AEW All In Results – 08/25/24 (Title vs. Career, TNT Title Coffin Match, Casino Gauntlet, and more!)

AEW All In Results
August 25, 2024
London, England (Wembley Stadium)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

AEW All In Zero Hour Quick Match Results:
  • 16-Man Tag Team Match: Top Flight (Dante Martin, Darius Martin, & Action Andretti), Lio Rush, Rocky Romero, Kyle Fletcher, Kip Sabian, and Tommy Billington def. Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy), Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds), Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Ariya Daivari, and Anthony Ogogo
  • Mixed Tag Team Match: Willow Nightingale & Tomohiro Ishii def. Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway
  • 10-Man Tag Team Match: Dustin Rhodes, Katsuyori Shibata, Sammy Guevara, Ross Von Erich, & Marshall Von Erich def. Cage of Agony (Toa Liona, Bishop Kaun, & Brian Cage) and Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)

Happy Wembley Day, AEW fans…it’s time to go All In!

The closing moments of Zero Hour gave us our entrances for this match, so we are kicking things off right away with the World Trios Championship on the line!

AEW World Trios Championship (London Ladder Match): The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Killswitch, & Nick Wayne) defend against Bang Bang Gang (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, & Juice Robinson), House of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black), and Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) and PAC

All twelve men rush into the ring, laying into each other before the match quickly spills to the outside. Colten gets a chop on Claudio as Brody goes for a table from under the ring. Yuta looks to intervene and pays for it with a chop from Brody as Buddy goes into the ring, climbing a ladder that was set up…but Austin stops him. Yuta stops him, but is pulled away before Austin comes back in…only for PAC to send him out of the ring.

PAC makes his ascension but Brody rushes in to stop him. Colten and Juice get involved but are laid out by Brody, who grabs the ladder and folds it up…but takes a dropkick sending him out of the ring! The ring has now been cleared as Claudio, Yuta, and Buddy Matthews hit a set of dives before PAC climbs up the turnbuckle, launching himself from the top for a Black Arrow onto the group outside!

The Gunns go after PAC, however, and apparently channel the spirit of uh….Gunnville, with a “whazzup” leading to a diving headbutt to the groin area of PAC. Robinson steps onto the apron, where the Gunns tell him to “get the tables”…but PAC intervenes, keeping the spirit of Philly far away from Wembley Stadium.

Cage, who hightailed it out of the ringside area at the start, comes running down the ramp to set up a ladder…only to be sent right back to the outside, where a group of his foes catch him and drop him to the floor. While this is going on, Mother Wayne starts to climb to retrieve the titles but is stopped by the Gunns who yell at her to leave the ring. Killswitch comes into the ring, hitting a pair of chokeslams on the Gunns before Claudio comes in.

Killswitch nearly hits a chokeslam on Castagnoli before Yuta comes in, and he takes the chokeslam instead as he’s sent onto the back of Claudio! Killswitch hits Buddy Matthews with one for good measure as Brody steps onto the apron. Killswitch is unable to hit a chokeslam on his fellow big man, but Nick Wayne rushes in with a Wayne’s World that sends him and King crashing through the table outside!

Killswitch starts climbing the ladder until Cage stops him, insisting on going up to grab the belts himself…but they’re stopped by Wheeler Yuta and Brody King tipping the ladder. Yuta gets laid out by King and Black, but the Gunns hit Yuta with a 3:10 to Yuma before turning their attention toward Castagnoli coming in. He blocks the attempt before getting Robinson with a giant swing, which is followed by a Black Arrow from PAC!

The ring is cleared as Claudio climbs the ladder, intercepted by King as the pair duke it out until the Gunns grab a pair of chairs to knock them off. They and Juice grab some fresh tables from under the ring, propping one up against a turnbuckle and two up properly in the corners before going up the ladders…where Claudio and Brody catch them, sending the Gunns through the tables instead.

The ring gets cleared once more as Buddy Matthews and Nick Wayne enter the ring, with Wayne sending Matthews out only for Malakai to catch him with a ladder to the face before climbing up. Juice intercepts, but is hung up on the top rope for his troubles as Black goes for another ladder…only to be knocked off the apron by Wayne, who sees a table propped up against the barricade and makes the best of it with a Destroyer that sends Malakai through it! Juice comes into the ring with a tall ladder, setting it up before making the climb…but Cage tips it over, sending Robinson over the top rope to the floor!

PAC tries to springboard onto the ladder but gets it sent into him instead, with Cage setting up a chair before slamming PAC into it with a Killswitch. Mother Wayne hands him some sort of spray as Yuta tries to climb the ladder, only to get sprayed in the face by Christian who then sends him down hard. Juice comes into the ring looking to climb, but turns his attention to Cage with a chair to the face!

