NXT Deadline Results – 12/10/22 (Four Title Matches, Iron Survivor Challenges)

NXT Deadline Results
December 10, 2022
WWE Performance Center (Orlando, FL) 
Results by: Jerome Wilen of Wrestleview.com

Deadline starts with a video package hyping up the event.

We go live to a full Performance Center with Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T on commentary. Alisha Taylor is the ring announcer.

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Roxanne Perez vs. Cora Jade vs. Zoey Stark vs. Kiana James vs. Indi Hartwell

Roxanne Perez drew number one and Zoey Stark drew number two. These two women will start the challenge match. The bell rings and the clock has started. Both women lock up and Starks tackles down Perez and goes for a quick pin, but only gets a one count. Starks has Perez in an armbar but its quickly countered and broken up. Both women lock up again. Starks begins working on the arm of Perez. Perez then counters and puts Starks in a headlock. Perez goes for a backslide pin, but Starks is countering it as the fans chant Roxy!

Perez picks up Stark for a tilt a whirl and brings her down for a near fall pin. Perez is working the arm of Starks who then counters and Starks rolls up Perez only for a one count. Starks tosses Perez into the corner several times and then scoops her up for a slam. Starks covers Perez but only gets a two count. Starks has Perez in a headlock. Perez counters out and then transitions into a pinning situation, but Starks kicks out! Kiana James comes in next and both women double team James. James gets a big kick from Starks. James recovers and then James and goes for a pin, but Perez breaks it up. James shoves down Perez and trash talks her. James hits Perez with a forearm to the jaw and then Starks drop kicks both women and attempts to pin Perez, but only gets a two count. James is taken out as she is in the corner. Starks kicks Perez off the ring apron and onto the floor. The action now goes to the outside with Starks kicking Perez in the face and then tosses her back in the ring. James knocks Starks off the apron and attempts a pin on Perez who kicks out at two.

James has Perez in a submission but Perez gets out of it. Perez takes down both James and Starks, but Starks comes back and kicks Perez and then slams her down, covers Perez and gets the pin. Perez goes into the penalty box. Cora Jade is out next and runs to the ring and tries to pin both Starks and James, but only gets a two on each. Jade is on fire and continues to nail both women. Cora tries to pin James, but only gets a two count. Perez is released from the penalty box and goes right after Jade with a pin, but there is only a one count. Perez, on fire takes out James with kicks and elbows. Perez hits Starks with a Russian leg sweep and goes for a pin, but James breaks it up. Starks then pins James who is sent to the penalty box. Starks has Perez in a submission and James is released from the box and stomps on both women. James shoves Starks to the corner and then hits Jade with an elbow. Indi Hartwell who is final participant comes out and cleans house. Hartwell and Perez are bow in the ring. Perez takes Hartwell down and gets a near fall. Hartwell then nails Perez and gets the pin and Perez goes to the penalty box. Hartwell gets a near fall on Starks. Jade nails Starks with a huge elbow. Both Starks and Jade exchange blows. Starks slams down Jade and only gets a near fall. On the outside Starks and James go at it. James tosses Starks over the barricade. Perez goes to the top rope hits a cross body on Hartwell. Jade breaks up the pin. Starks back in the ring takes out Hartwell and Jade. Perez then rolls Starks for a pin. Starks goes to the penalty box. The crowd begins to chant NXT! Hartwell and Jade are on the outside. Perez and Hartwell are now in the ring and Starks in back in the ring. Starks nails Jade with a flying forearm and then kicks Hartwell. Starks then follows up with a spinning head kick. Starks on a roll nails Jade with an elbow in the corner. Perez then comes out of nowhere and nails Starks! Perez leaps over the ropes onto Hartwell who is on the outside. Jade takes out all the women on the outside but Starks. Starks then leaps from the top and takes out all the other women on the floor as the fans go nuts!

