AEW Dynamite Results – 8/21/24 (Go-Home Show For All In; Two title matches and more!)

AEW Dynamite Results
August 21, 2024
Cardiff, Wales (Utilita Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It’s Wednesday, my dudes…and you know what that means!

We kick off the show with Tony Schiavone in the ring, welcoming us to the contract signing for the TBS Championship match at All In! He introduces the challenger as Britt Baker makes her way to the ring. Baker stands behind one of the chairs as Mercedes Mone’ is introduced next, the TBS Champion being accompanied by Kamille as the CEO heads to the ring.

Tony addresses the match set for this Sunday at Wembley Stadium, addressing the agreement of no physicality at this contract signing before Mone’ tells everyone in Cardiff to say hello to their CEO. She promises that when she beats Baker at All In, everyone will know that Britt is the past and Mercedes is the future. Baker grabs the mic, reminding Mone’ that she came to All In “hobbling in on crutches” and stating that before there was a CEO there was a DMD.

Mone’ mocks Baker before running her challenger down, only to be cut off by a chant from the crowd I cannot repeat here. She addresses this before calling Baker out, saying she doesn’t have the guts to win this match, promising the DMD will not beat Mone’ at All In.

Britt responds by addressing the legacy of Mercedes, saying she walked so Britt Baker could run as one of the first females in the company Mone’ is sitting in right now. Baker promsies to follow the rules and not to go after Mone’…but says Kamille is getting on her nerves, before lunging at the Brickhouse!

Mone’ briefly gets involved before she and Kamille escape the ring, with Baker standing tall with the championship in hand as we cut away.

We go backstage, where Renee talks to Chris Jericho about his match against Tommy Billington tonight. Jericho runs down the fact Tommy is using the “Dynamite Kid” moniker, claiming he doesn’t have the right to use that name before stating Billington isn’t as good and that the Learning Tree will prove that tonight. With that, Jericho walks off as we cut to ringside where he and his students head down for our next match!

Tommy Billington makes his way to the ring next to a big pop from the crowd, before this match gets underway!

Chris Jericho vs. “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington

The two lock up, only for Jericho to be shoved to the mat by Billington. Another lock up follows, with Tommy getting the Learning Tree in a side headlock before taking to the ropes. He cannot get Jericho down at first, but finally manages to send him to the canvas with a shoulder tackle. This gets followed by Billington getting on the turnbuckle, going up top for a missile dropkick that sends Jericho to the outside. Tommy goes after the Learning Tree, wary of his students as he sends Chris back into the ring…but Jericho distracts the ref, allowing Big Bill to get the jump on the Dynamite Kid before we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: The attack gives Jericho an opening to strike again, going after Billington at ringside before bringing him back in for more damage in the corner. Tommy starts fighting back, but the Learning Tree is able to turn it right back around in his favor with a little help from his students. Billington back to his feet as Jericho quickly drops him with a back suplex, setting Tommy up on the ropes as we return from break!

Billington fights back with some right hands before taking to the ropes for speed…but he and Jericho crash with a double cross body! They slowly fight back to their feet as Jericho gets sent to the ropes, where Tommy hits him with a running clothesline followed by a dropkick. Body slam by the Dynamite Kid keeps Jericho at bay, until the Learning Tree stops himself at the ropes forcing Billington to fall to the mat…and Jericho follows up with a Lionsault that gets him a two count.

Billington sent to the corner, but the Dynamite Kid catches him by surprise for a nearfall of his own as Jericho gets back up, dropping Tommy down for the Walls of Jericho! Billington is struggling as we see Big Bill taunting him from ringside…but Tommy manages to get to the bottom rope, forcing a break.

Billington back to his feet once more, hitting a snap suplex on Jericho before catching the Learning Tree with a tombstone piledriver…but Tommy isn’t done here, as he goes up top for a diving headbutt. Bryan Keith tries to will on Jericho to get up, and Billington responds with a dive onto the Bad Apple instead! Big Bill tries to intervene but is sent down by the Dynamite Kid, who goes back up for another shot at Jericho…who catches him with a Codebreaker that gets the Learning Tree the win!