Mother Wayne tries to spray Juice in the face but he blocks it with the chair, teasing that he might send her through the table…but Killswitch catches him with a chokeslam onto the table instead, and with it not breaking this is how we learn that Juice Robinson IS the table!

Back in the ring, Killswitch helps Cage keep their foes at bay before helping the Patriarch up the ladder to retrieve the titles…but PAC hops onto the ladder, sending Cage onto Killswitch as the two get caught up in the ropes while PAC grabs one of the titles to win the match!

Winners and new AEW World Trios Champions: Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) and PAC

Cage is irate as Claudio and Yuta retrieve the other belts, getting a sign of respect from the House of Black.

Video Package: It’s “All About Mariah” as the winner of the women’s Owen Hart Cup challenges Toni Storm for the AEW Women’s World Championship!

Back at ringside, Mariah May heads down the ramp for our next contest. After a quick video showcasing the champion making her Wembley moment, Toni Storm comes to the ring next, getting a bit of an ovation before this match gets underway!

AEW Women’s World Championship: “Timeless” Toni Storm defends against “The Glamour” Mariah May

The champion stands nose to nose with May, who just stares at the champion before the two women go at it! Toni gets Mariah with a kick to the gut but is sent to the corner for her troubles, before the challenger lays into the Timeless One. The ref intervenes as Mariah briefly takes a break, only to go right back into it before the ref forces another break.

Toni catches her off guard with a chop followed by a DDT, forcing the challenger to the ropes as she lays in a set of boots…only for May to fight back, hitting a boot before leaping off the apron for a sunset powerbomb! Luther approaches the challenger and gets spat on as a result, the ref forcing the butler back as Mariah brings the champ back into the ring.

Mariah brings the champion off her feet, spinning her around before dropping Storm to the mat. Storm rolls to the ropes as she tries to get up, but May helps her along just to send the champ to the corner, setting her up for a hurricanrana and a nearfall. This is followed by a body scissors into a guillotine, only for Toni to fight out…but May sets her up for some crossface punches. Mariah hits the ropes, but she gets stopped with a Lou Thesz press by the champion…who ends up getting sent to the outside with a back suplex by Mariah!

Mariah enjoys the scattered cheers from the crowd, kissing Nigel on the forehead before running at Luther with a dropkick that sends him into the barricade! May approaches her mother at ringside…and slaps her across the face! This gets a bit of jeers from the London crowd as May goes after the champ…who rattles her with a hip attack, before slamming the challenger’s head against the steel steps and follows up with a Storm Zero onto the steps!

Storm checks on May’s mother, embracing her as we see a bloodied May on the barricade before Toni brings her back into the ring. She slams Mariah against the turnbuckle, which further opens the challenger up as May tries to fight back. She climbs to the top for a missile dropkick, sending Storm into the opposite corner…and hits the champ with a taste of her own medicine, in the form of a hip attack!

May hits another hip attack, followed by a third one for good measure. She walks to the corner, looking for one last one…only to be laid out with a lariat by Toni! Storm hits another, before sending May to the corner for a hip attack followed by a Storm Zero for the cover…but Mariah May kicks out!

Mariah flips her off but gets her fingers bent by the champ as both women are on their feet trading strikes. It gets to a point where the ref tries to intervene, shoved aside as May hits Storm with a low blow that is returned in kind by the champion, forcing both women to the mat. Mariah back up, hoisting Storm up for a May Day for the cover…but the champ kicks out this time!

Mariah crawls over looking to use the title, but Luther pulls it out of the corner. May grabs the bloody shoe instead, only for the champ to pull it away from her. The ref is trying to intervene as Storm debates nailing her with the shoe…eventually thinking better of it, but May hits a clutch for a nearfall! She follows up with a Storm Zero on the champ, pinning her for the win to win the title!

Winner and new AEW Women’s World Champion: Mariah May

Mariah celebrates by going up the ramp, before we get a look at Toni in the ring. The fans chant for her as she gets back to her feet, the former champion celebrating her Wembley moment even in loss as the fans show their appreciation for the Timeless One.

Video Package: We get a quick look at the feud between Chris Jericho and HOOK leading to tonight’s FTW Championship match at All In!

Back at ringside, Chris Jericho performs alongside his band Fozzy for his entrance before heading to the ring for our next contest. Out next is HOOK with a nod to his father Tazz, ready to win the FTW Championship back as this match gets underway!

FTW Championship: “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho defends against HOOK

With this match be Anything Goes, Jericho’s students are quick to get up on the apron and help him lay into the challenger, sending HOOK into the corner for a big splash from Big Bill. HOOK gets to his feet, but takes a Codebreaker from Jericho…who only gets a one count!

