WWE Bash in Berlin Results – 8/31/24 (Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens, Gunther vs. Randy Orton)

WWE Bash in Berlin results

WWE Bash in Berlin Results
August 31, 2024
Berlin, Germany (Uber Arena)
Commentary: Michael Cole and Wade Barrett
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

We go live to Berlin, Germany, which is set to host its first WWE premium live event.

Pre-Show Arrivals

World Heavyweight Champion Gunther is shown arriving at the Uber Arena earlier today. The crowd gives him a massive ovation. His opponent, Randy Orton, is also shown arriving and gets a good reception. CM Punk and Drew McIntyre are shown arriving separately. They will be in a Strap Match tonight. The Terror Twins (Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley) arrived together. “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan also arrive.

Backstage Segment

Kevin Owens is shown warming up backstage. Elsewhere backstage, we see a focused Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes getting fired up. They will start the show.

Video: WWE Bash in Berlin’s making and highlights of the major matches.

Undisputed WWE Championship
Kevin Owens vs. “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (c)

Kevin Owens is looking to capture his first World Championship since 2017. The crowd is absolutely red hot and sings to Cody Rhodes before the match begins.

The bell rings to start the match. Kevin Owens sits on the top turnbuckle and looks unfazed. Owens slowly gets down and approaches Rhodes in the center of the ring. The crowd is loudly buzzing, clapping and stomping their feet in anticipation. This is an incredible atmosphere. Rhodes and Owens shake hands before circling the ring and locking up. Rhodes grabs the arm and wrenches it. Owens backs Rhodes against the ropes and gives a clean break. There are dueling chants from the crowd for both men. They circle the ring, and Owens hooks a front facelock. Rhodes twists out and catches Owens with a side headlock. Owens powers out and applies a side headlock. Rhodes whips him off, but Owens shoulder tackles him down. Rhodes gets to his feet, and Owens puts him back in the side headlock. Rhodes pushes him off, but Owens shoulder tackles him again. Owens hits the ropes, but Rhodes leapfrogs him. Rhodes goes for a springboard attack, but Owens counters him away.

We’re at a stalemate as they circle the ring again. Rhodes applies a waistlock, but Owens does a standing switch. Rhodes elbows Owens in the head and goes for a Disaster Kick, but Owens ducks it and hits Rhodes with a senton splash. Owens punches Rhodes in the midsection and clubs the back. Owens pushes him into the ropes and forearms the lower back. Owens goes for a back suplex, but Rhodes flips through. Rhodes goes for a Cross Rhodes, but Owens counters out. Owens goes for a Stunner, but Rhodes pushes him off. They intensely go nose-to-nose. Rhodes attempts a test of strength, but Owens applies a waistlock. Rhodes elbows out and sends Owens out of the ring. Rhodes goes for a suicide dive, but Owens manages to reverse the momentum and shove him into the ring apron. Owens goes to the apron and hits a cannonball on Rhodes. Owens gets Rhodes in the ring and gets on the apron, but Rhodes stuns him with a Disaster Kick to send him back to the floor. Rhodes then takes Owens out with a suicide dive. Rhodes poses on the barricade as the crowd gives him a big ovation.

Rhodes gets Owens in the ring and covers for a one-count. Rhodes gets Owens to his feet and hits a hip toss before applying a short-arm scissor hold. Owens manages to get to the bottom rope to break the hold. Rhodes quickly sends Owens into the ropes and catches him with a knee to the midsection for a two-count. Rhodes grabs the left leg and kicks it. Owens chops Rhodes twice to knock him back. Rhodes responds with a dropkick and applies the Figure Four Leglock. Owens is in pain, but he manages to roll and get to the bottom rope. Owens chops him, but Rhodes clubs him back. Rhodes charges, but Owens drops him onto the apron before knocking him off into the barricade. Owens then goes to the apron and crushes Rhodes with a Frog Splash to the floor! Owens gets the American Nightmare in the ring and covers for a one-count. Owens starts to attack the champion’s ribs, which were injured by the barricade and the Frog Splash. The crowd chants, “This is awesome.” Owens sends Rhodes into the ropes and attacks the ribs before hitting a side leg sweep for a two-count. Owens quickly transitions into a waistlock. Rhodes fights up and elbows him before boxing the ears to break the grip. Owens applies a side headlock, but Rhodes whips him off. They exchange strikes before taking each other out with a double clothesline.

