AEW Dynamite Results – 7/31/24 (Bryan Danielson, Darby Allin vs. Hangman Adam Page and more!)

AEW Dynamite Results
July 31, 2024
Greenville, South Carolina (Bon Secours Wellness Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It is Wednesday, my dudes…you know what that means.

We kick off Dynamite with MJF’s music riling the crowd as the AEW Intern–I mean, American–Champion makes his way to the ring. He runs down the “trailer park trash capital of the world that is South Carolina,” telling the crowd to keep their mouths shut.

He starts to introduce himself, cutting himself off to tell the crowd off before saying he ran off “that redcoat Will Ospreay” to win the title. He calls himself a one-man militia, promising to beat Will Ospreay again at All In at Wembley Stadium. He tells the crowd to show some respect, have some decorum, and rise for their American hero…but this is interrupted by the music of Will Ospreay, who makes a beeline for the champ!

MJF escapes up the ramp as Will grabs the microphone, telling the champ to keep running because after what he said about Ospreay’s family, he’s gonna put MJF in a ton of pain. Will knows one thing about Yanks, saying they respect their flag as much as Ospreay respects his…but they do not acknowledge the American Championship, or the man who held it.

They don’t acknowledge it because of Max throwing away the International Championship, talking up the men who have held the title before. They have no problem working week in and week out to prove themselves as champion, unlike MJF. Will says that Max is not worthy of the International Championship, drawing a curious “USA” chant from the crowd. Ospreay says that men like MJF do not represent the American spirit, and at All In he will restore honor to the International Championship.

MJF talks down to the crowd before turning his attention to Ospreay, promising he will beat Will in front of his home country…but he’s not even sure Ospreay will make it to Wembley, because everybody dies!

This brings out Lance Archer, the Murderhawk Monster making his way down the ramp to get our opening match underway!

Will Ospreay vs. Lance Archer

Lance grabs Ospreay for a chokeslam, picking up a nearfall to set the pace for this match. Ospreay gets back to his feet, trying to fight back before Archer levels him with a right hand. Ospreay manages to get back into it, sending Archer to the outside before hitting the ropes…only to be caught by Lance, who drops him to the floor with a chokeslam!

Archer continues the attack, laying into Will before sending him into the barricade…but as Lance gets back in the ring, he gets caught by the Aerial Assassin who gets a nearfall. Ospreay takes to the turnbuckle but is caught with yet another chokeslam by Archer as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Archer continues to wear down the Aerial Assassin, sending Ospreay into the crowd for more damage before bringing him back into the ring. Ospreay tries to fight back but is once again taken down to the mat by the Murderhawk Monster. Archer sends Ospreay to the corner to drive his boot into his throat, keeping Will at bay as we come back!

Ospreay counters out of a chokeslam attempt, laying into Archer with some kicks before hitting the ropes…only to be dropped hard to the canvas by Archer for a nearfall. Lance follows up with a massive spinebuster, but it’s only good for a two count before Archer takes to the corner…charging into a superkick by Ospreay! Will sends Archer to the corner now, hyping himself up before running…right into a big boot! Archer takes control as he grabs the hand of Ospreay, climbing up the ropes before Ospreay knocks him off, forcing Archer onto the ropes to get him in the little Murderhawks.

Ospreay fights back now, setting up Archer for an Oscutter that gets him a nearfall before seeking a Hidden Blade…only to be turned nearly inside out with a lariat from Archer, who makes the cover for a nearfall!

Will sets up for an attack from the turnbuckle, but takes a knee strike by the Murderhawk Monster…only to counter out of a Blackout, hitting a Hidden Blade! That only gets him a one count, but Ospreay is not finished as he lays Archer out with another Hidden Blade that gets him the win!