Winner via pinfall: Chris Jericho

Jericho grabs a mic after the match to run down HOOK ahead of their FTW title match on Sunday, saying he was here he’d tear him apart branch by branch…which draws out the man himself, as HOOK makes a beeline for the ring to stare the Learning Tree down. HOOK gets blindsided by Big Bill, who hoists him up for a massive chokeslam before Jericho and his students stand tall in the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Toni Storm makes her way to the ring for our next match as she defends the AEW Women’s World Championship ahead of a massive match set for All In. Out next is the challenger, as Toni’s former Outcast mate Saraya heads to the ring alongside Harley Cameron before this match gets underway!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) defends against Saraya

Saraya charges at the champ, who takes her challenger down with an arm drag before posing to a good reaction from the crowd. Saraya goes at Storm again, only for Toni to hit another arm drag and a pose. This leads to an exchange of holds between champ and challenger, with Storm showing shades of a World of Sports style before catching Saraya with a cradle for a nearfall.

Saraya escapes the champ’s grasp to get to the apron, her yelling causing Storm to respond in kind before going after the challenger. Storm gets sent to the floor as Saraya distracts the ref, allowing Harley to get some shots in before Saraya follows up just as we head to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Saraya continues to wear the champion down, bringing Storm back into the ring to lay into her with some stomps in the corner. Toni gets back to her feet, trading strikes with the challenger before one particularly big strike takes both women to the mat, the ref beginning a count before they fight back to their feet as we come back from break!

The strikes keep coming until Toni catches Saraya with a DDT and a fisherman’s suplex, but only gets a two count as Saraya is able to kick out. Saraya takes the champ down with a Knight Cap for a nearfall of her own, before sending Storm to the corner for a big sunset powerbomb and a Good Knight off the turnbuckle for the cover…only for Toni to grab the bottom rope to force a break!

Storm starts fighting back until Harley hops onto the apron to intervene…and the champ responds with a liplock that sends Cameron down to the floor! Saraya tries to blindside Storm but is rolled up for a nearfall…and Toni hits her with a liplock followed by the Storm Zero to pick up the win and retain!

Winner via pinfall and still AEW Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm

Her celebration is cut short as Mariah May rushes into the ring to lay the champion out, holding Storm closely and mocking her before making her way out of the ring with one of Toni’s shoes as a reminder of what’s to come.

We cut backstage where The Conglomeration talks about an upcoming match against the Undisputed Kingdom at Collision. With how much was said between Briscoe and O’Reilly, I don’t know that I can do the promo justice with a recap.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Will Ospreay makes his way to the ring to a huge pop from the Cardiff crowd…a pop that quickly turns to jeers as MJF’s music hits, signaling the arrival of the “American” Champion. MJF heads to the ring, taunting the crowd to stay quiet before we can get things started in this face-to-face. Ospreay gets the crowd to calm just enough to pop even louder by the mention of the town, before Will asks them to give MJF a warm welcome…which draws a lot more jeering from the crowd.

Ospreay remarks that it’s a surprise to see an Englishman this loved in Wales, before talking about his history with the area. He ends this by saying that Sunday is all about cleaning up the mess that MJF made…and that they should call him Barry Scott after Sunday, because BANG and the dirt is gone.

MJF gets the microphone, running down Ospreay before turning his attention to the crowd, refusing to give into their demands. Max says that top brass in AEW and Warner Bros. Discovery begged him to come back before he was fully healed to clean up Ospreay’s mess…only for Will to cut him off.

Ospreay talks about MJF’s rise to the top of the company, saying that those were watching on the outside were laughing at what was on display. He says that MJF talks about being begged to come to show up at work, where Tony Khan came to Will Ospreay despite having “3000 people and their nans” signed, to please put on a good wrestling match…because Tony couldn’t rely on their World Champion to do it.

