� On Thursday, March 3, 2005 at 11:17 PM EST WWE Smackdown
March 3, 2005
Location: Albany, NY
Announcers: Michael Cole and Tazz
With exactly one month to go until Wrestlemania 21, tonight's show had a few twists, turns and a title change. Here is the rewind of tonight's Smackdown:
Before the show began, highlights from JBL's "Celebration of Excellence" from last week's show were replayed.
John Cena did a promo about JBL and his cabinet, how he was sick of JBL, how Cena himself was a fighting champion, wanting to fight JBL at Wrestlemania and how he would be defending his US title against Orlando Jordan tonight. There was also a funny reference to the old WWF ice cream bars with Doink the Clown--"they may be milky going in, but they are also milky coming out."
Match #1: Tag Team Title Match- Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio vs. Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns
It started off with Eddie and Luther; that didn't last long before Jindrak and Rey were tagged in on their respective teams. Rey got in an impressive kick to the face and takedown on Jindrak, but the ref was distracted arguing with Eddie. Meanwhile, Luther then came back in and began his own wrath on Rey.
Midway into the match, it looked as if Luther and Jindrak were dominating, but Rey came back strong and set up Luther for the 619, but it was broken by Jindrak.
Eddie then came back in and came back strong on both Jindrak and Luther. Both teams were then on both sides of the ring, with Jindrak and Rey eventually being tossed outside of the ring; Eddie connected with The Three Amigos on Luther.
The match came to a great finish when Eddie connected with the frog splash on Luther and Rey getting in the 619 from the outside on Jindrak as Jindrak attempted to break the three count when Eddie pinned Luther.
Winners and still Tag Team Champions: Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio
Afterwards, Luther and Jindrak argued yet again that turned into a shoving match before Luther slapped Jindrak and Jindrak responded by laying out Luther with one punch.
Michelle McCool, Joy and Lauren Jones were backstage, when an angry Dawn Marie came into the picture and lit into the three divas, cutting down Joy on her Rookie Diva of the Year win. Michelle then cut in, but Dawn got into her also, and then challenged Michelle to a mixed tag match that both can choose their own partners.
Carlito came into the office while GM Long was on the phone and was faced with Long telling Chia Pet to start with shoveling snow outside of the Pepsi Arena and told Carlito that if he didn't do what Long told him to, he had to leave Smackdown. Carlito left the office not a very happy Chia Pet.
Clips and interview highlights from Rock's new movie, "Be Cool" were shown.
"Piper's Pit" return announcement with Austin as guest at WM21 was touted.
Match #2: Booker T vs. Heidenrich
Booker wasted little time getting on Heidenreich when Heidenreich barely made it inside the ring. Heidenreich did get quite a few punches in on Booker before Booker gave him a kick to the gut.
Outside of the ring, Booker worked on Heidenreich before Heidenreich got the upper hand and drove Booker into the steel post a few times during the match. It looked at this point like Heindenreich had the upper hand before Booker came back strong with some good kicks and clothesline on Heidenreich, followed by one of his impressive spin kicks.
A Heidenreich clothesline sent Booker spinning in midair; then Heidenreich tried to use a chair on Booker again as he did in their last meeting at No Way Out two weeks ago, but on the wrong side of a DDT by Booker on the steel chair, followed by a wicked axe kick.
Winner: Booker T
The Angle Invitational was going to be up next; viewers were warned in advance that the RAW clip from Monday night of Angle beating on HBK would be graphic.
The new WM21 commercial with JBL and Cena aired again tonight.
Angle Invitational:
Angle came out with a grin that looked like the cat that ate the canary and cut a promo about how he had beaten Shawn Michaels on HBK's home turf-RAW, followed by the much-touted replay of Angle's beating down on HBK on RAW.
The challenger for this week came out, but his face was concealed by a hood, which set Angle on edge and asking the guy if they thought Angle was that gullible and accusing the mystery challenger of being HBK.
Turns out, it wasn't Michaels, but a wrestler that was a native of Albany named Scott Wright (?) . Angle then went into his routine when a cameraman behind Angle removed his disguise--revealing HBK! A brawl ensued before security stepped in to break up the brouhaha. HBK was on fire!
During the break, Long told HBK that he had to have security escort him from the building, but Michaels had no problem with that; he'd gotten what he had come for.