Winner via pinfall: Will Ospreay

No time for celebration however, as MJF slides into the ring to blindside Ospreay after the match. He hits a delayed vertical suplex on the Aerial Assassin before slipping on his Dynamite Diamond Ring…but Kyle Fletcher rushes down to make the save! MJF escapes as we see Don Callis on the outside, and MJF calls for a microphone. It is Kyle Fletcher who gets a mic, however, telling Don that he knows that Ospreay’s business is no longer Family business…but Will Ospreay is his brother, and he’s seeing his brother laid out.

Kyle turns his attention to MJF, saying the champion doesn’t care about America before talking up the opportunity given to him in this country because of AEW. He then says everyone is sick of the same MJF bullcrap, challenging him to a fight right now…but MJF refuses, saying Fletcher doesn’t call the shots around here.

Nobody punches an American hero in the face and gets away with it…so if Kyle wants a crack at the champ, he will get it next week on Dynamite. He then promises to give Kyle the same treatment he gave Daniel Garcia, telling Ospreay he can’t wait to see the look on Ospreay’s face…and for that, you can thank him later.

Video Package: A look at the reign of AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland as he prepares to defend the title at All In against Bryan Danielson!

-Commercial Break-

Recap: Jericho and his students face the wrath of Katsuyori Shibata after the FTW Champinoship match last week!

Backstage, Alex Marvez talks to The Learning Tree as Big Bill presents a cake to Jericho for 102 days as FTW Champion. Jericho hypes himself up as the “longest reigning For The World Champion in the history of the business,” before promising this cake will not be smashed. What WILL be smashed is Shibata’s face, for showing back up.

There is no more Samoa Joe, and HOOK hasn’t been seen since they threw a fireball in his face, and next week Shibata will face “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith. Bill and Jericho leave as Bryan tells Marvez that if he wants to respect Chris Jericho, he’ll eat that cake. Marvez enjoys a taste of said cake as we cut away.

Back at ringside, Kris Statlander makes her way to the ring for our next match. The new CMLL World Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale heads out next, and this eliminator match gets underway after Statlander hits the champ with a cross body!

CMLL World Women’s Championship Eliminator: Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander

Both women go at it, looking to pick up where they left off from previous bouts as each manages to catch the other with a nearfall. Kris escapes to the outside, but Willow catches her by surprise before sending Statlander into the barricade. Nightingale goes for a cannonball but Statlander evades, forcing the champ to collide with the barricade as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Statlander continues the attack, wearing Nightingale down in the corner before picking up a nearfall. Kris sends the champ back into the corner again, fending off a brief comeback from Willow to maintain control of the match with a chinlock. Willow is struggling to fight out of the hold, with Kris transitioning to a vertical suplex to keep Nightingale grounded. She follows up with some hard right hands as Willow fights back to her feet before we come back from break!

The two trade strikes until Willow hoists Statlander up, dropping her hard to the mat before following up with a spinebuster for a nearfall. Kris fights out of a Doctor Bomb attempt but Willow catches her in the ropes, only for Statlander to lift her up onto her shoulders…dropping her and following up with an ax kick for a nearfall of her own!

The action heads to the ropes as the two continue to go at it, ending up on the apron where they trade strikes until Willow connects with a Death Valley Driver, sending Statlander onto the hardest part of the ring! Stokely tries to intervene and gets attacked by the champ as a result, but this gives Statlander an opening as she sends Nightingale back into the ring.

Kris goes up top, but gets caught with a powerbomb by Nightingale! This and a DDT gets the champ a nearfall each. Kris sent to the corner as Willow sets her up on the turnbuckle, but Statlander fights back sending the champ to the mat before connecting with a 450 splash…but somehow, Willow manages to kick out!

Stokely sneaks a chain into the hand of Statlander, distracting the ref as Kris hits a discus lariat with it to pick up a win and a future title shot!

Winner via pinfall: Kris Statlander

Stokely hides the chain as Kris celebrates, only to leave the ring for a steel chair she uses on the champion! Security comes out to intervene, but they get attacked by Statlander until Stokely steps in. They leave up the ramp as the ref checks on Willow.

