Over the course of the last week, WWN made the following series of announcements in regards to the future of their family of independent promotions:
* WWN co-founder Gabe Sapolsky will re-take over the creative plans for the Full Impact Pro promotion, beginning with their next show on January 8. Sapolsky created FIP back in 2003 and ran the creative end up until 2008.
* A new Style Battle promotion will begin in 2017. Style Battle will run in seasons, featuring eight one-night tournaments and one tournament of champions finale event where the 8 winners of the previous tournaments will square off to determine the Style Battle champion. The first show takes place on January 7.
* WWN will be creating a WWN champion that will span all of their family of promotions that includes EVOLVE, FIP, SHINE, ACW, Style Battle and the WWN Supershows. The first champion will be crowned in a tournament that concludes at the WWN Mercury Rising Supershow on April 1 in Orlando during Wrestlemania 33 weekend.
* Finally, WWN will be switching venues for their Wrestlemania 33 weekend events from the Orlando Convention Center to the Orlando Live Events Center due to construction and parking issues with the Convention Center venue. That weekend of shows will include EVOLVE, the WWN Supershow, SHIMMER, PROGRESS Wrestling out of the UK, CZW’s Best of the Best tournament, Kaiju Big Battel and Beyond Wrestling.
For more info on all things WWN, visit their new website at WWNLive.com or go to MoreThanMania.com for tickets and info on their Wrestlemania 33 weekend events.