HOOK starts fighting back, sending Bryan Keith out of the ring with an exploder suplex before clearing Bill from the ring to go back after the champ…who drops him to the mat before hitting a Lionsault for the cover, but HOOK kicks out at two this time.

Jericho leaves the ring, grabbing a billiards cue stick from underneath along with a bag of pool balls to match. He enters the ring to unload the balls to the canvas…but HOOK hits him with a back suplex, causing him to land on one of the balls! HOOK leaves the ring, grabbing a cricket bat from under the ring as he lays into Keith and Bill with it before entering the ring…where he uses the bat to knock a ball at the Learning Tree, followed by picking up a couple other balls at Jericho!

HOOK then hits the Learning Tree with a cricket bat-assisted T-bone suplex, before Keith rushes into the ring to go after the challenger. This allows Jericho to take HOOK off his feet for the Walls of Jericho, only for HOOK to fight out and lock in a Walls of his own! Jericho is struggling, but not for long as Big Bill comes in to make the save.

Crowd chanting for “Big Bill” as the Redwood sets up a table at ringside after sending the challenger out, Keith looking to assist with a barbed wire board…but HOOK fights back, before Jericho sends him back into the ring. The champ goes after the bad eye of HOOK before leaving the ring, pulling out a trash can that he slams against the challenger’s head. Jericho goes for a Judas Effect, but gets sent to the mat with a T-bone by HOOK instead…and the challenger pulls the bandage off his eye revealing he CAN see!

HOOK looking to put Jericho away until Big Bill gets involved, allowing Jericho to grab the pool stick…but he hits Bill by mistake instead! HOOK looks for a Redrum but Keith hops onto the apron, catching the challenger with a shot to the head when he gets close. HOOK is able to turn back around on the champ, however, locking in a Redrum as Keith hops on the apron again…only to be pulled down by Tazz, who chokes him out as Jericho taps out!

Winner via submission and new FTW Champion: HOOK

HOOK celebrates outside the ring, pulling the Learning Tree sticker off the FTW Championship to signify the end of the “For The World” title.

Video Package: The Acclaimed, FTR, and The Young Bucks collide in a Three-Way tag match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship at All In!

Back at ringside, FTR make their way out for our next match. As one of the challengers enters the ring, the champions come out next as The Young Bucks make a Beatles-inspired entrance to head down the ramp. The EVPs enter the ring as a “OH, SCISSOR ME DADDY” chant breaks out in Wembley before The Acclaimed come out with a rap before heading to the ring as this match gets underway!

AEW World Tag Team Championship (Three-Way Tag Match): The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) defend against The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) and FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

We start things off with Caster and Harwood in the ring, with Dax taking Caster down before hitting the ropes, only for Max to hit him with a hip toss and an armbar. Harwood back to his feet for a tag to Wheeler, with Bowens coming in as the Bucks watch on from ringside…but not for long as they’re chased into the ring before knocked down in the corner by FTR and The Acclaimed. They then send the champs out of the ring before brawling until we’re left with Caster and Wheeler…only for Bowens to get a blind tag for the double team on Cash.

They go at it until Nicholas makes a blind tag on Bowens, getting an assist from Matthew to get the champs back into the match. “CM Punk” chant breaks out as Matthew tags in now, further laying into Wheeler before tagging Nicholas back in. Cash starts to fight back, but Matthew pulls Dax off the apron before Wheeler can make the tag!

Cash is in the corner as Matthew lunges at him, only for Wheeler to evade him as he scrambles to the Acclaimed corner. Bowens gets a blind tag to enter the match, and goes after both of the Bucks before tagging in Caster! Scissor Me Timbers connects on the champs, but Dax tags himself in for a set of German suplexes on Bowens.

Caster is sent for a ride as well, until Matthew tags himself back in…only to be dropped with a German suplex by Harwood as well! Wheeler comes in for one of his own as Dax gets a nearfall on Matthew. Cash tags in now before Bowens gets into the ring as well. Power and Glory by Bowens, Harwood, and Wheeler…but Matthew gets the knees up! Nicholas goes for a 450 but Wheeler gets the knees up on him!

Caster comes in but it’s no good, and all six men are out on the mat! Bucks send The Acclaimed out as they look for the TK Driver, but this gets reversed into a Shatter Machine! Cover made, but the ref gets pulled out of the ring as Nicholas slides into the ring for a superkick on Wheeler. They look for an EVP Trigger on Harwood but Caster gets into the ring where Matthew calls for him to help on the Trigger!

Cash gets back into the ring as he and Caster then catch Matthew with a Shatter Machine, but Bowens breaks up the Wheeler pin afterward. Nicholas rushes into the ring to stop things, eventually allowing Matthew to get a cover on Bowens…who manages to kick out!