He talks about “the feeling” before saying he IS the feeling…which MJF mocks before saying he doesn’t care about catering to these people. He only cares about doing what Americans do best, and that is win. He says he believed Tony when he said the company was safe in Ospreay’s hands…but who is Will Ospreay?

The crowd seems to know, as they chant Ospreay’s name while MJF says everyone knows who he is…the best wrestler on God’s green earth. He asks Will who told him he was the best in the world, mocking the crowd for “knowing nothing about pro wrestling”…and says that’s true because they like Will’s matches. MJF talks about “the facts” reminding everyone that he is the longest-reigning AEW World Champion.

MJF stares Ospreay down, saying he and the fans can “feel” all they want…because he is the facts, and facts don’t care about feelings. Ospreay responds by saying that “facts” can be rewritten, but what can’t be rewritten is how people feel. MJF doesn’t know who Will Ospreay is? He can go all around Europe, Japan, and the world and ask who the best wrestler in the world is, and they will all tell him it’s Will Ospreay. Will confronts MJF for letting people down, as those who loved him turned their backs on him.

MJF interjects saying that these people loved him until Ospreay showed up and ruined everything, stopping in his tracks as the crowd jeers. MJF then starts bringing up Ospreay’s wife and child, which enrages Ospreay enough to ask Schiavone to check with Tony Khan on how much the fine is for attacking him right now. Schiavone says it’ll cost 100,000 pounds sterling, roughly $127,000…and Ospreay says it’ll be worth it, lunging at the champ!

Security rushes in to break things up but it doesn’t take long for them to be cleared out of the ring, before MJF uses his Dynamite Diamond ring to lay out Ospreay. The challenger is busted open as MJF threatens to hit him with the Tiger Driver…until security intervenes once again, with Christopher Daniels rushing in to help check on Ospreay. MJF leaves the ring as his music hits, reminding us that he is “the facts” as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, we hear from Hangman Page who states he’s in the Casino Gauntlet match at All In. Evil Uno passes by, prompting Hangman to ask him if he knows who else is in the match. Uno says he just talked to Christopher Daniels and Evil Uno is in the Casino Gauntlet match…prompting Page to attack his former friend, laying him out before promising to go through everyone in the match to get his shot at Swerve Strickland.

Back at ringside, Claudio Castagnoli makes his way to the ring for our next match as he looks to challenge for the AEW Continental Championship. Out next is the champion as Kazuchika Okada heads to the ring, before this match gets underway!

AEW Continental Championship Match: Kazuchika Okada (c) defends against Claudio Castagnoli

The two men stare each other down before locking up, with Okada sending his challenger to the corner before the ref intervenes. Okada breaks his hold, backing away before the two lock up once more…with Okada being taken to the ropes by Claudio this time, forcing the ref to intervene again.

Castagnoli threatens an uppercut to make the champ flinch before stepping away. Okada takes to the ropes, but is caught in midair by the challenger…who manages to evade Okada’s attempt to take him down right after. They trade strikes until Claudio takes to the ropes for speed, only to be sent to the mat by Okada as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Claudio escapes to the outside, but the champ manages to continue the attack as he wears Castagnoli down before bringing his challenger back into the ring. Claudio in the corner as he goes for a boot on Okada, who counters into a figure four leglock…but the challenger immediately fights out of it, landing some hard strikes on Okada to break free. Claudio makes it to his feet once more, bringing the champ up as we come back from break…

…and despite his best efforts, Okada is sent down hard to the mat with a suplex by the challenger! Okada heads to the corner, but the champ is overwhelmed by an uppercut from Claudio who ends up sending the Rainmaker to the outside…before charging at the champ with an uppercut against the barricade! Claudio brings him back into the ring for a cover, but only gets a two count as Okada kicks out.

Both men back to their feet as Claudio lays in a couple right hands, which Okada returns in kind before they trade strikes. This comes to an end with Okada dropping to the canvas, but the champ is able to get back to his feet as he looks to turn things around on Castagnoli. This leads to an other exchange of strikes between both men, with the action spilling to the outside…where Okada sends Claudio crashing against the ring post before we go to another picture-in-picture break.

