Full WWE SmackDown Results - 07/03/03 (Steph/Zach Gowen vs. Big Show)

Reported by Robert Miller of WrestleView.com
On Friday, July 4, 2003 at 12:39 PM EST

Full WWE SmackDown Results - 07/03/03
Taped From: Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, NY
Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz
Reported by: Christopher Ouellette of WrestleView.com

Las week's chapter of the Gowen & McMahon hour is recapped.

Vince McMahon appears via video tape and announces that tonight he has the evidence to seal the fate of Mr. America. He also mentions tonight's main event being the Big Show vs. Stephanie McMahon and Zach Gowen in a handicap match.

Nunzio vs. Rey Mysterio (WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

Chuck Palumbo and Johnny Stamboli are with Nunzio, but Mike Chiota makes them return to the locker room. Perfectly acceptable cruiserweight match. This match just goes to show that Nunzio is probably the hardest working "company man" the WWE has at the moment. After some interference for the FBI on the outside and the APA making the save, Rey Rey is able to pick up the victory following the 619 and West Coast Pop. Kidman who has been sitting at ringside throughout, gets in the ring and celebrates the Champ's victory.

Winner: Rey Rey

WWE Burn of the Night: Last week's Tag Title match is recapped.

-- Commercial �

Cole announces that Kurt Angle will challenge Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at Vengeance. Backstage, the two (Angle and Lesnar) are chatting when a PA walks by and says "hi Champ." Both answer her and then argue for a bit about who she was talking to (while Angle is saying that it was him, it was not hard to notice his wedding band on his left hand). They start to exit and Kurt goes over to the PA and says thanks for addressing him as the champ, but Lesnar pats him on the back after taking a swig of milk and Kurt spits it out all over the PA. Kurt offers her a napkin after just drenching her face.

We are out to the ring where Shaniqua is doing her best Seabiscut impression by spanking the Basham Brothers with a riding crop.

Basham Brothers (w/ Shaniqua) vs. Chris Benoit & Rhyno

The Basham Brothers start of the match by both attacking their opponents. Rather strangely paced/scripted match with very little individual action and a lot of whirlwind tag team action. Your usual run of the mill both partners are clearing house once the tag is made concludes this match when Benoit gets Danny Basham to submit via the crossface. After the bell Shaniqua motions Benoit over to her, but Rhyno pulls him out of the ring. [Benoit must really like the kinky women, first he goes after Woman and now Shaniqua. Hey Benoit, how bout going after a lady that you could take home to mom?]

Winner(s): Chris Benoit & Rhyno

Stephanie tries to talk her father out of the idea of having her be Zach Gowen's partner tonight, Vince is not having any of it.

� Commercial �

Sable come's into Steph's office and informs her that there is no need to worry about the future of the Smackdown brand because she (Sable) will make a fine GM.

Earlier today, Nidia and Jamie Noble are out on the town via a limo and are "hamming it up" about his inheritance.

Orlando Jordan is preparing for action tonight when the Undertaker comes into the area and give him some veteran advice. Cena then walks over and runs his mouth for a bit and just annoys the Undertaker.

John Cena vs. Billy Gunn (w/ Torrie Wilson) (WWE US Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

Billy Gunn along with the 2003 version of the Booty Babe [I miss Kimberly Page], Torrie Wilson, make their way down to the ring. And we are back from a commercial with Cena's entrance and rap about how Billy has this thing for butts and Chuck. Back and forth action for the most part until Gunn goes after Cena in a corner and lands square on the post, while Gunn is out the Undertaker makes his way around the ring on a bike and Cena is distracted long enough for Gunn to roll him up for the pin. There you have it; Matt Hardy, Chris Benoit, and Billy Gunn have advanced in a tournament where no one knows the bracket.
Winner: Billy Gunn

Backstage, Kurt Angle challenges Brock Lesnar to a push up contest.

� Commercial �

Backstage, Lesnar is just finishing his set of 300 push ups and Kurt concedes the contest leaving Lesnar on the ground yelling about how he cant feel his arms.

The Best Damn Tag Team Period (Haas/Benjamin) vs. Eddie Guerrero & Tajiri (WWE Tag Team Championship)

Okay it seems every other week when Tajiri is involved in a tag match he spends 90% of the time in the ring and getting his asked kicked. This week continues that tradition. Early on in the match Latino Heat hit an arm-drag and head scissors combination from the top rope on both Haas and Benjamin. Along with Tajiri's usual routine of kicks and acrobatics, tonight he also debuted an inverted reverse bulldog, that Benjamin was on the receiving end of. A commercial break signals the middle of the match, and while Tajiri has been left on the hood of a Chevy Blazer at ringside Charlie Haas gets the pinfall on Eddie after Shelton Benjamin does his best mule kick to the chest of Latino Heat.

Winner(s) and New WWE Tag Team Champions: TBDTTP

Zach Gowen is in the back preparing for his match when the Big Show comes in and runs his mouth about how Gowen has only one good leg left, but after tonight he might not have one.

� Commercial �

Moments ago, Latino Heat goes off and Tajiri is on the receiving end of a side-suplex that lands him in on the dash of the Chevy via the front window.

Mr. America's "story" is recapped.

� Commercial �

We are back and EMTs are attending to Tajiri at ringside.

Orlando Jordan vs. A Train

Absolutely no offense from Jordan in this match, but his does kick out of one De-Railer. Not your 30 second squash match, but none the less Jordan was on the receiving end of this encounter.

Winner: A Train

Steph is in the back and the Big Show corners her and sniffs her head and hair.

� Commercial --

Vince McMahon along with Sable make their way to the ring. Vince informs those in attendance and those at home that the main event at Vengeance will not only have Lesnar defending his title against Angle, but the Big Show as well. Vince then explains that last week at MSG he had the cameras still rolling after the bell in the main event and he showed the world Hulk Hogan revealing himself as Mr. America. Hulk Hogan and Mr. America, according to Vince will be in the same line at the same time tomorrow morning when the Florida Employment Office opens, because Hulk Hogan is FIRED. Before Vince takes a sit next to the announcer's table he announces that the upcoming handicap match will be a No DQ match.

� Commercial --

Extreme Blast of the Night: Vince's Kiss My Ass Club induction from last week.

Stephanie McMahon & Zach Gowen vs. Big Show (Handicap Match)

Okay this match was really stupid until the closing moments when Kurt Angle comes down to save Stephanie from a chokeslam and Lesnar makes the save on Gowen. Lesnar and Angle then hit their finishers on either Show or Vince. Show after receiving an F5 is out in the middle of the ring and Gowen hoping on one leg (he removed it earlier in the match to fool Show) jumps to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault on Show for the victory and thus a WWE Smackdown Contract. [I had not had the opportunity/pleasure to see Gowen/Tenacious Z wrestle before and besides the early comic relief stuff in this match, this guy is awesome to watch. I think throwing him in the mix with the like of Dragon, Rey Rey, Kidman, Benoit, and Hardy would result in some awesome matches.] The show ends with Stephanie raising the arm of Zach.

Winner(s): Stephanie McMahon and Zach Gowen

� End of Show --

Just on a side note, I do not know her, but for those outside of the NW please vote for Roni on the WWE Diva Search website (http://divasearch1.wwe.com/diva_nw.php). [You are allowed one vote a day in each region.] I am an Oregonian and she is the only contestant from this state so as Jerry Maguire once said, "help me help you."