WWE SmackDown Results – 7/19/24 (WWE United States Championship Contract Signing)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
July 19, 2024
CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska.
Commentary: Corey Graves and Wade Barrett
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with clips of last week’s show.

Live in the arena, out comes the WWE Undisputed Champion Cody Rhodes.

Cody circles the ring and greets boxer Terence Crawford who is sitting at ringside. He gets in the ring and the fans chant “Cody”. He asks the fans what they want to talk about. He mentions Randy Orton’s name and says that he has the privilege of calling Randy a friend and before that, he was a mentor. Cody says he would not be standing in the ring as Champion without Randy Orton.

The fans chant “Randy” and he tells them to imagine the guilt when a man who has five children, a wife, a family, to imagine Cody’s guilt when he watched The Bloodline put Randy through a table. He says family is not always blood. He calls Randy family, his brother. And if Randy was there too, he would not want him to talk about guilt or shame. Instead of that, Cody would rather look at the camera and talk to the man responsible, Solo Sikoa.

Cody says he looked Solo in the eyes before WrestleMania 39 and he told him that Solo is not ready. And Solo paid him back by costing him the title he is holding, the title they will compete for at SummerSlam. He asks Solo how it feels knowing that Cody is still standing as Champion.

Out come Grayson Waller and Austin Theory with microphones. Theory tells Cody that he spends a lot of time talking about The Bloodline and because of him, Jacob Fatu attacked them last week. And that his teeth are swollen. Cody says he thought his teeth were swollen because his partner kneed him in the face.

Waller says Cody is pushing that narrative but the reason all of that happened last week was because of Cody himself. Waller and Theory get in the ring and Cody hits them with right hands and kicks. They end up attacking Cody and throwing him to the outside and Terence Crawford hands Cody Rhodes a chair. Cody gets in the ring and hits them with the chair and he hits Theory with the disaster kick and Theory falls to the outside. Cody’s music hits and he holds his Championship belt in the air.

We cut backstage and Carmelo Hayes is with his stylist. Hayes says there will be no gimmick bs, it’s going to be him and Andrade tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Cody Rhodes is backstage and he bumps into Nick Aldis. Cody says it’s easy, he wants to face them both tonight and Aldis says he needs a tag team partner because if he sends the Undisputed Champion against them in a handicap match, he has to answer to the board. He tells Cody he has until the end of the night to find a tag team partner.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Andrade

The bell rings and we are under way. Both men to the ropes and acrobatic reversals, Andrade goes for the cover but Hayes kicks out. Both men exchange forearms and Andrade with a big boot. He runs to the ropes but Hayes with a drop kick. Both men go for springboards but Hayes trips Andrade and lands a leg drop.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Andrade with a clothesline on Hayes. Andrade with a dragon screw and a flying forearm by Andrade knocks Hayes down. Hayes down in the corner and Andrade with a double knees to the face. He goes for the cover but Hayes kicks out. Andrade goes for a suplex, Hayes lands on his feet and he lands a face buster onto Andrade. He goes for the cover but Andrade kicks out. Hayes places Andrade on the top rope but Andrade with elbows, knocks him down. Andrade goes for a moon sault, Carmelo moves, Andrade lands on his feet and lands a moon sault onto Hayes. He goes for the cover but Hayes kicks out. Andrade with a right hand but Hayes with a knee to the jaw. Hayes to the ropes but Andrade with a spinning elbow to the face. He goes for the cover but Hayes kicks out. Andrade climbs the top rope and jumps but Hayes hits him with the first 48. He goes for the cover but Andrade kicks out. Hayes climbs the top rope and jumps but Andrade moves out of the way, Andrade hits him with The Message. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Andrade

We see clips of last week’s show involvinmg Bayley, Tiffany Stratton, Nia Jax and Michin.

-Commercial Break-

WWE Women’s Champion Bayley and Nia Jax have a sit down interview with both women in separate rooms. Corey Graves tries to ask a question and Nia tells Corey to feel sorry for Bayley because at SummerSlam, she will put her down like an old sick dog. Bayley says Nia has not changed and Nia says she has, she is her Queen of the Ring. Bayley tells her that Nia is the same heart less woman since day one and she walks around like she owns the place. She is the same Nia who took her out of her SummerSlam match in 2017 and that changed the trajectory of her career. Nia hurt her because she is big, clumsy and reckless.

Nia tells Bayley she is content being her Queen because she is the Queen of the division. She is coming for the title because she gets to take it off of her. Bayley tells her that she has bad news. She wants Nia to look at her and know that she changed too because she will walk in as Champion and out as Champion at SummerSlam. Nia asks if it’s done and rips her ear piece out and walks away.

