Full WWE RAW Results - 12/29/03 - San Antonio, Texas (Last RAW of 2003)

Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
On Tuesday, December 30, 2003 at 1:22 AM EST

Full WWE RAW Results - 12/29/03
LIVE From: San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Report by: Mike Greenslade of WrestleView.com

Before the traditional Raw montage, a video segment featuring Mick Foley and his departure from Raw two weeks ago.

After the entrance video, Good O'L J.R. and Jerry "The King" Lawler announced that tonight HBK would take on Triple H, and the fate on Stone Cold Steve Austin would be decided after the WWE Board of Directors meeting at WWE Headquarters in Stamford Conn.

Next, the music of and entrance video of Mick Foley aired. The fans in attendance went absolutely nuts only to realize that Randy Orton was making his way to the ring. After entering the ring, Randy let his feeling be known about what happened between him and Foley two weeks ago. Orton claimed that even though Mick Foley is a coward, he's a "Smart Coward" as he knew what was best for him two weeks ago on Raw. Randy Orton stated that Mick Foley would have made a fool of himself if he would have stepped in the ring to wrestle, and that is one of the reasons he didn't. Then, Orton gets Lilian Garcia to enter the ring and announce him as the winner of the match two weeks ago. Lilian also announced Orton as being the "New Hardcore Legend".

Seconds later, the music of Booker T blasted over the PA system and Booker T stepped onto the entrance stage and said that Orton shouldn't be worried about who wasn't there tonight, but instead should worry about the people that are. Booker T challenged Orton to a match-up later in the night before being attacked from behind by Mark Henry. Henry tossed Booker T head first into the staging equipment and then was forces to exit to the backstage areas by referees. Orton made his way to Booker T, and accepted his challenge for the IC Title later in the night.

Eric Bischoff approached Teddy Long and Mark Henry backstage, and stated that he didn't need anymore stress for the night. Eric said he had enough on his plate with Austin, the Triple H/Michaels match later, and the Booker T/Randy Orton situation. Theadore Long told Bischoff he and Henry were ready to retrieve their favor Bischoff owed them for Survivor Series. Bischoff told the two to take the night off, and he would deliver on their favor.


As Raw came back from break, the womens six man tag team match for later in the night was promoted.

Rob Van Dam vs. Scott Steiner

Big Poppa Pump dominated most of the match-up with his strength and a large number of power moves including various suplexes. After the first few minutes, Steiner connected with a low blow and tossed Van Dam to the outside. After assaulting Van Dam outside, Steiner sent him back in the ring and kept the offensive. Steiner connected with a few more suplexes and then his trademark elbow drops and push ups. A few seconds later, Van Dam finally gains control of the match after Steiner runs into a big boot in the corner. Steiner was hit with the rolling thunder and then a split legged moonsault, but he kicked out. Steiner took back the advantage with an overhead suplex and then put Van Dam on the top rope, RVD pushed Steiner away and did a jumping kick to the face. Next came the Five Star Frog Splash and RVD took the clean victory at 6:05.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

The first of a few "Heart Break Klassic's" aired. This one featured a match between Sid and Michaels and the 97' Royal Rumble where HBK won the World Title. JR asked if Michaels could do it again.


As Raw returned from break, Chris Jericho was being scolded by Christian for "Ditching him for a Girl". Christian repeated himself over and over, and Jericho didn't have much to say.

Next, cameras cut to WWE Headquarters where Coach was outside the "Conference Room" where the meeting was to take place. Coach explained that Mick Foley and Austin were both absent at that time and there was no telling if either would show up. Coach claimed he heard rumors that Linda McMahon was on the side of Steve Austin, and would argue for him to be re-instated. Coach claimed that there was going to be a major player arguing to keep Austin off of Raw. Then Vince McMahon approached Coach. Coach asked Vince who the person in favor of Austin being taken off of Raw was, and Vince explained it was him. After explaining why he didn't "Take Care of the Problem Himself" Vince stated that usually the board takes his favor on situations like this.

The video promoting Smackdown in Iraq aired, and faded to a shot of the crowd chanting "USA!" as Raw went to commercial.


A promo from "Earlier Today" aired in which the Dudleyz told their thoughts of Mick Foley walking out. Bubba actually called Foley a coward.