Both men are down. They get to their feet, and Owens hits an inverted atomic drop. Rhodes quickly knocks Owens down before doing a leapfrog and a snap powerslam. Rhodes gets fired up and connects with a Disaster Kick for a two-count. Rhodes slowly gets to his feet and goes for another springboard maneuver, but Owens counters with a German Suplex. Owens follows up with a superkick and pushes Rhodes into the ropes, but Rhodes surprises him with a Cody Cutter from out of nowhere for a near fall! The crowd starts up the dueling chants again. They slowly get to their feet, and Rhodes rocks him with a forearm. Owens responds with a chop. They go back and forth, exchanging clubs and right hands. Owens hooks him and hits a fisherman’s neckbreaker over the knee for a near fall. Owens is upset that didn’t put Rhodes away and stomps him. Owens heads to the top rope, but Rhodes cuts him off. Rhodes punches and chops him before climbing to the top rope. Owens attacks Rhodes’ injured ribs and puts Rhodes on his shoulders. Owens hits a rolling fireman’s carry for a near fall!

The crowd is chanting, “This is awesome,” again. Owens shoves Rhodes into the ropes, but Rhodes holds on and boots him. Rhodes hits the ropes for a Cody Cutter, but Owens counters into a Stunner attempt. Rhodes gets out and connects with Cross Rhodes! 1… 2… Owens kicks out! Rhodes cannot believe it. Rhodes gets to his feet and puts Owens on the top rope. Rhodes goes for a superplex, but Owens counters into a twisting super brainbuster! Owens crawls over and covers Rhodes. 1… 2… Rhodes kicks out. They slowly get to their feet, and Owens rocks him with a right hand. Rhodes responds with a forearm to the face. They exchange strikes before slapping away at each other and getting into a hockey fight. Rhodes superkicks him, so Owens responds with a superkick. Rhodes soon drops down and hits an uppercut. Rhodes starts to scale the ropes, but his knee gives out. Owens acts like he’s going to attack the injury, but he thinks better of it. Owens has said he doesn’t want to beat an injured Rhodes. Owens wants to beat Rhodes at his best. Rhodes goes to ringside and shouts that he is ok. After confirming that Rhodes is ok, Owens kicks him in the knee to take him down! Owens sets up for an Apron Powerbomb, but he can’t pull the trigger on his friend. Wade Barrett shouts, “Where is the killer instinct?” Owens tells him to shut up.

Owens gets Rhodes in the ring and soon hits a Stunner for a near fall. Owens gets to his feet and shouts to Rhodes that he asked for this. Rhodes catches Owens with a Cross Rhodes before pulling him up for a second one. Rhodes goes for a trinity of Cross Rhodes, but Owens fights out and hits a Stunner! 1… 2… Rhodes kicks out! Owens gets to his feet and heads to the top rope. Owens goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Rhodes gets the knees up. Rhodes hobbles over to Owens and connects with one more Cross Rhodes. Rhodes covers, and the referee counts 1… 2… 3. Rhodes retains.

Winner by Pinfall and still Undisputed WWE Champion: “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes

Wade Barrett says that Kevin Owens has lost the killer instinct and that is why he hasn’t been World Champion in seven years. Rhodes hobbles over to a dejected Owens, who is seated in the corner. Owens declines to let Rhodes help him up to his feet. Owens then embraces Rhodes, but he does not look happy. Owens raises Rhodes’ arm up. Rhodes tries to raise Owens’ arm, but Owens won’t let him.

SmackDown moves to the USA Network on September 13.

Backstage Segment

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill are preparing for their Women’s Tag Team Championship match.

