AEW Dynasty, which is this Sunday, live on pay-per-view is available to purchase via TrillerTV (formerly FITE) for $49.99!
AEW Collision and Rampage Results
April 20, 2023
Peoria Civic Center in Peoria, Illinois
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

Just a friendly 4/20 PSA that pro wrestling is best when consumed in moderation…and with that, Saturday night’s alright for Collidin’ (and this week, Rampagin’)!
“You think you know him…”
We open up with the arrival of the TNT Champion as Adam Copeland makes his way to the ring for the first match of the night! The call to “reach for the sky, boy” signals the arrival of the new ROH World Champion as Mark Briscoe heads down the ramp next, bumping fists with Copeland once he’s in the ring. Eddie Kingston’s theme reminds us “the world is cold, better buckle up” as the NJPW Strong Openweight Champion heads down the ring (and I promise right now, I won’t do that for every entrance haha).
Briscoe and Kingston showing no animosity after their battle at Supercard of Honor for the ROH title, as Top Flight and Action Andretti make their way to the ring before this match gets underway!
Trios Match: Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston and Mark Briscoe vs. Top Flight and Action Andretti
Andrett and Briscoe start things off, with Action taunting the Redneck Kung Fu of the ROH champion…who responds with a takedown and an arm wringer! Andretti fights out, catching Briscoe in a side headlock before taking to the ropes…but Mark takes him right back down with a takeover! Exchange of holds follows suit, with Andretti taking Briscoe down with a headscissors and a spinning torneo for a nearfall!
Andretti sends Briscoe to the corner, but the champ responds with a springboard elbow to the face of Action…before sending him to the corner for some forearm strikes and a tag to Copeland! The two take Andretti down as Briscoe leaves the ring, but Andretti fights out of a Copeland suplex to lay in some kicks to the leg of the TNT Champion! Back elbow off the ropes takes Copeland down, but Action is struggling before getting a tag to Darius! Darius with a nearfall before tagging Dante in for a double-team, taking the champ to the canvas.
Dante mocks Briscoe and Kingston, and this gives Copeland an opening as he catches Dante with a big power slam! Tag made to Kingston, who lands a series of headbutts to take Dante to the corner before following with a big chop. Dante sent back to the corner, but he fights back before nailing a senton to take Kingston down! The champ fights right back, taking control as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Kingston wears Dante down some more before tagging in Copeland, who continues the beatdown before Eddie tags right back in. Nearfall for the champ, who gets to his feet as Dante starts fighting back with some strikes of his own…only to be sent back to the corner by Kingston, who lays in some punches as we come back from break!
Dante catches the champ by surprise, keeping Kingston down long enough to tag Darius in while Briscoe makes a tag of his own! Exchange of strikes ends with Briscoe getting taken down, and Darius fends him and Copeland off before getting a nearfall. Dante gets involved after a tag as they double-team Briscoe, but the ROH champ fights back before tagging in Kingston! Quick tag by Andretti, who takes advantage of the ensuing chaos for a nearfall before Copeland breaks it up…and all six men charge for a clothesline!
And all six men drop to the canvas as a result! Eventually, it’s Andretti and Kingston back to their feet for an exchange of strikes before Action goes to the ropes…getting stopped by Kingston, who himself gets caught with a kick from Darius! Copeland catches him with an Impaler and Briscoe with a Jay Driller to send him out!
Andretti gets caught with a combo that ends in the Froggy Bow by Briscoe, and the team get the pin and the win!
Winners via pinfall: Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston and Mark Briscoe
All six men show a sign of respect, but the moment is cut short by a video from the House of Black, who warn their Dynasty opponents that their hopes will be destroyed tomorrow night. Malakai Black reaches out to Adam Copeland, talking about making him wonder if he’ll be close to hell…because for men like them, hell is where the heart is. We cut to a confused and slightly concerned Copeland as we cut away from ringside.
Video Package: Swerve Strickland is ready for the challenge ahead of him at AEW Dynasty when he faces Samoa Joe for the AEW World Championship!
Back at ringside, Powerhouse Hobbs makes his way to the ring alongside Don Callis for our next match, with CJ Esparza already in the ring as this match gets underway!
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. CJ Esparza
Hobbs absolutely demolishes CJ in the early going, and uh…doesn’t let up from there. Big focus here is on Don telling the Powerhouse to “rack him” and Hobbs obliging, before setting him up for a Torture Rack for a quick win!
