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696 posts
1/26 Impact: Feast or Fired
Impact Wrestling Final Thoughts January 26, 2016 By: Josh Boutwell of The last weeks Impact…
1/24 Royal Rumble: The internet explodes
WWE Royal Rumble PPV ReviewJanuary 24, 2016By: Adam Martin of Coming off some pretty lackluster Royal Rumble…
Predictions: WWE Royal Rumble 2016
WWE Royal Rumble 2016 PredictionsJanuary 24, 2016By: Mike Tedesco of It’s time once again for my second…
1/21 Smackdown: Bland show before Rumble
WWE Smackdown ReviewJanuary 22, 2016By: Adam Martin of With the Royal Rumble only a few days away,…
1/19 Impact: Intense main event on Pop TV
Impact Wrestling Final Thoughts January 19, 2016 By: Josh Boutwell of We are less…
1/18 RAW: You people…
WWE RAW ReviewJanuary 19, 2016By: Mike Tedesco of Normally I don’t feed the trolls. I used to…
1/14 Smackdown: #ThankYouMauro
WWE Smackdown Review (Layin’ the SmarkDown!)January 14, 2016By: Alex Kahrs of OH WRESTLEVIEWNIVERSE! DON’T YOU DARE BE…
1/12 Impact: Angle/Galloway put on a clinic
Impact Wrestling Final ThoughtsJanuary 12, 2016 By: Josh Boutwell of If you watch ANYTHING from this episode…
1/7 Smackdown: Solid USA Network debut
WWE Smackdown ReviewJanuary 9, 2016By: Adam Martin of With the move to the USA Network this week,…
1/4 RAW: Slow start for 2016
WWE RAW ReviewJanuary 6, 2015By: Mike Tedesco of Happy New Year everyone! I’ll preface this by saying…
1/5 Impact: A nice crackle on Pop TV
Impact Final Thoughts January 5, 2016 By: Josh Boutwell of Week one on Pop started…
Viva la Raza: Lucha Weekly (1/3/15)
Viva la Raza: Lucha Weekly January 3, 2016By: Josh Boutwell of AAA AAA/Lucha Underground Stars in PWG…
12/31 Smackdown: Final show on Syfy
WWE Smackdown Review (Layin’ the SmarkDown!)January 2, 2016By: Alex Kahrs of “Should old acquaintance be forgot, make…
12/28 RAW: And the crowd goes mild
WWE Monday Night RAW ReviewDecember 29, 2015By: Adam Martin of With the return of John Cena announced…
12/22 Smackdown: Powerful main event
WWE Super Smackdown Live ReviewDecember 24, 2015By: Adam Martin of WWE rolled into a cold Des Moines,…