We cut to earlier in the night where Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill are about to walk into the office of Nick Aldis but are stopped by Chelsea Green and Piper Niven. Both teams argue and Bianca says their talk can wait because Chelsea is getting on her nerves and she challenges her to a match.

-Commercial Break-

Bianca Belair with Jade Cargill vs. Chelsea Green with Piper Niven

The bell rings and we are under way. Chelsea with a kick to the side of the head. She goes for the Unpretty-Her but Bianca pushes her and hits her with a German suplex. Bianca goes for a moon sault but Chelsea moves out of the way. Chelsea goes for a big boot, Bianca grabs her by the leg, she goes for the KOD, Chelsea blocks it, she rolls Bianca up but Bianca reverses it, rolling Chelsea up and she gets the pin.

Winner: Bianca Belair

Piper Niven gets in the ring and as does Jade Cargill. Chelsea grabs Niven and they leave the ring.

We cut to the LED screens and the Women’s Tag Team Champions The Unholy Union telling Bianca and Jade that they will get a glimpse of their titles next week but when it comes to a rematch, they’ll see.

-Commercial Break-

Nick Aldis is standing in the ring holding a contract and he says it his his responsibility to deliver the biggest and best matches he can for SummerSlam. He says the contract is already signed by himself and LA Knight. He says all that is missing is the signature of Logan Paul. He introduces LA Knight to the ring and out he comes.

Nick Aldis introduces Logan Paul to the ring and out he comes with all three men standing in the ring. The fans chant “LA Knight” and Logan Paul stares at the crowd. Logan Paul looks at the contract and he says he wants to ask the fans a question. He asks why he would give this “Hilbilly Aladdin” a shot for his United States Championship. LA Knight says maybe Logan is right but the one thing he thinks about is that every time they have been face to face, LA Knight has owned and cooked him.

LA Knight says one year ago, he walked down the ring, he presented Logan a map and he told him it would give him the directions of where he can put his bottles of Prime. In the mean time, Logan becomes United States Champion, he can’t take that away from him. LA Knight says Logan is the guy as long as he owns that and he thought about it and he wants a shot. And Logan tells him no. And LA Knight decided to take matters into his own hands. He went to Logan’s home and all that did was get him a Money in the Bank qualifying match where he pinned Logan and that felt good. He says he wants to do it again, he chaces him around the world.

As he is talking, Logan cuts him off. He says he sounds pathetic. He tells LA Knight that LA Knight needs this match against him but Logan does not need the match. And that is a fact. They are not the same. A difference is that LA Knight’s existence is defined by what he does in the ring but not him. Outside of the ring, he interviews former presidents, building a family, he and his brother are building a legacy. Logan says what LA Knight does in the ring is important and he likes his bodybuilder catchphrase shtick he has but his problem with LA Knight is he wants his accolades but he is not him. LA Knight wants to be a Champion but he is not him. And LA Knight has not had a single defining moment of the last 20 years. He says LA Knight is pretending to be The Rock. LA Knight says he never heard that before, leave it to Logan to use old material.

LA Knight says Logan talks about frauds, he says Logan is a fraud by pretending to be the United States Champion. Meanwhile, he won’t sign a contract. LA Knight says Logan’s brother is willing to jump in the ring with Mike Tyson but Logan doesn’t have the balls to jump in the ring with him and balls must not run in the family.

Logan says if they want the match, he will sign the contract. He signs the contract and says after he beats LA Knight at SummerSlam, he will have nothing. Logan draws a map on the contract and he tells LA Knight that is a map of where he can stick his dreams of becoming a WWE Champion. Both men are face to face and Nick Aldis stands between them. The fans chant “LA Knight” and Logan leaves the ring. LA Knight turns his back, Logan gets back in the ring and attacks LA Knight. Logan goes for a right hand, LA Knight blocks it, he goes for the BFT but Logan escapes and leaves the ring.

We see a video package of Tiffany Stratton winning the Money in the Bank match.

Live in the arena, out comes Tiffany Stratton with Nia Jax.

-Commercial Break-

LA Knight is backstage and he is stopped by Santos Escobar and Elektra Lopez. Escobar says he was in the match where LA Knight pinned Logan Paul but he was not pinned. LA Knight says SummerSlam is in a few weeks ago, he might have some free time and if he wants to get in touch with him, his mother has his number. Escobar tells him if he wants to squander his opportunity before his SummerSlam match, he will be happy to help.