The Dudleyz vs. Russell Simpson and Eddie Kramer

Just as the match was to get on it's way, Ric Flair walked out to the ring in a ref's shirt. Lilian announced that the GM of Raw had appointed Ric Flair as special guest referee. Bubba Ray brawled with the newcomers, and mocked Flair in the process. After using a closed fist, Flair warned Bubba Ray, but when he used another Flair DQ'd him. Dudleyz were pissed and as Lilian announced the other guys the winners, they attacked Flair.

Winners: Simpson and Kramer

Another "Heart Break Klassic" aired, this time is showed the Street Fight from August of 2002 after HBK made his return in the match between he and Triple H.


As cameras cut to the backstage area, Eric Bischoff was giving the refs a pep talk in which he claimed they should be more like Ric Flair and call the matches fairly. He claimed that the Refs should enforce the rules, and he was the law and order of Raw.

Coach was with Vince McMahon once again, and he asked Vince how the metting went. McMahon said it went well, and then went on to speak about how Austin has contributed a lot to Raw in the past, but it wasn't good to live in the past. Coach then asked what Vince thought about the petition, and Vince said that sometimes the fans don't know what it good for them, and that is what he is for to give the fans what is best for them.

Terri interviews Stacy, Trish, and Lita and asked them if they got any gifts for Christmas but was interrupted by a vehicle. It was Austin's truck, and Terri approached Austin to see what was going on. Austin said that the WWE was in Texas, and claimed he wouldn't miss it. He drank and occassionally looked down at his cell phone after saying he's waiting for the call from the board of directors.


Randy Orton (c) vs. Booker T - Intercontinental Title Match

The first few minutes of the match-up went pretty smoothly, however, the fans seemed to be turned off and on for the match. Things heated up after about five minutes where Booker T did his trademark Spinnaroonie, and attempted an Axe Kick. Orton dodged the kick, but was taken down with a sidewalk slam. Booker T attempted a pinfall, but came up short. As they got back to their feet, Booker T attempted another Axe Kick, but was distracted when Kane walked onto the entrance stage. As Booker was distracted, he was hit with the RKO and pinned for the 3 count.

Winner & STILL Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton

After the match, Kane entered the ring and chokeslammed Booker T.


Another "Heart Break Klassic" moment aired, this time it was HBK winning the World Title in the Eliminated Chamber match.

Linda McMahon was interviewed by Coach who was outside the board room. Linda was surprised to see Coach outside the meeting room, and stated that Vince McMahon did give a very promising statement on his thoughts on Steve Austin. She also said that she was the CEO and pretty much stated she had more power then Eric Bischoff. Linda also said that the WWE had always been based on what the fans wanted, and that Bischoff makes decisions based on his ego. Austin's future was now in the hands of the judge.

Backstage, Chris Jericho approached Trish with a gift and sarcastically Trish stated "This is going to make me forget about everything." Trish then re-told the story about the bet, and started crying. Jericho said that he had made a mistake, and then Trish said the same thing.


Austin's phone rang as the commercials ended. Austin eagerly picked up the phone, but it turned out to be someone other than the call he was waiting for. He said he was waiting for an important call and hung up the phone.

Lita, Trish, and Stacy vs. Jackie, Molly, and Victoria - Happy Holidays Match

Each female was dressed in their Christmas outfits, and the match pretty much went back and forth. Lita, Trish, and Stacy ended up gaining the pinfall following a Stratusfaction by Trish on Molly Holly for the pin.

Winners: Lita, Trish, and Stacy

After the match, Victoria blasted Molly Holly with the Womens Title. She held the belt up in the air, before tossing it down to the beaten body of Molly.

Backstage, Austin had another phone call. This time, it was the call he was waiting for. Austin stated, "Fine, Stone Cold Steve Austin is back on Raw" Then, "I'm coming back as co-General Manager?" Austin was upset and he re-iterated that he only wanted to return on his terms. He said if they want him to be Co-GM they can take this job a shove it. Austin then stepped on the gas and sped away from the arena taking some lighting equipment with him. Fans were left confused not knowing what was going to happen next.


