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	<title>Indy News #4: November 17 (PWI) Archives - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results</title>
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	<title>Indy News #4: November 17 (PWI) Archives - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results</title>
		<title>Indy News #4: November 17 (PWI)</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Adam Martin]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Tue, 17 Nov 2009 02:10:47 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Indy News]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Indy News #4: November 17 (PWI)]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://wv.cloudaccess.host/?p=3774</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>Heath Mauger sent this in: Pro Wrestling Ignition returned on the 14th of November to rock the Angaston&#8230;</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.wrestleview.com/indy-news/3774-indy-news-4-november-17-pwi/">Indy News #4: November 17 (PWI)</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.wrestleview.com">WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results</a>.</p>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><b>Heath Mauger</b> sent this in:</p>
<p>Pro Wrestling Ignition returned on the 14th of November to rock the Angaston Town Hall in Adelaide, South Australia. The show featured talent from Victoria and South Australia and despite the 40 degree (Celsius) plus heat the crowd was treated to a hell of a show where the first PWI South Pacific Champion was crowned and new feuds were kicked off.</p>
<p>In his PWI debut Monoxide fell just short against ?The Smash Hit? Joel Bateman with Bateman winning by pinfall to qualify for the triple threat match to crown the first PWI South Pacific champion later in the show. After the Decision ?Superbeast? Paul Thornton ran in and blasted Monoxide with a chair. Jamie Justice then ran in for the save which lead to the scheduled match between Justice and Thornton which Thornton won in convincing fashion to become the second participant in South Pacific Title match.</p>
<p>Nick Black then took on Alexi Papadopoulos to fill the third and final slot in that match in which Alexi took the win. PWI Hard Knocks Champion Hurricane Heath Fury then came out to explain his absence from the last PWI event due to injury. Fury stated he was cleared to wrestle and would make a title defence at the next PWI event ?Payback?  Fury was interrupted by PWI World Champion Nick Eclipse who said his scheduled opponent Wade Champion had not arrived so he was making a token appearance and going home. Fury challenged Eclipse to a world title match to be fought under ?hard knocks rules? (no count out no dq) for the main event.</p>
<p>ICW Champion Joe Mundie defeated Dan Bourne in a cross promotional title defence.</p>
<p>After the intermission Lulu Molotov came to the stating that the scheduled women&#8217;s tag match would not go ahead as none of the other participants had shown up. She then blasted a member of the ring crew and screamed over the mic for a real man to fight which brought Dan Bourne from the back  to answer the challenge. Lulu then defeated Bourne by knockout</p>
<p>It was then time to crown the first PWI South Pacific champion, after a heated match Monoxide ran in and brawled with Paul Thornton to the back allowing Alexi Papadopoulos to pin Joel Bateman to become the first PWI South Pacific Champion.  </p>
<p>This brought us to the Main Event as  PWI World Champion Nick Eclipse was challenged by current Hard Knocks Champion ?Hurricane? Heath Fury. The two fought all over the building with a new champion almost being crowned a number of times until Bateman ran in and smashed Fury over the head with the world title belt allowing Eclipse to retain the title. After the decision Fury and Bateman brawled until Fury threw Bateman through the announce table and challenged him to a loser leaves town match with the Hard Knocks title on the line at Payback scheduled for the 12th December</p>
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<p>The post <a href="https://www.wrestleview.com/indy-news/3774-indy-news-4-november-17-pwi/">Indy News #4: November 17 (PWI)</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.wrestleview.com">WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results</a>.</p>