AEW Dynamite Results – 7/24/24 (Blood & Guts, title match, and more!)

AEW Dynamite Results
July 24, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee (Bridgestone Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

Blood & Guts is upon us! Do ya have it?

We open backstage, where Alex Marvez is on the hunt for a scoop from Will Ospreay in the parking lot, as the former AEW International Champion is trying to get to the arena…but someone has seemingly slashed his rental tire! Ospreay borrows the key from Marvez as the two take a ride, with the former champ telling Marvez he’s never driven in America.

We head to ringside for a recap of the nearly hour-long AEW International Championship bout last week on Dynamite 250. After that, two rows of cheerleaders help introduce the NEW champion as MJF makes his way down the ramp. He enters the ring, calling to cut his music to a wave of boos. MJF says Ospreay couldn’t use the Tiger Driver on him because he’s a gutless coward, and the fact that people thought Ospreay would win when he couldn’t beat Swerve is laughable.

He quickly addresses Swerve saying he better pray MJF doesn’t come after him or his World Championship, before stating that when the spotlight is on Will Ospreay he melts. He continues to run down the former champion before bringing Ospreay’s recently-deceased grandmother. The crowd continues to jeer the champ as he calls out Ospreay to come out here and face him like a man…only to call him worthless for not being able to be here.

MJF then talks about the title around his waist, acknowledging that it was built on workhorses before saying working hard is for “poors.” He runs the crowd down now, calling them unpatriotic and treasonous. This title, like Daniel Garcia, Billy Boy, and the crowd, is nothing more than garbage…and he dumps the title into a trashbin on the outside!

MJF says he deserves a title of great status, eventually unveiling the American Championship. This gets a “USA” chant from the crowd, but MJF says when he’s talking about America, he’s not talking about “nasty Nashville,” he’s talking about the most magical place in the world…Long Island, New York!

He begins celebrating until Will Ospreay comes rushing down to go after him. The champion escapes to the safety of the outside as Will tells MJF off before laying down the challenge for All In at Wembley Stadium!

Backstage, Bryce Remsburg is here for the coin toss ahead of tonight’s main event with Christopher Daniels seemingly beaten down despite the Young Bucks insisting he is “taking a nap”…and the coin toss reveals that The Elite have won the advantage going into Blood & Guts!

We head back to ringside for our opening contest, as “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho heads to the ring to defend the FTW Championship with his students barred from ringside. Out next is Minoru Suzuki, and this match is underway!

FTW Championship Match: Chris Jericho defends against Minoru Suzuki

We start off with an exchange of strikes between both men, with Suzuki sending Jericho to the corner multiple times. Jericho tries to escape to the opposite ring, but Suzuki catches him on the space between before bringing him back to where they need to be…where he continues to lay in more chops on the champ!

Jericho’s chest is cut open from the impact as fans chant “chop forever.” Jericho shouts at Suzuki before laying in a couple chops of his own, which leads to the challenger continuing to wear him down as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: If you’re wondering what went down during this break, rest assured…they keep on chopping away at each other the entire time, even as we return!

We see the full affect of all those chops on Jericho as he starts to finally get one over on Suzuki…but the challenger traps him on the ropes for a modified triangle hold, simultaneously going after the hand of the Learning Tree before the ref intervenes. Suzuki brings the champ to the outside, slamming him on the announce table before grabbing a steel chair to attack Jericho. He grabs another chair to continue the assault, still focusing on Jericho’s hand before snapping one of the champ’s fingers.

The action eventually finds its way back in the ring where Suzuki continues to go after Jericho’s fingers. The Learning Tree finally fights back to his feet, escaping the hold before hitting a Codebreaker but only gets a nearfall for his efforts. Both men fight back to their feet with forearms and elbow strikes, with Suzuki getting the upper hand in the end before cinching in a sleeper hold…but Jericho breaks free, countering into the Walls of Jericho!

Suzuki turns himself over, escaping before locking in another sleeper. He transitions to a Gotch style piledriver, but the Learning Tree breaks free and hits a low blow. He follows with a Judas Effect, pinning Suzuki for the win!

Winner via pinfall and still FTW Champion: Chris Jericho

Jericho celebrates the win but Suzuki is back on his feet, dropping the champ with a Gotch-style piledriver as a measure of revenge. Bryan Keith and Big Bill arrive to the ring, laying out Suzuki until Shibata makes his way out for the save! The Learning Tree and his students escape up the ramp as we head backstage.

