WWF Royal Rumble Results
January 15, 1989
Houston, Texas (The Summit)
Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
The World Wrestling Federation: What the World is Watching.
Video: Vince McMahon narrates a video promoting the numerous WWF Superstars participating in tonight’s Royal Rumble match. He notably hesitates to name “The Outlaw” Ron Bass, signaling that he might not have immediately known who one of his performers was.
Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura welcome us to the Royal Rumble, the first one on pay-per-view. They put over the Royal Rumble and WWF Women’s Championship matches. We’ll also have a Two-out-of-Three Falls Match with “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan teaming with the Hart Foundation to take on Dino Bravo and the Fabulous Rougeaus. The Ultimate Warrior will battle “Ravishing” Rick Rude in a Posedown. King Haku will also put his crown on the line against the former king Harley Race.
6-Man Tag Team Match
Two-out-of-Three Falls
The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques and Raymond Rougeau) and Dino Bravo w/ Frenchy Martin and “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart vs. The Hart Foundation (Bret “Hitman” Hart and Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart) and “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan
It will be Jim Neidhart starting against Dino Bravo. Duggan gets a “USA” chant going, upsetting Frenchy Martin. Neidhart and Bravo circle the ring and lock up before quickly winding up in a stalemate. They lock up again for the same results. They lock up for a third time, and Bravo hooks a side headlock. Neidhart backs him into the ropes and whips him off. Bravo goes for a shoulder tackle, but Neidhart absorbs it. Neidhart hits the ropes for a shoulder tackle, and Bravo doesn’t down. Neidhart ducks a clothesline and takes Bravo off his feet with a clothesline. Bravo avoids an elbow drop and tries one of his own, but Neidhart moves. “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan tags in to a big reception. Bravo quickly tags in Raymond Rougeau. They lock up, and Duggan hooks a side headlock. Raymond twists out and ducks two clotheslines, but Duggan quickly scoops him up for a slam. Duggan drops a knee and poses for the crowd. Bret Hart tags in and punches Raymond. Raymond sends Hart into the ropes, but Hart avoids him and applies a small package for a two-count. Hart goes for a sunset flip, but Raymond kicks out again. Hart hits a running cross-body block, but he kicks out a third time. Jacques tags in, and he clubs away at Hart. Hart reverses a whip, but Jacques backflips over Hart. Hart quickly clotheslines him down and drops a knee. Hart pulls Jacques up and punches him in the corner. Hart gets both Rougeaus in the corner, and Neidhart shoulders them. Bravo runs in, but Duggan sends him into the Rougeaus in the corner. Neidhart hits all three men with shoulder tackles.
Hart kicks Jacques in the midsection. Jacques reverses a whip, and Raymond pulls the top rope down to send Hart flying out of the ring. Hart is thrown back into the ring by Raymond. Bravo tags in and hits Hart with a side slam. Raymond tags in and pulls Hart to his feet. The Rougeaus connect with a Bombe de Rougeau to win the first fall.
The Rougeaus and Dino Bravo lead the match 1-0.
The Rougeaus and Dino Bravo celebrate in the ring, along with Jimmy Hart and Frenchy Martin. After a few moments of rest, Raymond starts stomping Hart. Raymond connects with a gutwrench suplex and picks up a near fall. Jacques tags in and hits a leaping back elbow for a two-count. Jacques puts Hart in the corner and whips him sternum-first into the opposite corner. Bravo tags in and covers, but Hart kicks out. Bravo connects with a big inverted atomic drop for another near fall. Raymond tags in and stomps away at Hart. Jacques tags in, and the Rougeaus hit a double-team gutbuster for another near fall. Bravo tags in and locks Hart in a bear hug. Bravo drops Hart’s shoulders on the mat to try to pin him, but Hart keeps a shoulder up. Hart punches out of the bearhug and punches Bravo down. Jacques quickly tags in and sends Hart into the ropes, but Hart catches him with a sunset flip for a two-count. Jacques applies a modified clutch and pulls on the hair as the referee is distracted by Raymond. Raymond tags in and puts the hold on. Raymond soon releases the hold and tags Bravo in. Hart ducks a clothesline, but Bravo catches him with a glancing blow for a two-count. Jacques tags in and applies a Boston Crab. Hart fights through the pain and tries to maneuver to his corner. Raymond distracts the referee as Neidhart is tagged in. Referee Joey Marella holds Neidhart back and sends him back to the apron. Raymond comes in and applies an abdominal stretch. Raymond holds his brother’s hand to apply extra pressure. Jacques tags in and slaps Hart in the face a few times before putting the abdominal stretch on. Raymond tags in and flips into the ring before kicking Hart. Raymond drops an elbow for a two-count. Raymond goes for a scoop slam, but Hart wiggles and takes him down for a two-count. Jacques tags in and whips Hart hard to the corner before pulling on the hair. Hart blocks a monkey flip and hits an inverted atomic drop.
