WWE SmackDown Results – 8/2/24 (SummerSlam Go-Home Show, Cody Rhodes, Logan Paul)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
August 2, 2024
Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, Ohio.
Commentary: Corey Graves and Wade Barrett
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with Logan Paul arriving to the arena in a truck and he shakes the hand of Nick Aldis.

Live in the arena, Cody’s music hits and out comes the WWE Undisputed Champion to the ring. A loud “Cody” chant and he asks the fans what they want to talk about. He asks who do they want to talk to? He turns towards the ramp and says Solo Sikoa. Cody looks at the ramp and Solo’s music hits. Solo Sikoa comes out to the ring alone. The fans chant “We want Roman” and both men are face to face in the ring. Solo turns towards the camera and tells Cleveland to acknowledge him. The fans boo and the fans chant “Solo sucks”.

Cody says he sees it. A chip on Solo’s shoulder. He says Solo’s a little brother and as is he. It is not easy what Solo is trying to do, becoming the Tribal Chief. From a distance, he almost admires it but once all the cinema is over, there is an old expression. Tomorrow, the bell’s going to ring. And when it rings, Solo will find out that he has nothing to lose and Cody has everything on the line.

Solo asks him if he is done because he is wasting his time and he is running out of patience. Cody says he is not done. He says Solo is a self appointed Tribal Chief while he is an actual champion. He sits on a throne thanks to men like Randy Orton, Kevin Owens and if he loses, he can’t repay their debt. He doesn’t intend to lose, he intends to pay them back with Solo’s blood. He intends to do what he did to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania in a Bloodline Rules match. Solo tells him that Cody beat a weak Tribal Chief at WrestleMania. He says he is not weak, he is the opposite. He is dangerous and at SummerSlam, he is going to show Cody how dangerous he is.

He says Cody talks a big game. Solo asks him to make tomorrow night a Bloodline Rules match. And he is saying that, the Bloodline jump the barricade and surround the ring.

Cody tells The Bloodline that he is not scared of them and he calls Jacob Fatu a dumb son of a bitch. The Bloodline get on the ring apron and Cody tells Solo that at SummerSlam, it’s a Bloodline Rules match. Solo says if he snaps his fingers, the three men will tear Cody apart. But he won’t do that because tonight, the tag team titles come back to The Bloodline and at SummerSlam, the Undisputed Championship goes back to The Bloodline too. Cody says he gets it, they all hate Cody Rhodes. But he does not have to fight his family, all he has to do is defeat the Tribal Chief. And since the Tribal Chief is not here, he will settle for the wanna be. Cody drops the microphone and his music hits.

-Commercial Break-

Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes

The bell rings and we are under way. Andrade with a chop to the chest and Hayes with a chop. A drop kick by Hayes and he runs to the ropes but Andrade with a drop kick. Hayes on the ring apron and Andrade lifts Hayes into the ring, Hayes rolls him up but Andrade kicks out. Hayes rolls to the outside of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Hayes with a spring board clothesline. He goes for the cover but Andrade kicks out. An arm bar by Hayes but Andrade gets out of it. A dragon screw by Andrade followed by a flying forearm. Hayes is down in the corner and Andrade goes for the double knees but Hayes moves out of the way. Andrade on the ring apron and Hayes bounces off the second rope and suplexes Andrade back into the ring. Hayes climbs the second rope but Andrade with a chop to the chest. Andrade on the top rope and Andrade with a superplex.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Hayes on the ring apron and Andrade with a forearm, knocking Hayes to the outside. Andrade with a moon sault off the top rope onto the outside. He grabs Hayes and throws him back into the ring. Andrade runs to the ropes and Hayes hits him with a face buster. He goes for the cover but Andrade kicks out. Hayes grabs Andrade but Andrade pushes him to the ropes and he hits Hayes with an elbow to the face. He goes for the cover but Hayes kicks out. Andrade climbs the top rope, he goes for a moon sault, Hayes moves out of the way, Andrade lands on his feet and he lands a moon sault. He goes for the cover but Hayes kicks out. Hayes with a figure four leg lock but Hayes makes it to the ropes. Both men get to their feet and Hayes with two super kicks. Hayes climbs the top rope, he jumps, Andrade moves out of the way, Hayes lands on his feet, Andrade rolls him up and gets the pin.

Winner: Andrade

We cut backstage and we see Legadlo Del Fantasma. Santos Escobar tells then that their failures last week are no indication of their future. He says their fortune will change tonight against Apollo Crews.

-Commercial Break-

Santos Escobar with Legado Del Fantasma vs. Apollo Crews with Baron Corbin

The bell rings and we are under way. Santos with right hands and kicks onto Apollo. An elbow onto Apollo’s back followed by a spear. Santos on the ring apron and a senton over the top rope. He goes for the cover but Apollo kicks out. Santos with more elbows onto Apollo’s back. A back breaker by Santos and he goes for the cover but Apollo kicks out. A waist lock by Santos but Apollo with elbows and a head but. A clothesline by Apollo. Angel gets on the ring apron but Corbin knocks him down. Apollo with a gorilla press and he knocks Humberto off the ring apron. Apollo with a moon sault. He goes for the cover but Santos kicks out. Apollo climbs the top rope but Angel holds onto Corbin’s leg from under the ring. That distracts Apollo and Santos hits him with the Phantom Driver. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Santos Escobar

Byron Saxton is backstage with Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill. They tell Byron that they are very confident. They said they are coming back for their titles and they are doing just that.