Match #3: Dawn Marie and Renee Dupree vs. Michelle McCool and Big Show
When Michelle came out, Dawn mocked her, thinking she had no partner. Dupree went into spazz mode when it was revealed Big Show was Michelle's partner.
She may look a little like one, but Michelle did not wrestle very well, even blowing a springboard type elbow in the process during the tussle with Dawn Marie. Good thing Show was around to make this otherwise waste of TV time a passable match. Michelle did manage to get away from Dupree when she kicked the unmentionable and then tagged in Show.
The match ended when Big Show choke slammed Dupree.
Winners: Show and Michelle
Carlito was shown outside the arena shoveling snow per Teddy's orders, but with one hand. A car then passed by, soaking Carlito with splashed water. He threw down the shovel, throwing a fit and fell on his behind in the snow.
Hall of Fame inductees were announced again, with Hogan announced as the latest inductee to the list.
JBL then came out and did his promo, cutting down the Albany fans with derisive remarks and how he deserved to be in the Hall of Fame more than Hogan before going on about how his party last week was ruined. This was followed by usual tirade that he was better than they, how he should be respected, how Cena made a mockery of the US title, how Cena was from the stands but JBL himself never was, he was a wrestling gods and gods did not pay to see anyone; yadda yadda yadda. Booed throughout, he appeared to get even madder and went on how much class he had and would not be influenced by Cena nor his kind and how "these people" were trash and too stupid to recognize greatness, cheer his name and give him respect. He demanded that they give him respect and if they didn't, he would walk out of Albany right now.
JBL then went to leave, still carrying on to the fans to louder boos.
Backstage, JBL and the Bashams came up to him and commanded then to come with him. JBL then stopped Jordan and gave him the threat either winning the US title off of Cena or JBL would "send him back to the 'hood and those people."
A quick blurb on Christy's Playboy issue was aired.
Backstage, Rey and Chavo were talking. Chavo was talking about how Rey had beaten Eddie the last three times they had met, and Chavo also added that Eddie hated to lose, as how Eddie was biding his time until he could strike. Chavo warned Rey never to trust a Guerrero.
Funaki came up to Show while he was chatting about he and Michelle winning their match and the look on Dupree's face and asked what he thought about Big Show vs. Akebono. Show said it would be an honor to face Akebono anywhere, anytime. A happy Funaki thanked him and left.
RAW Rebound:
Highlights from Batista's attack on Flair and the confrontation between HHH and Batista with their match for next week announced.
Wrestlemania Recall:
1987-Jake the Snake Roberts w/Alice Cooper vs. Honky Tonk Man w/Jimmy Hart
Match #4: US Title Match- Orlando Jordan vs. US Champion John Cena
For a championship match, this one was basically a lackluster one.
A so-so start, with a frustrated Jordan trying to get the upper hand while being taunted by Cena. Cena still had the upper hand as Jordan was outside the ring as the show went to a commercial break.
Upon return to the show, Cena had just hip tossed Jordan and the pin had been broken by Jordan. At this point, Cena was still dominating the match. Jordan then put a thumb to the eye of Cena, followed by a flying cross body. Cena then got in some slugs on Jordan before Jordan got in a power bomb on Cena.
Throughout, Jordan attempted several times to build momentum, but it seemed that Cena match everything Jordan tried.
Jordan got Cena's chain in hand at one point, but Cena managed to get it put outside of the ring and once again got the better of Jordan for awhile, including a couple of spinning slams and connected with the FU.
When it looked as if Cena was going to take it all again, the Bashams ran in and distracted the ref as JBL struck Cena with the WWE title, opening Jordan up to pin Cena and win the match.
Winner and New US Champion: Orlando Jordan
Once the match was over, Jordan and JBL embraced and left together up the ramp spinning the belt as a mockery to Cena as the show went off the air. POST-SHOW NOTES:
For those interested in attending Judgment Day this year, tickets will be going on sale on Saturday, March 10.
These promos of JBL's are getting to be way too long. Just my opinion, though.
The mixed tag match tonight was way too predictable. I think it was more a filler than an actual match.
We have a new US Champ! This could be part of a very nice buildup to the Cena/JBL feud that leads up to the WWE Championship at WM21.
No CW action tonight, gang, unless you counted the Chavo backstage promo with Rey.
Next week, Smackdown comes to us from Roanoke, VA. Until next time, enjoy wrestling and don't eat any of those WWF ice cream bars! LOL.