AEW Dynamite Results – 10/2/24 (Dynamite 5 Year Anniversary: Title vs. Title, International Championship, and more!)

AEW Dynamite Results
October 2, 2024
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Petersen Events Center)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It is Wednesday, my dudes…time to celebrate five years of AEW Dynamite!

We open with a vignette where PAC, Claudio Castagnoli, Marina Shafir, and Jon Moxley address Wheeler Yuta’s indecision to side with them over Bryan Danielson. Mox focuses on Danielson himself, offering the champ an opportunity to “fall on his shield” when he defeats Bryan for the AEW World Championship at WrestleDream.

We cut to ringside where commentary greets us before Ricochet heads out to the ring for our opening contest. Ricochet enters the ring, ready to challenge for the AEW International Championship as we cut backstage to see Ospreay getting ready. Don Callis briefly cuts him off before saying the Family (including Fletcher) are about to head out. Don and Kyle walk away as Ospreay leaves for the ringside area while Takeshita looks on with a smile.

With that, Ospreay heads out to the stage to a big reaction, the champ making his way to the ring before this match gets underway!

AEW International Championship Match: Will Ospreay defends against Ricochet

The two men stand off in the corners to a pop from the crowd, letting the moment of these men colliding once again as they lock up. Ospreay takes Ricochet to the ropes before making a clean break, and the pair exchange offense before Ospreay gets a nearfall. Ricochet gets one of his own before both men are back up, using the ropes to their advantage until Ospreay hits a headscissors on his challenger…who follows with one of his own, and both men hit the ropes before posing to a big pop.

“AEW” chants from the crowd as Ricochet hits Ospreay with a forearm, and the champ responds with one of his own…leading to a trade of strikes, until Ricochet hits the ropes. Ospreay tries to counter but gets caught, and sent to the outside by the challenger. The action reaches the barricade as Ospreay tries to set himself up, but that turns out to be a mistake when Ricochet drops him onto the barricade instead!

Dueling chants for both men now as the action heads back to the ring, where Ospreay manages to take control of the match by sending the challenger to the mat. He heads to apron, connecting with a springboard forearm to take Ricochet back down. Both men make it to their feet, but the champ hits a chop sending Ricochet back to the mat…only for the challenger to fight back with a pair of clotheslines to get a nearfall.

Ospreay sent to the ropes, but he counters looking for a Tiger Driver…but to no avail as Ricochet fights out. Ricochet hits the ropes, but is sent to the canvas by Ospreay with a Spanish Fly giving the champ another nearfall. Both men are back up again, with Ricochet sending Ospreay to the apron before looking for a pump kick…but the champ counters with a chop before looking for a Storm Breaker. Ricochet fights him off as he looks for a Death Valley Driver…but the champ fights back, taking Ricochet down to the apron and then the floor off an Oscutter as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: The ref begins the count but Ospreay manages to make his way back into the ring in time to stop it, with Ricochet following close as the champ maintains control of the match. Ricochet makes it back to his feet but is fended off by Ospreay, who sends the challenger into the corner. Ricochet responds with some chops, only to be sent to the mat as Ospreay continues to keep the pressure on his old rival…who sends the champ face first into the turnbuckle to turn things around. He sets Ospreay up the turnbuckle for some right hands, climbing up to keep on the attack…but the champ shoves him away to the apron as we come back from break!

Ricochet makes his way back up, hitting a hurricanrana to send Ospreay to the canvas…but the champ lands on his feet! Shades of a match gone by as Ricochet goes after him with an Oscutter for a nearfall. Ricochet fights off the champ in the corner before connecting with a piledriver, but Ospreay manages to kick out before going for a Hidden Blade! Ricochet manages to fight back, but is cut off as the champ goes for the Hidden Blade again…but after that gets countered, Ospreay connects with a Styles Clash! Cover by Ospreay, but the challenger kicks out!

Will heads to the corner for another attempt at the Hidden Blade…but Ricochet takes him down instead! Ricochet goes up top for a shooting star press and the cover…but the champ manages to kick out. Stomp by Ricochet, who looks for Vertigo…but a reverse rana counters it, only for Ricochet to hit one of his own! Both men are down, and it seems both men have their shoulders on the match as the ref counts it…and it’s a three!