Winner via submission: Powerhouse Hobbs
Don Callis cuts a promo after the match, trying not to get drowned out by the boos as he talks about the Bunkhouse Brawl later tonight and hyping up Powerhouse Hobbs ahead of his match against Jon Moxley next week on Dynamite. He talks about the impact he’s had on careers in New Japan and how he considers himself responsible for the rise in popularity for that company…and repaying a favor they owe him, announcing that the match between Hobbs and Mox on Dynamite will be for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship!
The man claims that the title will once again come home to the Don Callis Family as Hobbs’s music hits, with the Powerhouse talking down a fan in the crowd before heading to the ramp with Callis.
Video Package: Will Ospreay talks about being on another level, ahead of his bout against Bryan Danielson this Sunday at AEW Dynasty!
We get a rundown of what’s to come later tonight, with tag action between The Acclaimed and The Gunns up next!
-Commercial Break-
Recap: Things break down between HOOK and Chris Jericho, with Jericho crossing a line by shoving HOOK’s father Taz down during the meeting on Dynamite
Backstage, Jericho apologizes for his behavior on Wednesday before addressing the FTW Championship match he got the okay on from Tony Khan for Dynasty. He says the Learning Tree is going to teach him some hard lessons this Sunday, as well as some life lessons…and it’s gonna hurt Jericho a lot more than it’s gonna hurt HOOK.
We cut backstage as The Gunns make their way to the ring for our next match. Out next are The Acclaimed with a rap before this match gets underway…but before we do, Tony Schiavone makes an announcement: per Tony Khan, if The Gunns walk out on this match there will be no match tomorrow night. Austin tries to fight this off but The Acclaimed jump them, sending them into the ring as the match finally gets underway!
The Acclaimed vs. Austin and Colten Gunn
It’s absolute chaos to start things off until Caster and Colten are left in the ring, with Colten getting the upper hand as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Colten maintains control before tagging in Austin, who wears Caster down some more…and they quickly tag back, allowing Colten to keep on the attack–until the TNT feed cuts to a full commercial. Thanks, TNT!
-Commercial Break-
Back int he ring, Colten tags in Austin for a double-team before leaving the ring as Austin keeps a single leg crab locked in! Tag to Colten for another double team, keeping Caster from making the tag…but Caster finally escapes, and Bowens gets the tag! Famouser from Bowens gets a nearfall, but Colten kicks out!
Bowens gets him up on his shoulders but Austin intervenes, allowing Colten to catch Bowens in a standing switch…but Bowens fights out, reversing and rolling Colten up! But to no avail, and Bowens gets shoved into caster who falls out of the ring before catching a nearfall with is feet on the ropes!
But the ref catches him! Jay tries to get involved but to no avail as Bowens drops Colten for the nearfall. The interference continues and in the midst of it all, Colten gets a Famouser of his own for a nearfall on Bowens!
Tag to Austin and a double team ends with a neckbreaker by Colten for a nearfall by Austin. Tag made as they set up for 3:10 to Yuma…but Bowens fights it off as Caster makes the tag! Colten’s left alone in the ring as Caster goes after him, but he’s taken down with an elbow to the back of the head! Caster fights back, hitting a fireman carry slam on Colten before going up top…only for Austin to intercept him!
Bowens gets into it now, but gets hit with a 3:10 to Yuma by the Gunns…only for Caster to hit a Mic Drop on Austin! Colten sneaks up for a nearfall, and follows up with a sneaky pin combination (and some help from the Switchblade) for the win!
Winners: The Gunns
Bullet Club quickly retreat up the ramp, promising to be the unified champs after tomorrow night as they celebrate on the stage.
Backstage, Lexy Nair talks to Bryan Danielson about the Bunkhouse Brawl tonight ahead of his match against Will Ospreay at Dynasty. He runs down the Family ahead of that tag match, until Ospreay barges in to try and clear the air over his involvement with Don Callis. He tells Bryan he’s got nothing to do with all of what’s gone down, but Danielson has his doubts before walking off.
-Commercial Break-
Last week: Things have continued to heat up between Toni Storm and Thunder Rosa ahead of their match for the AEW Women’s World Championship at AEW Dynasty!
We cut to footage from Wednesday after Dynamite, with the champ Storm running down Thunder Rosa after what she did.
Back at ringside, Claudio and Bryan make their way out for our next match…but Takeshita and Fletcher get the jump on them as this match gets underway!