Starks is on the rope and attempts to take out James, but James rolls out of the way. Perez nails Jade with a Canadian like destroyer and pins Jade who is sent to the penalty box. Hartwell, Perez and Starks all try pinning each other. Jade is back in the ring and attempts to pin Starks, but only gets a one count. Hartwell and Perez take each other out as they fall to the outside. James and Starks are on the top rope. James hits Starks with a Spanish fly. Time runs out and Roxanne Perez is declared the winner.


After the match we go to replays as the fans chant Roxy!

Jerome’s thoughts: This was a great start to the show. Booker T is awful on commentary, but Vic Joseph is great. I wish he was doing play by play commentary on Raw, but with his wife, McKenzie Mitchell part of NXT as a backstage interviewer, I get it. The women worked really hard to make this match exciting with all the near falls. Great booking.


Back from the break Vic Joseph and Booker T promote Vengeance Day as Booker T is crying that his student Perez won.

We go to backstage with McKenzie Mitchell who is interviewing Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley. Nile is bummed that the Creed Brothers can’t wrestle tonight, as she was only looking out for them and their health. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance then enter. They say Nile and Paxley can have a fight whenever they want. Terrible acting. UGH!

Alba Fyre vs. Isla Dawn

the bell rings and here we go. Fyre slaps Down as both women then go to the floor. Fyre tosses Dawn against the announce table and then tosses her back in the ring. Fyre nails Dawn with a superkick and goes for a two count but only gets a two. Fyre has Dawn in a submission then turns it to a pin, but Dawn kicks out. Dawn picks up Fyre and drives her in to the corner. Dawn hits Fyre with a back breaker and then covers her but only gets a two count. A turnbuckle is exposed. Dawn kicks Fyre and covers her, but Fyre kicks out at two!

Dawn kicks Fyre in the back and works the arm as Fyre gets out of the hold. Dawn comes back and kicks Fyre and has her in the corner. Dawn climbs the top rope and connects on Fyre with knees to the chest. Dawn goes for the cover, but Fyre kicks out at two. Dawn is on the outside, but Fyre leaps on the ropes and takes out Dawn on the floor! Both women are now back in the ring and exchange blows. Fyre picks up Dawn for a face plant. Dawn then comes back up and takes Dyre off her feet. Fyre comes back with a DDT and covers Dawn, but Dawn kicks out at two! Dawn then comes back and suplexes Fyre. Dawn attempts to pin Fyre, but only gets a two count. Dawn goes to the outside and Fyre leaps through the ropes and takes out Dawn on the floor. Fyre then drops Dawn on the floor with a gory bomb. Both women are back in the ring. Fyre is on the top rope and hits Dawn with a Swonton bomb. As Fyre attempts the pin the referee has a black goo coming from his mouth and nose. Several refs come in to check on the other ref. Dawn hits Fyre face first on the exposed turn buckle and then nails Fyre and get the win.


Jerome’s thoughts: The commentary team talked up about spirits possessing Dawn…Blah, Blah, Blah. Hokey and stupid finish.

So far this show has been fast paced…an hour has already passed. It’s scheduled for three hours, but should only be two hours in my opinion.


We go to McKenzie Mitchell backstage with The New Day saying they are always looking for the best competition. The New Day talk up Pretty Deadly and say they are going to become triple crown tag team champions.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince and Kit Wilson) defends against The New Day (Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston)

The New Day come out to a huge ovation. Booker T says he is disgusted by The New Day. Pretty Deadly come out next to huge boos from the fans in the Performance Center.

The fans chant New Day Rocks…the bell rings and here we go. Booker T is between a face and heel on commentary…he still isn’t that good. Woods and Wilson lock up. Woods has Wilson in the corner and chops Wilson. Woods avoids several attempts hits from Wilson. Woods tags in Kingston, who attempts to pin Wilson, but only gets a two count. Kingston grabs Wilson’s arm. Prince distracts the ref and Wilson is able to nail Kingston. Prince is tagged in and is in control over Kingston. Kingston then wiggles his bottom at Prince who then wiggles his but back. The fans go nuts over the exchange. Prince swings at Kingston and misses as Kingston comes back with a kick on Prince and goes for the cover, but only gets a two.