After some conversation the ruling is made official…this match has ended in a draw!

The fans are not happy about this as Ricochet talks to the referee calling for more time…and we get the word from Tony Khan through Justin Roberts. This match will continue!

Both men go at it with strikes, with Ospreay starting to get the upper hand as he sets up for Hidden Blade…only for Konosuke Takeshita to run in, laying down a beating on Ospreay as the ref calls for the bell!

Winner via disqualification and still AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Fans boo in disapproval as Takeshita lays out Ricochet as well, leaving the ring to grab the International Championship. He stands tall over the champ as we cut away.

Backstage, we hear from Mercedes Mone’ who sets up a video package highlighting her arrival in AEW and subsequent hot streak in the company. Mercedes hypes herself up some more before MVP arrives, offering the TBS Champion his card to have a chat sometime.

We cut to a look back at Jericho vs Ishii from 2022, and up next we will have TV Time with The Learning Tree.

-Commercial Break-

We get a look back at The Gunns becoming AEW World Tag Team Champions, before going backstage to hear from them ahead of Juice Robinson’s match against Hangman Adam Page. The Gunns start to say the Juice is loose tonight, but are blindsided by Page with a steel chair! He lays them out and walks off.

Back at ringside, it’s time for, uh, TV Time as Big Bill talks about Jericho’s moments in the five year history of Dynamite. This brings out the Learning Tree himself, accompanied by Bryan Keith as they enter the ring. Jericho says hello, hyping up five years of Dynamite and the news about the new media rights deal. He says they made a lot of experts look like idiots, having a laugh about that before insisting we wouldn’t have AEW or Dynamite without Chris Jericho. Keith accentuates that statement before Jericho talks about the anniversary of his pro wrestling career.

He gets the name of the city wrong before talking about his career, with a focus on bringing people under the Learning Tree and getting as much TV time as possible. Jericho brings up main eventing Arena Mexico and beating Mark Briscoe recently, before saying the Ocho is gone…it’s time to become the Nueve. He challenges Briscoe to an ROH World Championship match for WrestleDream, and this brings out the champ alongside the Conglomeration to a good reaction from the Pittsburgh crowd.

Briscoe enters the ring, telling his boys to stand down before addressing Jericho’s challenge. Mark’s father brought him up to handle things like a man, and that includes not making excuses. Briscoe notes that he doesn’t want to make excuses for his loss to Jericho at Grand Slam Collision, even under the circumstances. Mark says being a man also means calling things what they are, talking up Jericho’s long and storied career.

He says that logically Jericho should get the shot at the title, and that works for Briscoe because he has a shot to put a win over Jericho as a notch in his belt. The word of the day is consequential, talking up how important a win over Jericho would be. Jericho cuts him off to run the champ down, insisting that he can’t beat Jericho…but his brother Jay probably could have. He says Mark is not the wrestler his brother is, and that prompts the champ to lay him out with a right hand!

Mark accepts the challenge for WrestleDream, telling Jericho to keep his brother’s name out of his mouth and saying the win will be consequential. Briscoe leaves the ring to regroup with the Conglomeration as we cut away.

We cut to a vignette with Darby Allin hanging out in the dark somewhere, talking about a rough ride on the Metro one time where he felt the urge to stand up to some hooligans. He talks about how that reminds him of the situation with Mox, and how he was unable to beat him at Dynamite Grand Slam. He will be in Tacoma for WrestleDream, and he is looking for some revenge as he takes his frustration out on the dilapidated car next to him.

With that, we cut back to ringside as Hangman Adam Page heads to the ring for our next match. We get a look at Collision recently and how things led to this match. Juice Robinson makes his way out next, only for Page to intercept him on the stage as the two go at it.

Robinson gets the upper hand as he starts whipping Page with his belt, but the Hangman turns it around. He shouts at the ref before continuing the attack, and this brawl makes its way through the crowd. The two trade shots as they head up the stairs, until Juice throws some kind of beverage at the Hangman to, uh, get him to cool down. The fight comes back down the stairs as Robinson lands a shot on Page with a popcorn bucket, and we finally make it to the ring as this match officially gets underway!