Nicholas brings in one of the tag belts but the ref pulls it away, only for the other to be brought into play…but not by the Bucks, as Billy Gunn catches Matthew with a Famouser onto the title instead! Bowens gets the cover but it’s only good for two, as the Bucks hit an EVP trigger on FTR to get a cover, winning the match to retain!

Winners via pinfall and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks

There is not much of a celebration here as the Grizzled Young Vets enter the ring to a big pop. They stare down the champs who immediately leave the ring, with Drake and Gibson opting to go after FTR instead as the Bucks escape up the ramp.

Video Package: AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door heads to London in August 2025!

We head back to ringside for our next match, with Orange Cassidy giving us a nod to Mr. Bean before heading to the ring. Out next is our second participant as Kazuchika Okada heads down to the ring, and this match is underway!

AEW World Title #1 Contender Casino Gauntlet Match

Orange and Okada stand off in opposite corners, before the Rainmaker offers his former CHAOS teammate a hug. You’ve gotta give the people what they want…but Okada doesn’t want this, instead beating down Cassidy! Orange looks to get his hands in his pockets, building up momentum on the ropes before hitting a dropkick on Okada before kipping up to his feet. Cassidy catches the Rainmaker with a pinning combination but Okada fights out as the clock counts down to our next participant…Nigel McGuinness!

The crowd in Wembley is electric for the former ROH World Champion as he heads down the ramp. Nigel enters the ring, staring down Okada before the two men trade strikes. Each man counters the other’s offense until Nigel rocks him with a big right hand, taking the Rainmaker off his feet. Okada is back up, but is sent to the corner where he hits a headstand…only to be knocked down by Nigel, who gets a nearfall on the Rainmaker as the countdown reveals our next participant…Kyle O’Reilly!

Kyle heads down to the ring, laying into Okada and Nigel before pinning the latter, but Okada breaks it up just in time. Kyle goes after the Rainmaker with an armbar, but Nigel locks in a wristlock before Cassidy comes into the ring to stop things. O’Reilly gets another nearfall on Okada, getting to his feet to stand off with his friend Orange Cassidy as the countdown reveals our next participant…Zack Sabre Jr.!

The 2024 G1 Climax winner heads to the ring, going after Cassidy and O’Reilly before Nigel stands across the ring from him to a massive pop from their home crowd. They exchange holds to a chant of “this is wrestling” from the crowd, with Nigel rocking Zack with some uppercuts until Sabre looks for a backslide. Nigel goes for a roll up but a crucifix gives ZSJ a nearfall. Okada enters the ring, shoving Nigel aside…but he is sent to the corner by Sabre, who goes for a lock on Okada’s shoulders. This gets countered into a shoulder breaker by Okada, who stomps Zack before hitting an elbow drop on Sabre before taunting the crowd.

Sabre responds with a spinning toe hold, taunting Okada until Kyle rushes in to get some licks in of his own. This leads to an abdominal stretch by Sabre as the countdown reveals our next participant…Roderick Strong!

Strong rushes to the ring, going after whoever he can as he clears the ring before he and Okada remain as the countdown reveals our next participant…Mark Briscoe!

The ROH World Champion heads to the ring to join the fray, but Sabre fights him off. O’Reilly is in now as ZSJ leaves the ring, only for Briscoe to catch him with a dive from off the apron! Briscoe back in the ring as O’Reilly sets up a chair for an assist on a dive to the other men on the outside, while the countdown reveals our next participant…Hangman Adam Page!

Hangman is a man on a mission as he enters the ring, laying into Briscoe and O’Reilly at his earliest convenience. Sabre goes after him on the apron but is stopped, Okada intervening as well but both men are cleared by Page. Cassidy dives on him but is caught in midair, dropped to the canvas before Page kips up, keeping the others at bay before dropping Cassidy with a Dead Eye for a nearfall as the countdown reveals our next participant…Jeff Jarrett!

Jarrett comes down the ramp, making a beeline for Hangman as the two trade strikes until the rest come into the ring…and a fired-up Jarrett goes off on each and every one of them! He turns his attention back to Page, laying into him with punches in the corner before a Fargo strut leads to a set of mounted punches…until Page sends him to the outside with a powerbomb! Karen hops onto the apron, where Page looks to go after her until the countdown reveals our next participant…Ricochet!

The crowd is pumped up for Ricochet’s AEW debut as he rushes to the ring, immediately going on the attack against Hangman Page with a dropkick. The rest of the field starts to funnel back in, but are fended off by the new arrival who clears the ring to a big pop. Ricochet goes up top, hitting a shooting star press onto the group outside! He gets back into the ring, climbing up top…only for Page to intercept! He goes after Ricochet on the turnbuckle as the countdown reveals our next participant…Christian Cage!