Kingston comes back with a drop on Prince and goes for another pin, but only gets a two count. Kingston tags in Wood as Prince tags in Wilson. Kingston and Woods double team Wilson. Kingston who is now legal in the ring, attempts to pin Wilson, but only gets a two count. Kingston tosses Wilson to the outside and attempts a leap, but Prince blocks it and then leaps over the ropes and takes out both Prince and Wilson on the floor as the fans go crazy and chant New Day Rocks! Kingston on the outside gets pushed into the ring post but Prince. Kingston is then tossed in the ring as Prince puts the boot to the face of Kingston. Pretty Deadly double teams Kingston. Wilson is tagged in to be the legal man. Wilson nails Kingston with an elbow to the back of the neck. Kingston is trying to tag in Woods, but Wilson tosses him to the opposite corner. Kingston comes back and nails Wilson with a DDT as both men are down. Wilson gets the tag and Kingston gets the tag! Woods is on fire and takes down Prince with several moves…Prince is tagged back in. Woods nails both Prince and Wilson. Wilson goes to the floor and Woods comes back and hits Prince with a DDT has a near fall on Prince! Prince comes back and hits Woods in the throat. Prince covers Woods, but he kicks out at two.

Both Woods and Prince exchange blows in a slug fest. Prince then nails Woods with an elbow and takes him down. Prince tags in Wilson who then is picked up by Prince as Wilson nails Wood with knees to chest. Wilson goes for the pin and only gets a two count. Prince grabs the tag belts as both teams try to trick the ref with being hit by the tag belts. As the official is distracted by Wilson, Woods is nailed by a tag team belt and Wilson covers him but only gets the two count. Kingston and Wilson are on the outside and he hits Wilson with a trouble in paradise. Woods and Kingston nail Prince who is back in the ring and nail Prince from the top rope as Kingston stomps on Prince (Midnight Hour) and Woods covers Prince for pin!


Post-match The New Day celebrate in the crowd with the fans as they chant Ne Day Rocks!

Jerome’s thoughts: This was a great match and the fans were behind New Day the entire time. Both teams put on a great match. Booker T crapped all over The Day the entire match during commentary. He is nauseating tonight.

Backstage Katana Chance and Kayden Carter talked with Odyssey Jones, Edris Enofe, and Malik Blade. Jones has to face Von Wagner on Tuesday’s NXT. Chance and Carter walk into Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne, who claim the champion are avoiding them. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley jump Toxic Attraction from behind, and they brawl.


Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Carmelo Hayes vs. Grayson Waller vs. Joe Gacy vs. JD McDonagh vs. Axiom

JD McDonagh drew first and Axiom drew second, so these two will start the match. The bell rings and Axiom goes right after JD. But JD comes back and then Axiom takes down JD who rolls to the outside. JD kicks Axiom as Axiom drives JD into the ring post. Both men are the outside. Axiom tosses JD into the penalty box. Axiom chops JD and tosses him back in the ring. JD comes back and drop kicks Axiom as he comes off the bottom rope. JD is in control. Axiom comes back and rolls JD into a pin, but only gets two count. JD attempts to powerbomb Axiom but counters it with a kick to the head on JD. Axiom rolls JD and nails him in the back of the head with an elbow. JD then drop kicks JD in the face who is in the corner. Axiom covers JD, but only gets a two count. Axiom has JD locked up and then JD gets out of the move and nails Axiom with a huge lariat and then drop up powerbomb. JD cover him but only gets a two count. Carmelo Hayes is out next and goes right after JD. Hayes tosses Axiom to the outside. As Axiom comes back in the ring, he is nailed by Hayes and Hayes covers him, but JD breaks it up. The fans chant NXT! Axiom is on the top rope and flies onto both JD and Hayes. Hayes kicks Axiom in the face and hits JD with an elbow to the face. As Hayes went for the two for one, he gets caught by JD. Hayes then does a flying kick on Axiom and pins him, Axiom is sent to the penalty box. JD and Hayes trade blows. Hayes then hits a crazy lariat on JD who goes down then gets back up and is dazed. JD hits Hayes with an elbow and then suplexes him. Axiom is back in the ring and goes to the top rope and hits JD and Hayes with flying cross body.