Raymond tags in and tries to stop the tag, but Hart gets Duggan in. The crowd erupts. Duggan attacks all three men before slamming Raymond. Duggan slings Neidhart onto Raymond. The referee counts the pin, even though Neidhart isn’t the legal competitor. Duggan then catapults Hart onto Raymond, and Hart spikes himself on his shoulder. That looked painful. Duggan drops an elbow on Raymond to win the fall.
The match is tied 1-1.
After taking a few moments of rest, the third fall begins. Duggan stomps Raymond and punches him in the corner. Duggan goes for the ten punches, but he’s distracted by Jacques. Raymond reverses a whip to the corner, but Duggan pops out and clotheslines him. Duggan goes to attack the other competitors, but they trap him. Bravo tags in and punches away at Duggan. Bravo kicks Duggan in the midsection and chokes him on the middle rope. Jacques chokes Duggan as the referee is distracted. Bravo bounces Duggan’s face on the top turnbuckle, but Duggan gets fired up. One of the Rougeaus pulls Duggan back. Jacques tags in and dropkicks Duggan down. Neidhart chases Jacques out of the ring. Hart breaks up a double-team attack on Duggan. Bravo tags in and hits a scoop slam, followed by an elbow drop for a two-count. Bravo crushes Duggan with an inverted atomic drop. Duggan falls near his corner, and Hart tags in. Hart punches away at Bravo and hits Raymond with an inverted atomic drop. Hart keeps punching Bravo and elbows him in the head. Hart connects with a backbreaker and goes to the middle rope. Raymond quickly shoves Hart off, so Neidhart attacks him. Hart gets out of a slam from Bravo. Bravo holds the ropes to avoid a roll-up. Duggan hits Bravo in the head with the 2×4 as the referee is distracted by the Rougeaus. Hart rolls over and picks up the pin!
Winners by Pinfall, 2-1: The Hart Foundation and “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan
Mike’s Thoughts: This was quite a good match and one of the highlights of the entire show. “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan was SUPER over in this. The place went wild anytime he did anything. With that type of reaction, it’s amazing he never did much in the WWF title-wise. He was the epitome of what WWF was all about in the late 80s, though the infamous Iron Sheik incident may have held him back something fierce. That said, while Duggan’s reaction was huge, the match quality dropped slightly when he and Dino Bravo were in the ring.
Fortunately, the majority of the match was filled with great action between Bret Hart and the Fabulous Rougeaus. Hitman was phenomenal as the face in peril. Everything he did looked super crisp and realistic, contrasting with the slower, less polished sequences when Duggan and Bravo were in the ring. Sadly, we didn’t get a lot of Jim the Anvil in this one. I loved his explosive style. The spots he was in were good, though.
I had almost forgotten how good the Rougeaus were, particularly Jacques. This is a really solid match that would stand up well in any era. It’s definitely a treat for a 1989 WWF show, showcasing the depth of the 1980s WWF roster.
Pre-Taped Backstage Segment
“The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase is shown alongside Virgil. A man is spinning a lottery cage with numbered balls inside. Virgil opens the door, and DiBiase looks at his number with shock. DiBiase calls Slick over and asks if his guys are happy with their numbers. Slick says the numbers were unbelievable. DiBiase says he has something to talk to Slick about, and they all walk off.
We fast forward to the Honky Tonk Man picking his number. HTM is not pleased. We next see the Bushwhackers picking their numbers. They’re happy with them and then trade them. Bad News Brown is shown picking his number, and he cackles. It’s Good News for Bad News. Next is Jake “The Snake” Roberts with Damien, his python. Roberts says he hopes André is still in the match when he gets there.
Finally, we see Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty of the Rockers. They look at the numbers and wish each other luck.
WWF Women’s Championship
Judy Martin vs. Rockin’ Robin (c)
Before the match starts, Sensational Sherri takes the microphone. She challenges the winner of this match. She’s more woman than both of them put together. Sherri then leaves the ring and joins the commentary team.
The bell rings, and Martin attacks Robin. Robin punches back and chops her. Martin reverses a whip to the corner and charges, but Robin moves. Robin connects with a pair of dropkicks. Robin attacks Martin and charges, but Martin knocks her back. Martin grabs Robin by the hair and slams her down. Robin clotheslines her and pushes her against the ropes. Robin charges, but Martin catches her and slams her down. Martin sends her into the ropes, but Robin attempts a sunset flip. Martin blocks it and punches her. Robin takes her down and attacks the legs before applying a Boston Crab. Martin powers out. Robin rolls her up for a two-count. Martin knocks her back and rolls her up for a two-count. Robin sends her into the ropes for a dropkick, but Martin holds the ropes to avoid it. Martin stays on the attack and slams Robin down for a two-count. Robin fights back and takes her down for a two-count. Martin avoids an elbow drop, and then Robin avoids one. They continue exchanging offense. Robin eventually dekes her with a cross-body block, causing Martin to drop down. Robin then comes off the second rope with the cross-body block for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and still WWF Women’s Champion: Rockin’ Robin
Mike’s Thoughts: This wasn’t a good match at all. It’s crazy to think that they still had a Women’s Championship at this point. It’s so odd to see it on the Royal Rumble card. The year prior, they had the short-lived WWF Women’s Tag Team Championship defended on the show. By 1989, the entire division was on life support.