Recap: We look back at the conversation between Jeff Jarrett and Bryan Danielson, with Jarrett saying he’s at the top of the list of people who believe in the American Dragon!

-Commercial Break-

Back from ringside, Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring to a great reaction from the crowd. Bryan has a mic in hand as he says it’s great to be in Greenville. Usually people say that for a cheap pop, but Bryan and his now-wife Brie got their engagement pictures in this very city. The couple were looking at those pictures, and it made Bryan remember that you never realize it’s the good old days until they’re nearly gone.

The crowd chants “No” as Bryan talks about his time in AEW up to this point. Tonight, he was able to be present behind that curtain and in this ring. The crowd chants “Yes” and “Thank you, Bryan” as Bryan thanks them for these moments. He’s been able to be present, but now we talk about promises. Bryan promised his daughter that he was done being a full-time wrestler this year, and promised his family that his contract with AEW would be his last…and that contract ends tomorrow.

He also promised that he would step into this ring and give it everything, to a chant of “You deserve it” before saying he made two promises coming into AEW: to kick people’s heads in, and win the AEW World Championship. He’s kicked a lot of heads in, but he hasn’t won the AEW World Championship…yet.

So, Bryan has one more promise to make. He promises to give everything he has at Wembley Stadium, as this is his last shot at winning the world title. He promises to go all in…but before he can continue, Swerve Strickland makes his way out to the ring.

The champ gets a microphone as he stares down Danielson, all while Nana leads the crowd in saying whose house this is. This gets countered with a “Yes” chant led by Danielson before the champ speaks, saying he respects Bryan Danielson. He inspires an entire generation of young wrestlers, himself included, and if this was any other time he’d be rooting for Bryan to win the title…but this is Swerve’s time.

Bryan is one of the best of this generation, but Swerve is one of a kind. In fact, in ten years time people will want to press rewind. Bryan promised to kick a lot of people’s heads in, but it seems the pressure was too much when they kicked back. This AEW World Championship proves that you are the best in the world…and Swerve Strickland is the best in the world.

Will Ospreay faced Danielson in a classic at Dynasty…but Bryan lost, while Swerve beat Ospreay. Danielson got pinned at Anarchy in the Arena, whereas Swerve lead Team AEW to win Blood & Guts. Since Bryan wants to talk about promises, Swerve makes a promise of his own…that he will beat Bryan Danielson for the title at All In, and that Bryan will not walk out of Wembley as champion. Hell, after Swerve is done, Bryan may not walk again.

Strickland starts to leave the ring before Danielson makes one more promise…if he can’t beat Swerve for the title at All In, he will never wrestle again. Swerve’s title versus Bryan’s career, what do you say? Danielson extends a hand, and the champ accepts with a handshake telling Danielson not to keep that promise with him…but to keep it with his family.

Backstage, Renee tries to get a word with Bryan Danielson before Jeff Jarrett and his crew interrupt to commend Danielson on going all in…before the American Dragon challenges Jeff to find out if he’s all in by facing him next week.

Back at ringside, Roderick Strong is accompanied by The Beast Mortos and RUSH as they head to the ring for our next match. Out next is The Conglomeration as they head to the ring, before chaos ensues to get this match underway!

The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Tomohiro Ishii) vs. Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos and RUSH

With the other four pouring out of the ring, Mortos goes after Cassidy who uses his jacket as a “bullcape” of sorts…but this only raises the ire of The Beast who drops him with a hard spear to send him out of the ring! Ishii comes into the ring now as the two trade some hard strikes…until Ishii hits Mortos with a vertical suplex.

RUSH heads into the ring as Mortos leaves, and this leaves the two men in the ring to lay into each other with strikes. RUSH gets the upper hand, sending Ishii out of the ring as Briscoe gets into it with some strikes of his own. The two go at it, sending each other into the corner until Briscoe sends RUSH out of the ring.