Cage is hobbling toward the ring, but is cut off by Ricochet who gets back into the ring after. He takes out Strong but is caught by a Buckshot Lariat from Hangman for the cover…only for Okada to nonchalantly stomp his head to break it up!

Page fights off Okada only for Karen to get on the apron…distracting everyone and allowing Jarrett to nail Page with a guitar to the head! Chaos ensues as Okada hits a Rainmaker, only to be cleared out as Cassidy and Sabre exchange nearfalls. Strong htis End of Heartbreak on Cassidy but is fended off by Briscoe who looks for a Jay Driller.

But to no avail as Nigel uses Strong to set Briscoe up for a Tower of London! He doesn’t get much after that as Nigel gets laid out with a spear by Christian Cage, as the countdown reveals our next participant…Killswitch!

He rushes to the ring, looking for a chokeslam on Cage…but O’Reilly ends up taking one instead! Killswitch brings Cage up, and it looks like he might hit a chokeslam on the Patriarch…but instead, he drops Christian onto O’Reilly, allowing Cage to pick up the win and earn a shot at the AEW World Championship that can be used at any time!

Winner via pinfall: Christian Cage

Video Package: The issues between MJF and Will Ospreay culminate in tonight’s match for the International (or “American”) Championship at All In!

Back at ringside, we are treated to a special entrance sponsored by Assassin’s Creed: Shadows for the Aerial Assassin, as Will Ospreay heads to the ring to a massive pop from the London crowd. Out next is MJF, decked out in patriotic gear as the “American” Champion heads to the ring before a giant flag with MJF’s likeness unfurls on the outside. With that, this match gets underway!

AEW “American” (International) Championship: MJF defends against Will Ospreay

The two charge at each other with strikes, with Will sending the champ into the corner before the ref intervenes. This allows MJF to get a thumb to the eye of Ospreay, who responds by sending the champ to the outside. MJF fights back, mocking the crowd with a salute as he sends the challenger back into the ring…only for Ospreay to take flight with a dive over the top rope!

Ospreay sends MJF back into the ring, setting up for a Hidden Blade…but MJF ducks, forcing the challenger to stop in his tracks before he hits the ref instead. MJF takes advantage, clubbing at Ospreay before bringing him out of the ring where he sends the challenger into the barricade. He takes a bite out of the head of Ospreay before getting into the ring to break the ref’s count…and then charges at the challenger with a big boot!

Ospreay manages to get back to his feet, however, fighting back until the champ sends him to the floor with a back body drop. Ospreay sent back into the ring, but the challenger catches him with a nearfall before MJF fights back with a knee into the spine of Ospreay on the backend of a powerbomb, but it’s only good for a two count as the challenger kicks out!

Ospreay sets up for an Oscutter but is cut off by MJF, who catches him with a Kangaroo Kick instead to a brief pop that changes to jeers as the champ gets back to his feet. Ospreay slowly gets to his feet, the crowd willing him on as he takes to the ropes…but the champ is on his feet as well, blocking him with a thumb to the eye. Ospreay manages to fight back from this, taking MJF down for a nearfall.

MJF gets back to his feet, mocking Ospreay…which leads to Will catching him for another nearfall, before the champ rolls out of the ring to take a breather. Ospreay takes to the ropes, looking for a Sasuke Special…but MJF catches him, countering with a tombstone piledriver onto the floor!

MJF gets back up, mocking Ospreay for thinking he’s special because he can flip before looking for a dive of his own…but it gets cut off by the challenger, who drops him onto the floor for his troubles! Ospreay sets the champ up on the top rope, forcing him into the ring after a shooting star press! MJF lands on his back, allowing Ospreay to get the cover for a two count as the champ manages to kick out.

Ospreay sets MJF up for Storm Breaker…but the champ counters with a Cross Rhodes for the cover! Ospreay kicks out, as MJF looks to follow up with a brainbuster…only for the challenger to counter, hitting a Stundog followed by the Oscutter! All of this ends up getting the challenger a close nearfall, however, as MJF gets his foot on the rope!

MJF counters out of a Storm Breaker, dropping Ospreay right on his head with a piledriver for the cover…but Ospreay manages to kick out once again! Both men back on their feet, as the challenger looks to take MJF down again…but gets laid out with a right hand. Ospreay manages to fight back, however, nailing the champ with a Storm Breaker…but it only gets a two count, as MJF narrowly kicks out!

The crowd chant “Tiger Driver” but Ospreay opts to set up for a Hidden Blade…until MJF rolls over to the apron. Will hops onto the turnbuckle, looking for an Oscutter on the apron…but ends up colliding against the hardest part of the ring instead as MJF gets out of the way. The champ follows up by hopping onto the turnbuckle himself, hitting a Long Island Sunrise that sends Ospreay’s head onto the apron, causing the challenger to drop to the floor as the champ rolls back into the ring.