-Commercial Break-

Nick Aldis is standing in the ring with three Cleveland dignitaries are behind him. He introduces Logan Paul and out he comes to the ring. Logan shakes their hands and the fans boo him. Logan tells them he is home. He tells LA Knight that he has never met a man so eager to take his belt off. He tells LA Knight he has bad news because he is not his type. He says he will not strip him of his United States Championship in his own home town. The fans chant “LA Knight” and Logan says he inspires the city.

Logan tells them he represents the great city, he is Cleveland. He says the fans here can relate to LA Knight, a bunch of try hards who never make it. He tells them he has only had two title defences in 273 days but that is two more title defences than LA Knight will ever have.

He says he can’t relate to the fans, he is great, he made it. He says today, they are here to recognize his greatness which is why he brought these three people. Nick Aldis says he put the names of those three people in Google and he wasn’t able to find anything.

Logan says it is time to unveil his Championship banner which will stand in the raftors of this arena. A drumroll plays, pyro hits and a large banner with Logan Paul’s picture on it is unveiled but it has the word “Yeah” across it.

LA Knight’s music hits and out he comes to a loud pop. He says his shades are not helping him see what that banner reads and the fans chant “Yeah”. Logan Paul congratulates the fans by telling them they know how to read. LA Knight tells him that he is close to losing his title. LA Knight says Logan Paul is from West Lake and Logan says it’s a suburb of Cleveland. LA Knight tells him Logan is worried about home comings and banners, he will do him a solid. LA Knight will go back and get him another banner. LA Knight walks to the back and he bumps into Pretty Deadly. He asks them if they have a banner for Logan Paul. They tell him they don’t but they have a musical coming out. LA Knight continues walking and says he has something. He finds Logan Paul’s truck that has the word “Prime” written across it. Logan runs to the back and LA Knight drives away.

-Commercial Break-

Logan Paul is backstage with Nick Aldis and he asks Aldis what he will be doing about what LA Knight just did.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match – Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn (c’s) vs. Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

Before the bell rings, Fyre and Dawn go for right hands but Bianca and Cargill duck them and hit them with fall away slams. Cargill and Dawn start the match. A splash by Cargill followed by a back breaker. She goes for the cover but Cargill kicks out. Bianca is tagged in and Bianca stomps on her in the corner. She goes for a suplex but Fyre gets in the ring. Cargill gets in the ring and all four women fight. Bianca and Cargill with a double gorilla press slam.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Fyre and Dawn double team Jade in the ring. Dawn goes for the cover but Jade kicks out. Fyre is tagged in and they go for a double suplex but Jade reverses it, suplexing them both. Bianca is tagged in and she climbs the top rope and lands a cross body onto both Dawn and Fyre. Bianca with a vertical suplex onto Fyre. She spears Dawn in the corner and she gets Fyre in the corner and she hits them both with right hands. Bianca with a spine buster onto Fyre followed by a moon sault. She goes for the cover but Dawn breaks it up. Jade gets in the ring but Dawn throws her to the outside and Jade drags her to the outside. Jade with a super kick. Bianca with a right hand onto Fyre.

Blair Davenport jumps the barricade and she throws Jade into the ring steps and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: By disqualification, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

All three women beat up on Bianca and Jade. They throw Jade over the announce table.

-Commercial Break-

Tiffany Stratton is backstage looking at her broken Money in the Bank briefcase and in comes Nia Jax. She gives her a new pink, Money in the Bank briefcase. In come Chelsea Green and Piper Niven, Chelsea tells her the updates she would make to the briefcase. Chelsea tells her before she was pushed off the ladder at Money in the Bank, she was going to cash in. Tiffany tells her green is not her color and walks away.

-Commercial Break-

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa (DIY) (c’s) vs. Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu

The bell rings and we are under way. Tonga with right hands onto Ciampa. He throws Ciampa shoulder first into the ring post.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Gargano with a flying forearm onto Tama Tonga. In comes Jacob Fatu but Gargano hits him with a kick to the side of the head. Gargano with a spear onto Tonga. He goes for the cover but Tonga kicks out. Ciampa is tagged in and they double team Ciampa. Gargano with a cannonball onto Fatu on the outside of the ring. Ciampa lifts Tonga onto his back off the second rope and slams him onto the mat. He goes for the cover but Tonga kicks out. He throws Tonga to the ropes and Fatu is tagged in. Fatu with a super kick onto Ciampa and he knocks Gargano off the ring apron. Tonga is tagged back in and Tonga with a splash. He goes for the cover but Gargano breaks it up. Fatu with a right hand onto Gargano and he falls to the outside. Gargano leaning on the ring steps, he runs towards Gargano but Gargano moves out of the way and Fatu hits the ring steps. Tonga goes for a splash onto Ciampa but he moves out of the way. Gargano is tagged in and they hit Tonga with a Shatter Machine. Loa gets on the ring apron and distracts the referee and Solo hits Ciampa with a Samoan Spike. Tonga with a modified neck breaker onto Gargano. He goes for the cover but Gargano kicks out. Fatu is tagged in but Gargano with super kicks onto both men. Loa gets on the ring apron and Gargano hits him with a super kick. Gargano with a suicide dive onto Tonga. He gets back into the ring and he hits Fatu with a poison rana but Fatu gets right back onto his feet and hits Gargano with a super kick and a Samoan drop. Fatu with a moon sault off the top rope followed by an inverted DDT. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: New WWE Tag Team Champions, Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga

The Bloodline celebrate in the ring after the match and SmackDown goes off the air.
