs the mic, telling Page he can’t hide and that he will always have the Hangman’s number.

Page can hide behind all the blood and barbed wire he wants, but when that bell rings he will always come up short against the Switchblade…and if you’re not down with that, he’s got two words for you: Guns Up!

We get a graphic hyping up our opening contest, and then a…

Video Package: Sammy Guevara’s career in AEW so far, and his recent return to action that sees him facing one of the best in Shelton Benjamin tonight. Benjamin and MVP talk about the business they’re in, being merchants of misery, and looking to take over. Trust the process…they’ve done it before, and they’ll do it again!

Back at ringside, Sammy Guevara makes his way to the ring for our opening contest. Out next is Shelton Benjamin, and this match is underway!

ROH World Tag Team Champion Sammy Guevara vs. Shelton Benjamin

Shelton goes on the attack early, hoisting Sammy up high to send him into the mat before bringing the champ into the corner to continue the beatdown. With MVP looking on with some advice, Benjamin continues to work on Guevara until he gets sent into the ropes, only for Shelton to block a cutter attempt.

The action soon spills to the outside as Sammy catches Benjamin with a kick to the face, following with a moonsault to take him to the floor. Guevara goes back in the ring for a dive but is cut off by MVP, allowing Benjamin to catch him and drop him down hard as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Shelton maintains control of the match, wearing down the former TNT Champion with an onslaught of offense around the ring before bringing him back in. He goes to work on Guevara, sending him into the corner for further damage before sending him to the ropes as we come back from break…

…just as Benjamin sends Sammy to the canvas with a flapjack! Shelton drops him again for added damage, bringing Sammy back to his feet for a release German suplex. Guevara looks hurt here as he grabs his neck, Shelton staring him down before bringing Sammy to his feet…only for Guevara to roll him up for a nearfall! Shelton responds with a kick before heading to the ropes, but Sammy catches him with a knee sending him down to the floor instead. Shelton rises to his feet on the outside, just as Sammy makes a big dive sending him back down hard. Sammy brings him back into the ring before leaping off the ropes, but Benjamin turns it around for a German suplex.

Guevara lands on his feet, ducking the grasp of Benjamin for a cutter before slowly getting a cover…leading to a one count before Shelton kicks out! MVP shouts at him to “stop playing with your food” as Guevara continues to mount some offense in the corner, heading up top before leaping off…right into a superkick by Benjamin! Shelton backs up as Guevara rises to his feet, only to take a thrust kick by Benjamin. Guevara ends up in the corner as Benjamin hits him with a knee strike followed by an exploder into a powerslam for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Shelton Benjamin

Backstage, we see Renee trying to get a word from Mariah May who is seen with a luggage case…revealing it’s Anna Jay’s as she throws it open against the floor of the hallway. She runs down Anna before the new #1 contender confronts her briefly until officials rush in to intervene as we cut away.

Video Package: Kyle Fletcher’s betrayal of Will Ospreay at AEW WrestleDream, and the promise he will address things tonight on Dynamite!

Back at ringside, Schiavone welcomes Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis to the ring. The crowd lets Callis know how they feel about him as he says Kyle is ready to speak. Kyle says these people can boo all they want, but he only wants to talk to Will Ospreay. He talks about Ospreay losing the International Championship eleven days ago, and the time he’s been spending in the hospital to recover, all the while wondering “why, Kyle, why”…and that makes Fletcher happy. What the people don’t realize is they are just as much to blame as Will is, talking up the hype around him being the “next big thing” when he debuted.

Fletcher is briefly interrupted by an “Ospreay” chant before he addresses Ospreay’s debut in AEW, where folks began to call Fletcher “the next Will Ospreay”…and he took every comparison as an insult. Fletcher insists he is better than Ospreay in every single way, addressing when he joined United Empire under Ospreay’s wing. The crowd chants “wrap it up,” to which Kyle says Callis bought all the TV time in the world for him to speak so they will listen. Fletcher then talks about why he left New Japan to join AEW, bringing up Ospreay’s history with Okada and Kenny Omega. Fletcher saw the writing on the wall, realizing what he had to do to get out from Ospreay’s shadow because that’s the lesson Will taught him.