The Women’s Title match was a big selling point of the first WrestleMania with the involvement of Cyndi Lauper, but by this time, the division lacked depth and direction. If the last match showcased the depth of the WWF roster for men, this match underscored how anemic the Women’s Division was. It was basically Sherri Martel or bust. Rockin’ Robin simply wasn’t a credible champion. She felt more like a placeholder than a legitimate champion in a meaningful division. Still, it’s a totally mind-blowing concept when you think that Robin, the half-sister of Jack Roberts, held WWF gold while The Snake himself never did. What a bizarre footnote in wrestling history.
WrestleMania V is coming on April 2, 1989.
Backstage Interview
Sean Mooney is backstage with Akeem and the Big Boss Man of the Twin Towers. Their manager, Slick, is with them. Slick says these two men have more than an excellent chance in the Royal Rumble. Mooney asks about the accusations against Slick and Ted DiBiase. Slick denies seeing DiBiase. Mooney shows the replay of DiBiase being displeased with his number and calling Slick over for a conversation. Slick is worried and tells Mooney to stay out of his business. Slick smooths things over.
Super Posedown
“Mean” Gene Okerlund is in the ring. Okerlund says the world has been waiting for the Super Posedown. The crowd will determine the winner by their approval. It will be the people’s choice. “Ravishing” Rick Rude makes his way to the ring, accompanied by his manager, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. Rude grabs the microphone from Okerlund. Rude challenged the Ultimate Warrior for this Super Posedown to prove one thing. Not only is he the best-built man in the WWF, but he’ll also show why he’s the sexiest man alive. The crowd boos him.
Out next is the WWF Intercontinental Champion the Ultimate Warrior. Warrior runs down to the ring at full speed. Rude and Heenan get in the ring. Heenan has a problem with Warrior. The Warrior is out of control. Heenan says Houston is an intelligent crowd, trying to butter up the crowd, who will determine the winner. Heenan thinks they’ll make the right choice. Rude says the contest will start with a bicep pose.
Heenan removes Rude’s robe. Rude starts to flex his biceps to the crowd. There’s no question that his physique is fantastic. The crowd boos when Okerlund asks what they think. The Ultimate Warrior flexes his biceps and is fired up. The crowd loudly roars in approval. Heenan says the crowd has to be fair and vote for the best body. Okerlund asks what is next. Rude says this next pose sets him apart from every man on the face of the earth. They’ll be flexing their abs. Heenan oils up Rude’s abdominal muscles. Rude gyrates his hips and flexes his abs for the crowd. The crowd boos, which Gorilla Monsoon even admits isn’t fair. Warrior flexes his abs, and Ventura says his abs are too smooth. There is no definition… he’s right. Warrior wins anyway because the crowd cheers.
Heenan asks for fifteen minutes to get Rude ready for this next pose. Okerlund says the people won’t tolerate that. Heenan will prove that Rude is a great competitor and says he’s ready. Rude says this is “The Most Muscular” Pose. Rude flexes his entire upper body. Warrior flexes, and Ventura complains that Warrior’s long hair is covering his traps. The crowd signals that Warrior has won. Heenan is disgusted. Now, it’s time for the fourth and final pose. Heenan covers Rude in oil and says he’s not ready. Rude drops down for some push-ups. Warrior starts shouting and stomping over the delay. Rude is going to give a medley of poses for the final posedown. Rude gyrates his hips and flexes his arms. The crowd still boos him.
The Ultimate Warrior does a variety of poses while screaming. Rude has seen enough and attacks him with the steel flex bar he was using in between poses to keep himself pumped up. Rude smashes Warrior with the bar and chokes him with it. Rude then furiously walks off. WWF officials and referees run down to help Warrior up. Warrior regains consciousness and attacks them all before running off to the back.
Mike’s Thoughts: Well… this was something. It was actually slightly humorous at first in a campy sort of way, but it went WAY too long. Vince McMahon’s obsession with physiques was weird, leading to segments like this and, eventually, the ill-fated World Bodybuilding Federation.
What’s truly sad is the lasting legacy of this segment. Everyone who participated in this segment is dead, a sobering reminder of the consequences of the steroid culture that dominated wrestling. These same larger-than-life physiques that excited McMahon and caused him to book a segment like this are the things that ultimately contributed to the untimely deaths of both Rick Rude in 1999 at 40 and The Ultimate Warrior in 2014 at 54.
We have another advertisement for WrestleMania V on April 2, 1989.
Pre-Taped Backstage Segment
Mr. Fuji says the Powers of Pain will be victorious.
Next, Miss Elizabeth says she’ll be cheering for both Hulk Hogan and WWF Champion “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Okerlund asks what would happen if Hogan and Savage square off, but she hopes it doesn’t come to that.
“The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart is fired up and says the Honky Tonk Man and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine will be in the Royal Rumble. One of them will win. If you mess with the bull, you get the horn.
Back inside The Summit, Jesse “The Body” Ventura is sitting on a throne. Either Harley Race or Haku will be seated in this after their match. Ventura says he could get used to this seat.