Triple H (c) w/ Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - World Heavyweight Title Match

The match starts with a quick lockup followed by HBK applying a headlock on Triple H. Triple H attempted to break from the headlock numerous times, but HBK continued the lock. HHH breaks out of the lock, takes down HBK with a big elbow to regain some composure. HBK fought back with a head scissors to throw HHH over the top rope. HBK jumped off the ring apron and knocked out both HHH and Flair on the outside. HHH fought back on the outside by reversing an irish whip into the steel steps. HBK connected with the steel steps hard, favoring his right arm. Back in the ring, HBK got a quick sunset flip but only gets a two count. HHH applied an abdominal stretch on HBK with some help from Flair. HBK fought back by applying the Figure Four Leglock. HHH screams in pain as HBK continues the hold. Flair breaks it up with a rake to the eyes behind the referee's back. Both men got on their feet, HBK hit a quick atomic drop and forearm to take down HHH. HBK connected with a big elbow off the top rope. HBK signaled for some Sweet Chin Music, charged, but knocked out Flair who got up on the ring apron. HHH caught HBK with a big DDT and both men were down. Flair slid the World Title into the ring. HHH knocked out HBK with the belt with the ref down. HHH went for the pin but only got a two count. Fans got pumped in San Antonio for an HBK comeback. Both men got back up, HHH sets HBK up for the Pedigree, HBK escaped but HHH throws him into the referee. Eric Bischoff runs down and acts as the new referee. Bischoff counted numerous close pinfalls fairly and was not bias towards HHH. HHH then took the padding over the corner turnbuckle. HHH picked up HBK and threw him into the corner. HBK hit the exposed corner with force, but came back towards HHH and connected with the Sweet Chin Music! HBK drapped over HHH's chest for the pin, 1...2...3!

The fans went nuts in San Antonio as HBK celebrated in the ring. Bischoff got on the mic and threw the World Heavyweight Title on a recovering HHH in the corner. Bischoff said that both men's shoulders were on the mat when the pin took place. Bischoff cued the footage and it showed HBK's shoulders on the mat during his pin on HHH. HHH's music hits and he remains the World Heavyweight Champion.

Winner & STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H

After the match, Bischoff continued to explain to HBK. Bischoff said since both men's shoulders were down on the mat, it resulted in a tie and in the case of a tie, the belt stays with the champion. Ric Flair hit the ring and started attacking HBK. HBK fought back with a big superkick and then knocked Bischoff out of the ring. HBK left and walked up the ramp. Bischoff got on the mic and said since HBK layed his hands on him, he was FIRED! Then, the glass shattered and Stone Cold Steve Austin came out. Austin got on the mic and said he is officially back on RAW. Austin said that since he is back, HBK is re-hired. Austin got in Bischoff's face and said that there is a new sherriff in town. Austin gave Bischoff a kick to the gut followed by the Stunner. The show went off the air with Austin celebrating.

Full WWE RAW Results - 12/29/03 (Second Report)
LIVE From: San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Report by: Peter H. of WrestleView.com

It�s me It�s me, the Road Dog�.ok never mind. It�s me Peter H. and I am back to recap the final raw of 2003.

A Video Recap of the raw from 2 weeks ago when Foley walked out as the Co-GM of Raw.

The Raw Pyro goes off to start Raw from San Antonio, Texas. (On a side note, I really like the music for Raw, �let�s get it on�)

JR and the King plug the main event for tonight, HHH vs. HBK for the World Title. Also, the fate of Austin tonight will be revealed. Foley music plays and out comes Orton in street clothes with the IC belt over his shoulder. (I can see Orton being a major player in the WWE for a long time, but then again that�s just my opinion.) Orton calls Foley not just a coward, but a smart coward. That way he doesn�t have to be embarrassed in a match vs. Orton. He then gets Lillian Garcia to announce himself as the winner of the match, and then the new Hardcore Legend, Randy Orton.

Booker T music hits and says that Orton had better worry about people here in the building tonight. Booker calls out Orton for the IC title tonight, and then gets jumped by Mark Henry. He throws Booker T into the set of Raw (think where RVD was thrown by Kane a few months back) Orton walks over to Booker and says that he accepts the challenge.

Bischoff confronts Henry and Theodore Long. Long wants to collect at the favour from Survivor Series, Bischoff suggests that they take the night off and next week the favour will be repaid.

Back from commercial, a happy holiday�s match is plugged; it will be Trish & Lita & Stacy vs. Molly Holly & Victoria & Miss Jackie.

RVD makes his way to the ring; his opponent is Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner. (Interesting fact is that both these guys were involved in the Bischoff / Austin Survivor Series match, also both are in the Legends of Wrestling Video Game Franchise). Power moves by Steiner to start, quickness by RVD, a 2 count by RVD. Steiner shakes the ropes when RVD goes up and hits a middle rope belly to belly suplex. Steiner dominating now, takes the match outside, and after a guardrail spot, the match goes back to the ring. Tree of Woe by Steiner, Steiner chokes RVD from the outside. Stiff clothesline, shaky elbow drop, and now a pushup set by Steiner. RVD is mounting a small comeback and hits a rolling thunder. Some brief fighting by Steiner and RVD, then another belly to belly attempt from the middle rope. RVD blocks it and hits single leg dropkick, followed by the Five Star for the victory.

