HARDCORE JUSTICE: Six man tag team opener

TNA Hardcore Justice
August 8, 2010
Orlando, Florida (Impact Zone)
Report by: Adam Martin of Wrestleview.com

A video package opens highlighting past ECW stars and how they pay tribute to hardcore tonight. The video ends, “This is Hardcore Justice…and this is our last stand.”

We go live to the Impact Zone and Taz is first introduced. Taz wants to be the first person to welcome us to Hardcore Justice. He said he has been backstage since 11:00 a.m. today and promises tonight will get extreme. Taz said the work ethic will bleed out tonight – more ways than one. A loud “EC DUB” chant starts up. He then brings up the haters who said ECW was nothing but guts and violence. Taz said they were the true renegades of the wrestling business “and that is a shoot.” He said he has a direct message for the haters who don’t get it and never will get it. Taz adds they can “kiss his ass.” He said his name is Taz and he is the human suplex machine, beat me if you can, the fans finish, “survive if I let you.” Stephen DeAngelis introduces referee John Finnegan.

Out first is The FBI with Tony Mamaluke, Little Guido and Tracy Smothers. Out next, Kid Kash. Out third, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger.

Kid Kash, Johnny Swinger & Simon Diamond vs. The FBI

We start with Kid Kash and Little Guido. Guido grounds Kash a few times until they exchange a few takedowns. Guido with more pinfall attempts on Kash including a school boy. Tag to Tony Mamaluke (who they are calling Tony Luke). Tag to Johnny Swinger. Tony with a drop toe hold on Swinger. Swinger drives Tony into the mat after sending him into the corner. Tag to Tracy Smothers and Simon Diamond. Smothers lights up Diamond with a few right hands and a big side kick. Diamond bails out of the ring and grabs a mic. Taz wonders if Diamond is blown up already. Simon has a problem. The crowd tells him to “shut the f#ck up!” Simon said it is obvious they aren’t a well oiled machine because of Kash, so they are going to have a dance off. Simon and Swinger dance a bit and white guy high five. Smothers takes the mic and said Michael Jackson just rolled over in his grave. The FBI take center stage in the middle of the ring and dance a bit. Big Sal E. takes part as well. We then get some brawling as everyone rolls to the outside except for Kash. Referee John Finnegan drops down, Kash hits the ropes, jumps off John and hits a huge flip dive on everyone. In the ring, Diamond sends Tony to the outside. Kash takes a few chops from Tony. Kash powerslams Tony right into the corner. Little Guido with the tag and takes out Swinger and Diamond. Guido with a series of kicks to Kash. We get a Tower of Doom spot in the corner with everyone. Smothers with a clothesline on Diamond. Swinger plants Smothers with a facebuster. Tony with a dropkick off the top on Swinger. Kash with a tiger driver on Tony. Guido with a leg drop on Kash. Guido with a facebuster on Diamond and gets the pinfall.

Winners: The FBI