Hangman Adam Page vs. Juice Robinson

Robinson lays into the Hangman early on, but Page turns it around with some stomps in the corner as we head to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Robinson manages to turn it around for a nearfall, before Page fights back for one of his own. He responds to the apparent crowd reaction before Robinson sends him to the ropes…but Page catches him for another nearfall instead. Juice rolls to the apron, but is cut off by Hangman who brings him up for some right hands before Robinson finds himself tangled in the ropes. The ref intervenes to get Juice free, only for Page to send him face first into the apron before we come back from break!

The action ends up on the turnbuckle as the two go at it up top, before Robinson sends Hangman crashing to the mat with a superplex. Both men slowly make their way back to their feet, but Robinson hits a series of punches sending Hangman to the corner. He charges toward Page, who escapes just in the nick of time before sending Juice out of the ring to continue the attack…until Robinson hits him with a spinebuster onto the apron!

Page heads toward the barricade to regroup, but is met with a running cannonball senton by Robinson sending him through the barricade! Page sent back to the ring as Robinson goes up top…but Hangman intercepts, sending him back into the corner with a fall away slam. Juice tries to fight back, evading a Dead Eye from the turnbuckle…but is met with a Buckshot Lariat that gets the Hangman the win!

Winner via pinfall: Hangman Adam Page

After the match, Page looks to get some revenge for earlier as he pulls off his belt to go after Robinson…until Jay White’s music hits, as the Switchblade rushes into the ring to go after Page! Hangman escapes the ring into the crowd, but Jay goes after him as they brawl until the table set up during the prematch brawl is finally put to use when Jay spears Hangman through it! Officials try to intervene as we cut away.

We cut to the parking lot, where Renee talks to Jack Perry before Katsuyori Shibata appears, challenging him to a match for the TNT Championship. Perry says he’ll think about it before walking off…only to blindside The Wrestler before accepting!

We get another look back at the history of AEW Dynamite before cutting to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Another look back at Dynamite’s history before we cut to a vignette featuring Bryan Danielson, who addresses Mox before talking up the main event for the night. Bryan says this is where the best wrestle, and that’s why he challenged Okada to this match tonight. He talks about this match being for the Continental Championship for the first 20 minutes, but every second of this match will matter to him as both his World title and his career are on the line tonight…and he wouldn’t have it any other way!

Back at ringside, Britt Baker makes her way through the crowd as we get ready for our next match. We look back at the Lights Out match she had against Thunder Rosa before Serena Deeb makes her way out next, before this match gets underway!

Britt Baker vs. Serena Deeb

The two lock up, exchanging holds as we get a glimpse of Mariah May sitting in the crowd to keep an eye on things. Deeb gets the upper hand with a single leg crab, but Baker manages to fight back…until the Professor drops her back down to the canvas, regaining control as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: There is a bit of a back and forth at one stage, until Deeb takes control for another submission attempt. Baker starts fighting back once more, trying to get back into this as we come back from break!

Baker hits a superkick sending Deeb to the canvas, following up with a small flurry of offense before grabbing her glove to set up for Lockjaw. Deeb fights her off enough to force a change in strategy that leads to a trade of nearfalls. Deeb sent to the ropes, but hits a lariat to get back in control. Deebtox countered to an Air Raid Crash by Baker, but Deeb evades a cover. Baker looks for the Lockjaw again, but Deeb goes for a leglock before being sent to the corner by Britt. She heads to the corner, setting Serena up on the top turnbuckle before sending her down hard with an avalanche Air Raid Crash for the cover…but Deeb kicks out!

Deeb goes back on the attack, only for Britt to catch her with the Lockjaw gripped tightly…and Deeb has no choice but to tap out!

Winner via submission: Britt Baker

Deeb tries to attack her after the match, until Queen Aminata runs down to make the save! Deeb retreats up the ramp as we cut away to a look back at Samoa Joe vs HOOK from earlier this year, before going backstage to hear from the man who retired the FTW Championship. He is still angry about his father Taz being attacked earlier today, and will look to get back at whoever did it.

We hear from Christian Cage who hypes himself up, before going to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, we hear from Mariah May who addresses Willow Nightingale getting involved last week after the match against Yuka. This brings out Willow who lays into the champ before officials intervene.

