Full WWE RAW Results - 8/19/02
� On Monday, August 19, 2002 at 11:10 PM EST Full WWE RAW Results - 8/19/02
LIVE From: Virginia
Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Report by: Paul Nemer of WrestleView.com
Opening Segment
The Undertaker came out. The first thing he wants to say, he never made his political opinions public. Just like his country, he doesn't take no shit. USA chants broke. He is proud to be a man, and he is proud to be American. He said only in America, a man can be himself. He can do anything he wants and say anything he wants and he can back it up with his fists. He has a deep problem, with the individuals who come in the U.S> and abuse their Freedom. He is talking about people who aren't even citizens of the U.S. He is talking about the Un-Americans, and especially Test. At SummerSlam, he will take Test and make an example out of him. He wants to show him what happens when you screw with America. Another USA chant. He said that he isn't your all American boy, but he is the American bad ass. Taker's music hits, then Test comes out driving a motorcycle, and he has the American flag with him. Test enters the ring and takes the microphone out of Taker's hand. Test tells him that for the longest time, he thought America sucked. Now that he is standing here, Taker sucks too. Taker knocks down Test, then the Un-Americans come out and help Test. But Booker T and Goldust come out to help the Undertaker and clean house.
Booker T takes the microphone and says that they aren't through. He said that SummerSlam starts tonight. Booker T issues a challenge to the Un-Americans for tonight. Booker T, Goldust and Undertaker vs Test, Christian and Lance Storm.
Hardcore title match
Tons of WWE superstars are in the ring.
Eric Bischoff comes out and says that the Hardcore rule is no more. All the people in the ring are former hardcore champions, including Terri Runnels. They got 6 minutes, who ever is the hardcore champion will be the official Hardcore champion. He told them to stay away from some place beside the entrance ramp.
The match starts. Bradshaw pinned Tommy Dreamer. Fights are everywhere. Richards superkicks Bradshaw, then Crash pins him and wins the title. Jeff Hardy goes after Crash. Bubba pushes Johnny the Bull off the top rope. Spike is thrown to the outside by Crash. Crash tells Bubba to get the tables. Bubba powerbombs Crash threw the table. Dreamer comes in and pins Crash. Bradshaw comes in and powerbombs Dreamer, 1,2, but Bubba breaks up the count. Bubba does the Bubba bomb, 1,2 but Bradshaw breaks up the count. Bradshaw gets powerbombed by Bubba. Bubba superplexes Dreamer, 1,2 but Bradshaw breaks up the count. Other guys are fighting on the outside, some are knocked out. Time runs out and Dreamer was still Hardcore champion. After the match, another Kane promo was shown.
Winner: Still WWE Hardcore champion, Tommy Dreamer
Trish and Stacy are backstage. Stacy says that Eric might give her a title shot. They start arguing. Eric Bischoff comes in and says that the reason he asked them to come in his office. He says no one cares about women's wrestling. Let's give the fans what they really want, a bra and panties match. Let's make it competitive, a bra and panties match in the mud.
Bra & Panties Mud Match
Trish Stratus vs Stacy Keibler
Stacy attacks Trish from behind and she throws her into the mud pool. Trish grabs Stacy and throws her in. Trish spanks Stacy. The referee is full of mud too by the way. They are pushing and slipping everywhere. They go out of the pool. Trish rolls Stacy up for the 1,2,3. After the match, Trish pushes Howard Finkel and Stacy in the pool.
Winner: Trish Stratus
Rock receives a package backstage. It was from Paul Heyman. Rock tells the lady that handed him the package, to hold on, then he says "Finally The rock has come back......." Rock opens up the package, and it's pictures of Hogan in blood (from his match against Lesnar.) Rock throws the pictures and leaves.
Triple H segment
HHH comes out with some documents in his hands. Nine times out of ten, what takes place in this ring is strictly business. Except for this time. At SummerSlam, HBK vs HHH, it's personal. As much as he wants to fight HBK at SummerSlam, unless HBK takes care of business, there will be no match. He has contracts that need to be signed by Shawn. The document he has says that when he cripples Shawn, he cannot be held responsible. He doesn't want to be sued for what he will do to HBK.
He says that tonight it's going to be HHH and The Rock going at it. The title this time isn't on the line. But what's in the line, is the Rock's ass. A few moments ago, Bischoff made this match a NO DQ match. He will send a message to Shawn through the Rock. He will do Brock a favor and leave a little piece of the Rock for Brock Lesnar. And when Brock shows up as WWE champ next week on RAW, Triple H will be waiting for him.
Chris Jericho's music hits and he comes out. Y2J says "I am sorry, did I interrupt your little speech?" HHH reminds Y2J of WrestleMania. Y2J says he didn't come out to argue, he came out to agree. He says that they have a lot in common. They share an intense hatred towards one another. He says that at SummerSlam they are facing a bunch of washed up has beens. Jericho says that they are a lot alike, except that Jericho is more talented. Y2J says that Fozzy will perform tonight in front of all these jackasses. Fozzy sucks chants started. Then Y2J says that maybe they aren't much alike. Since Y2J has an easier opponent at SummerSlam. Flair comes out and nails Jericho with a garbage can and he puts it on the top of his head.