Back from commercial, Y2J and Christian are bickering in the back. Christian says that Y2J ditched him for a girl. We go to Stanford, where the coach is, and will report on their decision. Linda will plead for Stone Cold to come back. Vince is interviewed and says that he will argue against him coming back. Vince complements Coach on his hat (Don�t ask me, I just recap this stuff)

HBK Classic, Royal Rumble 1997 (Sid vs. HBK)

JR and the King recap the �Christmas in Iraq�. A very nice tribute video is seen to the song �Weathered� by Creed (Top notch video as always) USA chant breaks out as we fade to break.

WWE Originals is plugged by the Dudley�s, we go to the ring and it�s the Dudley�s in the ring against 2 jobbers. Pre-taped promo by the Dudley�s and they are afraid that Foley has turned into a coward. Flair music hits, it looks like he is the special guest referee. (When was the last time that a referee wore Khakis?) Basic Dudley squash, but Bubba does a few Flair poses which are pretty funny. Flair disqualifies the Dudley�s for the use of a closed fist. The jobbers run as soon as Bubba decks Flair. Batista runs down and squashes both Dudley�s.

HBK Classic, Summerslam 2002 (HBK vs. HHH)

Back from another break, they plug �The Greatest� WWE book. (The very first wrestler in on the cover, it is Bret Hart)

Bischoff is giving the referees a pep talk. Talking about fair play and such, and bow an update from the coach. Vince talks about the testimony he just gave. Long winded promo by Vince on Austin, Linda is up next to plead for the return for Austin. Lita, Trish, and Stacy are starting an interview when a big black pickup truck runs in front of the camera. (No one was hurt). It�s Austin and he says that he�s waiting for the phone call from the board of directors.


Austin is waiting in his truck for the phone call and finishes off a beer.

Orton is coming out to the ring and is called the new IC Champ and the new hardcore legend. Booker T is out next and we have ourselves an IC Title match. Booker dominates the early going; however Orton is mounting a comeback. Back and forth action and now we see Booker in a reverse chin lock applied by Orton. More action back and forth, and a spinaroonie; followed by a blocked RKO attempt. Scissors Kick by Booker T, then Kane�s Pyro hits. Booker T turns around and into the RKO for the pin fall victory. Kane enters the ring and squashes Booker. We fade to break

HBK Classic Survivor Series 2002 (Elimination Chamber)

Linda is now interviewed by the Coach. Another promo regarding the fate of Austin, later tonight the fate of Austin will be revealed.

Y2J finds Trish, and tries to apologize. Trish says that he didn�t make the mistake; she did by falling for him. Commercial

Austin gets a phone call, but it�s just a friend and is still waiting for the call.

The �Happy Holidays� match is next. A 6 woman tag match, all the woman are dressed as sexy Santa�s little helpers. (Just a side note, Victoria is wearing a black knee brace like Austin�s). Instead of calling this match, I will just describe the finish as we are not going to expect a wrestling match. The finish sees Trish defeat Molly Holly with the top rope bulldog. Victoria helps Molly up and then decks her with the woman�s title.

Austin gets the call and it is reveled that he is back on Raw, but as the Co-GM of Raw. Austin doesn�t like that and tells them to take the Co-GM job and shove it. He then drives away (with the TV Light still in the back of his pickup)

Back from break and we get the recap of what just happened. JR and the King react and King is saying that Vince is a genius, by only offering him the Co-GM job.