Callis helped Fletcher realize that Ospreay is far too selfish, and lays out a challenge to Ospreay to meet him in this ring next week amidst the crowd tell him to shut up. Fletcher promises to send him back to the hospital with Tiger Driver after Tiger Driver, proving that he is the one and only Kyle Fletcher. One thing is apparent, if Kyle wants to stand atop the mountain of AEW, he must be nothing like Will Ospreay. With that, Fletcher takes his shirt off as Callis reveals a hair trimmer before handing it to Fletcher…who proceeds to begin shaving his hair off! He proclaims he is nothing like Will Ospreay, as we cut away to a video promoting upcoming shows and then to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Video Package: Konosuke Takeshita defended the AEW International Championship at MAPLE LEAF PRO Wrestling’s debut event, but a post-match beatdown was interrupted by the arrival of Ricochet!

Backstage, Ricochet talks to Renee about Takeshita screwing him out of the International Title twice before calling him or anyone else out for Rampage. MVP and Shelton Benjamin arrive, with MVP offering him a business card and a fresh start before complimenting him on his attire before walking off.

Back at ringside, Lance Archer and Brian Cage head to the ring where their opponents await as this match gets underway!

Don Callis Family (Lance Archer & Brian Cage) vs. local talent

The men facing Don Callis’s newest acquisitions stood barely a chance against Cage and Archer, who decimate both men before a combination chokeslam/powerbomb gives this newly-minted team the win.

Winners via pinfall: Lance Archer & Brian Cage

-Commercial Break-

We cut back to the parking lot, where the Conglomeration pull themselves away to head inside for the Briscoe match up next. Chuck Taylor has some words for Orange Cassidy before we head back to ringside.

Chris Jericho heads to the ring for our next match, a Ladder War match with the ROH World Championship on the line. Mark Briscoe heads down the ramp next, charging at the Learning Tree as this match gets underway!

ROH World Championship – Ladder War: Mark Briscoe defends against Chris Jericho

Briscoe is a man possessed as he lays into Jericho, sending him off the apron and into a table that was set up at ringside before the match per the insanity surrounding this match stipulation. Briscoe continues to beat Jericho down until the Learning Tree turns things around, sending the champ into the barricade before pulling out another ladder amidst “Fozzy sucks” chants from the crowd. This seems to distract Jericho just enough for the champ to turn things around, but Jericho manages to evade a Jay Driller onto the apron.

Briscoe isn’t finished, however, as he props Jericho onto a ladder set across the apron and barricade. Mark hits the ropes, looking to dive onto the Learning Tree…who evades at the last second, forcing Briscoe to crash through the ladder instead! Jericho enters the ring with a ladder of his own now, setting it up as he looks to make the climb for the title…but Briscoe intervenes, only for the champ to be sent crashing to the mat as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Jericho uses the ladder to continue the attack on the champ, wearing him down before setting the ladder up against the nearest turnbuckle. Jericho attacks Briscoe in the corner now, managing to send the champ into the ladder on the opposite side, busting him open as Jericho leaves the ring for yet another ladder. Briscoe makes it back to his feet, however, laying into the challenger until he’s sent over the top rope to the outside. Jericho sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring as we come back from break…

…but is intercepted by the champ, who hits him with a Death Valley Driver onto the ladder in the corner instead! Briscoe leaves the ring for another ladder, setting it up over Jericho before climbing the turnbuckle. The challenger catches him in the corner with a ladder shot, setting it up to confront the champ from the other side as they trade blows…until Mark tips the ladder over, dropping the Learning Tree to the mat and then hitting a senton bomb driving the ladder onto the challenger!