Bunkhouse Brawl: Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher
Takeshita gets the upper hand on Claudio as Danielson starts turning things around on Fletcher, and the match goes throughout the crowd as things get all the more chaotic. Fletcher makes fun of a child before slamming Bryan’s head into a guardrail as Claudio sends a trashcan into Takeshita with a big kick!
the fight finally gets back to ringside as Danielson catches Fletcher, sending him into the announce table as Takeshita nails Castagnoli with the timekeeper’s hammer! Bryan starts choking out Fletcher with a cable as Claudio sends Takeshita into the ring, but Konosuke fights back with a set of strikes…and then takes a bite out of Claudio!
Castagnoli responds by dropping him, before taking Takeshita for a giant swing…that ends with a dropkick to the head by Danielson! Claudio locks in the Sharpshooter as Danielson goes for a dive on Fletcher…who intercepts with a chair to the face of the American Dragon! Fletcher slides into the ring with a handful of powder that he sends into Claudio’s face, followed by a big powerbomb…but Claudio kicks out! Danielson is busted open on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: The Family have taken control of the match now, with Fletcher going to work on Claudio on the outside now as Takeshita’s brought Danielson into the ring to continue the beatdown…but Bryan is starting to fight back withs ome strikes as Claudio gets sent over the barricade on the outside. Takeshita takes the Dragon to the outside, stalking his prey on the ramp as we come back from break!
Danielson fights back now, hitting a vertical suplex on Takeshita sending him onto the ramp as Claudio catches Fletcher by slamming him headfirst into the steel steps! Claudio helps Danielson out now, sending Takeshita bakc into the ring for a leg drop dropping him from the second rope…and Claudio goes back after Fletcher as Bryan lays Takeshita out with a series of kicks! Danielson in the corner, looking for the Busaiku…but Fletcher catches him by the foot, allowing Takeshita to hit a big kick in the corner!
Takeshita catches an approaching Claudio with a German suplex, and we get a pair of suplexes as the Family pin in stereo…but both of BCC kick out!
Fletcher retrieves a couple chains but this gets turned around before BCC lock in LeBelle Locks on both men…only for Hobbs to run in, beating them both down to break the hold! There are no DQs here as Hobbs smirks…only for Mox’s music to hit as the IWGP World Champion runs through the crowd for the save! “Wild Thing” continues to play as Mox and Hobbs go at it, giving your humble recapper Anarchy in the Arena flashbacks as back in the ring Fletcher beats Danielson down with a microphone.
The music finally cuts off as both Hobbs and Mox have disappeared through the crowd, and a chair is set up as Fletcher and Takeshita set Danielson up for a powerbomb…only for Bryan to reverse a hurricanrana to drive Takeshita onto the chair! Claudio in the ring with an arm wrapped in a chain for a very metal, very European uppercut on Fletcher and Takeshita! This gets followed up with an attack on Takeshita using a new action figure as back in the ring, Danielson uses a chain for extra damage on a LeBelle Lock as Kyle Fletcher taps out!
Winners via pinfall: Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli
Bryan Danielson gets a microphone after the match, addressing why he took on this match before Dynasty by saying that when he dies, his heaven will be standing in this ring and shedding blood for what he loves. He then promises Will Ospreay he’s going to beat him tomorrow night at Dynasty!
-Commercial Break-
After a recap about the situation between Julia Hart, Willow Nightingale, and Mercedes Mone’, we go backstage where Willow, Kris Statlander, and Stokely Hathaway address being fired up before Willow promises to send the TBS Champion back to the shadowy realm where she belongs.
Back at ringside, Skye Blue makes her way to the ring for our next match. Out next is “Legit” Leyla Hirsch, ready to prove just how legit she is as this match gets underway!
Skye Blue vs. Leyla Hirsch
Leyla goes on the attack early with some punches, but Skye manages to turn things around just as quickly…but Leyla counters out of Code Blue! Skye fights back before leaving the ring for a breather. She comes back in and takes control, dropping Leyla with a suplex for a nearfall. Leyla back to her feet, only for Skye to lay in some hard forearm strikes to take Hirsch right back down…before sending her to the corner for a cartwheel elbow strike!
Blue continues the attack, setting Leyla up top…but Hirsch fights back, jumping over Skye into a unique suplex for a close nearfall! Hirsch keeps on the attack but Skye catches her by surprise, hitting a TKO followed by locking in the Dragon Sleeper for the submission victory!
Winner via submission: Skye Blue
We get a rundown of tomorrow’s card for Dynasty before a reminder that our main event between The Elite and the team of PAC and FTR is up next!