We cut to ringside where Private Party head to the ring for our next match. We look back at Private Party facing the Young Bucks in the second episode of Dynamite, as Iron Savages are already in the ring when this match gets underway!

Private Party vs. Iron Savages

Private Party get the early advantage as we see Stokely Hathaway watching on from backstage. Their opponents start to use their size to fight back, but are overwhelmed before Zay and Quen pick up the win tonight!

Winners via pinfall: Private Party

Zay gets a mic after the match, addressing Private Party trying to get back into the thick of things with the tag division before calling back to their Dynamite history by challenging the Young Bucks for the tag titles right now. This brings out the EVPs, who address the history and being here for the anniversary show before offering to do the title match…only to say they don’t wanna use up one of their limited dates on a crappy town like Pittsburgh.

They retreat up the ramp as Jack Perry blindsides Private Party in the ring, the Bucks joining in the beatdown until Shibata makes his way out to even things up. The Elite escape the ring as they stare down Shibata and Private Party. Christopher Daniels comes out to address things, offering something everyone might want as he sets up a trios match for Rampage that sees Shibata and Private Party facing Perry and the Young Bucks!

We cut backstage to hear from MVP about what happened last week, before Prince Nana interrupts. He talks about how he used to be a wrestler, but MVP cuts him off saying that’s a complaint, introducing Nana to MVP’s business partner and “head of the complaint department”…Shelton Benjamin! Nana appears almost shook as Shelton compliments him on his coffee, before the pair walk off.

-Commercial Break-

Another look at Dynamite history, before we cut back to ringside for our main event! Kazuchika Okada heads out first, ready to defend his AEW Continental Championship for the first 20 minutes of this bout (if it goes that long, but considering there’s a potential “significant overrun” we shall see) as the Rainmaker walks down the ramp. Out next is Bryan Danielson, looking to beat Okada in the most recent chapter of their in-ring rivalry as he enters the ring. With both men in the ring, this massive main event gets underway!

AEW World & Continental Championship Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Kazuchika Okada

The two men go nose to nose before backing off to their corners, circling the mat before locking up. They go back and forth looking for an advantage, until Bryan takes Okada to the corner. This forces a break as the World Champion backs away, only for the pair to lock up once more. Bryan starts to get an upper hand here but has to evade a Rainmaker lariat, leading to a standoff between both champions as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Okada heads to the ropes to keep away from the American Dragon, who eggs Okada on to get back in the middle of the ring. They eventually lock back up, with Danielson taking Okada down to the mat before the Rainmaker escapes to the outside for a breather, walking around the ring before stepping onto the apron. He is taking his sweet time to get back in the ring, locking up with Danielson before exchanging holds. Bryan wrenches his arm to take the Continental Champion to the mat once more, but Okada gets back to his feet quickly…only for Danielson to maintain control as the TNT feed goes to full commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Back from break, both men are up as they reset toward a test of strength…only for Okada to send Bryan to the corner before the ref calls for a break. Okada obliges…with a forearm strike before backing off. Bryan catches him with some shots into the corner, before being forced to break it up as Okada drops to the floor…but Bryan catches him with a dropkick for his troubles! The action comes back to the ring as Okada starts to regain control of the match, sending Danielson into the corner before wearing him down with strikes.

Hammer throw sends the World Champion to the opposite corner as Okada runs in to keep his fellow champ at bay. He fights out of the grip of Danielson to send him to the corner, but Bryan shoves him off before leaping for a diving headbutt…only for Okada to evade it, cinching in the Money Clip. Bryan tries to fight out of it but is dropped down hard as Okada gets a nearfall. Bryan fights back to his feet here, trying to fight out of Okada’s grasp until the Rainmaker breaks the hold…but only after grabbing the face of Danielson.

Bryan takes control as he throws Okada to the corner, but Okada evades the follow up to send Danielson to the outside. Okada leaves the ring, teasing the use of a chair before deciding against it before going back on the attack. He sends Danielson to the barricade before sending the World Champion over it with a big boot!

Danielson starts fighting back however, breaking a count before hitting the Rainmaker with a running dropkick driving Okada into the barricade. He brings Okada back to the ring, but the Rainmaker tries to escape…only for Bryan to hit him with a big dive! Bryan brings him back into the ring once for a missile dropkick, followed by a series of kicks…the last of which Okada evades for a rollup!