Axiom kicks JD and then attempts to kick Hayes who catches the boot with his hands. Hayes gets wiped out by JD who then takes out Axiom. Grayson Waller comes in and pins JD and Axiom as both JD and Axiom are sent to the penalty box. Hayes attempts to clothesline Hayes, but Waller ducks and nails Hayes. Hayes is on the apron and kicks Waller in the face…Waller comes back with a cutter like move on Hayes on the apron. Axiom and JD are fighting in the penalty box and then Axiom slams the door on JD. Waller comes down and then pushes Axiom into the box. Hayes comes to the outside and nails JD. Back in the ring Axiom and Hayes attempt to pin each other. Hayes trash talks Axiom. Hayes goes to the outside and pulls Waller down. Waller then picks up Hayes and slams him down and then shouts at Booker T – “How do you like me now B—-” As Waller is distracted he gets pinned by Axiom and then Axiom pins JD as both Waller and JD go to the penalty box. Joey Gacy is out next and is the final entrant. Gacy and Hayes both kick Axiom in the face. Gacey takes out both Axiom and Hayes. Gacy has Axiom in his submission move. Axiom taps and is set to the penalty box. As Axiom goes to the box, Waller and JD double team him and then toss him into the box.

Hayes and Gacy are in the ring and Gacy takes out Hayes with a lethal injection type move and pins him to send him to the penalty box. Gacy is able to take down both JD and Waller who go to the outsise. Gacy takes out JD and Waller on the outside. Axiom is on top of the penalty box and takes out JD, Waller and Gacy. Hayes is out and is back in the ring. He drops Waller for a pin, but only gets a two and then puts Waller in cross face and taps. Gacy then drops Waller as tosses him into the penalty box. Gacy takes out Axiom who then comes back and has Gacy in a submission, but Hayes nails them box with an ax kick. In the ring JD, Waller and Hayes take each other out. Waller attempts to hit JD with a stunner but its countered. The fans chant NXT! JD hits everyone with boots to the chest. JD is in the center of the ring as he gets superkicked by the other men! On the outside Gacy slams Waller on the steel ring steps. Gacy has Hayes in a submission but its broken up by JD. Gacy gets JD into a submission, but it is broken up. Gacy has Axiom in a submission as the clock is ticking down. JD tosses Hayes into the corner…the clock is ticking down more! Hayes drops on Axiom and goes for the pin, but Waller grabs Hayes and pulls him and then gets the pin to send Axiom to the box. Waller is being chased as the bell rings and Waller is declared the winner.

The crowd boos as the bell rings and Waller is announced the winner.


Post match – Waller drinks a beverage from a shoe as he celebrates and the fans boo loudly.

Jerome’s thoughts: The men’s match wasn’t bad. The action was fast paced and the fans were hot! The near falls were great. I liked the women’s match much better between the two.


We get a promo for NXT New Year’s Evil live on the USA Network Tuesday, January 10. It was also teased that a woman is either returning or debuting to help ring in the new year.

We go backstage with McKenzie Mitchell who interviews Drew Gulak who says he came back to help out talent and that he wants to get back to his full potential. Damon Kemp comes in and tells Gulak he needs to watch his match on Tuesday.

We go to a promo package on what has led up to Apollo Crews challenging Bron Breakker for the NXT Championship.

NXT Championship Match: Bron Breakker defends against Apollo Crews

Apollo Crews makes his way out to the ring first. The defending champion makes his way out next to a huge ovation from the wild and loud crowd. The fans are hot tonight!

The bell rings as fans bark and and also chant for Crews. Both men lock up and break the hold. Both men lock it up again. Its a test of strength as both men break the hold again. Both men do a test of strength again. Breakker is taken down by Crews who holds on and gets up. Crews has Breakker in a headlock and taken down with an armdrag but lands on his feet as the fans bark. Crews grabs Breakker and takes him down with a headlock as the fans clap for Breakker. Breakker counters and takes down Crews who gets back up and takes down Breakker. Both men get up to a big ovation from the fans as they bark.