Video: WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair vs. The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn) (c’s)

The bell rings, and the Unholy Union surrounds Bianca Belair, so Jade Cargill gets in the ring to even the odds. Belair attacks Fyre, as Cargill concentrates on Dawn. Cargill hits Dawn with a backbreaker. It’ll be Belair and Fyre starting the match. Belair slings her around and slams her down. Belair puts Fyre in the corner and tags Cargill in. Cargill stomps Fyre down and tags Belair back in. Fyre knees Belair in the midsection. Belair blocks a kick and hits a nice vertical suplex before prancing around the ring. Belair shoulders her in the corner and starts up the ten punches. Dawn distracts Belair. Fyre tries to pull Belair down by the braid, but Belair flips through. Fyre then sends Belair into the ring post. Cargill goes to check on Belair at ringside, but Fyre wipes her out with a suicide dive.

Dawn tags in and sends Belair into the barricade. The referee admonishes Cargill and tells her to get to her corner of the ring. Dawn gets Belair in the ring and covers for a one-count. Fyre tags in, and Dawn ties Belair in the ropes for Fyre to hit a superkick. Fyre covers for a two-count. Fyre hits a drop-toe-hold into the bottom rope. Dawn tags in and kicks Belair for a two-count. Dawn applies a rear chin lock, but Belair quickly gets to her feet. Belair fights up, but Dawn whips her off and takes her down. Dawn hits a knee to the midsection and grabs the arm. The crowd chants, “EST.” Belair goes for a sunset flip, but Fyre quickly tags Dawn. Fyre kicks Belair in the spine, and Dawn follows up with a meteora. Fyre picks up a two-count. Fyre puts Belair in the corner and stomps her before chopping the chest. Fyre tries for an octopus stretch, but Belair fights out. Fyre grabs Belair by the braid and tags Dawn in. The Unholy Union grab the braid and shove Belair to the corner before stomping her down. Belair soon boots Dawn back and elbows Fyre down. Fyre quickly tags in and stops Belair from making the tag. Fyre soon hooks the head and hits a tornado DDT. As she does, Fyre kicks Cargill off the apron. Fyre picks up another two-count. The Unholy Union double-teams Belair as Cargill is held back by the referee. Dawn tags in and hits a front suplex. Belair avoids a meteora in the corner. Fyre runs in, but Belair sends her over the top rope. Dawn grabs Belair, but Belair flips through a back suplex. Belair connects with a back suplex.

Cargill tags in and runs over Dawn and Fyre before hitting a double clothesline. The crowd gives her a great ovation. Cargill hits Dawn with a spinebuster before easily tossing Fyre with a fallaway slam. Cargill kips up and avalanches Fyre before giving one to Dawn. Cargill soon superkicks Dawn and hits a jackhammer for a near fall. Cargill shoulders Dawn in the corner, and Fyre tags in. Fyre grabs Cargill by the hair, but Cargill elbows her away. Cargill kicks Dawn down and tags Belair in. Belair and Fyre mistime something and look lost for a moment. The Unholy Union soon hits Belair with a Gory Special/flatliner combo, but Cargill breaks up the pin. Cargill puts Dawn on the apron and hits a bicycle kick. Fyre takes it to Cargill and Belair, but they soon press her up and slam her down. Cargill gives Belair a dominator onto Fyre. 1… 2… Fyre kicks out. Dawn was late on breaking up the pin. Dawn kicks Cargill out of the ring. Belair goes for a KOD, but Fyre saves Dawn and takes Belair down. Fyre tags in, and Dawn hits Belair with a backstabber. Fyre goes to the top rope, but Cargill shakes the top rope. Fyre dives off the top rope and lands on Dawn’s knees when Belair moves. Belair sends Fyre out of the ring, and Cargill catches her before slinging her into the barricade. Dawn rolls Belair up for a two-count. Cargill tags in. Belair hits Dawn with a backbreaker. They hit Dawn with a wheelbarrow DDT into a German Suplex for the win.