Time for the main event, as HBK makes his way to the ring. (It�s only 10:30, so I guess we are in for a long match) HHH makes his way to the ring with Flair; Flair is now in his usual suit. We are all set so let�s go to a commercial

We are back, and we are underway. A bunch of reversals to start, (looks like this could be a nice match) HBK on top in the early going. HBK doing his rumble foot trick but turns it into a head scissors, then a strut and then a moonsault off of the apron, crashing into HHH and Flair. HBK working on the arm of HHH, with arm locks and arm bars. HHH straddles the middle rope, so HBK gives the rope a little kick behind the ref�s back. (Classic HBK, no pun intended) they are exchanging chops and right hands with HBK on top. HHH has not had any major offence yet. HBK with a sleeper, HHH reverses it; HBK reverses the reverse with a quick 2 count. A couple of quick two counts, and now more chops by HBK. HHH reverses an offensive move by HBK and throws him over the top rope, both are exhausted, so lets go to another commercial (too many commercials tonight, once again just my opinion, but it is the last one)

HHH is now in control of the match as we return. HHH hits his classic spots now, single knee breaker, back breaker, and so on. HHH is working on the back of HBK. More closed fists, and now HBK and HHH are in a slugfest. HHH takes HBK outside and throws him into the steps. HBK has a nice bump on his shoulder, the way he is favouring his arm, it might be legit. HHH tries to pin HBK but he won�t stay down. HHH know applies the abdominal stretch. HBK finally reverses it with a hip toss. Now they are trading chops, with HBK on top. HHH hits the knee drop again for a quick 2 count. HHH is now favouring his groin, now he might be hurt. HBK has HHH in the figure four in the center of the ring. HHH pulls the ref, which allows Flair to rake the eyes of HBK. Both men are tired now, HBK climbs the buckle, and attempts a double axe handle, HHH kicks him and tries the pedigree but HBK reverses it into a back body drop. More chops and punches by both. Back and forth action now with the chops, and now 2 inverted atomic drops by HBK. HBK is set, it looks like sweet chin music, no wait, and he is climbing the buckle and hits the flying elbow. HBK is playing to the crowd and now it�s time for the sweet chin music. HBK knocks Flair off the apron, HHH does a ref bump, HHH blocks the sweet chin music and hits the DDT on HBK. Flair slides the title to HHH. HHH knocks out HBK with the title. A very long 2 count by HBK (2 and 7/8ths) HHH goes for a pedigree and HBK accidentally bumps the ref out of the ring. Bischoff is running out and is helping the ref. HHH takes the padding off of the buckle. HBK reverses a whip into the buckle and now HHH is out in the center of the ring. HBK covers but Bischoff counts a 2 count. A quick set of moves and 2 close counts (one by each wrestler). HHH is busted wide open now. Both wrestlers are now exhausted, more chops by HBK. HHH whips HBK into the exposed buckle; HBK turns around and hits HHH with the weakest sweet chin music, and lands on HHH for the 3 count. Bischoff announces HHH the winner because both HHH and HBK shoulders were down, and in the case of a tie the champion retains. Bischoff then says HBK has been on a bad streak as of late. HBK loses it and knocks out Flair and Bischoff and walks up the ramp. Bischoff then says �You�re Fired, Happy New Year�. Glass Breaks, and here comes Stone Cold Steve Austin. He gets in the ring and says that he is back on Raw on his terms and his conditions. He rehires HBK, and then orders a rematch. He then says that there is a new sheriff in town, and stuns Bischoff. �And that�s the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.

End of Show.

Quick Results:

- RVD defeats Scott Steiner via Five Star Frog Splash

- Jobbers defeat Dudley Boys by DQ when Flair (special guest ref) DQ�s Bubba Ray for the use of a closed fist

- Randy Orton defeats and retains the IC Title by pinfall over Booker T by RKO

- Trish Stratus, Lita, Stacy Keibler defeats Molly Holly, Victoria, Miss Jackie by pinfall via Top rope bulldog by Trish Stratus on Molly Holly

- HHH defeats and retains the world title by pinfall over HBK by a double pinfall


- I like how Orton is now billing himself as the new hardcore legend

- What could Mark Henry�s favour be, and please don�t let it be another match with Booker T

- Why can�t this storyline with Trish and Y2J end soon?

- Very, Very nice video about the Smackdown In Iraq show, I always love it when they do those musical tributes

- Did we ever get those jobbers names?

- Do I want to hear the Dudley�s sing?

- Closed Fist? You have got to be kidding me

- Nice piece of fluff with the ladies but it was a few minutes too long

- Good last match for 2003, it was great and had me on the edge of my seat. HBK and HHH both might have injured themselves, maybe not, but a great match nonetheless

As always I can be reached at raw@wrestleview.com and holt0020@algonquincollege.com as well. I want to wish my fellow Wrestleview.com writers, and the webmaster Paul Nemer a very happy 2004. I also would like to thank the fans of Wrestleview.com (special thanks to Shane from Australia for the nice words) for the nice comments, I wish every single one of you a happy new year as well. See everyone next week.