-Commercial Break-
Back at ringside, The Young Bucks make their way to the ring first for our main event. They drop the coin and the Rainmaker arrives, as Kazuchika Okada makes his way down the ramp to join his Elite teammates at ringside. Their opponents are out next, as PAC steps onto the stage first and are joined by FTR, heading to the ring before this main event gets underway!
Trios Match: Kazuchika Okada and The Young Bucks vs. PAC and FTR
We start off with PAC and Okada in the ring…or maybe not brother, as the Bucks try to blindside PAC to no avail! PAC takes Okada to the corner for some strikes before tagging in Cash, who lays in some hard strikes of his own before tagging PAC back in…but the Bucks save their friend from a double team, only for a triple baseball slide to get the drop on the Elite! PAC and FTR take the fight to their foes before PAC brings Okada back into the ring for a tag to Dax…who shoves Okada in the corner, leading to a trade of strikes between both men. Okada takes Dax down before tagging in Matthew, but Dax gets him with a scoop slam before tagging in Cash to keep up the damage before PAC tags in.
Matthew escapes for a tag to Okada, but PAC gets a tag in as he goes for Rings of Saturn…while the Bucks escape similar fates from FTR to break PAC’s hold! The fight goes to the outside and becomes chaos as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: The Elite maintain control, eventually bringing the action back into the ring…before we go to a full commercial break. Thanks again, TNT!
-Commercial Break-
Back from break, The Bucks have gotten one over on Cash as they keep him worn down and away from a tag. Wheeler slowly fights to his feet…and hits Matthew with a back suplex! Tag to Nicholas however, and he keeps Cash away before tagging in Okada, who mocks PAC before taking a few more shots at Wheeler. Tag to Nicholas…but Wheeler gets the tag to PAC as well! PAC unloads on Nicholas before going for a cover, but Matthew breaks it up before clearing FTR from the apron! PAC fights back, sending the Bucks out of the ring before hitting a big dive on them!
Dax sets Okada up and gets a spike piledriver with help from PAC, before going for the cover…but the Rainmaker kicks out!
Black Arrow attempt gets intercepted by the Bucks as Okada sends him to the outside, distracting the ref as the EVPs send PAC into the steps before bringing him back into the ring. Okada drops PAC to the canvas as we go back to picture-in-picture. Hey wait, not another o–
Picture-in-Picture: Matthew with a tag in so he can continue to wear PAC down, before Matthew gets involved off a tag for a nearfall of his own. Backbreaker on PAC as Nicholas tags in once again, but only gets a nearfall before continuing to wear PAC down for a tag to Matthew as we come back from break!
Tag made to Nicholas yet again as PAC struggles to the corner…and gets the tag to Dax! Harwood taking the fight to both Bucks, sending Nicholas to the corner for some chops before Okada pulls him away…only to take a brainbuster by Dax! Nicholas goes up top but is dropped by Dax, who fights off Matthew before the latter is pulled into Nicholas by Wheeler!
Tag to Wheeler, double team with PAC leads to a nearfall. Dax comes in now but Okada tags in…and as the Bucks get dropped, Okada drops Dax with a DDT for a nearfall. Okada starts mocking Harwood, who lays into the Rainmaker with some hard strikes…only to run into a big dropkick from Okada! Rainmaker lariat…misses, as Dax locks Okada in the Sharpshooter! Wheeler and PAC hold the Bucks back, but they get fought off as the EVPs break the hold! Triple enziguri in the corner by the Elite, carousel of tags leads to a cover by Matthew…but it gets broken up!
FTR get involved now as FTR take control. Tag to PAC for a Black Arrow, but the cover gets broken up by the Bucks! As the chaos calms down, the Bucks hit a Shatter Machine on PAC for a nearfall…followed by a EVP Trigger, only for Wheeler to break up the pin! Shatter Machine on Matthew, but Okada brings Dax out of the ring for a superkick by Nicholas and a DDT from the Rainmaker! Dive by Wheeler takes The Elite out at ringside…and in the ring, PAC hits the Black Arrow on Matthew for the pin and the win!
Winners via pinfall: PAC and FTR
The Elite stop the celebration for a beatdown until Daniel Garcia runs down for the save! The Elite catch him but this gives FTR and PAC a chance to recover, as PAC locks in a standing Rings of Saturn on the Continental Champion! The Bucks pull their friend out to save him from disaster, with The Elite regrouping on the stage as Collision comes to a close.
