WWE SmackDown Results – 12/1/23 (Randy Orton and Logan Paul to appear)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
December 1, 2023
Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.
Commentary: Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Kevin Patrick
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with Bianca Belair’s music hitting and her walking down to the ring.

We cut to highlights from Survivor Series and the women’s War Games match.

Bianca shouts out Becky Lynch, Shotzi and Charlotte Flair. She says her war with Damage CTRL is not over because she is still going after IYO and wants her title back. IYO’s music hits and out Damage CTRL without Bayley.

Dakota Kai talks and tells her it’s great that she can get all the fans to chant for her. Just on the way here today, IYO was telling her how the city smells. And she was also saying that Bianca is in way over her head, having won against her twice. And if she wants another title shot, she will have go to through all of Damage CTRL. Bianca asks who wants it first and Damage CTRL get in the ring.

Charlotte Flair’s music hits and out she comes with Shotzi. Flair says Bianca isn’t the only one coming for IYO and she would love to go through all of Damage CTRL. Shotzi says it seems to her there is enough Damage CTRL to go around. Flair and Shotzi get in the ring and the women fight. Flair, Bianca and Shotzi stand tall in the middle of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Damage CTRL are walking backstage and they bump into Bayley. They ask her where she was and Bayley tells them no one told her and if she was there, it would have ended differently. Dakota tells Bayley that Kairi Sane has a match against Bianca tonight and Bayley knows Bianca well and Kairi could use her help. Bayley tells them yeah and Damage CTRL step away with Bayley standing.

Butch vs. Bobby Lashley with The Street Profits

Bobby Lashley begins to talk and as he does, the fans chant “Bobby”. He tells Butch to make a name for himself and not to do it against him. He tells Butch he will break him into pieces and he asks Butch if he is ready for that. Butch slaps Bobby and the bell rings and we are under way. Lashley lifts Butch up and throws him. Lashley with a clothesline and he slams Butch face first into the turnbuckle.

Lashley runs towards Butch but Butch with a kick to the face and he dropkicks Lashley to the outside of the ring. Butch gets on the ring apron and hits Lashley with a knee to the face. Butch climbs the top rope and he hits Lashley with a moon sault.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Lashley with a suplex onto Butch in the middle of the ring. Lashley lifts Butch up and goes for a vertical suplex but Butch with a knee to Lashley’s shoulder and he lands on his feet. Butch runs to the ropes but Lashley lifts him up and slams him onto the mat. Lashley throws Butch to the outside of the ring. Lashley grabs Butch and he lifts him on his shoulders. Lashley slams Butch into the ring post and The Street Profits celebrate on the outside. Lashley throws Butch back into the ring. Lashley goes for a spear but Butch moves out of the way and Lashley hits the ring post. Butch with a kick to the side of the head. Butch with kicks and he climbs the top rope and stomps onto Lashley’s left arm. Butch twists Lashley’s fingers and stomps on his arm. Butch with a reverse DDT. He goes for the cover but Lashley kicks out. He grabs Lashley but Lashley gets Butch on his shoulders and lands a running powerslam. He goes for the cover but Butch kicks out. Lashley grabs Butch but Butch with a right hand. Lashley with a clothesline. He grabs Butch but Butch with a kick to the side of the head. Lashley hits Butch with a spear. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

We see clips from the men’s War Games match at Survivor Series.

We cut backstage and Nick Aldis is sitting on a couch and in comes Paul Heyman. He asks Aldis if he invited Randy Orton to SmackDown tonight. Aldis says he did and he intends to sign Randy Orton to an exclusive SmackDown contract tonight. Heyman asks him if his Tribal Chief knows about this. Aldis says they get countless memos about it and that all communications about Roman Reigns must go through Paul Heyman. He tells Heyman to consider this a communication, he wants to sign Randy Orton and if he has to give up the entire Bloodline to do it, so be it. He asks Heyman what he will do about it. Heyman tells Aldis anything it takes and he walks away.

-Commercial Break-

Butch is shown walking backstage and Kayla asks him about last week. She asks him why Ridge walked out on him on their match. He says he doesn’t know and he doesn’t care. He says right now he is on SmackDown and he is going to focus on him. Pretty Deadly interrupt him and tell him that you have to take your own path, even if that path, like his career, take you to a dead end. Butch attacks them but they throw Butch into equipment.

We see clips of Santos Escobar attacking Carlito last week on SmackDown.

We cut to backstage, Cathy asks Escobar about his match against Joaquin Wilde. He tells her Rey turned his back on him when he chose Carlito over him and that the other members of the LWO are still blinded by Rey. Escobar’s music hits and he walks down to the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Santos Escobar vs. Joaquin Wilde

The bell rings and we are under way. Wilde with a drop kick and he throws Escobar to the ropes and hits him with a back elbow. Escobar rolls to the outside of the ring. Wilde with a cross body over the top rope and onto Escobar. He throws Escobar back into the ring. Wilde on the ring apron but Escobar rolls back to the outside. Wilde climbs the top rope and hits Escobar with a splash. He throws Escobar back into the ring. Wilde goes for the cover but Escobar kicks out. Wilde climbs the top rope but Escobar trips him onto the mat. Escobar places Wilde in a tree of woe in the corner and he hits Wilde with a running dropkick. Escobar goes for the cover but Wilde kicks out. Escobar with a knee to the face.