We start to get a word from new CMLL World Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale, but is interrupted by the arrival of Stokely Hathaway before Willow gets blindsided by Kris Statlander! With the champ down, Stokely talks about Kris challenging for the title before walking off as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We go to an interview with Bryan Danielson as he talks his recovery process as he gears up for All In, before Jeff Jarrett interrupts to tell the American Dragon that he has a lot of work to do, and that he needs to “go all in” as he faces Swerve Strickland at Wembley Stadium for the AEW World Championship.

Back at ringside, Britt Baker makes her way to the ring for our next match. Baker is ready for her in-ring return as Hikaru Shida makes her way out next, a recap reminding us of the rivalry between these two as the match gets underway!

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD vs. Hikaru Shida

The two go at it from the opening lock-up, with Shida forced to the ropes…but Baker surprises her with a roll up for a nearfall. Baker gets sent to the corner for her troubles, as Shida gets caught by Baker for a Lockjaw attempt leading to a series of nearfalls between both. Baker heads to the corner as Shida gets back on her feet, sending the DMD to the outside where the two go at it.

Shida sends Baker to the barricade where she mounts up for a few punches, bringing her back to ringside to set her up on the apron for a massive running knee! She brings Baker back into the ring as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Shida continues to go to work on wearing Baker down, sending the DMD into the corner before picking up a nearfall. Back in the corner, Shida goes for some mounted punches but Baker escapes! Shida manages to get back in control as we return.

That doesn’t last long as Baker turns things around, sending Shida down hard before pulling out her glove looking for the Lockjaw…only for Shida to catch her by surprise, cinching in an armbar before eventually transitioning into a guillotine! Baker escapes as Shida heads to the corner, but the action ends up in the middle of the ring where both ladies trade strikes.

Baker gets one over on Shida, but a reversal leads to a series of nearfalls between them. Shida looking for a Falcon Arrow, but Baker reverses into an armbar…only for Shida to get to the ropes for a break. Shida crawls over to the corner, debating whether to use the kendo stick…which leads to Baker dropping her with a neckbreaker for a nearfall. Shida hits a question mark kick and the Falcon Arrow, but Baker counters away from a Kitana for the Lockjaw…and Shida taps out!

Winner via submission: Dr. Britt Baker, DMD

Baker briefly celebrates before Mercedes Mone’ comes out to address her. She teases that nothing would be hotter than the CEO versus the DMD…before announcing her answer to Baker’s challenge is no. The crowd boos, but gets riled up as someone runs into the ring to blindside the DMD…and it’s Kamille! The former NWA Women’s Champion lays Baker out as Mercedes enters the ring to raise her arm, putting a proverbial stamp on the new alliance.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, Christian Cage says the Patriarchy will address the fans from the bowels of the arena before announcing that Nick Wayne will enter the Royal Rampage this Friday. He lets Nick Wayne speak on this, but the Prodigy focuses his attention on Kip Sabian after seeing him on Collision. The two have it out before we head back to ringside for our next match, as PAC heads to the ring to face Boulder before the match gets underway!

PAC vs. Boulder

Boulder uses his size and strength for the early advantage, but PAC catches him off guard in the corner to turn things around in his favor, hitting the Black Arrow to pick up the win!

Winner via pinfall: PAC

We cut backstage, where Team AEW starts to break down in light of the issues between Swerve, Darby, and The Acclaimed…only for Mark Briscoe to act as a voice of reason, reminding them of how important it is to put these things aside for one night to take down The Elite at Blood & Guts!

Back at ringside, Mariah May makes her “debut” as “The Glamour” with Caitlyn Alexis already in the ring as this match gets underway!

“The Glamour” Mariah May vs. Caitlyn Alexis

May gets a massive shotgun dropkick on Alexis, and that sets the pace for a dominant performance from May as she wears Caitlyn down. She hits a Mayday on Alexis before setting her up in the corner, hitting a hip attack before pinning Caitlyn for the victory!

Winner via pinfall: “The Glamour” Mariah May

May doesn’t get long to celebrate before someone enters the ring, revealing Toni Storm for a beatdown before officials rush to the ring to intervene. Storm promises to put an end to Mariah May as we cut away from ringside.

Video Package: One final look at Blood & Guts ahead of our main event, highlighting the rise of The Elite in its current form and the efforts of Team AEW to take them down.