AEW Collision Quick Results:
- Trios Match: Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston and Mark Briscoe def. Top Flight and Action Andretti
- Powerhouse Hobbs def. CJ Esparza
- Austin and Colten Gunn def. The Acclaimed
- Bunkhouse Brawl: Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli def. Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher
- Skye Blue def. Leyla Hirsch
- Trios Match: PAC and FTR def. Kazuchika Okada and The Young Bucks

We kick off a special live Rampage with a backstage promo from Jon Moxley, who addresses the title match made official for Dynamite. He tells Hobbs not to hesitate when they’re in that ring…because Mox won’t, not for one second.
We head to ringside for our opening contest, with Rob Van Dam making his way out first to a big pop from the crowd. Out next is Isiah Kassidy, followed by Lee Johnson and Komander to round out our competitors before this match gets underway!
“High Flying” Four-Way Elimination Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Komander vs. Isiah Kassidy vs. Lee Johnson
Crowd chanting for RVD, because…you know…nobody flies higher than Rob Van Dam. RVD responds with the thumbs taunt as we get things going. The other three men go after RVD, who escapes and sits up on the turnbuckle as Zay mocks Komander…which only ends with a double dropkick from the luchador and Johnson! The action breaks down until we’re left with RVD and Komander, only for Zay to get involved and mock RVD’s taunt…but this really costs him as RVD hits a monkey flip and a Rolling Thunder!
Cover by Van Dam but Zay kicks out, as Johnson goes on the attack by sending RVD out of the ring…and then Komander, before hitting a dive onto Zay and Komander on the outside! Zay back in the ring as Johnson hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall, firing himself up after…only for Zay to roll him up for the pin to eliminate Lee Johnson!
Lee Johnson has been eliminated.
Zay celebrates as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Zay continues to keep control of things as Komander heads into the ring, only for Kassidy to beat down the luchador for more damage, enjoying himself at every turn before we come back from break!
That joy comes to a screeching halt when Komander sends him to the outside, just as RVD comes back in…only for the luchador to mock him before hitting a running fist on the hardcore legend in the corner! Zay tries to get involved but is caught with a dive on the outside! Komander fights off RVD who goes after him next as Zay gets back in the ring, before getting a nearfall on Kassidy. Komander goes up top, walking the ropes until Zay drops him on his little luchas!
Zay tries to partner up with RVD, trying to perhaps get Van Dam to head to the back early…and starts searching for who knows what before revealing the ruse as he rolls up RVD for a nearfall instead! Zay gets caught with a boot by RVD as Komander tries to get involved to no avail…but Quen stops RVD from getting up top for the Five Star Frog Splash! Quen and RVD go at it as Komander hits Zay for a pinfall himself to eliminate Kassidy!
Isiah Kassidy has been eliminated.
We’re left with just Komander and RVD now as the crowd show their support of Van Dam…only for Komander to roll him up for a nearfall! RVD turns it around for one of his own, and the action heads to the corner where Komander escapes for a clutch that gets him a nearfall…and another one to follow! Northern Lights by RVD for a nearfall of his own, but is caught with a rising enziguri before Komander goes up top…only for RVD to intercept!
Superplex gets avoided by the luchador however, only for RVD to catch him with a spinning leg drop! RVD goes up top, flying high for a Five Star Frog Splash to score the pin and the win!
Winner via pinfall/final elimination: Rob Van Dam
RVD shakes hands with Komander as a sign of respect before celebrating with the fans, as we go to commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Back at ringside, Yuka Sakazaki heads to the ring for our next match. Out next is Emi Sakura, and this match gets underway!
Yuka Sakazaki vs. Emi Sakura
Emi goes on the attack early, catching Yuka with two quick nearfalls as she continues to wear Sakazaki down against the ropes. Yuka starts to fight back now, going up top…only for Emi to send her to the outside! Emi sends Yuka into the announce table before taunting her with a Kenny Omega figure…and threatens to beat her down with cans of Woo Energy before the ref intervenes! Yuka gives Emi the slip as she runs around the ring, only for Emi to turn it around on her and goes after the eyes before the ref tells her to get back in the ring.
Emi hops on the apron just enough to break the count, but as she goes back after Yuka she gets caught with a kick sending her to the floor as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Emi quickly turns it back around, wearing Sakazaki down in each corner with a series of strikes followed by a big corner cross body, getting a nearfall in the process. She taunts Yuka for a strike, followed by a dragon sleeper of sorts as we go to a full commercial break. Oh, for the love of–
-Commercial Break-
Back from break, Yuka’s managed to get one over on Emi as she gets on the ropes…only to be dropped to the outside by Sakura! Emi brings her back into the ring, taking Yuka down before climbing the turnbuckle to mock her as she drops back to the canvas. Yuka fights back now, hitting a German suplex from the bottom rope…and manages to catch Sakura with a pin for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Yuka Sakazaki
We cut to a Rampage exclusive, with Cool Hand Angelo Parker addressing what’s been happening the past couple months. He talks about last week’s Rampage being a must-win match, but he lost to Zak Knight…and has had to really look back and reflect. Ang is just about to announce his retirement when Ruby Soho comes out to the ring.