The ref, who is at the count of five as both men were on the outside prior to this, reaches eight as Ospreay drops off the apron…but he manages to slide back into the ring just before the count of ten! MJF has some words for the ref about this, getting back to his feet to taunt the crowd before shouting “God bless America” as he looks for the Heatseeker…but to no avail! Ospreay fights back, dropping MJF onto the apron with an Oscutter!

Both men struggle to move until MJF rolls to the floor. Ospreay launches himself at the champ for a Hidden Blade…but MJF gets out of the way, causing Ospreay to collide with a camera man on the floor instead! Ospreay checks on the camera operator as the ref urges him to get back in…too distracted to see MJF sneak the title into the ring.

As the challenger finally gets back in the ring, the ref gets a medic to ringside as MJF looks to hit Ospreay with the belt…only to take a kick to the face! MJF still manages to nail Ospreay with the title, tossing it out of the ring for the cover on Ospreay…but the challenger kicks out! MJF sets up for a Hidden Blade, but Ospreay evades as MJF stops himself from hitting the ref…but Ospreay runs into the champ, forcing the ref out of the ring.

This leads to MJF teasing a Tiger Driver only for Ospreay to block it, trying to get one on him instead…but MJF hits him with a low blow. He pulls out what is meant to be brass knuckles, but a masked figure stops him from the apron…revealing himself as Daniel Garcia! MJF is incensed, but this allows Ospreay to strike back, pulling MJF in for a Tiger Driver that drills the champ to the mat as Ospreay gets the win to regain the championship!

Winner via pinfall and new AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Ospreay seemingly refuses to touch the American Championship, and it becomes clear why as Christopher Daniels enters the ring with a bag, unveiling the International Championship to present to the new champion.

Video Package: Britt Baker returns to AEW, and is bent on defeating Mercedes Moné for the TBS Championship at All In!

Back at ringside, Britt Baker makes her way to the ring for our next match. Out next is Mercedes Moné with a pretty regal entrance, accompanied by Kamille as the TBS Champion makes her way to the ring before this match gets underway!

TBS Championship: Mercedes Moné defends against Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D

The two go at it, with the champ being forced against the ropes as Kamille intervenes allowing Moné to hit the challenger with a right hand. They go back at it, but Moné escapes through the ropes once more before returning to the ring. She climbs the turnbuckle, only for Baker to roll through and go for a Lockjaw…but the champ escapes, sending Baker to the corner instead. Moné back in control but not for long as Baker takes to the turnbuckle, only for Kamille to distract her long enough for Mercedes to pull Baker right off the turnbuckle before she goes for the cover…but Baker kicks out!

Baker gets sent out of the ring where Kamille gets a shot in on the challenger, before Moné gets her back into the ring for more damage. Cover by the champ gets a nearfall. Moné hoists the challenger up, propping her onto the ropes twice for a backbreaker on each go…but the second time sees Baker fight out with a knee to the head of the champ!

Baker starting to fight back but cannot hit a fisherman’s backbreaker due to the pain, allowing Mercedes to hit a suplex for a nearfall. Moné follows this by bringing Baker to the corner, setting up for a double knee to the back before climbing the turnbuckle…only to be intercepted by the challenger! This doesn’t fare very well for Baker however, as Mercedes responds with an avalanche body slam…but the challenger escapes as Moné goes after her!

Baker gets cut off with a powerbomb of sorts by the champ, but Moné is then caught with a cutter by Britt as both women lay on the mat while the ref begins the count. Moné up to her feet as she charges toward Baker, but the challenger evades the double knee before hitting a neckbreaker and a sling blade. Baker fights the pain as she goes for the cover, but the champ manages to kick out.

Britt pulls out her glove, looking for the Lockjaw…but Mercedes rolls her up for a pin and a nearfall. Moné shrieks in anger before noticing the glove in her hand…putting it on with bad intent as she mocks Baker…only for the challenger to counter with an Air Raid Crash for a nearfall! Baker lands some punches before taking back her glove. She ends up looking for another Air Raid Crash but Moné fights out…only for Baker to counter out of a Money Maker. Moné manages to drop Baker to the canvas, before pulling her toward the corner.

She climbs the turnbuckle, kicking Baker in the back until Baker intercepts her on the turnbuckle. They go at it until Baker counters an avalanche body slam into one of her own for a nearfall…with Kamille getting Mercede’s foot under the rope to stop the count!

The ref deals with Kamille as Moné grabs the TBS Championship…but the ref catches her! While he’s dealing with that, Kamille looks to nail Baker with the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship…but Baker fakes her out, getting the ref’s attention as he sees Kamille on the apron with the title! Baker has pulled off an Eddie Guerrero here as the ref ejects the Brickhouse from ringside, and the DMD lays in some offense on Moné for a nearfall!