We get a graphic reminding us of the rules of Blood & Guts, and then head to ringside for the first man out…representing The Elite, it’s Jack Perry! He heads to the ringside area as we go to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Darby Allin heads out as the first man representing Team AEW. Darby heads toward the cage but is intercepted by Perry blindsiding him, before lifting him up for a powerbomb onto the side of the structure!

Perry lays him back out with a forearm before grabbing the steel steps, propping them up against the barricade before bringing Allin back to his feet…just long enough to launch him into the steps, the impact sending him over the barricade and into the crowd! Darby starts to fight back as the pair brawl throughout the crowd. Darby finally gets back into it, sending Perry into the barricade before taking him back to ringside to get him into the structure.

Perry responds by throwing a chair at Darby, before setting up a trashcan in the corner…and then launching Darby over his shoulders right into the can! Perry stays on the attack with whatever he can reach before taunting Darby with a kick…and Allin starts fighting back to his feet, the two locking up as Nicholas Jackson makes his way out next! He’s got a chair in one hand and a big AEW-branded briefcase in the other as he steps into the structure.

He sets up the chair in the middle of the ring before assisting Jack for a double suplex…but Darby fights out of it! This doesn’t last long as Darby gets sent into the side of the cage, keeping The Elite in control as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Nicholas and Jack continue wearing Darby down, taking turns at times before turning their attention to a cable for further damage. They then start focusing on the leg of Allin, twisting it every which way they can before stomping at the ankle. They then prop him against the ropes, Perry pulling at Darby’s face as we return from break!

Out next for Team AEW is Mark Briscoe, who makes a beeline for the structure and goes after The Elite to a chant of “Dem Boys” from the crowd as he uses the chair as a launching pad on Perry! He heads to the side of the ring for a ladder, propping it up in the corner before he and Darby launch Nicholas into it.

With Nicholas down, Briscoe sets the ladder over him allowing Darby to get the drop on him. Darby goes after Perry in the other ring, with Briscoe continuing to attack Nicholas as Matthew makes his way out next. He also has an AEW briefcase of some sort, tossing it to Nicholas for a blindside on the ROH World Champion before dropping him onto it with a DDT.

Perry’s got the other case in hand as the Bucks continue to attack Darby and Briscoe, with Matthew hitting a locomotion suplex on Darby before launching him into the case held by the TNT Champion. The attack comes to a head with a backstabber on Darby as The Elite celebrate their dominance despite the boos from the crowd.

This attack continues as Anthony Bowens makes his way out next for Team AEW, quickly heading to the structure to go after Nicholas. He follows up with a superkick on Matthew, and a Famouser on Perry…but Matthew throws a case at the head of Bowens to take him down! Briscoe catches Matthew by surprise, setting up for a Froggy Bow before the Bucks intervene once again. They set up for a TK Driver…but Matthew gets caught with a cutter by Briscoe! Thumbtacks come into play, but it becomes a weapon for Team AEW as they start to get the upper hand.

Bowens pulls out a pair of scissors, attacking Matthews with it as Okada makes his way out next for The Elite. The Rainmaker has a Rainmaker Road sign in hand, using it to great advantage as he swings away at Bowens, Darby, and then Mark Briscoe. Nicholas sets Briscoe up for a low blow from Okada, and The Elite are back in control as we head back to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The Elite continue to wear down Team AEW, taking turns on who to attack whom as they alternate between Briscoe, Darby, and Bowens. We can see Nicholas mocking the crowd before Briscoe starts fighting back, but Okada intervenes to keep the ROH World Champion at bay as we come back from break!

Max Caster makes his way out next for Team AEW, microphone in hand…not for a rap, but to use as a weapon as he wallops Okada and The Bucks with it! The opening allows Team AEW to come back into it, wearing down The Elite as Max brings out a barbed wire board with graffiti from under the ring. The Acclaimed set up for a double suplex on Okada, but it gets turns around courtesy of the Bucks…who slam Bowens onto the board instead!

Another board is brought into the mix as they sandwich Bowens between the two, setting up for a massive Swanton Bomb from Nicholas! They get another bag of tacks, putting some in Caster’s mouth for a double pumped-up superkick as Hangman Page’s music hits…but the final member of The Elite doesn’t come out!

The confusion allows Team AEW to get back in control, with The Acclaimed hitting a nasty leg drop on Nicholas as Swerve Strickland makes his way out. The final member of Team AEW makes his way down the ramp, only to be blindsided by Hangman Page who apparently waited to get the jump on the World Champion.