Picture-in-Picture: Okada continues the attack until the challenger catches him by surprise, locking in a Sharpshooter to try and make the Rainmaker tap out. Okada crawls toward the ropes for a break, only for Claudio to transition to a LeBell Lock as he brings the champ back to the middle of the ring. Okada ends up rolling the challenger to his back for a nearfall that breaks the hold, leading to both men slowly getting back to a vertical base. Okada gets caught with a set of uppercuts in the corner by Claudio as we come back from break!

Claudio grabs the champ, setting him up for a deadlift suplex that gets a nearfall. Claudio leaves the ring for a breather before climbing the turnbuckle…only for Okada to intercept him with a dropkick, sending the challenger to the floor! Okada leaves the ring to bring him back in, hitting a body slam before going up top for an elbow drop…but Claudio intercepts with an uppercut! Another one keeps Okada at bay as Castagnoli sets up for a superplex…but Okada fights him off with some forearm strikes.

Claudio fights right back with some right hands, but a headbutt sends him off the turnbuckle as Okada gets the drop on him before hitting a shotgun dropkick sending Claudio to the corner. Okada goes back up for an elbow drop, opting out of a cover to mock the crowd before stepping on the chest of his challenger. He continues mocking the fans as Claudio sits up, getting to his feet before sending the champ on a giant swing!

He sets Okada down before taking to the ropes…but the champ leaps up for a dropkick, followed by a Rainmaker lariat attempt that’s blocked by the challenger! Neutralizer by Claudio gets blocked as well, and Okada counters with a neckbreaker. Both men slowly fight back to their feet once more as we get a one-minute warning from the ring announcer. The two men clobber each other with forearms until Okada catches Claudio with a backslide for a nearfall…and Claudio responds with a pop-up uppercut!

Okada tries to roll to the apron but is dragged back in by Claudio, who lays into the champ for another nearfall…and the bell rings as the time limit has been reached!

Result: Time Limit Draw (Kazuchika Okada retains the AEW Continental Championship)

The crowd boos the result as The Elite make their way out, asking the crowd if they want five more minutes for the match…only to say that Okada agreed to wrestle for 20 minutes tonight and no more. They give Claudio some kudos but tell him to leave their ring before they physically remove him, ahead of our next match.

This brings out Darby Allin as a third of their opponents for the trios match, followed by FTR…before the trio make a beeline for The Elite to get this match underway!

Darby Allin & FTR vs. The Elite

After all the pre-match chaos, we start things off with Harwood getting the upper hand on Perry before tagging in Darby…but Perry quickly gets a tag to Matthew before leaving the ring. Darby shoves Matthew away before hitting a dive on the TNT Champion on the outside…and chaos ensues between FTR and the Bucks inside the ring! Things finally settle down as Nicholas tags in, getting some help from Matthew to lay out Darby on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The Elite continue the attack on Darby, trading off tags to keep him isolated despite FTR’s best efforts to intervene. Perry comes in with a chinlock on Darby, mocking FTR as we come back from break!

Perry hoists Darby up for a powerbomb into the corner, where the Bucks add some damage with a kick to his back. Perry goes back on the attack until Darby fights him off long enough to tag in Dax, who fends off the Bucks running in before hitting a German suplex twice over on Perry. He fights off Matthew before hitting a teardrop brainbuster on Perry for the cover…but Perry manages to kick out!

Cash tags in as they look for a Shatter Machine on Perry, but the Bucks intervene before Cash looks for a Gory Special on the TNT Champion…only to be caught with a double superkick from the Bucks, which lets Perry get a backslide for a nearfall.

Chaos ensues once more between all six men, all leading to Darby and FTR locking in Scorpion Deathlocks (or Sharpshooters depending on preference) on The Elite…only for the three to barely escape, leaving the ring and seemingly set on leaving ringside with their titles before Cash gets the drop on them!