King Haku is brought down to the ring on a throne carried by four lackeys. His theme music would later be repurposed as Jerry “The King” Lawler’s theme music.
King Haku w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs. Harley Race
Harley Race charges down to the ring and tips over Haku’s platform. Race attacks Haku and sends him into the ring post. Race gets Haku in the ring, and this match is on. Race knees Haku in the face and punches him down. Race connects with a vertical suplex for a two-count. Race knocks Haku out of the ring with a lariat. Race goes to ringside to get him, but Haku shoves Race into the ring post. Haku strikes and chops Race down. Haku gets Race in the ring, but Race fights back with an inverted atomic drop. Race drops a pair of elbows for a two-count. Heenan is now rooting Race on. Haku fights back and chops Race before shouldering him in the midsection a few times. Haku sends Race hard into the corner, and Race twists (and barely gets over) the top rope to fall to the floor.
Haku attacks Race on the apron and clubs him back into the ring. Race falls backward over the ropes and lands on the mat. Haku connects with some martial arts strikes and clubs the legend. Race elbows Haku and head-butts him. They exchange head-butts with neither man reacting. Race punches Haku in the face a few times and sends him into the ropes for a clothesline. Race plants Haku with a piledriver for a near fall. Race soon hooks a side headlock, but Haku whips him off. They clunk heads and go down. Race comically falls out of the ring. Haku suplexes Race back into the ring for a two-count. Race sits up to avoid an elbow drop. Heenan is back to rooting for Race. Race pulls Haku up to his feet and punches him in the face before hitting a vertical suplex. Race rolls over for a two-count. Race sends Haku out of the ring and sets up for a piledriver on the floor. Haku counters with a back body drop. Haku attacks the spine and drives Race into the apron a few times. Race fights back and connects with a piledriver on the floor!
Race gets in the ring, but Haku soon follows. Race connects with a spinning neckbreaker for a two-count. Race knees Haku in the face and clubs him in the chest before hitting a lariat. Race drops a knee for a two-count. Haku starts to fight back and connects with a scoop slam. Haku heads to the top rope, and Heenan is rooting him on now. Haku dives for a splash, but Race moves. Heenan is back to cheering for Race. Race attempts a diving head-butt off the ropes, but Haku moves. Race gets to his feet and knees Haku in the face. Race shoots him into the ropes, but Haku ducks a clothesline. Haku connects with a stiff thrust kick for the victory.
Winner by Pinfall: King Haku
Heenan hops on the apron and goes over to Haku, shouting, “I knew you could do it!” Heenan puts the crown on Haku’s head, and they head to the back.
Mike’s Thoughts: A battle between two of the toughest men in the history of professional wrestling inside and outside the ring. Sadly, Harley Race, only 46 years old here, looked far older. He looked more like he was 76 years old. People just seemed to age differently back in the day. Race delivered a solid, hard-hitting match with Haku despite his physical condition. Haku’s stiff thrust kick to finish the match looked brutal, but you can bet Harley told him to make it look as real as possible. This was a significant victory because it was the end of Race’s WWF run, and it was a clear passing of the torch to Haku. This match might not be a classic, but it was a fitting sendoff for King Harley Race.
WrestleMania V is coming on April 2, 1989.
Pre-Taped Interview Segment
Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake says he has the only tools he needs to win the Royal Rumble: his two fists. It’s Beefcake against everyone else. No one will be watching his back. Everyone better beware. He might have a pair of scissors in his possession and may do some struttin’ and cuttin’.
Greg “The Hammer” Valentine says he can’t trust anyone but himself. He’s including Jimmy Hart and the Honky Tonk Man in that statement. He’ll fight him if he needs to. Valentine will win the Royal Rumble. All he needs are his two fists.
Mr. Fuji is with the Powers of Pain. Demolition better beware.
Big John Studd says it’s been a long time since he’s been in the ring. Bobby Heenan will not be in his corner. Studd doesn’t know who his friends or enemies are. When the smoke clears, he’ll still be standing.
Mr. Perfect says this is the Year of Perfection. Winning the Royal Rumble will prove he is Mr. Perfect. You have all types of men in the 30-man Royal Rumble. Perfect will eliminate them all. Perfect is not looking for friends. Whether you like it or not, that’s the way it is.
WWF Champion “Macho Man” Randy Savage puts over the “every man for himself” aspect of the Royal Rumble. Savage is at the top of the mountain and feels the loneliness. Macho Madness will be felt in this match. Everyone will feel the pain and intensity of the Macho Man. Big time things don’t slide by with him. OHH YEAH!
We return to the Summit to see Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura discussing the Royal Rumble. They wonder who got the high numbers.
Backstage Interview
“Mean” Gene Okerlund is with Ted DiBiase and Virgil. Okerlund says DiBiase has a smile on his face and wants to know why. DiBiase says they are minutes away from the Royal Rumble. DiBiase is the top guy, and Okerlund asks what happened with Slick. DiBiase doesn’t know what Okerlund is questioning. When you have his kind of money, you can have all the luck you want.