Mark sets a chair up for a dive but is cut off by Strong, who gets caught with an uppercut by Briscoe after setting the chair up on the apron…and Briscoe uses the chair as a launching pad for a dive on the rest of the men on the outside before we head to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: RUSH and Strong eventually get the upperhand on Cassidy after he tags in, wearing the former International Champion down before RUSH taunts him with a strike and the Tranquilo pose. He continues to lay into Cassidy as we come back from break!

Mortos comes into the fray now, helping RUSH after a tag to lay Cassidy out. Cassidy manages to hit The Beast with a Stundog Millionaire, fighting off RUSH before tagging Mark back into the match. Briscoe fights off the big men but it’s Roderick Strong coming in off a tag to put a hurt on the ROH World Champion…who makes a tag to Tomohiro! Ishii wallops Strong with a hard strike before Cassidy strikes with a DDT, which is followed by a Froggy Bow by Briscoe and a sliding knee from Ishii for the cover. RUSH breaks it up and chaos ensues once more, before Mortos gets the drop on Ishii on the outside!

Cassidy goes for a dive but is caught by The Beast as RUSH hits a dive of his own, laying out the rest of them to the floor. Back in the ring it’s Strong and Ishii, with Roderick countering into a back suplex and a Tiger Driver for a nearfall. Tomohiro lays out Strong with a forearm but Mortos tags in, as does Briscoe. RUSH sneaks in for a clothesline on Briscoe, and a series of attacks from all six men ends with Briscoe countering into a Jay Driller attempt…only for RUSH to headbutt him, allowing The Beast to drop him for the win!

Winners via pinfall: Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos and RUSH

We head backstage to hear from Billy Gunn and The Acclaimed, who talk about heading to Collision before running down FTR after their words last week. Since FTR don’t want to come to South Carolina to face The Acclaimed, they will go to face FTR on Collision because everybody loves The Acclaimed!

-Commercial Break-

We come back from break to see Mariah May and Renee Paquette, with May running Renee down saying she’s said all she needed to. Mariah talks about gaining Toni’s trust before turning on her. Toni gave Mariah everything she could’ve wanted, and refers to Storm saying this business would eat someone alive by saying it’s Mariah’s turn to eat. May refuses to say much else, forcing Renee to leave as we cut away.

Back at ringside, Toni Storm makes her way out saying she loves Mariah May too. They say you should let what you love kill you, and at All In it’s gonna be the romance of a bloody lifetime! She vents her anger out with a high heel before we cut to a video from San Diego Comic-Con last weekend that led to the TBS Championship match being made official for All In at Wembley Stadium.

Back at ringside, Mercedes Mone’ makes her way to the ring alongside Kamille, who is in action up next. Her opponent Brittany Jade is in the ring as this this match gets underway!

Kamille vs. Brittany Jade

Kamille gets the jump on Jade, sending her to the corner as she continues to lay into her opponent. Mercedes watches on as Kamille hits a running guillotine leg drop on Brittany, continuing the attack until she drops Jade to the mat with a massive slam for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Kamille

Mercedes gets into the ring with a microphone, telling Greenville to welcome their CEO and the newest member of Mone’ Corporation, Kamille. She addresses Britt Baker harassing and attacking her, but then, who’s not obsessed with the CEO? Britt’s actions may have gotten her the title match but they also got her suspended by the EVPs.

She goes on to say that this is her house now, promising to take Britt Baker down at All In because money changes everything.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Hangman Page makes his way to the ring for our main event. Out next is Darby Allin, who saunters to the ring staring the Hangman down along the way, finally sliding in before this match gets underway!

