WWE RAW Results - 9/22/03 - Washington, DC (Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg)

Reported by Paul Nemer of WrestleView.com
On Monday, September 22, 2003 at 11:10 PM EST

WWE RAW Results - 9/22/03
LIVE from: Washington, DC
Commentators: Jonathan Coachman & Al Snow
Reported By: Paul Nemer of WrestleView.com.

The regular RAW reporter couldn't write the recap this week. I filled in at the last minute. The report isn't too detailed, but it gives you a general idea if what happened.

Lilian Garcia pointed out that some U.S. troops who were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are in attendance at RAW. Camera zooms in on them and they get a standing ovation.

The new RAW announcers, Jonathan Coachman and Al Snow make their way to the commenating position.

Bill Goldberg segment

The new World champion comes out to a standing ovation. He says Austin comes out and congratulates him and rinks beer with him. Eric Bischoff comes out and says that Vince McMahon didn't make Bill Goldberg, Eric Bischoff made Bill Goldberg. Bischoff turns around, and Goldberg speared him.

Intercontinental championship
Rob Van Dam vs. Christian

A decent match, with great moves by both men. At the end, Christian nails RVD with the intercontinental championship and gets himself disqualified. After the match, Christian gets a ladder and hits RVD with it. Christian positions the ladder in the corner, climbs up, and delivers a frog splash from the top of the ladder.

Winner: by DQ, Rob Van Dam

Chris Jericho demands a match with Bill GOldberg tonight for the World title. Bischoff awards him the title shot.


Mark Jindrak and Garisson Cade were comming to the ring. Evolution came out and attacked them. Evolution then makes their way to the ring. Triple H gets in the ring and received tons of Goldberg chants. He says that he is the greatest professional wrestler alive today. He said that Goldberg didn't beat him, he beat himself. Because he
didn't believe the hype. What Goldberg did last night was make him a believer. Now it's time for HHH to make Goldberg believe. HHH says that everyone has "game over" signs, but for Goldberg, the game has just started. He says that he will get his belt back.


Mark Henry vs. Tommy Dreamer

This match lasted a minute. Mark henry just picked him up and dropped him for the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

Next week on RAW:

Jim Ross vs. Jonathan Coachman. Winner gets the RAW announcing position.

Christian vs. RVD for the IC title in a ladder match.


Lita & Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly & Gail kim

At the end, Trish took out Molly and both started fighting outside. In the ring, Lita delivered the Twist of Fate and got the 1,2,3.

Winners: Trish Stratus & Lita


Stacy apologizes to Scott Steiner for costing him the match yesterday.

They show Kane attacking Shane McMahon at the hospital.

The Hurricane & Rosey vs. Rene Dupree & Rob Conway

Sylvain Grenier was involved in the match, but Rosey and Hurricane double teamed Conway at the end and got the win. After the match, the Dudley Boyz came out and congratulated them, and then went to thank the U.S. troops who were at ringside.

Winners: The Hurricane & Rosey


Evolution vs. Mark Jindrak, Garisson Cade & Maven

Maven dropped kicked Flair near the end, then he covers, but the referee was knocked out on the outside. Triple H comes in and pedigrees Maven and puts Ric Flair on top of Maven. Referee comes in and makes the three count. After the match, HHH says that we need him more than he needs us. What a load of crap. Let him retire, see if I care -:)

Winners: Evolution

The Rock was shown in Hollywood. He thanked Vince McMahon and all the boys in the locker room. The rock says that he wants to specially thank the fans. Without them, he wouldn't be where he's at. The Rock then talks about his upcoming movie "The Rundown."

World Title
Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho

Bischoff was the enforcer referee. Goldberg has Jericho covered, 1,2 but Bischoff pulls out the referee. Jericho does the lionsault and covers, Bischoff counts, 1,2 but Goldberg kicked out. Steve Austin comes out and pulls Bischoff out of the ring, then knocks him down. Jericho was furious, yelling at Austin. Jericho turns around and Goldberg speared him. Jackhammer by Goldberg, 1,2,3.

Winner: Still World Champion, Bill Goldberg

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