Winners by Pinfall and new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair

Backstage Segment

CM Punk is warming up backstage for a violent Strap Match against Drew McIntyre.

Video: CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre in a Strap Match

Strap Match
Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk

The rules of a Strap Match are each competitor will be tied to each end of a strap. There are no pinfalls or submissions. The only way to win is by touching all four corners of the ring uninterrupted in succession.

This is Drew McIntyre’s second Strap Match. McIntyre is 0-2 in two European PLEs. This is CM Punk’s third Strap Match. This is only Punk’s second televised singles match since returning to WWE.

As CM Punk poses on the apron during his entrance, McIntyre clubs him in the back to knock him to ringside. McIntyre attacks him at ringside and sends him over the ring steps. McIntyre slams Punk on the commentary table and rips his shirt off. McIntyre soon gets Punk in the ring and punches away at him. The referee pulls McIntyre off Punk. McIntyre has control of the strap. Neither man is attached to it yet. McIntyre smacks Punk on the back with the strap. McIntyre hits him again and puts the strap around Punk’s wrist.

The bell rings to start the match. McIntyre hits Punk with the strap a few times before hitting a side leg sweep. Punk rolls out of the ring to recover, but McIntyre uses the strap to pull Punk hard into the apron. McIntyre pulls Punk hard into the ring apron and gets him in the ring. McIntyre whips Punk with the strap a few times and chops him down. McIntyre goes to the corner and leans back. McIntyre casually taps the first turnbuckle, but he instead walks over to chop Punk down. Punk ducks another chop and stuns McIntyre with a Go To Sleep!

Punk goes to touch the top turnbuckle, but he shakes his head and starts to whip McIntyre with the strap. Punk hits McIntyre with a neckbreaker. Punk’s back has welts all over it from the strap. McIntyre rolls out of the ring, so Punk uses the strap to pull him ribs-first into the apron. Punk stomps the hand and goes for a weapon under the ring, but McIntyre attacks him from behind. McIntyre puts Punk on the commentary table and sets up for a Future Shock DDT. This is the move that McIntyre injured Punk with at the Royal Rumble. Punk counters with a back body drop on the table, which doesn’t break! Punk whips McIntyre’s midsection with the strap!

Punk goes under the ring and pulls out a table. McIntyre whips Punk and kicks him down. McIntyre then puts the table under the ring to upset the crowd. McIntyre smacks Punk’s back with the belt again before grabbing a steel chair. McIntyre drives the chair into Punk’s ribs and puts the chair in the ring. McIntyre viciously chops Punk’s chest at ringside. Punk becomes irate and fights back, but McIntyre thumbs the eye and puts him in the ring. McIntyre hits Punk with a scoop slam on the chair. Punk is bleeding from a cut above his left eye. McIntyre sees this and attacks the cut. McIntyre wedges the chair in the corner and turns into a running high knee from Punk. McIntyre rolls out of the ring to recover. Punk rolls out of the ring on the other side and uses the strap to pull McIntyre headfirst into the ring post.

Punk goes under the ring and retrieves the table that McIntyre put back. Punk sets the table up near the apron. McIntyre gets in the ring to avoid any offense from Punk. Punk sighs and gets in the ring, only to be blindsided by a Claymore Kick from McIntyre! McIntyre touches his first turnbuckle before touching the second. McIntyre touches a third and is uninterrupted. One more and he wins the match. Punk quickly gets out of the ring and pulls McIntyre headfirst into the chair wedged in the corner. Punk touches his first turnbuckle and then his second. Punk pulls McIntyre to the third one and touches it. McIntyre then cuts him off, and Punk’s uninterrupted momentum comes to an end. McIntyre sends Punk to the corner and charges, but Punk sidesteps him. Punk hits a high knee in the corner and hooks a side headlock. McIntyre powers Punk up and dumps him over the top rope through the table at ringside!