Baker manages to catch the champion with the Lockjaw, but Moné counters out by biting the hand that feeds her! She rolls Baker up for a nearfall, which is followed by Baker getting one of her own, but Moné gets to her feet to hit Britt with a Money Maker to get the win and retain the championship!

Winner via pinfall and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Moné

Video Package: Darby Allin is on a mission to beat Jack Perry, who demanded this TNT Championship bout be a Coffin Match here at All In!

Back at ringside, Darby Allin skates down the ramp for our next match as we notice the thumbtacks affixed to his face. A gnarly sight indeed as the challenger enters the ring, and out next is Jack Perry as the TNT Champion approaches the ring…only for Darby to dive after him to get this match underway!

TNT Championship (Coffin Match): Jack Perry defends against Darby Allin

The fight continues outside the ring until Jack starts to turn things around…but not for long, as Darby props up the coffin against the presentation table. He goes back into the ring, building up speed for a dive through the ropes…but Perry escapes, forcing Darby to crash into the coffin! Perry takes control now as he finally brings the challenger back into the ring.

He rolls out of the ring, reaching underneath the apron to grab a bag marked “Scapegoat” as he slides back in. Back on his feet, Perry opens the bag to unveil its contents…as a pile of glass falls onto the canvas. Chants of “oh, cry me a river” fill the stadium as Perry looks to send Allin onto the pile…but Darby makes him pay for this, sending him onto the glass instead! Darby doesn’t get to build much momentum off this as the two end up on the outside, where Perry grabs a roll of tape to bind Darby’s hands.

Darby manages to fight back once more, however, going after the champ as the crowd wills him on. Perry turns things around as the fight goes up the ramp, and Perry drops him onto the ramp before pulling the challenger’s belt off his waist. He whips Darby before restraining his feet, mocking Darby’s situation as Allin struggles back up to a standing position…only for Perry to throw him from the stage!

Darby crashes through a table, allowing Perry to head down the ramp to grab the coffin…but opts instead to grab the body bag as he heads back up toward Darby. He opens the bag open, getting Darby into it before zipping the bag close. Perry then starts dragging Darby down the ramp toward the coffin, opening it to get Darby in…but Darby manages to sit up, his head popping through the bag!

Only for the challenger to get dropped with a running knee by Perry, who sends him back into the coffin before closing the lid to win the match and retain the title!

Winner and still TNT Champion: Jack Perry

Perry calls for someone to come out, as the Young Bucks arrive with what appears to be a can of gasoline. They open the coffin back up to douse the body bag with the fuel, before closing it to pour some onto the coffin as Perry is handed a lighter…but suddenly, the lights go out! The crowd is ecstatic as Metallica’s “Seek and Destroy” signals the return of Sting to Wembley, as he heads to the ring with a baseball bat in hand to make the save!

He lays into the Bucks and Perry, keeping The Elite at bay as the Icon opens the coffin to rescue his protege Darby Allin.

Video Package: We get a look at Bryan Danielson’s “Final Countdown” as he challenges Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship, with his career on the line!

Back at ringside, we are greeted with a highlight video looking back on Bryan Danielson’s career and his mission to try and win the world title, before we are greeted by Europe’s “Final Countdown” to a massive pop from the Wembley crowd as the American Dragon heads toward ringside. He embraces his family in the front row before entering the ring, the crowd singing along as he climbs onto the top turnbuckle to another massive pop.

This is then followed by DJ Whoo Kid asking Wembley whose house this is…and the crowd, despite being firmly behind Danielson, respond “Swerve’s House” as the AEW World Champion makes his way out next, accompanied by Westside Gunn and Bun B who rap his entrance music as the champ heads toward the ring.

With both men in the ring, we get ring introductions for challenger and champion before this main event gets underway!

AEW World Championship (Title vs. Career): Swerve Strickland defends against Bryan Danielson

Both men stare each other down before going at it, with Bryan getting the upper hand early but Swerve quickly fighting back. Swerve gets a glance at Bryan’s family and this fires up the American Dragon, who lays into the champ to take him to the mat. Strickland manages to send the challenger to the outside however, laying into a kick but the follow up dive gets evaded by Danielson…who takes to the ropes for a springboard dive onto Swerve!

Danielson building up momentum as he gets Swerve back in the ring, sending him to the corner for some kicks to wear the champ down…but Strickland fights back once more, taking his challenger to the corner before hitting a low dropkick that targets Bryan’s knee. The champ pulls Danielson toward the middle, where he goes after the arm with a leg drop before sending him to the ropes. Swerve heads to the turnbuckle but is fended off by Danielson, the two trading strikes until Bryan locks him into the ropes!