Escobar with an arm bar in the middle of the ring. Wilde is thrown to the ropes and Wilde with a dropkick. A running knee by Wilde onto Escobar. Wilde with a rolling DDT. He goes for the cover but Escobar kicks out. Wilde runs towards Escobar but Escobar with a kick to the face. Escobar lifts Wilde onto his shoulders and he hits him with the Phantom Driver. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Santos Escobar

Santos with right hands onto Wilde after the match but Dragon Lee runs down to the ring and Escobar rolls to the outside. Dragon Lee checks up on Wilde but Escobar gets back in the ring. He grabs Dragon Lee but Dragon Lee throws Escobar to the ropes and hits him with a hurricanrana. He places Escobar in the corner and hits him with a running dropkick and Escobar falls to the outside of the ring.

We cut backstage and Nick Aldis is on his phone and in comes Logan Paul. They shake hands and Aldis walks away.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Nick Aldis is in his office and in comes Adam Pearce. He tells Aldis that he is trying to sign Orton, a Raw legend, right under his nose. Aldis says he intends to sign him tonight in the middle of the ring. He tells Pearce he had his chance on Monday. Pearce tells Aldis that he also has a contract for Orton and walks away.

Logan Paul’s music hits and out comes the United States champion. Paul says to every friend that stabbed him in the back, to every hater who prayed on his down fall, he has a question for them. Logan raises the United States Championship and asks where are you now? He says the more you hope he fails, the harder he works. And the harder he works, the more he wins. And the more he wins, the more he gets to stand and celebrate. He says to all the jealous superstars backstage, if they want the United States title, it has been on his junk, just like everyone has been since he got there. But a Champion is only as good as his challengers and since Rey is injured, he can’t give him the rematch he was excited for.

He says he spoke to Aldis and they have created a tournament to determine his next challenger. The tournament will start next week and feature eight superstars. Santos Escobar, Dragon Lee, Karrion Kross, an NXT superstar, Bobby Lashley, Grayson Waller, Austin Theory and of course, Kevin Owens. And he can guarantee that whoever wins the tournament, is going to have a nightmare trying to take the belt away from him.

As he is talking, out comes Kevin Owens.

Owens grabs a microphone and looks at the crowd. They chant “KO” and he tells Paul, if he wants to talk about a nightmare, Logan Paul being in his ring is a nightmare. The first time he saw him was 10 years ago on the app Vine and back then, it took him six seconds to figure out that he is an unbearable jackass. The only junk around here is the crap drink he has. And now, he is here to tell him that he is in the tournament and that nightmare is about to end, because his days as United States Champion are numbered.

Logan says Owens calls himself a prized fighter but he has been in the ring with the greatest boxer in the world. And if they were in the ring together, six seconds is what he would need to KO him. Owens says Logan is clever but that’s another world. This ring, the WWE, that’s his world. They get face to face and out come Grayson Waller and Austin Theory.

Waller tells Logan that he is better than that. He doesn’t need to engage with Kevin Owens, he is a troll trying to get attention. He is not a forward thinking disrupter like the three of them. He says they have a lot in common. Theory tells Owens he likes punching people in the face and he is standing across the ring from Logan Paul and after Logan knocks Owens out, maybe his days… And Owens punches Theory in the face and Theory falls to the outside of the ring. Owens stands face to face with Logan and Kevin’s music hits.

-Commercial Break-

Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller with Austin Theory

Logan Paul is on commentary. The bell rings and we are under way. Waller rolls to the outside and Owens grabs him and hits him with a chop to the chest. He hits Waller with a right hand and throws him back into the ring. Owens gets in the ring and Waller stomps on him. An uppercut by Waller but Owens with a chop to the chest. Waller with a right hand. Waller throws Owens to the ropes and Owens with a back elbow to the face. Waller gets to his feet and Owens with a clothesline. Owens runs towards Waller but Waller with a right hand followed by a kick. Waller climbs the second rope and walks across it and he hits Owens with an elbow drop. He goes for the cover but Owens kicks out. Waller goes for a suplex but Owens blocks it.