McIntyre uses the strap to power Punk into the ring. McIntyre puts Punk on his shoulders and carries him to the first turnbuckle. Unbeknownst to McIntyre, Punk also touches it. McIntyre hits the second, as does Punk. McIntyre hits the third, and Punk hits it. Punk then wiggles off the shoulders, and they start brawling, resetting the turnbuckle touching. They get into a hockey fight before taking each other out with double big boots. They slowly start to stir, and Punk rolls into a Sharpshooter! McIntyre yells in pain and taps out, but this match has no pinfalls or submissions. Punk won’t let go of the hold despite McIntyre grabbing the bottom rope. McIntyre passes out from the pain. Punk releases the hold and touches the first turnbuckle. Punk goes for the second turnbuckle, but McIntyre pulls the strap back to keep him from touching it. Punk eventually does touch it and goes for the third, but McIntyre pulls him back and hits a neckbreaker.

The crowd chants, “This is awesome.” McIntyre kips up and pulls out CM Punk’s bracelet. McIntyre puts the bracelet on. The bracelet, containing the names of Punk’s wife and dog, has been a central part of this storyline. McIntyre counts down and hits Punk with a massive Claymore Kick! McIntyre touches one turnbuckle, then two, and then three. Before he can touch the fourth and win the match, Punk uses the strap to pull McIntyre back and hit a GTS! The turnbuckles are reset! The crowd loudly chants, “CM Punk.” McIntyre grabs for Punk, but Punk grabs the wrist and looks at the bracelet. Punk hits the third GTS of this match. Punk touches the first turnbuckle and then the second. Punk stops and hits McIntyre with a fourth GTS. This doesn’t count as uninterrupted touching of the turnbuckles for whatever reason. Punk touches the third turnbuckle. Before going for the fourth turnbuckle, Punk powers McIntyre up and hits the fifth GTS of this match. Punk then grabs the unconscious McIntyre’s wrist and takes back his bracelet. Punk then touches the fourth turnbuckle to win the match, his first televised WWE win in over ten years!

Winner: CM Punk

Punk high-fives UFC fighter Oban Elliott at ringside and celebrates his big win over Drew McIntyre.

Sebastian Hackl of the German announce team is in the ring. He announces that this is the highest-grossing arena show in WWE history.

Backstage Segment

“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan embrace backstage.

Video: Mixed Tag Team Match

Mixed Tag Team Match
“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan vs. The Terror Twins (Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley)

The bell rings, and Damian Priest will start against “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio. Priest charges, but Mysterio immediately puts himself through the ropes to keep Priest back. Mysterio dances around the ring to avoid Priest. Mysterio hits him with some strikes, but Priest shakes it off and big boots Mysterio down. Priest throws Mysterio to the corner and punches away at him before hitting an uppercut. Priest sends Mysterio into the ropes, but Mysterio ducks two attacks. Priest then takes him out with a leaping back elbow. Priest grabs the arm and wrenches it before lifting Mysterio. The crowd chants, “We want Mami.” Priest big boots Mysterio down and points at Rhea Ripley, to the crowd’s delight.

Liv Morgan tags in, which means Ripley is automatically in. Ripley dropkicks Morgan down and hits a fallaway slam. Ripley throws her across the ring and attacks her in the corner. Ripley mounts Morgan and punches away at her. The crowd is super into Ripley. Ripley looks at her former flame, Mysterio, and angrily stares at him. Ripley powers Morgan up and hits a vertical suplex. Morgan crawls to her corner, and Mysterio touches her to see if she’s ok. The referee says this is a tag. Priest brings Mysterio into the ring the hard way and clotheslines him over the top rope. Priest uppercuts Mysterio and drops him face-first off the ring apron. The crowd chants, “Who’s your daddy?” to Mysterio. Priest gets Mysterio in the ring. Morgan grabs Priest’s foot, which allows Mysterio to knock Priest off the apron. Mysterio then tackles Priest into the ring steps. Priest hits the steps with his hip. Ripley is furious.