Page pulls out two pairs of handcuffs, locking Swerve up against the side of the cage. He lays out Prince Nana before yelling at Swerve that he should’ve never been champion. He starts laying into Strickland until Matthew gets a microphone to tell Hangman that a deal is a deal. Last time they suspended Page, and if he doesn’t get in this ring he’s fired.

This prompts Hangman to finally stop his attack on the champ, entering the ring as Matthew demands that the match be officially started despite Strickland still being on the outside. With the power used by the EVP, the ref calls for the bell and Blood & Guts is officially underway as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Team AEW’s efforts to get the jump on The Elite ends up falling flat, as The Elite is able to take control once more. Swerve is trying to break free from the handcuffs as The Elite continues to wear down their rivals before we return from break!

Jeff Jarrett comes out with a guitar in hand, to a pop from the hometown crowd, only for Brandon Cutler to intervene. This doesn’t end well for Cutler as Billy Gunn intervenes, leading to a guitar to the cranium by Jarrett! Jeff, Billy, and Prince Nana then work on breaking Swerve free of the handcuffs, and the job is finally done as the Champ uses a pair of bolt cutters to get into the structure!

Swerve lays out the Bucks and Jack Perry before turning his attention to Hangman Page, the two staring each other down from across the two rings before meeting in the middle to go at it. The two trade punches before Swerve gets sent into one of the rings, but he escapes a Buckshot Lariat attempt. Page fights back, looking to use a barbed wire board…but Darby intervenes, taking him down. Okada gets in to fend him off, but Briscoe manages to get the jump on him until Perry gets involved.

Swerve is back up and goes after Page with a staple gun…but Hangman fends him off long enough for Matthew to drop him with a low blow. The Elite then open up one of the cases…revealing a set of staple guns, that they use on Strickland! Swerve is in pain but he laughs it off as he grabs a staple gun, catching Nicholas and then Perry with it. Okada sets up for a Rainmaker, only to flip Swerve off…and takes a staple to his hand for his trouble!

Matthew then gets attacked with a staple gun from Strickland, who then staples Page in the jaw before laying him out with a House Call as we go to picture-in-picture once more.

Picture-in-Picture: The chaos spills outside as Swerve and Page fight their way up the ramp before crashing outside the side staging area. Back at ringside, the battle between both teams finds its way outside as well, with Team AEW still looking in a bad way as TNT inexplicably goes to a full commercial break. I will remember this treachery forever, TNT.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back and Darby is on the attack inside the structure as Nicholas starts climbing up the side of the cage. Bowens goes after him, but is sent crashing through a stack of tables going to the floor. Back in the ring, Mark Briscoe catches Matthew with a Jay Driller, which is repeated for Jack Perry and Nicholas in honor of his fallen brother.

Darby sets Perry up on a table as Briscoe does the same on Matthew, before climbing up top for a Froggy Bow to drive him through the table…and Darby follows up by using the truss of the cage for a drop from the roof, crashing through Perry on the other table to the mat!

Caster makes his way back in with a pair of handcuffs, with Briscoe using them on Jack Perry to keep him restrained before Caster hands him a kendo stick. Briscoe asks Perry if he quits, but gets spat on for his efforts before Darby says it’s time to get the party started. We see Matthew is handcuffed to the ring ropes as he tries to reason with Briscoe…but Darby steps in with a canister of what appears to be gasoline!

He pours some onto Perry before heading out of the ring to pull out a lighter, saying he’s gonna set Perry on fire if he doesn’t quit. He also says he wants a shot at the TNT title and that he will set Perry on fire if he doesn’t accept. Matthew intervenes, offering Darby the title match as he tells Darby to stop…but that’s not enough for Darby, who tells him to surrender or he’ll set Perry on fire. Matthew relents, saying The Elite quits to bring this match to its conclusion!

Winners via surrender: Team AEW

With the show already on an overrun, we’re left with a truncated celebration for Team AEW and a graphic reminding us of Royal Rampage this Friday as Dynamite comes to a close.

Quick Match Results:
  • FTW Championship Match: Chris Jericho def. Minoru Suzuki
  • Dr. Britt Baker, DMD def. Hikaru Shida
  • PAC def. Boulder
  • “The Glamour” Mariah May def. Caitlyn Alexis
  • Blood & Guts: Team AEW (Swerve Strickland, The Acclaimed, Darby Allin and Mark Briscoe) def. The Elite (The Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry and “Hangman” Adam Page)

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That’ll do it for Dynamite, and this year’s wild and chaotic edition of Blood & Guts! We will see you next Wednesday as the road to All In continues!