Booker T, Goldust & Undertaker vs The Un-Americans
The match starts on the entrance ramp. Then, Christian and Taker are in the ring going at it. Taler hammers away on Christian. Booker T gets the tag. Storm gets the tag. Booker takes down Storm. Storm throws Booker T to the outside. Test goes and does a number on Booker T and throws him back in the ring. Christian gets the tag. Christian chokes Booker. Christian tags Test. Test sends Booker to the turnbuckle and he runs after him and nails him. Full Nelson slam by Test. Test applies the sleeper hold on Booker T. Booker T fights back with a super kick. Test tags Christian, and Goldust gets the tag. Goldust takes down Christian, and goes after Storm. Goldust hammers away on Christian. Goldust goes for the shattered dreams on Christian. Everyone is fighting at the same time. Taker chokeslams Storm. Test pulls out Taker. Christian covers Goldust, 1,2 but Booker T makes the save. Goldust knocks down Storm. Christian nails Goldust with the tag belt, while referee, Nick Patrick was distracted and gets the win.
Winners: The Un-Americans
Eric Bischoff is talking to RVD backstage. Bischoff tells RVD that the IC title is important for RAW, and he has to get the belt back from Benoit. Big Show comes and tells Bischoff that he wants RVD in a match, and the winner would face Benoit. Bischoff says no, because he wants RVD has it in his contract and he wants him healthy for SummerSlam. Then RVD says that he has no problem facing Show. Bischoff finally agrees, but he says no title shot is on the line.
Terri Runnels interviews Ric Flair. Flair says that he's totally focused on Jericho. Then Jericho attacks Flair with a garbage can. Jericho busts Flair open.
Rob Van Dam vs Big Show
RVD starts kicking Show on the leg. Drop kick on Show's knee cap. Show fought back and threw RVD on the turnbuckle. The fights goes to the outside. RVD sends Show into the steel steps. Show fought back again, by picking up RVD and running him into the steel post. Show tosses RVD in the ring, and he also throws the steel steps too. Chokeslam on RVD. Show takes the steel steps and was about to nail RVD. But, Bischoff shows up and asks him what the hell is he doing? Bischoff says "3 minutes", and the Island Boyz came and attacked Show.
Winner: By Disqualification, The Big Show
The Coach interviews The Rock. He tells Rock that HHH got his match a no DQ match. Rock says is that suppose to scare me? Rock says that him and HHH goes way back. Then he comes up with a story that they knew each other since they were babies in diapers. Then he makes fun HHH. He says for the 4,000,000th time, he is going to layeth the Smackdown on HHH's candy ass. Coach asks him about the package and says they have a video of Paul Heyman and Brock. Rock says, the video is probably Heyman on the beach naked watching Lesnar work out. Then they show the video and it's footage of Brock destroying wrestlers. After the video ended it says "Courtesy of: The Next WWE Undisputed Champion, Brock Lesnar." Coach says that there is a rumor going on that Brock and Heyman are in the building. Rock then does his usual "if you smell..."
Eric Bischoff gives HHH the release papers, HBK faxed them and signed them. Bischoff tells him that his ass is getting caught if something happens to HBK. If they get sued, they won't go after McMahon, but after Bischoff. HHH doesn't care, he says he will cripple Shawn Michaels.
Fozzy performs on RAW. After they finished, the fans booed, so Jericho told them they sucked, and that they will play another song. Then Flair comes out and destroys the set and chases Jericho to the ring.
SummerSlam video package was shown, hyping up the current card.
Rock's cell phone rings. He doesn't answer. Heyman and Brock are showing coming down to their seats, because they got tickets. Heyman is shown leaving a message for the Rock on his voicemail.
Eric Bischoff and security were at ring side warning Brock and Heyman not even think about interfering in the match.
NO Disqualification Match
The Rock vs Triple H
They go face to face and exchange words. HHH tells him to just bring it. Rock starts delivering a few right hands. Clothesline by Rock. Rock has HHH pressured in the corner and is beating on him. HHH gets thrown to the outside. Rock delivers a devastating clothesline on HHH. HHH fought back. He picked Rock up and threw him on the security rails. HHH throws Rock in the ring. Right hand by Rock, but HHH knees Rock. HHH works on Rock's ribs. HHH pressures Rock in the corner, and he continues to work on the Rock's ribs. Abdominal stretch by HHH. HHH grabs the rope to apply more pressure. Rock flipped HHH. Right hands by Rock. Double clothesline, and both men are down. They get up, and Rock delivers a few right hands and down goes HHH. Spine buster by Rock. Rock does the people's elbow, but takes time cover, 1,2, and HHH kicks out. Low blow by HHH. HHH throws Rock to the outside. HHH grabs the steel steps and nails the Rock across the face. HHH throws Rock in the ring. HHH grabs the sledgehammer. Brock is over the rails and security is surrounding him. HHH hits the referee. Shawn Michaels comes out and hits HHH. HBK was about to clothesline him, HHH ducks and HBK clotheslines Brock off the apron. HHH hits HBK and is going for the pedigree, but Rock makes the save. Brock Lesnar gets in HBK's face, and HBK delivers a few right hands, followed by the super kick and Lesnar goes flying to the outside. Lesnar leaves between the crowd. HHH and Rock go at it again, then Rock goes between the crowd to go after Lesnar. HBK and HHH fight on the entrance ramp, and WWE officials are trying their best to stop them.