Mysterio gets Priest in the ring and hits a slingshot senton bomb for a two-count. Morgan slaps Priest in the face for good measure. Ripley is not happy. Mysterio punches Priest in the face, but Priest responds with a right hand that rocks him. Mysterio soon boots him back and hits a tornado DDT for a one-count. Morgan gets another cheap shot in on Priest. Mysterio clubs Priest in the face and hooks a rear chin lock. Priest fights up and powers out. Mysterio looks worried. Mysterio kicks Priest in the midsection and attempts the Three Amigos, but Priest counters into a Broken Arrow.

Ripley tags in to a huge ovation. Morgan is automatically in. Ripley runs over Morgan with a pair of clotheslines before hitting a facebuster and another clothesline. Ripley hits the ropes and hits a basement dropkick. Ripley is fired up and connects with a release German Suplex. Ripley follows up with a knee to the face. Mysterio is stumbling around on his feet and turns toward Ripley. Mysterio wants to hug Ripley. Ripley elbows Morgan down and grabs Mysterio’s wrist. Ripley hits Mysterio with a pair of short-arm clotheslines before slamming him onto his face! Ripley has Mysterio in the corner and grapevines the head! Ripley releases him and attacks Morgan before she can attack. Ripley goes for a Riptide on Mysterio, but Morgan breaks it up. Morgan attacks Ripley and hits a backstabber. Morgan hits a high knee in the corner and throws Ripley down. Morgan hits an abdominal stretch slam for a two-count. Morgan grabs for Ripley, but Ripley kicks her in the head. That looked nasty on the replay.

Priest tags in, so Mysterio is legal in the match. Priest takes it to Mysterio with big strikes. Priest hits a leaping elbow in the corner, followed by a flatliner. Priest signals for the end. Priest hits the ropes and turns Mysterio inside out with a clothesline. 1… 2… Morgan breaks up the pin. Ripley quickly attacks Morgan. The Terror Twins stand over Mysterio and Morgan. They box their ears and hit stereo Razor’s Edges on them! Ripley sends Morgan out of the ring. Ripley tells Priest to end this. Priest pulls down the straps before stopping when he sees JD McDonagh on the apron. Priest kicks him down. Carlito is on the apron, but Ripley pulls him down. Morgan then leaps off the steps and hits a sunset flip powerbomb into the barricade!

In the ring, Priest catches a leaping Mysterio for a South of Heaven attempt. Finn Bálor then wipes Priest out with a Sling Blade. Mysterio dropkicks Priest into the ropes and hits a 619! The crowd is loudly booing. Mysterio hits Priest with a Frog Splash! 1… 2… Priest kicks out! Bálor is irate at ringside. Morgan tags in and hits Ripley with a suicide dive. That was scary. Morgan gets Ripley in the ring and goes for Ob-Liv-ion, but Ripley counters into a backbreaker. Ripley sets up for the end, but McDonagh gets on the apron to distract Ripley. Morgan stuns Ripley with a (sort of) springboard codebreaker. At ringside, Priest pounces McDonagh over the commentary table and superkicks Carlito. Priest superkicks Bálor and clears the commentary table. Priest grabs Bálor, but Mysterio cuts him off. Mysterio has Priest on the table and charges, but Priest turns him inside out with a clothesline! Priest stares at Morgan. Ripley is behind Morgan, and she is smiling. Ripley head-butts Morgan in the face and hits her with Riptide for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: The Terror Twins

Priest and Ripley celebrate in the ring as the Judgment Day backs up the ramp.

NXT No Mercy is tomorrow.

Michael Cole talks about the wild week of travel for the WWE crew.

This Monday on Raw: Sheamus will battle “Big” Bronson Reed and Ludwig Kaiser in a Triple Threat Qualifying Match in the WWE Intercontinental Championship #1 Contenders Tournament. Ilja Dragunov will battle Dragon Lee and “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio in the second tournament match. In two weeks, the winners will join “Main Event” Jey Uso and Pete Dunne in the Fatal Four-Way.

Video: World Heavyweight Championship

“The Viper” Randy Orton makes his way to an incredible ovation, and the crowd LOUDLY sings his song.