Tiffany Stratton with Nia Jax vs. Michin

The match starts and we are under way. Michin with a drop kick and a right hand. A cannonball by Michin onto Tiffany in the corner. She goes for the cover but Tiffany kicks out. Tiffany rolls to the outside and Michin chases her. Tiffany hides behind Nia and Tiffany with a forearm and an Alabama slam.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Tiffany with an elbow to the face followed by a spine buster. She goes for the cover but Michin kicks out. Tiffany runs to the ropes and goes for another Alabama slam but Michin reverses it into a sunset flip but Tiffany kicks out. An elbow to the face by Michin followed by a clothesline. A drop kick by Michin followed by a neck breaker. A tornado DDT by Michin. She goes for the cover but Tiffany kicks out. Michin runs towards Tiffany but Tiffany trips her up. A knee to the head by Tiffany. She goes for the cover but Michin kicks out. She places Michin on the top rope but Michin with a right hand. A drop kick by Michin onto Tiffany and Tiffany falls to the outside of the ring. Michin runs to the ropes but Nia grabs her by the leg with the referee not looking. Michin runs to the ropes but Tiffany with a right hand. She hits her with a rolling senton. Tiffany gets on the second rope but Bayley is at ringside and Tiffany is distracted. She throws Nia over the time keeper’s area. Bayley hits Nia with the Money in the Bank briefcase. She begins to break Tiffany’s briefcase and stomps on it. Michin rolls Tiffany up from behind and gets the pin.

Winner: Michin

Bayley has Tiffany’s briefcase which is broken and Michin hugs Bayley on the outside of the ring. Bayley throws the briefcase back into the ring.

A Bloodline promo airs. Solo is sitting at the head of a table and he talks about what they did to Randy Orton and who will step up with Cody Rhodes tonight. If you are with Cody, you are against him, his family, The Bloodline and the Tribal Chief.

Cody Rhodes is walking backstage and Kevin Owens comes into the picture. He asks Cody if he is ready and Kevin’s music hits. Owens walks down to the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens vs. A-Town Down Under

The bell rings and we are under way. Cody and Theory start the match. Cody with right hands and Owens is tagged in. They double team Theory. Owens goes for the cover but Theory kicks out. Owens with a forearm to the face and Theory rolls to the outside. Owens throws Theory back into the ring and Cody is tagged in. Cody knocks Waller off the ring apron and Theory with a right hand. Theory tags Waller into the match and they double team Cody. Waller with a knee to the ribs. Waller goes for a back drop, Cody lands on his fee

Back from commercial, Waller with a jumping elbow drop onto Owens and Owens rolls to the outside. Waller to the outside but Owens kicks him and throws him into the ring post. He gets in the ring and goes for a tag but Waller grabs him and he lands another standing elbow. Waller places Owens on the top rope and goes for a suplex but Owens blocks it and he knocks Waller off the top rope. Owens with a swanton off the top rope. Cody is tagged in and as is Theory. Cody with right hands and a quick powerslam. An uppercut by Cody and jabs and a bionic elbow onto Austin Theory. Cody lifts Theory up but THhory lands on his feet, Cody knocks Waller off the ring apron and he slams Theory. In comes Waller who slams Cody face first onto the mat. Waller goes for a knee onto Cody but Cody ducks and he is about to hit Theory but Theory blocks it. Waller with a Cody Cutter onto Theory. In comes Owens who knocks Waller down. Cody with a Cody Cutter onto Theory. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens

Out come The Bloodline after the match. Cody with a suicide dive onto Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga. Owens beats up on Tanga Loa in the ring. They grab Solo and are about to slam him through the table but out comes Jacob Fatu. He throws Cody into the ring steps and hits Owens with a super kick. Loa and Solo grab Cody and make him watch. Fatu places Owens in the bottom corner and runs from one corner to the other, slamming into Owens. A big splash by Jacob Fatu onto Owens in the ring. Fatu and Loa place Cody onto Solo’s shoulders and he slams him through the announce table. Tama Tonga places a chair around Kevin’s head and he throws him head first into the ring post.

The Bloodline raise their hands and fingers in the air and SmackDown goes off the air.

t and goes in the corner. Waller goes for a splash, Cody moves out of the way and Owens is tagged in. Owens knocks Theory off the ring apron and he stomps on Waller who falls to the outside of the ring. Owens clotheslines both Waller and Theory. He gets back in the ring and as does Waller. Owens with an atomic drop and Waller in the corner. Owens with a cannon ball and he climbs the top rope. Theory grabs Owens by the leg but Owens knocks him down. Owens goes for the swanton but Waller gets his knees up. Theory is tagged in and he hits Owens with a drop kick. Theory knocks Cody off the ring apron and Waller is tagged in. Waller with an elbow drop. He goes for the cover but Owens kicks out.

-Commercial Break-
