Full WWE RAW Results - 10/13/03 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Mellon Arena

Reported by Josh Gotti of WrestleView.com
On Monday, October 13, 2003 at 11:42 PM EST

Full WWE RAW Results - 10/13/03
LIVE from: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Mellon Arena
Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Reported By: Josh Gotti of WrestleView.com

The Program starts with Randy Orton and Flair doing a interview with Terri. All of a sudden Flair notices HBK and walks up to him. Flair tries to get into HBK's head saying stuff like "Be HBK, BE THE MAN YOU USE TO BE." And says he will give HBK 100,000,00 IF he can be HBK and take of business. Then HBK walks away. Then we cut into the intro Of Raw fallowed video footage being shown from Last weeks accident involving Kane and Shane, JR Also says on the show tonight we will see Kane Live from the hospital and how he is doing.

Jericho and Christian Is Then seen in the ring saying to cut the footage and talks about how he wants Austin out. After that Y2J Talks about Shane and how at a house show he did the Shane Terminator and ended up breaking Test's Lag and he is responsible for Kane going to the hospital....After that Shane is seen heading to the ring and he talks to Jericho about how it was his fault for Test but for Kane he asked for it. After that La R�sistance comes out saying how Austin should be out of the position as GM...Just then Jericho and La Resistance to a start nailing Shane but Dudley's come running to the ring as Jericho and Christian and La Resistance run out and walk up the ramp...Dudley's ask for a match with them and Shane Vs La Resistance, Jericho, and Christian...There is a huddle and its declined as Jericho, Christian and La Resistance walk to the back.

Then We see Goldberg coming out of his car, as he does so a car is seen running at him but he jumps out of the way, as we cut to commercial Break.

~Commercial Break~

Match # 1
*I.C. Title Match*
RVD Vs Scott Steiner

It all starts with Steiner taking it to RVD with Rights fallowed by a Back Suplex. And of course as we all know a lot of Pushups and posing by Steiner. That's when RVD Capitalizes with moves of his own a springboard and a rolling thunder. The Match ends after Steiner uses a chair on RVD outside the ring and is disqualified

Winner: By DQ - Still your I.C. Champion RVD

After the Match Stacy is in the ring as Steiner comes in with a chair and about to hit Stacy with it. Before he can, Austin comes out to the ring asking "Why Is Steiner after Stacy" Then saying for Steiner to hit him..After Steiner does hit give a right to Austin Knocking him down...But Austin gets up smiling and starts pumbling Steiner and ends up throwing him into the steel steps. Then Steiner gets up and as Austin is calling him in he runs off leaving Stacy in the ring with Austin. Austin then passes a beer to Stacy...But stacy says she does not want it. Austin then opens it for her and forces her to take a sip as she has disgust on her face Austin Stuns her.


The show comes back with Flair joining the commentary team of JR and The King.

Match #2
Maven vs. Rico

Flair talks about how Maven picked the wrong man to face tonight. This Match ends after Maven does a high fly face buster for the win.

Winner : Maven

After The Match Flair walks down the ramp with a Crutch and nails Maven with it. And then gives him right hands as reff's pull him off, he walks up the ramp and out of sight as Maven is out cold. We go to Commercial.


We return with Hurricane and Rosie talking. Rosie in a Detective uniform saying he is going to the locker room to change...But Hurricane says "Superheroes don't change in Locker rooms" So Rosie goes in the phone booth to change.

Then we see the footage once again of Kane and Shane Last week on raw with the limo crashing and how Kane was sent to the hospital. Shane is seen backstage Smiling about the situation. After the Dudley's enter Shane's Room and say Austin made the match Jericho, Christian and La Resistance Vs Dudley's, Shane McMahon and a Partner of their choice in a TABLES MATCH.

After we see Goldberg talking to someone about the car that tried to run him over. As he walks away a few pipes fall from a box sitting on top of a ceiling Raft. Goldberg pissed walks off.


Goldberg Heads to The Ring and says whoever wants the money from HHH, he is in the ring and to come and get him. Just then HBK's Music hits as he walks to the ring. HBK says he isn't coming to get the money, he said he wants a explanation for the Spear last week. Just then Tommy Dreamer comes to the ring with a kendo stick nailing Goldberg but is speared in the process. Just then Flair comes to the ring with Orton Yelling at HBK to Nail Goldberg...But then Mark Henry and Teddy come in saying their going to take the money....Then Bischoff comes out and makes a handicap match featuring Mark henry, Orton, and Flair Vs Goldberg and HBK.


Match # 3
*Tables Match*
Jericho, Christian and La Resistance vs. Shane McMahon, Dudley's and Mystery Partner

The Mystery Partner ends up being the returning Booker T. Shane, Dudley's and and Booker T Run into the ring as Jericho, Christian and La Resistance run out. Then the match finally starts first 2 men in the ring end up being Booker T and Jericho. Booker T and Bubba Ray do a number on Jericho. Christian is tagged in and D'Von go at it and it goes both ways bt D'Von looking more successful. Then D'Von is double Teamed by Christian and Jericho. D'Von ends up being in this match for a good 10 minutes of the match. Shane McMahon is then tagged and he does a number on Jericho and spears him. La Resistance ends up setting up a table after beating down Shane. But does not get a chance to pick Shane up since the Dudley's end up going after La Resistance.