World Heavyweight Champion “The Ring General” Gunther gets a loud ovation as he heads to the ring.

World Heavyweight Championship
“The Viper” Randy Orton vs. “The Ring General” Gunther (c)

This is Gunther’s first PLE main event of his WWE career. Samantha Irvin starts to do the ring introductions. Before she can do one for Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser appears and takes the microphone from her. Kaiser speaks German to the crowd before, in English, demanding their gratitude for the World Heavyweight Champion, “The Ring General” Gunther. Gunther gets a huge ovation from the crowd.

The timeless Charles Robinson is the official for the main event. The bell rings to start the match, and the crowd sings loudly and claps. The noise gets up to 112 dBA.

They circle the ring and lock up. They push against each other before tussling around the ropes for position. Orton has Gunther in the corner and gives a clean break. They lock up, and Gunther hits a headlock takeover. Orton gets out with a grapevine of the head, but Gunther immediately kips up. Orton hits a headlock takeover, but Gunther catches him with a grapevine of the head, causing Orton to immediately kip up out of it. The crowd begins clapping and singing again. Orton soon grabs a waistlock on Gunther. Gunther powers out and applies a hammerlock. Orton grabs the top rope to break the hold. Gunther gives a clean break, and Orton returns to the center of the ring. They lock up again, and Gunther applies a head and arm lock. The crowd starts to do the wave. You can tell on Orton’s face that he is unhappy about that. They’re stalling a bit to get the crowd’s attention back. Orton backs Gunther to the corner to break the hold. The wave continues, so Orton watches it and smiles. The crowd explodes in glee.

Gunther and Orton approach each other in the center of the ring. Gunther chops Orton and stuns him. Gunther then lays him out with a second chop. Gunther gets Orton in the corner and shoulders away at him before hitting an uppercut. Gunther hits a snapmare and twists the neck with his boots. The crowd is clapping and singing. Gunther grabs the arm and elbows him in the shoulder. Gunther rocks Orton with another chop. Orton goes to the corner to recover. Orton kicks Gunther back, but Gunther fights back with punches. They trade punches before Gunther lays him out with his fourth chop of the match. Gunther grabs Orton at ringside and presses his face into the ring post. Gunther goes for a whip, but Orton reverses it into the ring steps. Gunther is holding his shoulder in pain. Orton attacks the shoulder and drives him shoulder-first into the steps. Gunther is writhing in pain. Orton grabs The Ring General and gives him a back suplex on the commentary table. Not satisfied with just one, Orton hits him with a second back suplex on the table. Gunther falls off the table, so Orton retrieves him and gives him another back suplex on the table. Orton quickly rolls into the ring at the referee’s count of eight to reset it. Orton grabs Gunther and gives him a fourth back suplex on the commentary table.

Orton gets Gunther in the ring, and Gunther stumbles around in pain, holding his arm. Gunther goes for a chop, but he has no power behind it. Gunther attempts a Sleeper Hold but has no strength in the injured arm. Orton snaps the arm a few times before taking Gunther down. Orton attacks the arm and covers for a one-count. Orton slams the arm off the canvas and kneels on the side of his head. Orton lets him up. Gunther starts to fight back, but Orton hits him with an armbreaker for a two-count. Orton applies an overhead wristlock. Gunther fights up, so Orton hits him with a fallaway slam for a one-count. Orton continues to club Gunther and attack the arm. Orton chokes him on the middle rope before sending him into the ropes. Gunther holds the ropes and kicks Orton in the face. Gunther hits a clothesline, but Orton doesn’t go down. Gunther’s right arm is severely weakened. Orton swats the injured arm away and clotheslines him down. Orton then hits a snap powerslam and pins the World Heavyweight Champion for a two-count.