Darby Allin vs. Hangman Page

The two stare each other down before going at it, trading holds until Darby catches Hangman with an arm drag and a dropkick sending Page to the outside. Darby goes up top for an early Coffin Drop, but Page catches him for a German suplex onto the floor! Page is distracted as he argues with a young fan in the front row before sending Darby to the opposite barricade, followed by grabbing a steel chair as Darby crawls up the ramp.

The ref argues with Page, telling him to bring the match back into the ring before Hangman yells back at him…only to be dropped to the stage with a jawbreaker by Darby, who climbs up the tunnel for a Coffin Drop! Darby brings Page back to his feet, staying on the attack as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: This doesn’t last very long however, as Hangman turns it around sending Darby back into the ring, wearing him down as we return from break!

Page continues the attack as he catches Darby with a rear choke, spinning him around for further damage before dropping him to the mat. Hangman goes after the face of Darby now, pulling at it before the ref intervenes. Page stares him down before going back at Allin, bringing him up to his feet for a suplex…but Darby reverses, getting a nearfall and a crossbody for another nearfall in the process.

The lights suddenly cut out, leaving only the LED barricade for a moment…but thankfully it seems to be a tech issue and nothing more, as the lights come back on. Whatever the case may be, Hangman takes control of the match with some forearms on Darby. He grabs the ring steps nearby, setting them up before sending Darby into them…but Allin saves himself, only to be caught when going for a crossbody on the Hangman!

Page drops him onto the apron before following up with a set of powerbombs before turning his attention to the steps…sending Darby on a one-way trip courtesy of a fallaway slam onto the steps before we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: The ref begins the count as Darby slowly gets to his feet, and Hangman gets impatient as he leaves the ring to go back after Allin, sending him onto the steps once again before bringing him back in the ring. He argues with another fan before entering the ring, but Darby starts to fight back before Page drops him for a nearfall. Darby is struggling to his feet as Page sets him onto the turnbuckle before we come back from break.

This ends with an avalanche fallaway slam by the Hangman, sending Darby across the ring in the process! Page steps to the apron, looking at the steps as he lifts Darby up once more…but Darby fights away, escaping to the floor. Page goes back after him but gets tripped onto the steps by Darby, who gets back in the ring for a dive through the ropes, hitting a shoulder tackle that sends the Hangman off the steps and onto the floor!

Both men are down as the ref begins the count, with Darby crawling into the ring. Hangman manages to get in as well as Darby removes his belt, whipping Page a couple times before dropping the belt as the ref admonishes him. Darby follows up with a Code Red for a nearfall before climbing up top for a Coffin Drop…but Hangman catches him with a sleeper on the mat! Darby reverses into a pinning maneuver to break the hold.

Darby takes to the ropes, teasing a Buckshot Lariat…only to be spun around with a lariat by Hangman who gets a nearfall in the process. Page follows up with a powerbomb, but it’s only good for a two count as Hangman stares him down once more.

He brings Darby to his feet, dropping him not once but twice with the Dead Eye…but Page is more focused on his rage as he gets to his feet. He stares the crowd down as he gets to the apron, looking for a Buckshot Lariat as Darby gets to his feet…only to drop as Page swings around for the Buckshot. Page drags Darby by his feet to the middle of the ring, but it’s a ruse as Darby spins him around with an arm drag before hitting a cradle that keeps Hangman down for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Darby Allin

Darby rushes out of the ring as Hangman snaps at the ref, who then leaves the ring to raise Darby’s arm in victory. We get a rundown of the matches happening this Saturday on Collision and next week on Dynamite, with Page looking furious at how this match went down as Dynamite comes to a close.

Quick Match Results:
  • Will Ospreay def. Lance Archer
  • CMLL World Women’s Championship Eliminator: Kris Statlander def. Willow Nightingale
  • Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos and RUSH def. The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Tomohiro Ishii)
  • Kamille def. Brittany Jade
  • Darby Allin def. Hangman Page

That’ll do it for this week! Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you next Wednesday for more exciting action on Dynamite as we get ever closer to All In at Wembley Stadium!

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