Bryan kicks out and goes for a LeBell Lock, but Okada counters for another nearfall. Both men end up back on their feet as they trade strikes. Bryan takes to the ropes, only to take a dropkick on the rebound by Okada. Scoop slam by the Rainmaker, who climbs up top for an elbow drop before getting back to his feet. He mocks the crowd before bringing Danielson to his feet for a Rainmaker lariat…but Bryan counters, looking for a triangle hold!

He hammers Okada with some elbows before transitioning into a LeBell Lock, Okada struggling as we get the notice that 19 minutes have elapsed. With about a minute left for Okada’s title to be on the line, the Continental Champion is struggling before getting his boot on the ropes. Okada gets to his feet but is hit hard by the World Champion…only to roll out of the ring, keeping his title safe as 20 minutes have now elapsed!

The match is now solely for the World Championship as Okada slowly gets to his feet, only for Danielson to catch him with another dive on the outside! Bryan tries to get back into this but Okada catches him with a tombstone piledriver onto the chair left on the floor from earlier! The ref gets into it with Okada as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: It’s a bit of a struggle for both men to get back into the ring, but once they do we see Okada take the World Champion down hard to the mat before mocking him with some kicks to the head. Bryan gets back up but is rocked hard with a forearm sending him to the ropes, before Okada brings him to the corner to prop him up on the turnbuckle. Bryan fights out and catches Okada with an avalanche back suplex to the canvas as we come back from break!

Both men slowly get to the corners to get to a standing position, with Okada charging toward Danielson…who catches him with some hard kicks before running at him. Okada counters, but is dropped with a German suplex before catching Danielson off guard. Bryan stops a Rainmaker lariat to lay in another series of kicks, to which Okada responds with some right hands before falling to the mat. This gives Bryan an opening as he starts stomping away at the head and neck of Okada, before heading to the corner.

Danielson runs at him for a Busaiku Knee…and is met with a Rainmaker lariat instead! The ref begins a standing count as both men struggle to move. At the count of seven the two make it to a vertical base, fighting their way up with strikes as they finally get back to their feet. Okada drops Danielson with a forearm, but the World Champion is back up and fighting. He sends Okada to the corner but the Rainmaker hits him with a Busaiku Knee for the cover…but Danielson kicks out!

They fight back and forth again until Bryan hits Okada with a Rainmaker lariat, and he gets the cover this time…only for the Rainmaker himself to kick out. Bryan hits some hammering elbows, only for Okada to respond by dropping him down hard to the mat! Okada stays on the attack as we see Claudio, Marina, and PAC showing up at ringside to keep an eye on the match. Okada goes for a Rainmaker lariat once more, but Danielson counters with a backslide to get the win and retain the AEW World Championship!

Winner via pinfall and still AEW World Champion: Bryan Danielson

Despite the match being over, Okada gets a bit of revenge with a Rainmaker lariat on Danielson before Claudio, Marina, and PAC get into the ring. They prop up Danielson as Mox enters the ring with a microphone, insisting this is not just about Danielson. Before Mox can do anything further, Wheeler Yuta comes rushing down for the save with a hammer! Mox stands up to Yuta, who hesitates to use the hammer on Mox before Danielson rushes at him with a Busaiku Knee! This leads to a 3-on-2 brawl before the bigger group escapes the ring.

Yuta grabs the mic, saying he’s sick of Mox and his trios partners treating him like a child. He can make his own decisions, and says if they wanna go after Bryan Danielson they have to go through him. His challenge for a tag match next week is solidified by the World Champion, and we get confirmation from Tony Khan per Excalibur that next week will see Yuta and Danielson team up against PAC and Claudio as this 5 Year Anniversary edition of AEW Dynamite comes to a close.

Quick Match Results:
  • AEW International Championship Match: Will Ospreay def. Ricochet
  • Hangman Adam Page def. Juice Robinson
  • Britt Baker def. Serena Deeb
  • Private Party def. Iron Savages
  • AEW World & Continental Championship Match: Bryan Danielson def. Kazuchika Okada (Okada remains Continental Champion due to the match going over 20 minutes)

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