Briscoe leaves the ring to pull out a table, but rushes up the ladder instead to intercept Jericho. The two go at it from atop the ladder until Briscoe is sent down to the mat by Jericho, who reaches for the title up top…only to be sent falling to the canvas by the champion! Justified “this is awesome” chants (dang it, sorry) from the crowd as both men struggle back to their feet to trade strikes.

Jericho sends Briscoe to the corner, but takes a ladder to the face by the champ who then sets up the table in the ring. He props the ladder up near the ropes before putting the Learning Tree onto the table, climbing the ladder as he looks to cause some more damage…until Bryan Keith rushes down the ramp, climbing up to confront the champ. Rocky Romero runs in, dropping Keith with a kendo stick.

The two leave the ring and up the ramp as Briscoe climbs back up again…and connects with a Froggy Bow that drives Jericho through the table! Briscoe follows up with a Jay Driller keeping Jericho down before he climbs the ladder…but Big Bill is here to intervene. He hoists the champ off the ladder, sending him over the top rope with a chokeslam that sends Briscoe through a pair of tables on the outside!

With the champ down on the outside, Bill puts Jericho up on his shoulders, allowing the Learning Tree to reach up and grab the ROH World Championship!

Winner and new ROH World Champion: Chris Jericho

The celebration is cut short as we see a returning Tomohiro Ishii staring the Learning Tree down from the stage.

After a video package, we cut back to ringside where Adam Cole arrives to start up story time…but the Undisputed Kingdom interrupt, talking to Cole about how they are his friends and are supportive of him. Roderick Strong commends him on his recovery before telling Cole he wants Max first. Cole says that’s a great idea, calling Max to come face them…but MJF gives us a video on the screen as a lady gives him a massage, the former World Champion offering a match at Full Gear to whichever of the group to score three victories.

We cut back to the ring as Undisputed Kingdom seem to agree with the challenge as we cut to Kyle O’Reilly looking on backstage before going to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Video Package: Penelope Ford has returned to AEW with vengeance on her mind and Jamie Hayter in her sights!

Backstage, Jamie Hayter addresses Ford’s remarks before laying out a challenge for next week’s Dynamite.

We cut to ringside where House of Black makes their way down for our next match. Their opponents are in the ring as this match gets underway!

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King and Buddy Matthews) vs. Kevin Koa, Jaden Monroe, & Pirata de la Muerte

We start off with Black facing off against Pirata…who gets The End to the face sending him out of the ring, leaving Kevin Koa to go in the ring next. Brody comes in for a beatdown on Koa, before Jaden manages to get a tag…but he also takes a beating from the House as Buddy tags in, finishing things off for the House to secure a win!

Winners via pinfall: House of Black

Buddy picks up a microphone after the match, calling out Adam Cole for a match next week. We get a rundown of what’s to come next week on Fright Night Dynamite, before going backstage where Cole is asked about the challenge…leading to him confronting Matthews and the rest of the House, who call him “too frail” before walking away.

Back at ringside, Kamille makes her way to the ring alongside Mercedes Mone’ for our next match. Out next is Queen Aminata as this match gets underway!

Kamille vs. Queen Aminata

Kamille takes Aminata down early for a one count, but the Queen fights back just as quick to garner a couple nearfalls of her own much to the Brickhouse’s surprise. She gets back on the offense, wearing Aminata down for another nearfall as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Kamille continues to wear Aminata down, but the Queen is soon starting to mount a comeback as we go to a full commercial break. Thanks, TBS!

-Commercial Break-

Back from break, Kamille is back in control until Aminata gets back to her feet for a lariat. She takes to the ropes for a running elbow strike, followed by a snap neckbreaker as Mone’ watches on in concern…as well she should be, as Aminata hits a running charge at the Brickhouse for a nearfall! Aminata locks in a body scissors, but Kamille manages to counter into a nearfall to force a break. Both women get to their feet now, trading strikes until Kamille gets the upper hand as she lifts the Queen into a torture rack into a backbreaker!

Kamille makes the cover, but Aminata manages to kick out. Kamille drops her back down, this time picking up the victory in the process!