Gunther is on the apron, so Orton hooks the head. Gunther gets out of a draping DDT and chops him with his left arm. Gunther then snaps Orton off the top rope. Gunther heads to the top rope, but Orton cuts him off. Gunther stuns him with a head-butt, but Orton fights back and hits a superplex from the middle rope. That was not from the top rope as Orton normally does. Orton slowly rolls over and covers for a one-count. Orton stands over Gunther and punches him. Gunther rocks him with a chop from his injured right arm. Orton kicks and uppercuts him. Orton shakes off some chops from the injured right arm and punches Gunther back. Gunther responds with some kicks to the midsection, so Orton pokes him in the eyes. Orton hooks Gunther’s head and hits him with a draping DDT. The German crowd chants, “RKO.” Orton poses and begins to stalk his prey. Orton goes for an RKO, but Gunther counters with a nasty German Suplex!

Orton slowly gets up, and Gunther hits him with a T-Rex Dropkick. Gunther goes to the top rope and hits a diving splash on The Viper before covering: 1… 2… Orton kicks out. The crowd chants, “This is awesome!” Gunther grabs Orton and sets up for a Powerbomb, but his injured arm gives out. Gunther gets fired up and big boots Orton down to keep the momentum on his side. Gunther sets up for the Powerbomb again but can’t get Orton up with the bad arm. Gunther clubs away at the surgically repaired back of Orton. Gunther tries for a third time but still can’t get Orton up. Orton powers up with Gunther on his back, but Gunther fights out of it. Gunther then shows incredible grit by powering Orton up and slamming him down with a Powerbomb for a near fall!

Gunther tries for the Powerbomb again, but Orton gets out of it and hits an RKO from out of nowhere for a near fall! That was dangerously close to being Orton’s 15th World Championship. Orton rolls out of the ring, and the pace has slowed down a bit. Orton clears the commentary table and rearranges the ring steps so the large bottom half is next to the table. Gunther rolls out of the ring and attacks Orton before bouncing him off the commentary table. Orton counters Gunther with a back suplex onto the ring steps! Gunther immediately grabs his neck in pain. The crowd starts up dueling chants for both men. Orton grabs the top half of the steel steps. Gunther rolls into the ring to break the count. Orton puts the top half on the bottom half of the steps. The full set of steps is now next to the German commentary table. The pace has really slowed to a snail’s pace. Orton pulls Gunther out of the ring and attacks him. Orton bounces him off the commentary table before bouncing him off the steel steps. Orton climbs the steps and pulls Gunther to the top of the steps. Orton then hits him with a back suplex through the German commentary table!

Orton slowly gets off the steps, retrieves Gunther, and gets him in the ring. Orton drops down and stalks Gunther. Orton goes for an RKO, but Gunther shoves him off. Gunther then applies a Sleeper Hold using his left arm. Orton tries to fight out of it, but Gunther keeps the hold applied. Orton tries to roll out, but Gunther rolls with him and keeps the hold applied. Orton powers out because Gunther’s left arm is not as strong as his right, though his right arm is injured. Gunther quickly chops Orton in the back and goes back to the Sleeper Hold. Orton has Gunthehr on his back and leaps back for a backpack senton bomb. Orton sits up and tries to catch his breath. Gunther sits up and surprises him with a Sleeper Hold! Gunther releases only to elbow away at Orton’s neck and shoulder. Gunther puts the Sleeper Hold back on. Charles Robinson checks Orton’s arm and calls for the bell! Orton has passed out!

Winner by Referee’s Decision and still World Heavyweight Champion: “The Ring General” Gunther

Gunther celebrates his win and puts the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Gunther waits for Orton to get up and extends his left hand. Orton shakes hands with him. Gunther poses as the show comes to an end.

Quick Match Results

— “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (c) def. Kevin Owens to retain the Undisputed WWE Championship
— Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair def. The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn) (c’s) to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
— CM Punk def. Drew McIntyre in a Strap Match
— The Terror Twins (Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley) def. “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan in a Mixed Tag Team Match
— “The Ring General” Gunther (c) def. “The Viper” Randy Orton via Referee’s Decision to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

Email – mike@wrestleview.com
X – @MikeTedescoWV

Thanks for reading!