We return as the match continues. We see Shane McMahon be manhandled by Christian and Jericho. Shane McMahon being beaten down by each guy and ends up being Isolated from his corner by Jericho. Shane Finally tags Booker T. Booker T starts going after anything that walks. As Bubba Ray is in the ring Jericho brings in the garbage can and nails Bubba Ray. Then Booker T Nails Ren� Dupree...and puts the garbage can in front of him in the corner as Shane does the Shane Terminator. The Dudley's then bring in the Table but in the process get nailed with the French Flag...But then Spike comes to the ring doing the Dudley Dog on Jericho...but is thrown out of the ring by Christian...Just then Booker T Does his version of the Rock Bottom to Ron Conway Through the table for the WIN.

Winner : Shane McMahon, Dudley's, and Booker T

We then see some footage of a house show that took place in Kentucky.


We return in the back with Rosie who is stuck in the phone booth. Then were back in the ring where Shane, Dudley's and Booker T are still celebrating all doing the spin-a-rooni. Just then The Coach is seen walking down the ramp saying its now time to interview Kane from his hospital bed. Just then as Coach is telling Shane it was brutal what happened to Kane...Shane says "Your Interview skills are brutal" and Shane is going to do the interview...Kane is shown on Satellite unconscious and out...Shane is saying to settle this at Survivor Series The Heart Monitor is going faster and Faster as the Doctor keeps saying The Interview is Over...Just then Kane Rises and Grabs the Doctor by the throat and throws him against the wall.


Match # 4
Lita Vs Ivory Vs Trish Vs Gail Kim Vs Victoria Vs Molly Holly

Match starts with all the women going at it...Then turning Ivory and Gail in the ring...Ivory and Gail go back and forth with right hands and then Lita is tagged and Molly is tagged. Just then as Molly hits Trish in the corner...Trish wants in as the reff blocks her way Molly and Ivory do a double team on Lita. The Match ends with Victoria about to do a power bomb on Trish but its reversed to a rollup for the win.

Winner : Trish

After the match Trish is hit from behind by Gail and Victoria. But then Jericho is seen coming to the ring to Trish's aid nailing Richards and Victoria and then helps Trish up and shows some kind of affection, as he smiles at her. He walks out of the ring and up the ramp.


Backstage we see Jericho walking in the back with a smile on his face. Austin is then seen, and talks to Jericho asking if he is trying to be a gentlemen but then Jericho says he is being a gentlemen unlike Austin stunning Stacy. Just then Austin walks away as Terri catches up to him asking if he knows who is trying to nail Goldberg and Austin says no...Just then as he continues to walk the back he finds Rosie still stuck in the phone booth.

We then go into the Evolution locker room with Flair and Orton...Flair says he cant wait till HBK takes the money after he takes down Goldberg. Just then Henry is seen entering the locker room saying if we don't take the money first.


Match # 5
*Handicap Match*
Mark Henry, Orton, and Flair Vs Goldberg and HBK

HBK starts the match doing a number on Orton Fallowed by Flair. Goldberg then is tagged and makes Flair fly with a Big Back body drop, which ends up making Flair tag Henry and Goldberg tags HBK. Henry Dominates HBK with Hard Irish whips and slams. Then he tags Flair who his usual chop but it becomes a chop war between HBK and Flair and they both go down with a double clothesline. HBK Slowly crawls to his corner to tag Goldberg, and Goldberg easily Picks up Henry and slams him and does the spear as HBK fly's out of the ring on top of Flair and Orton...Then Goldberg Picks up Henry and does the Jackhammer for the win.

Winner : HBK and Goldberg

After the match HBK Turns on Goldberg By giving him the sweet Chin Music. Just then Bischoff comes out and states that Flair said HBK is the only man who can beat Goldberg to the Punch. Bischoff announces NEXT WEEK on Raw it will be HBK Vs Goldberg For The HeavyWeight Title. Raw Goes Off The Air.

Thoughts and Comments

I don't know about you, But have you noticed that raw is starting to be based on more talking then Matches. I thought WWE was based on Wrestling? Well there was only 5 matches and that was it. Well none the less I do have to say I love the Kane/Shane Storyline. Especially the way Kane raised from his hospital Bed and Took out that doctor. Very good work. Also another thing I liked was the way they had the mystery going with the car incident trying to hit Goldberg, and the pipes...Doesn't this remind you of the time HHH was wearing that black glove. And I have to say Its about time we see HBK HEEL...Why? Because HBK as a face is not as good of a character for HBK. HBK's Heel character is much more enjoyable to watch. I mean look at him when he was with DX, NWO and so many more. This guy has talent.

I also liked the Table Match and its great to see Booker T Back. Booker T was great in the ring. I think Dudley's, Booker T, and Shane was a good team. And what a table match. Long and entertaining.

Now here is a thing I don't understand...Jericho who is suppose to be heel comes out and helps Trish? Does this mean we see Jericho Turning Face?

Now I thought we were suppose to see Maven Vs Flair Tonight? What happened? Why was it Scratched? Well I guess WWE Decided to scratch it for no apparent reason...But I guess Its WWE's Decision. But in my opinion the match would of been pretty predictable.

Hope you all enjoyed the report Send me Your Feedback of what You thought of this weeks Raw, And HBK's Heel Turn. Do you think it was a great Move? Or a bad Move? Also how do you feel about Booker T's Return?

Make sure you send all your comments to Me Josh Gotti to raw@wrestleview.com.