Darby gets in the ring now, unleashing a flurry on the Bucks before hitting a Code Rde on Matthew as Perry is back in…only to be caught with a Shatter Machine by FTR! Perry rolls out as Darby tags in, with a Power & Glory maneuver followed up with a Coffin Drop getting Darby and FTR the win in this trios bout!

Winners via pinfall: Darby Allin & FTR

The Elite opt to escape into the crowd as The Acclaimed make their way out to the stage. No rap from Max Caster tonight, as he focuses on running down FTR and The Young Bucks before promising The Acclaimed will win the tag titles at All In. Bowens gets the mic now, talking about how hard they’re going to fight in Wembley Stadium to win the titles at All In…because everybody loves The Acclaimed! Billy Gunn says if you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya…and the Cardiff crowd fills in the blanks!

We cut backstage where Renee checks in on Will Ospreay after the beatdown. Ospreay is still bloodied as Bryan Danielson steps into view, telling the Aerial Assassin to “do it”…perhaps giving the proverbial blessing of sorts to use the Tiger Driver at All In, as we cut to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We come back to ringside, where Nigel McGuinness is standing by as he introduces Swerve Strickland for this Final Showdown ahead of the AEW World Championship match at All In. This brings out the champion as Swerve Strickland comes to the ring alongside Prince Nana. With the champ in the ring, Nigel starts to introduce his opponent…choosing to run Bryan Danielson down before hyping up the champion, asking Swerve how it feels to go into this match as an overwhelming favorite.

Swerve reiterates Nigel’s point of being the most dangerous man in AEW, addressing the people he’s defeated to get where he is as AEW World Champion. He goes down the list, bringing up Hangman Page, Jay White, Samoa Joe, Claudio Castagnoli, Christian Cage, and Will Ospreay. Swerve promises to dissect Bryan in that ring, doing so purposely, menacingly, and scientifically. Nigel says there is one man who hasn’t joined that list, but Swerve cuts him off saying he isn’t done.

He talks about both men being from the Pacific Northwest, but he can’t help but feel offended about Bryan’s remarks of being ready for retirement…saying Bryan isn’t going to take that moment from Swerve. He’s going to make sure Bryan is not capable of getting back in the ring after All In. After he decimates Bryan inside Wembley Stadium…maybe Bryan gets that itch again down the line, going to some independent wrestling show in the state of Washington. Nigel tries to back away but is told to stay by the champ, who says he’ll be there behind the curtain to beat him down.

Maybe Bryan will go to Arena Mexico and take on another persona to hide that he’s got the itch to wrestle…but Swerve will be there to beat him down. Maybe Bryan will have a chat with his family about having the itch to wrestle again…guess where Swerve will be?

This brings out Bryan Danielson who runs down the ramp, eager to get his hands on the champ after those last remarks. Swerve escapes the ring as Bryan says that maybe some folks are confused, because he doesn’t go out there every week to talk for tweny minutes about himself. He is the best wrestler in the world and everyone knows that!

Swerve talks about crippling Danielson in front of his daughter, but at All In when he steps into the ring in front of everyone who paid to see him…when he performs for everyone watching at home, and for his family…Swerve will have to do more than cripple Bryan, he will have to nearly kill him because Bryan will leave his soul in this ring.

One question must be asked, will Bryan Danielson beat Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship? The crowd starts chanting “Yes,” as Bryan says the fans know the answer…and so does Swerve. Bryan leads the crowd in another “Yes” chant as Nana pulls back a fuming Strickland, the pair stepping away as Bryan poses for the crowd to bring Dynamite to a close.

Quick Match Results:
  • Chris Jericho def. “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) def. Saraya
  • AEW Continental Championship Match: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli ends in a time limit draw (Okada retains)
  • Darby Allin & FTR def. The Elite (The Young Bucks & Jack Perry)

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That’ll do it for the “go-home” Dynamite ahead of All In from Wembley Stadium, we’ll see you bright and early (from my time zone anyway) on Sunday for live coverage of what looks to be a stacked PPV!