Swerve fights him off long enough to gets Bryan on his shoulders while standing on the apron, hitting a glancing blow on the ref that allows Nana to bring the ring bell over…which gives extra damage as Swerve drops him with a Death Valley Driver onto the ring bell! Swerve slaps the bell off the apron as Nana pulls it away, and we see Bryan busted open as he lands on the floor…before Strickland brings him back into the ring for more damage.

Swerve grabs Danielson by the arms, looking for some stomps…choosing instead to bring him to the outside, dragging him near Bryan’s family in the front row to give them a closeup view of the attack before landing a series of stomps on the challenger! He taunts the family before bringing Bryan back into the ring, setting him up on the turnbuckle before sending him to the mat with a back superplex!

Strickland goes for a Swerve Stomp, but Bryan evades as he goes for an STF on the champion! Swerve manages to fight out, getting back to his feet as Bryan rolls out…only to be hit in the face with a kick, but he fights back with a lariat to lay Swerve out. Strickland back on his feet pretty quickly, heading to the corner as Bryan pumps himself up before charging at the champ twice over…but the third attempt ends with Swerve hitting a Flatliner for the cover! Bryan manages to kick out at two, however!

Bryan fighting back as hard as he can as he catches the champ with a tiger suplex. Swerve is up to his knees as Danielson lays into him with a series of hard kicks, forcing Swerve into the corner in a standing position. Bryan with a set of kicks to the champion’s back before setting Strickland up on the top turnbuckle…before nailing him with an avalanche tiger suplex to the mat! Bryan with the cover, but Strickland kicks out.

Danielson grabs the champ by his arms, laying in a series of stomps as the crowd wills him on…but Swerve gets back up, fighting back before dropping the challenger with what I can best describe as a modified Vertebreaker! This raises the concern of the ref, who calls for medics to check on Bryan before the champ runs them off to nail Danielson for a nearfall. He follows up with a House Call, but isn’t finished as he goes for a second House Call on the American Dragon.

Swerve taunts the crowd before turning his attention back to Danielson, taunting the challenger before landing a third House Call. Cover by Strickland…and Bryan Danielson manages to kick out! Both men get to their feet as Swerve lays in some kicks, but is met with a couple chops that rocks the champ before Danielson hits some kicks of his own…before catching Strickland into a triangle hold!

Strickland gets to his feet, but Bryan breaks the hold for a suplex instead. Swerve in the corner as Bryan heads to the opposite side for a Busaiku knee…but it seems to barely faze the champ, who nails Danielson with another House Call! He follows up with Big Pressure to get the cover…but Bryan kicks out once again!

Swerve makes it back to his feet, taunting Bryan’s “yes” chant until we see Hangman Page rushing to ringside from the crowd. He seems dead set on going after the champ but is escorted away by security…and the distraction allows Bryan to hit a Busaiku knee! Cover by Danielson, but the champ manages to kick out yet again!

Double knucklelock as both men get to their feet, laying into each other with strikes until Swerve hits a couple headbutts and counters out of a LeBell Lock for a couple kicks…only for the challenger to respond with a Busaiku knee! Bryan’s gearing up for another one as the crowd chants “yes”…and he nails him from behind with another Busaiku Knee! Danielson follows up with the LeBelle Lock!

Swerve manages to fight out of it, but Bryan’s still got the arm as he cinches the hold in even tighter! Strickland’s got nowhere to go, he’s trapped in the middle of the ring…and he taps out! Bryan Danielson has done it, he’s won the AEW World Championship in Wembley!

Winner via submission and new AEW World Champion: Bryan Danielson

PAC, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta head down to ringside, helping Bryan’s family come into the ring as they celebrate with the American Dragon amidst “Final Countdown” blaring throughout an uproarious Wembley Stadium to bring All In 2024 to a close.

AEW All In Quick Match Results:
  • AEW World Trios Championship (London Ladder Match): Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) and “The Bastard” PAC def. The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Killswitch, & Nick Wayne), Bang Bang Gang (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, & Juice Robinson), and House of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black)
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: “The Glamour” Mariah May def. “Timeless” Toni Storm
  • FTW Championship: HOOK def. “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship (Three-Way Tag Match): The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) def. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) and FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)
  • AEW World Title #1 Contender Casino Gauntlet Match: Christian Cage wins the gauntlet, earning a future title shot he can cash in at any time
  • AEW “American” (International) Championship: Will Ospreay def. MJF
  • TBS Championship: Mercedes Moné def. Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D
  • TNT Championship (Coffin Match): Jack Perry def. Darby Allin
  • AEW World Championship (Title vs. Career): Bryan Danielson def. Swerve Strickland

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That’ll do it for AEW All In from Wembley Stadium! I will now be embarking on a much-needed nap after an insanely good show, but we will see you on Wednesday for the fallout when AEW heads back to the States for Dynamite!
