Jeff Jarrett recently made an appearance on The LAW to address a number of topics including critics of TNA’s current writing team and Mick Foley’s departure from the company.
On critics of TNA’s creative:
“Keep being as critical as possible because it is absolute proof that you are watching in some shape, form or fashion. We’re never gonna please everybody and I know that. When I say that I speak from experience, and I literally mean that, I can remember as a kid going to matches when I broke into the Tennessee territory. Instead of online chats and the internet and that kind of stuff, there used to be a group of anywhere from 50 fans to 150 fans to who knows at times hanging out at the back gate. They would be raising hell bitching, complaining and saying “How come this guy didn’t do this? How come this guy didn’t do that?” Back in that day professional wrestling was perceived on a different level, but there have always been very vocal critics of professional wrestling and one thing that I learned and I learned it from my grandmother was the most vocal critic is the one that never ever missed a Monday night or a Tuesday night in Louisville or a Wednesday – they never missed. Well I know that we’re not gonna always bat one thousand not even close but we’re gonna keep attempting and keep trying to hit the home run, keep trying to keep the ball in play and know going in that we’re always gonna make mistakes. But at the end of the day, we’re gonna stay focused and do the very best we can and when you’re on the top rated show on your network, which we are at Spike you’re doing something right.”
On Mick Foley’s departure from TNA:
“You know I’ve seen this happen countless times. There comes a point when you have employer/employee. When the employee comes to basically a fork in the road in their business life, if they have the ability to move on and don’t need the paycheck anymore and feel like they can’t work under these conditions anymore such as Mick, he moved on. My hat’s off to him, the a guy didn’t stick around and be disgruntled. If he wasn’t happy, it was time for him to move on. The worst thing a talent can do is stick around and just let things fester. Because they need the paycheck they stay, but they’re miserable, which isn’t doing anybody good, it’s doing everyone a disservice themselves included and life’s too short. If you’re not happy with the situation, move on. If you’re unhappy with it, be constructive about things and try to make a positive change, and realize that you’re not the ultimate decision maker and move on. I’ve got an immense amount of respect for Mick Foley. We go back basically he came to Tennessee in 1988, and I got started in 1986 so we go back man years. I respect his as a performer immensely but more as the person that he is.”
Source: Rodney Rogers,