Sean Mooney is with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and members of the Heenan Family. It’s André the Giant and the Brainbusters. They are all confident. André says he will not leave the ring. He’s never lost a match like this before. The Brainbusters will go out like everyone else.
“Mean” Gene Okerlund is with Hulk Hogan. Hogan says he’s worried about a lot of things in the Royal Rumble. The Big Boss Man is one of them. The Royal Rumble is the resurrection of Hulkamania. If someone like the Big Boss Man gets in his way, he’ll get a life sentence of Hulkamania. There’s a lot going for Hogan, including the Three Demandments: training, saying your prayers, and taking your vitamins. With all the little Hulksters watching his back, he predicts victory for Hulkamania. Okerlund asks Hogan what happens if he collides with “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Hogan thought of a lot of situations, but if he ends up in the ring with the WWF Champion, he feels sorry for him. Yes, Savage is a friend, and they’re guided by the same manager, but if it comes down to who the real champion is, Savage will know he’s never been defeated. The Hulksters know he’s still the real champion.
Mike’s Thoughts: Wow… what a bunch of promos that was. That was quintessential 1980s WWF.
Howard Finkel gives the rules for the Royal Rumble match.
30-Man Royal Rumble Match
No. 1: WWF Tag Team Champion Ax
No. 2: WWF Tag Team Champion Smash
Demolition squares off with each other and starts throwing punches. Smash absorbs a shoulder tackle, as does Ax. Smash punches away at Ax in the corner before whipping him to the opposite corner. Ax boots him back and connects with a clothesline. Ax clubs away at Smash’s back and is fired up. Smash punches Ax in the midsection and connects with a scoop slam. Smash drops Ax with a clothesline and clubs away at the back. Smash applies a neck vice, but Ax fights out of it. Ax punches Smash several times before sending him over the top rope, but Smash hangs on. Smash attacks Ax from behind and puts him in the corner. The clock counts down.
No. 3: André the Giant
André the Giant heads to the ring alongside Bobby “The Brain Heenan. Heenan gives him a pep talk and then heads to the back. André enters the ring, and Demolition takes the Giant down with a double-team clothesline. Demolition double-teams André and choke him against the ropes. André fights up to his feet and fights Demolition off. André chops Smash. Ax and Smash fight back and press him in the corner. The clock is counting down again.
No. 4: Mr. Perfect
André is applying a bearhug to Smash. Ax fights André off. André boots Smash back and attacks Ax. Mr. Perfect gets in the ring and attacks everyone. André grabs Smash by the hair and sends him over the top rope.
Smash has been eliminated.
Ax and Mr. Perfect team up to take André down. Ax then goes after Mr. Perfect, whipping him sternum-first into the corner. André grabs Ax by the shoulders and applies a nerve hold. Mr. Perfect attacks André, but André head-butts him down.
No. 5: Ronnie Garvin
“Rugged” Ronnie Garvin gets in the ring and punches André, tying him up in the ropes. Mr. Perfect, Ax, and Garvin grab André’s legs and try to flip him over the top rope. André fights them all off. André takes Ax down and attacks him in the corner. André sits on Ax in the corner before clunking Garvin and Perfect’s heads together. André wipes out Perfect and Garvin. The clock starts to tick down again.
No. 6: Greg “The Hammer” Valentine
Jimmy Hart runs down with Valentine before heading to the back. Valentine makes a beeline for André and elbows him in the face. All four men try to eliminate André, but he angrily fights back. André hip tosses Garvin over the top rope.
Ronnie Garvin has been eliminated.
Perfect hits Ax with a scoop slam. André grabs Valentine by the throat and chokes him. Ax clotheslines Perfect down and attacks André. André fights Ax off and chokes him in the corner. Perfect pulls André’s hair, but André shakes off his offense.
No. 7: Jake “The Snake” Roberts
Roberts goes right after André. André punches him in the head and chokes him against the ropes. Valentine hits André from behind, but André doesn’t feel it. Valentine tries again, but André keeps choking Roberts. André chokes Roberts unconscious before using the rope to do more damage. André stands on Roberts’ midsection before putting him in the corner for some shoulder thrusts. André head-butts Valentine away before choking Roberts again.
No. 8: “The Outlaw” Ron Bass
Bass goes after Perfect. André then dumps Roberts out of the ring.
Jake “The Snake” Roberts has been eliminated.
André focuses on Valentine. Perfect attacks André, but André fights him off. Bass kicks Ax in the face. André has Valentine and Perfect in the corner and shoulder thrusts them. Bass chokes Ax against the ropes. Perfect then starts to attack Bass.
No. 9: Shawn Michaels
Michaels gets in the ring and attacks Bass with some punches. Ax goes after Perfect and shoulder tackles him. Perfect then gives him a back body drop over the top rope to eliminate him.
Ax has been eliminated.
Perfect sends Michaels over the top rope, but he skins the cat to get back in. Michaels attacks Perfect and dropkicks him over the top rope, but Perfect hangs on! Michaels has Perfect in the corner. André chokes Bass in the corner. Valentine takes Michaels down with a right hand. Perfect then kicks Michaels in the chest and elbows him in the corner. André applies a bearhug to Bass.
