Jesse Venture on Wrestlemania, his wrestling future

From Chris Yandek:

In a new interview with, Governor Jesse Ventura says he wasn’t invited to WrestleMania this year. He says he would love to get back into movies and doesn’t rule out the possibility of returning to professional wrestling. He also speaks about his relationship, today, with his former boss Vince McMahon of the WWE.

“Wrestling, I doubt that would ever happen. The answer that I always give to that is certainly I’d go back to wrestling if Vince puts the decimal point in the right place…I probably speak with him [Vince McMahon] maybe once every couple of years, maybe for whatever reason we may talk or something could come up or we communicate. No. WrestleMania is tomorrow. He didn’t call me to do anything in that and I didn’t expect him to at all. So you know, but who knows? I’ve learned at age 59 that you never say never.”

With talk of Donald Trump, who has appeared with WWE, possibly running for president, Governor Ventura weighs in on he makes of it. Jesse considers “The Donald” a friend of his. However, he does not think Trump is serious about running, but if he is, he has one piece of advice for him.

“I don’t think Donald’s serious. I know Donald and I consider “The Donald” a friend of mine. But I think Donald just does it ’cause he likes the spotlight and he knows that if he shakes and rattles about running for President and all that, he’ll get tremendous publicity out of it and Donald likes that. He likes to be in front of a camera…The thing Donald’s got to do though if he runs for President, you know the one thing he needs to do, which will shut up the media, shave his head. He’s got that God awful comb over and that’s all the media ever talks about. That’s what they nail Donald on every time is his hair.”

Having dedicated his latest book 63 Documents The Government Doesn’t Want You To Read to Congressman Ron Paul, asked the former governor if he would consider running as a vice-presidential candidate with Ron Paul, who has run for the presidency in the past. Jesse said he would give it very serious consideration if Ron Paul would run as an Independent and quit the Republican Party.

“If Ron Paul would quit the Republican Party and run as an Independent and if he came to me and said, ‘Governor Ventura, would you be my vice president?’ I would give it very, very serious consideration. Absolutely…The only problem is, maybe Ron and I would have to flip a coin to see who would be President…I wouldn’t mind the VP job because then see, I could still go down to the Baja (editor’s note: Ventura spends about half the year in Baja California in Mexico.)”

You can read the write up and listen to the entire close to 50 minute interview with Jesse Ventura at the link discussing many more topics on politics, professional wrestling and more:
