WWE SmackDown Results – 9/6/24 (Last show on FOX, Cody Rhodes to appear)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
September 6, 2024
Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Commentary: Michael Cole and Corey Graves
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with a clip of Bayley entering the arena. We cut to GIovanni Vinci entering the arena in a Mercedes and a clip of Cody Rhodes signing autographs.

We cut to clips of WWE Bash in Berlin.

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes

Live in the arena, out comes the Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes to the ring. Cody asks the fans what they want to talk about. Cody says at Bash in Berlin, he retained against Kevin Owens. Cody says we have a welcome back and that is the voice of WWE, Michael Cole is back on SmackDown. The fans cheer and Cody says he could go on further but he has done this gig long enough to know that any moment, he is going to be interrupted.

Cody says but before he is, he extends an invitation to The Bloodline. Solo’s music hits and out come The Bloodline.

Solo tells The Bloodline to remain out of the ring. Cody and Solo are face to face in the middle of the ring and the fans boo Solo. He tells the fans he is happy to see them too. Solo asks Cody if he is done running his mouth to these people, playing around. The fans chant “We want Roman”. He asks Cody if he is ready to defend his WWE title against a real challenger like himself because everyone knows it, he could have been Champion.

He says he had Cody beat had it not been for Roman Reigns. Solo tells him he deserves a rematch. Cody says the season premiere of SmackDown, there should be an Undisputed WWE Championship match. A “We want Roman” chant from the crowd. Cody says he is trying to become the Tribal Chief but the Tribal Chief is keeping him down. And he does deserve an Undisputed WWE Championship match. But he is not talking to Solo. Cody looks at Jacob Fatu and he says he is talking to Jacob and for him to step up.

Jacob Fatu gets on the ring apron and Solo looks at him and Jacob tells Solo he loves him, he is his Tribal Chief. Jacob steps down and the fans boo. Cody says it was worth a shot, he is crazy to want to wrestle any of them but Solo believes it. Every second, every minute, every hour, Solo gets better and he is wearing the Ula Fala which means The Bloodline revolves around him. But as for Cody, he has the WWE Championship and the WWE revolves around that. And perhaps one day he will be looking at the lights courtesy of Solo’s thumb but it won’t be next week.

Solo says he is rtying to get his enforcer to turn on him. Solo tells Cody if he wants him next week, he is on but they don’t have to wait until next week. Both men drop their microphones and Solo snaps his fingers. The Bloodline get in the ring but The Street Profits and DIY run to the ring.

Nick Aldis walks down and tells them unless they want to be suspended, they should all step down. Aldis says next week it’s Solo Sikoa against Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Championship. He tells Cody they are on the same page, The Bloodline thing is old and bad for business. That is why next week, it will be Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa for the Undisputed WWE Championship in a steel cage.

Cody’s music hits and all 9 men stand in the ring.

Tiffany Stratton, Pretty Deadly and Nia Jax

Pretty Deadly are backstage with Tiffany Stratton and they start talking about Pretty Deadly the musical. In comes Nia Jax who says the entire locker room is talking about how Tiffany was going to cash in on her last week. Tiffany tells her that is a crazy rumor and she blames Chelsea for that. Nia says she knows Tiffany would never lie to her. Tiffany asks Nia if she will be in her corner tonight and Nia says she might be in her corner helping her the same way Tiffany helped her last week.

-Commercial Break-

Tiffany Stratton vs. Bayley

The bell rings and we are under way. An arm bar by Bayley but Stratton with a right hand and she slams Bayley head first onto the mat. She throws Bayley to the ropes but Bayley with an arm drag. She goes for the cover but Stratton kicks out. Bayley climbs the top rope but Stratton trips her up. Stratton gets on the ring apron and drags Bayley down and hits her with a basement dropkick on the ring apron.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Stratton with a back elbow to the face followed by a snap mare take down. She goes for a drop kick but Bayley moves out of the way. Bayley runs towards Stratton but Stratton trips her up. Stratton goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. Stratton grabs Bayley’s left arm and slams it into the ring post. Stratton to the outside and she grabs Bayley but Bayley throws Stratton into the ring post. Bayley with a suplex on the outside and she throws Stratton back into the ring. A clothesline by Bayley followed by a back suplex.

Bayley with a running knee to the face. She goes for the cover but Stratton kicks out. Bayley climbs the top rope and she lands the elbow drop. She goes for the cover but Stratton kicks out. Nia Jax comes walking down to the ring and that distracts Bayley. Stratton with the Alabama Slam. She goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. Stratton runs towards Bayley but Bayley with the Bayley to Belly. Stratton in the corner and Nia giving her words of encouragement but Bayley with a suicide dive onto Nia. Bayley gets back into the ring, Stratton with a back slide cover, Nia gets on the ring apron and that distracts the referee. Nia gets down off the ring apron, Stratton lets go of the cover and Bayley hits her with the Rose Plant. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Bayley

We cut backstage and Kevin Owens is reading about Wayne Gretzky. In come A-Town Down Under and Theory tells Owens that Owens was right, he didn’t deserve that match against Cody. Owens calls them idiots and morons. He says he and Cody are fine, just like the both of them are fine. They are great friends, partners, team. A better team than the Edmonton Oilers maybe. Owens says he had no problem getting in the ring with Cody, surely they would not have a problem getting in the ring together. Owens says like the great Wayne Gretzky said, it’s a great night for a triple threat match. Owens walks away and Waller tells Theory they can make it a handicap match. Theory tells him he doesn’t think Wayne Gretzky ever said that.

-Commercial Break-

A video of Legado Del Fantasma airs. Santos Escobar gives a speech about how victory is part of who they are and success is something they make. It is there for them to take. He says how they are a family and they toast to that.

Giovanni Vinci vs. Apollo Crews

Out comes Giovanni Vinci in a Gucci sweat suit for the match. Apollo Crews is already in the ring. Vinci is posing removing his jacket, the referee calls for the bell, Apollo Crews with a crucifix cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Apollo Crews

We cut to Chelsea Green and Piper Niven with Nick Aldis. There is a knock on the door, Chelsea says they are busy but in comes Michin. Chelsea and Michin both insult each other and Nick Aldis says it will be Chelsea against Michin tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Triple Threat Match – Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller vs. Austin Theory

Edmonton Oiler right winger Corey Perry is at ringside and Grayson Waller comes down to the ring wearing a Florida Panthers NHL jersey. The bell rings and we are under way. Owens with a cannonball onto A-Town Down Under on the outside of the ring. He grabs Waller but Theory with right hands and they throw Owens into the barricade. Waller pulls out a table and places it at ring side. Owens grabs Theory and throws him into the barricade. Owens grabs Waller and powerbombs him through the table on the outside of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Owens with a DDT onto Theory. Chops to the chest by Owens and he throws Theory to the ropes, hitting him with a clothesline. A standing senton onto Theory and Theory in the corner. Owens with a cannonball. He climbs the top rope and lands the swanton. He goes for the cover but Waller breaks it up. Waller with right hands. He runs to the ropes but Owens with a right hand. Theory gets in the ring and he hits the rolling blockbuster onto Owens. Waller goes for the cover but Theory pulls Waller away. Both men argue and they double team Owens in the corner. They place Owens on the top rope and they climb the second rope but Owens with right hands. He bashes their heads together and they fall to the mat. Waller to the outside but Theory gets back up, Owens places him on his shoulders and he lands the rolling senton. Owens goes for the cover but Waller breaks it up. Waller places Owens on the top rope but Owens slams him onto the mat. Owens goes for the cover but Theory breaks it up. Owens goes for the Stunner, Theory pushes Owens onto Waller, knocking Waller off the ring apron. He turns around and hits Theory with the Stunner. Owens goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Waller gets in the ring and he attacks Owens. They double team Owens in the ring and Theory’s music hits with both men shaking hands.

We see a video showing the matches between Andrade and Carmelo Hayes with it being at two wins each.

-Commercial Break-

We see clips of SmackDown the last five years on FOX.

LA Knight, Carmelo Hayes and Andrade

LA Knight’s music hits and out he comes to the ring. He tells the fans “Let me talk to ya”. He says we are a little over 30 days into this US title reigns and we are talking about two title defenses. He is crossing borders, from DC to Berlin to Edmonton. And everybody looking is gunning for the title. As he is talking, out comes Carmelo Hayes.

He tells LA Knight that he is out bragging about two title matches when he should be bragging. He says he has been stealing the show while LA Knight has been running his mouth. He says instead of LA Knight running his mouth, he should have seen the scoreboard because he has two wins in a row against Andrade and that means he is next in line for the title.

LA Knight says while Hayes is worried about having match of the night, he is worried about winning. Which is why he is champ and Hayes is not. Out comes Andrade.

He tells Carmelo to take it easy. He knows Hayes beat him twice but he also beat Carmelo twice. Hayes says no one remembers that Andrade beat him twice. Andrade says he remembers and everyone remembers. Andrade gets in the ring and he asks Hayes if he thinks he deserves an opportunity for the US title. Andrade says he deserves it.

LA Knight says he is a busy man and if they want to talk about who beat who twice, if they want to fight to know who will get dropped by him next, they can do that. Andrade says that US title was his. Andrade tells LA Knight he will be the next US champion in Spanish. LA Knight tells him he didn’t understand a word he said but he should watch his town. Andrade puts his fingers on LA Knight, Hayes pushes him and LA Knight hits Andrade with the BFT. Hayes gets in Andrade’s face who is on the mat and LA Knight hits Hayes with the BFT and his music hits.

-Commercial Break-

Chelsea Green with Piper Niven vs. Michin

The bell rings and we are under way. Chelsea with a knee onto Michin. A snap mare by Chelsea followed by a drop kick. She runs towards Michin but Michin with a clothesline. A dropkick by Michin followed by chops. Double knees to the face onto Green. Piper gets on the ring apron an distracts Michin, Chelsea rolls Michin but Michin kicks out. Chelsea goes for the Unpretty Her but Michin pushes her to the outside of the ring. Michin with a suicide dive onto Green. She throws Chelsea back into the ring and Piper gets in Michin’s face. Michin gets on the ring apron but Chelsea with a kick to the side of the head and Michin falls to the outside of the ring. Chelsea distracts the referee and Piper with a running senton onto Michin. She throws Michin back into the ring and Chelsea hits her with the Unpretty Her. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Chelsea Green

-Commercial Break-

The Bloodline vs. The Street Profits and DIY

The bell rings and all eight men fight in the ring. The Street Profits and DIY throw The Bloodline to the outside of the ring to start the match. Loa gets in the ring and Dawkins with a spinning back elbow. Ford is tagged in and they double team Loa. Ford with a jumping splash. He goes for the cover but Loa kicks out. Ford throws Loa to the ropes but he comes running out with a clothesline. Tonga is tagged in and they double team Ford. Gargano is tagged in and he chops Tonga. Ciampa is tagged in and a forearm to the face. Fatu is tagged in and a spinning back elbow by Jacob followed by right hands. Fatu throws Ciampa to the outside of the ring and he tags Solo into the match. Solo throws Ciampa into the announce table on the outside of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Fatu goes for a spear onto Ciampa in the corner but Ciampa moves out of the way and Fatu hits the ring post. Loa is tagged in, he grabs Ciampa but Ciampa kicks him away. Tonga is tagged in and Ciampa with a suplex. Solo is tagged in but Ciampa kicks Solo away and tags both Gargano and Dawkins. Both men get in the ring and double team Solo in the corner. In come the rest of The Bloodline but they superkick them to the outside. Ford with a senton over the top rope onto Fatu. Solo gets in the ring. Dawkins with a neck breaker. He goes for the cover but Solo kicks out. Ciampa is tagged in, he runs towards Solo but Solo with the Spinning Solo. He goes for the cover but Ciampa kicks out. Tonga is tagged in and climbs the top rope. Everyone fights on the outside with Ciampa and Tonga fighting on the top rope. Ciampa suplexes Tonga onto everyone on the outside of the ring. Ford throws Tonga and Ciampa into the ring. Ford is tagged in. Ford with a 450 splash. He goes for the cover but Fatu breaks it up. He throws Ford into the ring post. Fatu drags Tonga into the corner and he is tagged in. Fatu with a superkick onto Gargano and a Samoan drop onto Ciampa. A super kick onto Dawkins. Fatu with the Impaler, a spiked jumping DDT. He tags Solo who picks Ford up and hits him with the Samoan Spike. Solo hits him with another Samoan Spike. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: The Bloodline