No. 10: Bushwhacker Butch
We are one-third of the way through the first-ever 30-Man Royal Rumble match. Jake “The Snake” Roberts runs down and slides Damien into the ring. André the Giant, terrified of snakes, throws himself over the top rope to eliminate himself! André heads to the back.
André the Giant has been eliminated.
Roberts follows after André the Giant. The crowd is buzzing big time. Valentine focuses on Butch. Bass and Perfect double-team Michaels. Michaels fights back and gives them a meeting of the minds.
No. 11: The Honky Tonk Man
HTM is followed to the ring by Jimmy Hart. Hart then heads to the back. HTM goes after Perfect. Perfect spins HTM around and tries to eliminate him. HTM fights him off. Michaels and Perfect collide in the ring when the other competitors whip them into each other. Perfect fights back and tries to eliminate HTM, but HTM holds on. The clock ticks down again.
No. 12: Tito Santana
Santana goes right after Perfect and punches away at him. Santana hits Perfect with a back body drop before hitting him with a clothesline. Butch nearly has HTM out, but he holds on. Bass sends Michaels into the ropes for a back body drop. Valentine tries to eliminate Santana, but he holds the ropes. Perfect and Bass hit Michaels with a double-team suplex. Butch gets the crowd fired up. Bass is trying to eliminate Michaels, and Valentine joins in to help. Michaels fights out.
No. 13: Bad News Brown
Brown goes after Bass. HTM is sent over the top rope by Butch and Santana.
The Honky Tonk Man has been eliminated.
Michaels holds Brown, and Butch punches away at Brown’s midsection. Brown quickly fights away from them. Michaels goes to the top rope and hits Bass and Brown with a double ax handle. Valentine pulls Michaels back and hits an atomic drop that nearly eliminates him.
No. 14: Marty Jannetty
The Rockers are both in the Royal Ruble. Jannetty goes after Bass, but Bass quickly cuts him off. The Rockers team up to hit Bass with a double-team back elbow. They then hit a double dropkick to send Bass over the top rope.
“The Outlaw” Ron Bass has been eliminated.
Jannetty goes after Perfect and Valentine. Santana is limping in the ring but hits Valentine with a diving forearm smash. Santana puts Valentine over the top rope. Butch joins in to help, but Valentine rakes the eyes.
No. 15: WWF Champion “Macho Man” Randy Savage
Savage immediately attacks Brown as the crowd goes CRAZY! Savage takes Brown down and stomps away at him. Valentine attacks Savage and takes him down. Savage grabs Valentine by the hair, but Brown stops him. Valentine chokes the WWF Champion in the corner. Perfect and Jannetty try to eliminate Brown, but he fights them off. Michaels clotheslines Butch down. Brown whips Savage to the corner and charges, but Savage moves. The clock counts down.
No. 16: Arn Anderson
Bobby Heenan runs down with Anderson before heading to the back. As Anderson gets in the ring, Savage eliminates Valentine with a back body drop.
Greg “The Hammer” Valentine has been eliminated.
Michaels takes Anderson down and punches away at him. Savage and Anderson team up to hit Michaels with a double-team back elbow to eliminate him. Yes, Savage and Anderson.
Shawn Michaels has been eliminated.
Savage goes after Brown, but Brown fights him off. Jannetty crotches Anderson on the top rope and tries to eliminate him. Brown saves Anderson.
No. 17: Tully Blanchard
The Brainbusters are both in the Royal Rumble. Blanchard attacks Jannetty and Butch. Brown tries to eliminate Jannetty, but Jannetty stays in the match. Anderson hits Jannetty with his patented Double-A Spinebuster. Blanchard drops some elbows on Jannetty. The Brainbusters try to eliminate Jannetty, but he manages to stay in the match. Anderson is pulled away, and Blanchard pulls Jannetty out of the ring. Blanchard nearly falls out of the ring with him.
Marty Jannetty has been eliminated.
No. 18: Hulk Hogan
Hogan runs down and attacks Perfect, saving Savage. Hogan sends Perfect over the top rope.
Mr. Perfect has been eliminated.
Hogan smashes the Brianbusters’ heads together and attacks Brown. Hogan chops Brown in the corner and tries to power him up, but Brown hangs on. Santana and Savage go at it. Savage and Anderson team up to eliminate Santana.
Tito Santana has been eliminated.
Brown has Hogan over the top rope, but he holds on. Blanchard joins in to help, but to no avail. Hogan lifts Blanchard, but Anderson kicks him.
No. 19: Bushwhacker Luke
Both Bushwhackers are in the ring. Hogan and Brown quickly eliminate Butch.
Bushwhacker Butch has been eliminated.
Brown takes Savage down and punches him. Savage punches back and hits the ropes for a running elbow. Brown doesn’t sell it and knees Savage down. Hogan presses Blanchard up and drops him throat-first on the top rope. Anderson and Brown double-team Savage. Hogan fights back and big boots Anderson down.