Winner via pinfall: Kamille

Kamille and Mercedes look to continue the beatdown until Kris Statlander comes in for the save. She stands up to Kamille as Mone’ tries to blindside Statlander to no avail, forcing the double champion and her Brickhouse to escape the ring and go up the ramp.

Back at the parking lot, the AEW squad is keeping an eye out for BCC when the Patriarchy arrive. They stare each other down when Cage sees Kip Sabian, chasing after him as we cut back to ringside. The Patriarchy appear to have their issues with Sabian when we see HOOK coming in from backstage, saying the man who attacked his father is in the ring right now as he rushes down to ringside.

He takes out Nick Wayne before going after Cage, but Sabian intervenes. Cage tells Kip he knows why he’s been doing what he’s been doing, but to stay in the corner so he can deal with him later…but this gives HOOK a chance to fight back the Patriarchy until Kip intervenes once more, leading to Cage dropping the former FTW Champion onto his title shot container with a Killswitch!

He leans over HOOK, telling him he didn’t have the right father to guide him until now before the Patriarchy take their leave.

-Commercial Break-

We head back to ringside for our main event as Private Party and Daniel Garcia make their way to the ring. Out next are The Elite as Jack Perry and the Young Bucks head down the ramp, only to be attacked by Garcia and Private Party! The match finally gets underway despite Perry being laid out as we get Nicholas and Zay in the ring!

The Elite’s Jack Perry and The Young Bucks vs. Daniel Garcia & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)

Zay with an early advantage until Matthew tags in, double-teaming Zay until Quen comes in. Garcia joins the fray, going after the Bucks alongside his teammates as we get a shot out in the parking lot of the AEW squad looking out for the BCC. Back in the ring, The Elite regain controle as Perry goes after Garcia, hitting a DDT to the floor while Matthew hits a shooting star press on Zay as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The Elite maintain control, isolating Zay in the corner as the Bucks and Perry alternate tags. Matthew tags in for a nearfall, angering Garcia to keep the ref distracted while the Elite continue to beat Zay down, until he sends Matthew out of the ring to mount a comeback. This doesn’t last long as he is sent to the outside, where the Elite continue to wear him down. Matthew sends Zay into the barricade, keeping him down as we come back from break!

Stokely can be seen taunting (or encouraging?) Zay as Matthew continues the attack…until Thomas escapes, getting into the ring! Perry stops him from making a tag, only for Zay to break free…but Garcia is knocked off the apron before he can tag in! Perry goes after Garcia on the outside as the Bucks continue to punish Zay with a Risky Business for a nearfall.

Thomas is finally able to fend off The Elite now, making the tag to a returning Quen who unleashes a flurry of offense in the process. Zay is able to tag back in, but is soon overwhelmed by The Elite for a nearfall until Marq breaks it up. Chaos ensues as Garcia manages to get out of his predicament while Matthew tags in, and back in the ring Zay is able to evade a TK Driver thanks to Quen. Silly String connects on Matthew, and Zay managses to keep him down for the pin and the win!

Winners via pinfall: Daniel Garcia & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)

Zay gets a microphone, challenging the Young Bucks to a rematch for the tag titles. Matthew and Nicholas start to decline as they go up the ramp…but Zay offers something more, saying if Private Party can’t beat the Bucks for the titles they will split up. The Bucks accept the challenge, as we get a look at the BCC’s truck arriving at the parking lot…but it’s a ruse!

Refresh for the nearest results!

Quick Match Results:
  • Shelton Benjamin def. Sammy Guevara
  • Don Callis Family (Lance Archer & Brian Cage) def. local talent
  • ROH World Championship – Ladder War: Chris Jericho def. Mark Briscoe
  • House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King and Buddy Matthews) def. Kevin Koa, Jaden Monroe, & Pirata de la Muerte
  • Kamille vs. Queen Aminata
  • The Elite’s Jack Perry and The Young Bucks vs. Daniel Garcia & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)
Still to Come:
  • AEW World Champion Jon Moxley to appear

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