Owens with a suplex. Waller gets to his feet and Owens with a chop to the chest. Owens goes for a cannonball in the corner but Waller rolls to the outside of the ring. Owens to the outside and Waller with a forearm to the face. He slams Owens face first onto the announce table. Waller gets back into the ring, he slides to the outside, goes for a clothesline but Owens moves out of the way and hits Waller with a clothesline. Owens gets on the ring apron and hits Waller with a frog splash. Owens grabs Waller but Waller pushes him face first into the ring steps. Waller gets in the ring and distracts the referee. Theory stomps onto Kevin’s hands on the ring steps and Owens is thrown back into the ring. Waller grabs his arm and slams it onto the ring post.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Waller with an arm bar but Owens gets to his feet. Owens throws Waller to the outside of the ring. Waller gets in the ring but Owens hits him with a DDT. Owens with a chop to the chest followed by a superkick. Waller is down in the corner and Owens with a cannonball. Owens climbs the top rope and he hits him with a swanton bomb. He goes for the cover but Waller kicks out. Owens goes for the stunner but Waller grabs his arm and hits him with a right hand. Waller stomps on it and gets Owens in an arm submission but Owens gets to the ropes. Waller places Kevin’s arm in between the turnbuckle pad and the post. He goes for a kick but Owens moves out of the way. He rolls Waller up and gets the pin.

Winner: Kevin Owens

They air clips of CM Punk’s return at Survivor Series and his promo on Raw.

-Commercial Break-

We see Damage CTRL backstage and Dakota asks Bayley if she is cool. Bayley says she is and IYO tells Bayley to stay backstage.

Bianca Belair with Charlotte Flair and Shotzi vs. Kairi Sane with Damage CTRL

The bell rings and we are under way. Kairi with kicks onto Bianca. She goes to roll her up but Bianca with a standing moon sault, landing on her feet. Bianca to the ropes and she hits Kairi with a shoulder tackle. Bianca throws her to the ropes and hits her with a drop kick. Bianca goes for a body slam but Kairi lands on her feet. She pulls on Bianca’s hair but Bianca with a right hand. The referee checks up on Kairi and Bianca runs to the ropes but IYO trips her up. Kairi with a right hand. Kairi runs to the ropes and Flair trips her up. The referee sees it and he sends Flair and Shotzi to the back. Asuka gets in the ring and the referee tells her to leave and to the back. Bianca hits Asuka with a drop kick.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Kairi with a modified headlock but Bianca gets to her feet and throws Kairi down. Bianca with a body slam. Bianca with right hands in the corner followed by a modified spine buster. Bianca with a moon sault. She goes for the cover but Kairi kicks out. Bianca grabs Kairi but Kairi with a back elbow. Bianca down in the corner and Kairi with a sliding back fist. Kairi climbs the top rope and she lands a punch. She goes for the cover but Bianca kicks out. She throws Bianca to the outside of the ring and Kairi on the ring apron. Kairi goes for a punch but Bianca moves out of the way. She lifts Kairi up and throws her into the barricade. She throws Kairi into the ring. Bianca gets on the ring apron and with the referee distracted, Bayley trips her up. Kairi gets on the ring apron and high fives Bayley. Kairi climbs the top rope but Bianca with a right hand. Bianca gets her on her shoulders and she hits her with the KOD. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Bianca Belair

-Commercial Break-

Nick Aldis and Adam Pearce are standing in the ring and Aldis introduces Randy Orton to SmackDown. Randy Orton’s music hits and out he comes to the ring. The fans chant “Randy” and “RKO”. Pearce tells Orton it’s electric and Aldis tells him how dare he interrupt him on his show. Aldis and Pearce begin to talk over each other. Pearce tells him to sign with Raw and he will get a match against the winner of Seth Rollins and Jey Uso for the Championship. Aldis tells him to sign with SmackDown and he can give him the guys who took him out.

We hear Paul Heyman saying ladies and gentleman and Heyman walks down to the ring introducing himself.

Heyman says look who’s back after 18 months on the shelf thanks to Roman Reigns and the Bloodline, Randy Orton comes home looking for revenge. Heyman says there will be no RKO’s this evening and there will be no decision made by Randy Orton because the Bloodline is going to make the decision for him.

Solo Sikoa’s music hits and out comes Solo with Jimmy Uso. Aldis and Pearce leave the ring. Jimmy gets in the ring and Orton stomps on him. Solo gets in the ring and Orton with right hands. Jimmy gets to his feet and attacks Orton and both men double team Orton. LA Knight’s music hits and out comes LA Knight to the ring. LA Knight with right hands onto Jimmy and kicks onto Solo. He throws Solo to the outside but Solo grabs LA Knight to the outside. LA Knight with a right hand and he throws him into the barricade. Orton grabs Jimmy and throws him ont othe ring apron. Orton places him on the second rope and hits him with a DDT. Orton hits Jimmy with the RKO and he looks at Heyman. Orton looks at Pearce and Aldis. He grabs both contracts and looks at them.

Heyman tells Orton to go to Raw, he is safe on Raw. Orton looks at the crowd and holds both contracts. He throws the Raw contract and signs the SmackDown contract. Orton looks at Heyman and tells him he can call Roman Reigns and he can tell him daddy’s back. He drops the microphone and his music hits. Orton points to Heyman, Aldis gets in the ring and he begins to clap, raising Orton’s arm in the air. Orton hits Aldis with the RKO and Orton celebrates on the second rope.