No. 20: Koko B. Ware
We’re two-thirds of the way through this match. Ware dropkicks Anderson and attacks Luke. Anderson heads to the top rope, but Hogan slams him down to the mat. Savage drives Anderson and Blanchard into each other. Hogan then eliminates Ware. Hogan then fights off the Brainbusters and eliminates Luke.
Koko B. Ware has been eliminated.
Bushwhacker Luke has been eliminated.
The Brainbusters attack Hogan and nearly have him out of the match. Hogan fights them off.
No. 21: The Warlord
As The Warlord makes his slow jog to the ring alongside Mr. Fuji, Hogan eliminates both of the Brainbusters.
Arn Anderson has been eliminated.
Tully Blanchard has been eliminated.
The Warlord gets on the apron and poses before entering the ring… and is promptly clotheslined over the top rope by Hogan, lasting a mere two seconds in the Royal Rumble. This record would stand for twenty years before being broken by Santino Marella in the 2009 Royal Rumble, who only lasted one second in the match.
The Warlord has been eliminated.
Brown is concentrating on Savage against the ropes. Hogan then dumps them both over the top rope!
Bad News Brown has been eliminated.
“Macho Man” Randy Savage has been eliminated.
An irate Savage runs back into the ring and shoves Hogan, his Mega Powers partner. Savage yells at Hogan and gets in his face. Hogan asks for a timeout and explains himself. Savage shoves him again, angering Hogan. Miss Elizabeth runs down and separates the two men. Elizabeth wants them to shake hands, but Savage refuses. Savage eventually extends his hand, and Hogan shakes it. They hug to a big reception. The Mega Powers are staying together.
No. 22: The Big Boss Man
Savage and Miss Elizabeth leave the ring. Hogan and Boss Man circle the ring to HUGE applause. Boss Man rakes the eyes, but Hogan fires back with some punches and a clothesline. Hogan drops a trio of elbows and smashes his head on the mat a few times. Hogan kicks Boss Man and connects with a scoop slam. Hogan punches Boss Man back, but Boss Man reverses a whip to the corner. Boss Man avalanches him and connects with a piledriver. The crowd loudly boos Boss Man. Boss Man slaps Hogan in the face. Monsoon tries to claim Hogan has been in the match for a half-hour. Not even close. Boss Man spits on Hogan and goes for a splash, but Hogan moves.
No. 23: Akeem
The Twin Towers are both in this match. Hogan sends Akeem into Boss Man and gives him a scoop slam. The Twin Towers take turns beating on Hogan. Boss Man goes for a slam over the top rope, but Hogan saves himself. Hogan hits Boss Man with a back suplex. Akeem quickly stomps Hogan and sends him to the corner. Akeem sends Boss Man into Hogan and avalanches him into Hogan. They then send Hogan over the top rope!
Hulk Hogan has been eliminated.
Hogan pulls Boss Man under the bottom rope and brawls with him at ringside. Akeem goes outside (not over the top rope) and cuts Hogan off.
No. 24: Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake
The referees try to regain order. The Twin Towers get in the ring and take it to Beefcake. Boss Man hits the ropes and attacks Beefcake. The Boss Man hits the ropes a second time, but Hogan pulls the top rope down from ringside to eliminate Boss Man!
The Big Boss Man has been eliminated.
Hogan grabs Boss Man and bounces him off the steel steps. Hogan brawls up the aisle with Boss Man. Hogan smashes a steel suitcase on Boss Man’s head. They then brawl to the back. In the ring, Akeem is trying to eliminate Beefcake.
No. 25: The Red Rooster
Rooster attacks Akeem and punches away at him. Akeem easily scoop slams him down. Beefcake fights back at Akeem and hits a double ax handle. Beefcake and Rooster team up to try to eliminate Akeem, but he holds on. Akeem continues to fight them off and holds on. Beefcake knees Akeem in the face, forcing him against the ropes. Beefcake and Rooster double-team Akeem and try to lift him up.
No. 26: The Barbarian
The Barbarian gets in the ring and attacks Rooster and Beefcake. Barbarian then attacks Akeem. Gorilla Monsoon says the Barbarian is stupid for not helping Rooster and Beefcake eliminate Akeem. He stopped them from eliminating Akeem, only to immediately attack him. Akeem takes Rooster down and hits a big splash.
No. 27: Big John Studd
Studd goes after Akeem and nearly lifts him over the top rope. Studd and Akeem brawl with each other in the corner. The Barbarian attacks Rooster. Beefcake and Rooster team up to try to eliminate Barbarian, but he fights them off.
No. 28: Hercules
Hercules attacks the Barbarian and tries to eliminate him. Studd continues to work over Akeem. Hercules kicks Rooster back. Studd clotheslines Hercules down and goes back to Akeem. Beefcake and Rooster keep going after Rooster.
No. 29: Rick Martel
Martel gets in the ring and hits anything that moves. Martel dropkicks Rooster and lifts him, putting him in the corner. Rooster holds the ropes to save himself. Hercules goes after the Barbarian, but the Barbarian sidesteps him. Studd signals it’s the end for Akeem. Akeem kicks him back.
