Full WWE RAW Results - 9/01/03 - (Six-Man Tag Team Main Event + more)

Reported by Jeff Williams of WrestleView.com
On Monday, September 1, 2003 at 11:33 PM EST

Full WWE RAW Results - 9/01/03
LIVE from: The Cajundome in Lafayette, Louisiana
Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Reported By: Jeff Williams of WrestleView.com.

Last week, Kane turned a dumpster into hell and tried to throw Shane McMahon into the fire but Shane was able to fight him off and send Kane into the fiery dumpster all while hoping Kane would burn in hell.

Pyro goes off and RAW is live on Labor Day from the Cajundome in Lafayette, Louisiana. RAW opens as Jerry Lawler makes his way to the ring for his match with Jonathan Coachman. JR confirmed that Kane was not dead and his condition would be updated later in the show.

Jonathan Coachman vs Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Coach started off acting cocky, jumping all around the ring before Lawler took him out with a right. Lawler follows up with a body slam and Coach begins to have second thoughts. Coach tried some offense with a side headlock, but Lawler counters. Al Snow made his way down to ringside and told Coach to stop the match. He was embarrassing himself and Sunday Night Heat. Snow told Lawler he would throw in the towel for Coach. Coach got upset and told Snow he didn't need his help and shoved him away. Then my TV when black. When the show came back, I saw Snow throwing Lawler back into the ring with Coach following it up with an elbow drop and a pin.

Winner � Jonathan Coachman

Moments ago: Snow had slammed Lawler into the ring post.

Shane was stopped by Terri backstage. She said the images at the end of last week's show had been disturbed her and said, Kane was not in the dumpster when the dumpster was extinguished. She told Shane to be careful with her �awesome� acting ability.

Al Snow and Coach were then shown celebrating Coach�s victory over the King. Eric Bischoff then demanded what they thought they were doing, then admitted he wished he'd thought of it. Stone Cold Steve Austin shows up behind Bischoff and said he would do something special and headed to the ring.

Looks like the Highlight Reel is next but out comes Austin. He proceeds to throw both chairs out of the ring and destroyed the rest of the very expensive Highlight Reel set.

Austin ordered J.R. to stand up. He said Coach says Austin is JR�s boy and he is sick of hearing it. He booked a match between Coach and J.R. for Unforgiven. He then called out Randy Orton. Austin said Orton has been calling himself the Legend Killer, but he had no business calling himself that at this point in his career. If he wants to beat a legend, he can have a match against the Legendary Shawn Michaels at Unforgiven.. Austin had been asked about Goldberg's chances of beating Triple H for the title. He then booked Evolution in a six-man tag match against Maven, HBK, and Goldberg tonight

Chris Jericho's music hit and was visibly upset that Austin had trashed his set and claimed that no cancels his Highlight Reel. He also asked why the King of Bling Bling hasn�t been placed on Unforgiven. Jericho reminded Austin that he is the MVP of Raw. He orders Austin to kiss his boots and snow him some respect. Austin showed his respect by flipping Jericho off.

Christian then came out claiming the Intercontinental Champion deserves some respect as well. His peeps loved him and he still wants his apology from Stone Cold. Austin told him to keep waiting, because it�s not gonna happen. Austin said if Jericho and Christian are gonna whine about not completing, they could fight in a match tonight. Jericho said nobody can beat the team of Y2J and Christian so bring on anyone. Austin booked Jericho vs. Christian, right now for the Intercontinental Championship.

Intercontinental Title Match � Christian (C) vs Chris Jericho.

The match had started during the commercial break and Lawler had joined the announce position. Jericho tosses Christian to the outside and then into the ring steps. Great back and forth action, with close pinfalls from both men. Jericho went for a rollup with his hand on the rope but Hebner caught him and allowed Christian to score with a rollup while HIS hand grabbed the top rope for the win.

Winner and Still Intercontinental Champ - Christian

Backstage, Shane was asked by Stone Cold to leave. While he�s not the most sensitive person, he didn't think Shane was safe. Shane said if something was going down tonight, he wants Kane to bring it on.

The Elimination Chamber match from SummerSlam was shown beginning with Goldberg�s entrance. It showed Goldberg run through everyone except HHH�s sledgehammer.

Triple H was shown on the TitanTron and claimed he was anxious to get his hands on Goldberg and hated it when the fans chanted Goldberg. The fans are just sheep and Bill Goldberg was nothing but hype and a cleverly planned wrestler. He said Goldberg is what someone thought a wrestler was all about but HHH is what a wrestler is all about. Goldberg shows up and promised to become the new Heavyweight Champ.

Woman�s Tag Team Match - Molly Holly & Gail Kim vs. Trish Stratus & Ivory.

It started off with all women in the ring, then became Gail Kim and Ivory. Ivory was tossed to the outside while Molly took Ivory out on the floor. Trish was tagged in and went after Molly. Trish kicked Molly in the jaw and covered but was broken up by Kim.. Kim and Molly took advantage and nailed Trish with a double powerbomb and got the win. Ivory then got nailed with a double DDT after the match.