Ruby says she can’t have Ang retire, because she’s out here to tell him he has something very important to fight for…because she’s pregnant. She knows it’s so soon and she didn’t know how to tell Ang…who interrupts with a kiss, asking if he’s indeed about to become a dad. She nods in response, and the two embrace to an ovation from the crowd.
We get a reminder that our Rampage main event is up next for some blazing hot trios action!
-Commercial Break-
Back at ringside, Undisputed Kingdom make their way to the ring for our main event. Out next are Matt Menard, Rocky Romero, and Kyle O’Reilly before this match gets underway!
Trios Match: Kyle O’Reilly, Rocky Romero and Matt Menard vs. Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett
Bennett and Kyle start things off, but O’Reilly calls for Roderick to get in. This is obliged, but Strong quickly tags Mike back in…only for O’Reilly to start wearing him down before tagging in Daddy Magic. Menard takes Bennett down before the latter gets a tag to Taven, only for Menard to stay on the attack. Tag made to Romero who sends Bennett off the apron, only for Taven to catch him by surprise. Romero with a headscissors in retaliation, sending Taven to the corner for a clothesline…and laying out Bennett after!
Bennett and Taven drop him with a double team before Strong tags in to wear Azucar down…only to tag in Taven who gets a nearfall. Taven stays on the attack as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Undisputed Kingdom continue the beatdown on Romero, alternating tags just to keep him isolated from his corner as Strong picks up a nearfall in the process. Another tag made to Bennett who keeps Azucar in a standing armbar, tagging in Taven for more damage with a suplex and a nearfall. Tag from Strong now, who lays into Romero before mocking Menard…and then Romero as we come back from break!
Tag to Bennett as he and Taven try to keep Romero at bay…but Romero manages to tag in Daddy Magic! Menard sends Taven out before going after Bennett in the corner with mounted punches and sends him to the opposite corner. Bennett fights back but is soon caught in a Boston crab…until Taven hits a springboard kick to break the hold!
Taven gets a tag and drops Menard for a nearfall. Menard ducks a clothesline and tags in O’Reilly, who fights off Undisputed Kingdom all at once before hitting a dragon screw on Strong! Taven gets dropped and Bennett gets blocked, allwoing Kyle to lock in a triangle hold as Taven tries to break it…but Kyle gets an ankle lock on Taven as well!
Strong breaks it all up in the end, though, getting in for a trade of strikes between former best friends in Strong and O’Reilly…which ends with a backbreaker from out of nowhere on Kyle! Roderick brings him back on his feet, but is overwhelmed by O’Reilly as Bennett hits a blind tag. Kyle doesn’t realize this as he gets an armbar on Strong, who starts tapping…but the ref can’t call it as Bennett breaks it up!
Strong and Taven sent to the outside as Kyle hits a brainbuster on Bennett for a nearfall…and locks in a cross arm breaker! Bennett taps, and it’s all over!
Winners via submission: Kyle O’Reilly, Rocky Romero and Matt Menard
The three celebrate in the ring as Strong and the Kingdom retreat up the ramp, before O’Reilly gets a microphone to warn the champion that he’s only got 24 hours left with the AEW International Championship. Kyle stares his old friend down as we get one last rundown of the Dynasty card for tomorrow night. One last staredown between former compatriots closes things out as Rampage comes to a close.
AEW Rampage Quick Results:
- “High Flying” Four-Way Elimination Match: Rob Van Dam def. Komander, Isiah Kassidy, and Lee Johnson
- Yuka Sakazaki def. Emi Sakura
- Trios Match: Kyle O’Reilly, Rocky Romero and Matt Menard def. Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett
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That’ll do it for three hours of AEW action on this fine Saturday night! Let’s do this again sometime, shall we? I’m thinking, eh…around 8 p.m. Eastern or so, tomorrow night? See you tomorrow for LIVE coverage of AEW Dynasty, which can be found at TrillerTV (formerly FITE) for $49.99 thanks to the recent expansion of PPV providers for All Elite Wrestling!