No. 30: “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase
Virgil walks down with DiBiase, who is casually walking to the ring. Virgil stays at ringside. DiBiase attacks Hercules and then turns his attention to Rooster. Hercules attacks DiBiase, but DiBiase rakes the eyes. DiBiase stays on Rooster and chops the chest. DiBiase sends Rooster hard into the corner, and he rolls up the turnbuckles and falls to the floor.
The Red Rooster has been eliminated.
DiBiase fights Hercules off, but Hercules hits him with a bunch of clotheslines. DiBiase begs Hercules off, but Hercules punches away at him before choking him. Beefcake grabs Hercules and bounces him off the top turnbuckle. Studd nearly has Barbarian over the top rope. Hercules puts Beefcake in a bear hug. Beefcake gets out and applies a sleeper hold to Hercules. DiBiase and the Barbarian team up to eliminate Beefcake and Hercules.
Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake has been eliminated.
Hercules has been eliminated.
DiBiase looks pleased with himself and taunts the two men. Barbarian hits Martel with a battering ram shoulder. Barbarian scoops Martel up and hits a running powerslam. Barbarian goes to the top rope and hits a flying head-butt. Barbarian charges, but Martel moves. Martel then dropkicks him over the top rope.
The Barbarian has been eliminated.
The Final Four of the Royal Rumble are Big John Studd, Rick Martel, Akeem, and Ted DiBiase. Martel punches away at DiBiase, taking him down. Akeem attacks Studd in the corner. Martel avoids an avalanche from Akeem and hits a pair of dropkicks. Akeem doesn’t go down. Martel goes for a running cross-body block, but Akeem catches him and dumps him over the top rope.
Rick Martel has been eliminated.
Akeem and DiBiase double-team Studd with strikes. DiBiase hits Studd with a double ax handle. Studd doesn’t go down. Akeem hits Studd with some shoulder thrusts to the midsection. DiBiase is directing Akeem in the ring. Akeem avalanches Studd in the corner. DiBiase wants to see another one, but Studd pulls DiBiase into Akeem’s path! Studd then clubs Akeem from behind to eliminate him!
Akeem has been eliminated.
The crowd is buzzing, and DiBiase looks terrified. These are the final two men in the match. DiBiase offers some money, but Studd shakes his head. DiBiase strikes Studd and goes to the second rope, but Studd grabs him and sends him into the corner. DiBiase tries to fight back, but Studd blocks a kick. Studd clubs DiBiase and hits a scoop slam. Studd connects with a nice double-arm suplex. Studd then hits DiBiase with a gutwrench suplex. Studd sends DiBiase into the ropes for a clothesline. Studd then grabs DiBiase and sends him over the top rope to win the Royal Rumble!
Ted DiBiase has been eliminated.
Winner: Big John Studd
Before Studd can even celebrate, Virgil runs into the ring and attacks him. Studd doesn’t sell any of the offense and takes Virgil down with a shoulder tackle before hitting a scoop slam. Studd sends Virgil into the ropes for a clothesline. Studd then sends Virgil over the top rope.
WrestleMania V is coming on April 2, 1989.
Photos of some of tonight’s action are shown.
Mike’s Thoughts: This was the first 30-man Royal Rumble match. A lot of the concepts and actions still remain largely the same today. A WrestleMania title opportunity going to the winner wouldn’t be done until a few years after this show, so if you’re wondering why Big John Studd didn’t main-event WrestleMania V, that’s why.
There were some great moments in this. The classic of Hulk Hogan eliminating Randy Savage, though he may have just been going for Bad News Brown, was a key step toward the Mega Powers exploding. For all the criticisms of Hogan – and there are many, deservedly so – he was great in this. His energy in the pre-match promo was over the top, and his performance in the match was damn good. I also loved the moment when Jake Roberts chased André the Giant out of the ring with the snake.
However, there were some low points to this. There were a lot of slow, big men in this. Nearly all the eliminations felt random or unremarkable. The final elimination was almost no drama whatsoever. There were some weird pairings for eliminations, particularly Savage teaming with Arn Anderson to eliminate two people. I guess that put over the “every man for himself” concept, but I’m glad WWF got much crisper on planning the eliminations and making them stand out. Still, this was the first one, and they created a solid foundation to build on.
I have to say, for a 1980s WWF event, this was a very good show. As this was the first Royal Rumble on pay-per-view (the one in 1988 was on the USA Network and was only a 20-man Royal Rumble), it holds historic value. Big John Studd remains a neat footnote in wrestling history. The action was mostly good except for the WWF Women’s Championship match and the Super Posedown dragging the show a bit. Still, I had a good time recapping it. I’m looking forward to the next one.
Quick Match Results
— The Hart Foundation (Bret “Hitman” Hart and Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart) and “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan def. The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques and Raymond Rougeau) and Dino Bravo in a Two-out-of-Three Falls Match (2-1)
— Rockin’ Robin (c) def. Judy Martin to retain the WWF Women’s Championship
— King Haku def. Harley Race
— Big John Studd won the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match
Email – mike@wrestleview.com
X – @MikeTedescoWV
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