Breakker has Crews locked up and then Crews counters and locks up Breakker by the ropes and the hold is broken. Both men attempt to hip toss each other but they counter each others moves. Crews hits Breakker with a drop kick and standing moonsault. Crews goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. Crews leaps on Breakker and goes for the pin, but only gets a two. Crews has Breakker in a headlock who counters it and picks up Crews for a huge Jackknife Powerbomb on Crews. Breakker covers Crews who kicks out at two! Crews is on the outside as Breakker then runs an leaps over the top rope and takes down Crews!

Breakker comes off the second rope and is caught with a knee to the face by Crews. Crews is frustrated and closes his eyes and then opens them wide and starts punching Breakker in the head as fans boo. He covers Breakker and only gets a two count. Crews has Breakker in a hold and then turns it into several German Suplexes. The fans begin to chant let’s go Breakker. Crews drops Breakker with three powerbombs and goes for the pin, but only gets a two. Crews then hits Breakker with a huge frog splash and covers Breakker – 1, 2 – NO! Breakker kicks out! Crews then leaps on Breakker in the corner. He goes for it again, but Breakker moves out of the way! Breakker then nails Crews with a shoulder block followed by a spine buster! Breakker goes to the top rope and hits Crews with a bulldog. Breakker covers Crews – 1, 2, NO! Crews kicks out!

Breakker picks up Crews but Crews counters with a huge DDT. Crews covers Breakker but he gets the shoulder up at two! Breakker turns around and hits Crews with a DDT. Breakker cover him – 1, 2 and Crews kicks out! Crews then comes back and plants Breakker down on the mat. He covers Breakker but no three count as Breakker kicks out and the fans go nuts with this is awesome chants! Both men get up and exchange blows after Breakker shouts at Crews to hit him. Crews then kicks Breakker to the jaw and Breakker comes back with a spear and covers Crews and gets the pin to retain.


Breakker celebrates in the ring, but is taken out from behind by Grayson Waller with a cutter. Waller picks up the NXT Championship and trash talks the fans as the show goes off the air.

Jerome’s thoughts: For all the build and the great video package done, the abrupt finish was a huge let down. This event was just under 2 hours and 30 min. They could have gone another 15 minutes. I am not sure why the quick finish. This match was a huge disappointment with the ending.

Overall thoughts: The show started off hot and continued to be hot. It remains to be seen if The New Day can move the needle in the ratings on Tuesday night’s as the new NXT Tag Team Champions. The match of the night was the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge. They put on a great performance. Kudos to all the women! The black goo with Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre was hokey and stupid. The wrestling on tonight’s show overall was spectacular from a group of so-called developmental talent. If the creative team can book less stupid backstage skits with bad acting and focus on the action, NXT could be a much better show on Tuesday night’s and get over the average 600,000 viewers stage.

Harlem Heat was one of my favorite tag teams in the 1990’s…I like Booker T, but creative needs to put someone else with Vic Jospeh.


Iron Survivor Challenge Match Rules, courtesy of wwe.com.

-Five Superstars will compete in this unique 25-minute match as they battle each other and the clock. 

-Two Superstars will start the match, and every five minutes a new Superstar will enter the match until all five are in the ring. 

-The goal is to have the most falls when the clock hits 25 minutes. 

-Falls can be won at any time via pinfall, submission, or disqualification. 

-When a Superstar scores a fall, they will earn one point. 

-However, when a Superstar loses a fall, that Superstar must pay the penalty. They are forced out of the ring and into a penalty box for 90 seconds. 

-Once the 90 seconds are up, the Superstar can re-enter the match. 

-The Superstar who has scored the most falls when the clock hits 25 minutes will be named the Iron Survivor and become the No. 1 Contender to the NXT Championship and NXT Women’s Championship, respectively.

NXT Deadline will stream live on Peacock in the United States and WWE Network everywhere else.