Winners � Molly Holly & Gail Kim

Shane was shown walking around backstage and saw his father. Vince told Shane that he wanted to clear the air. He heard something was going down tonight and he was concerned for Shane's safety. He wanted to make things right between them and moved in for a hug. Shane denied it and headed to the ring.

Shane made his way to the ring and said if something bad was going to happen, let it happen right here, right now. Out comes Eric Bischoff, then Kane�s music hit and the lights went out and Kane was shown in the ring and began to slam Shane into the steel steps. He handcuffed Shane to the ring post and poured water on Shane. Kane got out some jumper cables and attached them to Shane�s �buddies� He threatened to shock Shane right there before Rob Van Dam ran out and nailed Kane with a chair. RVD got into the ring and gave Kane a Van Daminator, then tried to help Shane.

Shane had been taken away by EMTs during the break

Kane was shown backstage with Bischoff furious at RVD's interference, so Bischoff booked, Kane vs. RVD next week in a steel cage.

Non Title Match - La Resistance vs The Hurricane & S.H.I.T Rosey.

Hurricane was about to go for his finish but Rob Conway�s interference helped La Resistance once again get a win. Sylvan ordered Rene to �get the tables.� The Dudleys hit the ring and were about to send Conway through a table until La Resistance made the save.

Winners � La Resistance

Backstage, Terri asked Maven about tonight's match. He was stepping into the ring with the best in the business. Ric Flair and Randy Orton asked Maven why he didn�t just learn his lesson last week and he didn't have what it took to be part of Evolution. After tonight, he'd realize that Evolution has passed him by.

Theodore Long, along with Mark Henry & Rodney Mack, asked Austin why the brothers had gotten kicked off of Raw. Austin said it was simple. He needed to add a match and their match had been subtracted.

RVD asked Austin that he wants his cage match with Kane next week be first on the card next week. Austin made it the first

Stacy told Test he was a jerk and he apologized to her. He said they could be a great team again and said Testicles was her idea and a great one. He said she could even come out to her own music.

Intergender Tag Match: Test & Stacy vs Stevie Richards & Victoria.

Lillian Garcia announced that this would be a no disqualification match. Stacy didn't want to be in the ring. Stacy was able to get in some good chops on Stevie while Test held him. Victoria enters and begins to take control of Stacy. Stevie tried for a pump-handle, but Test pushed him off. Stacy was double-teamed by Stevie and Victoria and Test showed no remorse. Stacy got hit with a clothesline from Stevie and Scott Steiner ran out to make the save and took everyone out. Stacy pinned Victoria to take the win. Test grabbed Stacy's arm and pulled her to the back.

Winners � Test & Stacy

Evolution were heading to the ring for the main event.

Six-Man Tag Match: Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, & Maven vs Evolution

HBK was taking everybody on and then hit a high flying move to the outside to take Evolution down. Orton and Flair started to double-team HBK and then Triple H tagged in but quickly tagged Orton in. Orton began to wear down Michaels. Michaels was trying to make the tag and finally was able to sent in Goldberg. He took out Orton and Flair very quickly but was hit from behind by Triple H. Triple H was throwing punches in the corner but Goldberg reversed an Irish whip and set up HHH for the spear but then Orton attacked him from behind. Goldberg quickly hit Orton with a spear and hit him with the jackhammer and covered him for the win.

Winners � Goldberg, HBK, & Maven

The show ended with Goldberg and HHH staring each other down with JR claiming that Goldberg is one step closer to winning the World Heavyweight Title.

Thoughts and Comments

Jericho once again shows me why he is the true MVP of RAW and he said so himself tonight. Of course, I�ll get emails from fans who will say �Didn�t you hear the crowd? They booed him; they don�t think he is the MVP.� Well, I�m gonna say, that�s the reaction Jericho should get. He is a heel and him getting boos from the crowd is what he is getting paid to do so I think it�s safe to say he�s doing his job right.

Didn�t you get the feeling that HHH�s promo was more towards a shoot then anything else? Not like he�ll get disciplined anyway but what he said about Goldberg was completely true.

Al Snow as a heel. . .yeah, doesn�t do anything for me either.

Why does it seem like every new female that enters the WWE has a problem with Trish? It�s like everyone in the Woman�s division were all best friends once and then Trish did something to piss each and everyone of them off.

Jesus H Christ, Vince! CAN YOU STAY OFF TELEVISION FOR ONE GODDAMN WEEK! I promise all of you that the ratings dropped

Yeah, that�s how I�d get back at someone who tired to burn me alive. I�d go right after his balls! That�s how you get someone back.

Anyone notice before Goldberg jackhammered Orton, he was yelling �This is for you, Paul� I really don�t think these two like each other at all.

I honestly think they needed to turn Maven and have him join Evolution. Anyone else agree?

Thoughts, Praise, Disagreements?. . .you can get me at Raw@wrestleview.com or my AIM name which is Jeff W Version 1.