Full WWE SummerSlam (RAW/SmackDown) PPV Results -- 8/15/04 -- Toronto

Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
On Sunday, August 15, 2004 at 10:51 PM EST

- The following match took place on WWE Sunday Night Heat prior to SummerSlam on Pay Per View:

  • Rob Van Dam vs. Rene Dupree

    Winner: Rob Van Dam

    - The match ended when Rob Van Dam hit a huge Five Star Frog Splash on Dupree for the win. Solid match to open the show.

    Full WWE SummerSlam (RAW/SmackDown) PPV Results - 8/15/04
    Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Report by: Adam Martin of WrestleView.com

  • The Dudley's vs. Billy Kidman, Paul London & Rey Mysterio

    Winners: The Dudley's

    - The match ended when Bubba Ray & D-Von hit the 3D on Billy Kidman when the referee was distracted as they were not the legal men. Spike then made the cover on Billy Kidman for the win.

    TILL DEATH DO US PART MATCH - Lita must marry the winner
  • Kane vs. Matt Hardy

    Winner: Kane

    - The match ended when Kane was sitting on the top rope and Hardy went up to the top attempting a DDT/suplex. Kane countered and gave Hardy a big chokeslam from the top rope to get the 1, 2, 3 for the win. Lita must now marry Kane. After the match, Lita ran to the back as Kane laughed.

    - Backstage, Tod Grisham was with Randy Orton. Grisham said Lita must be upset about having to marry Kane. Orton asked why anyone would be upset because tonight will be historic. John Cena walks up and said tonight is really about him kicking Booker T's ass. Cena said he knows some people like Orton so he will see. Cena asks Toronto, or T-Dawg, if they like him and if he will beat Chris Benoit tonight for the World Title. The fans boo loudly. Orton said he doesn't care what any assbackwards Canadians think of him. He said he found it pathetic that Cena had to interrupt him just to get some air time. Orton said tonight he will make history and leave Toronto the youngest world champion ever.

  • Booker T (c) vs. John Cena

    Winner of Match #1: John Cena

    - The match ended when Booker T missed the axe kick and Cena responded with the FU. Cena hooked the leg and got the 1, 2, 3 to win the first match of the best of five series. Cena is two wins away from becoming the new WWE US Champion.

    - Backstage, Eric Bischoff talks with Teddy Long. He brings up how it seems everytime the two brands get together for Pay Per View events, he is talking to someone knew. Bischoff said it Stephanie McMahon, Paul Heyman, Kurt Angle and now Long. He told Long to enjoy his time as GM seeing as it will change by Survivor Series. Long threatens to sign Eugene to SmackDown as well as any other RAW superstars who are sick of Bischoff.

  • Edge (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Batista

    Winner & STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Edge

    - The match ended when Jericho hit a running bulldog on Edge and then gave Batista a springboard dropkick, knocking him off the ring apron. When Jericho turned around, Edge hit a quick spear and made the cover for the 1, 2, 3 to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title. The fans were in the middle for Edge as he got both booed and cheered at various times.

    - A plug for WrestleMania XX airing on the WWE Fanatic PPV series aired.

  • Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle w/ Luther Reigns

    Winner: Kurt Angle

    - During the match, Angle took off one of Guerrero's boots to work on his injured ankle. Lots of great back and forth action. Angle kicked out of a Frog Splash and then applied the Ankle Lock on Guerrero. Guerrero attempted to counter out of it numerous times, but Angle held on and kept it locked on. Guerrero reached for the ropes, but eventually tapped out to give Angle the win. Very solid match.

  • Triple H vs. Eugene

    Winner: Triple H

    - The crowd in Toronto was against Eugene throughout the match. Anytime he got offense in on Triple H, the crowd would boo. Ric Flair eventually made his way out to the ringside area, attempting to distract Eugene. Eugene hit the Pedigree on Triple H and went for the cover, but Flair put Triple H's leg on the ropes to stop the pinfall. The referee then sent Flair to the back and William Regal came out. Regal knocked out Flair with the brass knucks. Eugene jumped for joy, but when he turned around he got a kick to the gut and a Pedigree from Triple H. Triple H made the cover for the win. After the match, Regal attended to Eugene as Triple H dragged Flair to the back.

  • WWE Divas vs. RAW Diva Search Girls

    Winners: RAW Diva Search Girls

    - Jazz was eliminated first. Victoria was eliminated second. Stacy Keibler was out third. Molly was eliminated fourth. One of the Diva Search girls was eliminated fifth. Nidia was the last eliminated, giving the RAW Diva Search Girls the win. After the contest, captain Trish Stratus and Victoria began to brawl. They were eventually broken up. The crowd in Toronto booed the segment and Jerry "The King" Lawler questioned if Canadians even liked women.

  • John Bradshaw Layfield (c) w/ Orlando Jordan vs. The Undertaker

    Winner via DQ: John Bradshaw Layfield

    - At one point during the match, the crowd started a WAVE in the arena. That was quite the sight to see during a wrestling PPV. The Undertaker kicked out of the Clothesline from Hell and JBL kicked out of a Chokeslam. The match ended when Orlando Jordan tried to knock out Undertaker with the WWE Title, but got a boot to the face. Undertaker picked up the WWE Title and knocked out JBL, but the referee saw it and called for the bell. After the match, The Undertaker bodyslammed JBL onto the hood of the car. He then gave JBL a Chokeslam through the top of limo. Undertaker took some of JBL's blood and smeared it over his chest. EMT's took JBL away as the crowd sang "Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye."

  • Chris Benoit (c) vs. Randy Orton

    Winner & NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton

    - A loud "YOU SCREWED BRET" chant started before the bell rang as Canada's favorite referee Earl Hebner was in the ring. At one point during the match, Benoit did a dive to the outside, Orton moved out of the way and Benoit's head connected with the guard railing in sick fashion. Benoit hit a series of german suplexes on Orton to get a nice pop from the crowd. Benoit went to the top, jumped, but Orton put up his boots to counter the headbutt. Benoit locked on the Sharpshooter and Orton eventually got the ropes. Soon after, Benoit locked on the Crossface. Orton rolled out a few times and broke it up. The match ended when Benoit attempted another Crossface, Orton ducked and countered it into a quick RKO. Orton made the cover and got the 1, 2, 3 for the win. Randy Orton is your new World Heavyweight Champion and the youngest world champion in WWE history. Orton has a shocked look on his face and celebrates with the World Title. After the match, Benoit leaves the ring and comes back in, extending his hand to Orton. He yells at Orton to be a man and Orton shakes his hand. Benoit leaves and Orton celebrates in front of the Toronto crowd.